Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 36 Tiexi Monument, Drunker's Talent

Chapter 36 Tiexi Monument, Drunker's Talent (for further reading)
"The pewter is worthless, you can add another penny!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Ya paid the silver and left.

The iron tiles and iron vests that Zhao Ya made today are actually the practice props recorded in the secret book of Yanzi's three copies of water.

It is called the Iron Tin Monument in the cheat book.

However, according to the records in the book, ordinary people with no foundation should start with lead tiles made of lead blocks, and they can advance to iron tiles after they get used to it.

Naturally, Zhao Ya didn't have to be so troublesome, and he just filled it up when he came up.

Siwa is prepared for drunk children.

After all, Zhao Ya has received modern education and knows that lead is poisonous, especially affecting fertility.

After arriving at the Escort, everything was as usual, and it was another day of fishing.

After waiting for the value to be collected, Zhao Ya rejected Luo Feng's kind invitation again and again, and came to the ironware workshop.

Everything was already done, Zhao Ya checked it and found that it was done very well, obviously the blacksmith put his heart into it.

So Zhao Ya gave a little more reward, and then returned home with the things on his shoulders.

After returning home, Zhao Ya asked Zui'er to sew cotton pads according to the size of these iron and tin steles.

After sewing, Zhao Ya put it on and tried it on.

Ten iron tiles plus a pair of iron vests add up to a weight of about forty to fifty catties.

Zhao Ya didn't feel anything when he first put it on, but he felt heavy when he moved a little bit, and his movements were greatly restricted.

Zhao Ya's heart skipped a beat, and in this state, he began to practice the Eight Parts of Vajra Kungfu.

These eight Vajra Kungfu are Zhao Ya's natal skills, and Zhao Ya has already practiced them to the point of proficiency, and every movement is deeply imprinted in his mind, which can be said to be extremely proficient.

But this time it was different.

The usual relaxed and free movements were slightly deformed by the appearance of the iron and tin tablet.

Although this deformation is extremely slight, it can add up to a huge fallacy.

Therefore, in order to correct this deformation, Zhao Ya can only use greater strength and more precise muscle control to perform movements.

This virtually gave him a deeper understanding of each movement of the Eight Parts Vajra Kung Fu.

After a full 72 moves, Zhao Ya was dripping with sweat, but his face was full of unconcealable joy.

[Babu Vajra Skill proficiency plus 10]

Except when he first started practicing, this was the first time Zhao Ya had gained so much proficiency.

Overjoyed, Zhao Ya immediately began to practice Wuhu Fist.

[Five Tiger Fist Proficiency +8]

Sure enough, the proficiency of Wuhu Fist has also increased.

So Zhao Ya rehearsed the Kuangfeng Saber Technique and even the Grass Flying Body Technique with great interest, all of which yielded higher gains.

Tang Zui'er looked at Zhao Ya in the courtyard who was fighting with fists and kicks, his eyes were full of obsession.

I don't know since when, Tang Zui'er couldn't sleep well if she didn't hear the sound of Zhao Ya practicing fist, kick and sword skills every night.

A few days ago when Zhao Ya went out to walk the darts, Tang Zui'er suffered from insomnia almost all night. Even if she fell asleep, she often woke up with a start, feeling that someone was knocking on the door outside.

That's why she was so excited when Zhao Ya returned safely.

Finally, Zhao Ya finished his daily homework practice, and all his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Tang Zui'er hurriedly handed over the hot towel prepared in advance.

"Brother Xiaoya, wipe off your sweat first!"


After Zhao Ya wiped off all the sweat stains on his face, he threw a green bamboo snake stem into his mouth, and he felt refreshed and transparent.

Name: Zhao Ya.Age: 17 years old.Remaining lifespan: 40 (+69 days) years


[Heart unlock progress: 10%]

Not only the various martial arts skills have improved, but even the progress of unlocking the heart has increased by 1%.

This made Zhao Ya very excited.

According to this progress, it won't take long for my heart to be unlocked.

Zhao Ya suppressed his thoughts and said to Tang Zui'er: "Come on, now I will teach you some basic movements."

"it is good!"

Although Zhao Ya wants Tang Zui'er to develop in the direction of lightness kung fu, basic strength training is also essential.

Especially bodywork is the most important leg work.

So Zhao Ya first taught Tang Zui'er some leg-pressing and bending-down movements, letting her stretch out her stiff tendons.

But I don't know about this practice, Tang Zui'er completed all these movements very easily with just a little practice.

She easily split her legs, made a standard split, and then looked at Zhao Ya with some doubts.

"Brother Xiaoya, what are you doing these movements for?"

Looking at her two long legs, Zhao Ya coughed lightly, looked sideways, and said somewhat unnaturally.

"Oh, this is to lay the foundation, but it seems that your foundation is very good, so let's start the next step of practice now."


Tang Zui'er nodded, feeling that Zhao Ya was a little weird, as if he didn't dare to look at him.

"All agility steps must start with the most basic running, and there are tricks to this running. First of all, when running, a person has a center of gravity line. This line is very important. Going too far creates a rearward drag that blocks your progress."

"So we should try our best to make the contact point of the soles of the feet closer to the center of gravity, preferably directly under the ground, and at the same time bend the knee joint quickly when landing, and do a good job of cushioning..."

Zhao Ya began to explain the essentials of running in detail, and would practice it himself from time to time.

Tang Zui'er listened attentively, and would immediately ask questions that she didn't understand.

An hour later, Zhao Ya looked at Tang Zui'er who was already running around the courtyard in style, and felt like he had found a treasure.

This girl can no longer be described as smart, she is simply a genius.

She can understand the essentials of what she said as soon as she hears it, learns it as soon as she learns it, and can quickly master it, and she can even draw inferences from one instance to make better changes.

This can't help but make Zhao Ya feel frustrated.

You must know that you are making rapid progress because of the blessing of the golden finger.

Even so, it took me a lot of effort to understand the tricks when I first started.

He didn't expect that the problem that had caused him troubles would be nothing to worry about when he was drunk, and he would solve it with ease.

Is this the legendary talent?
Zhao Ya's real name is envious.

Soon, after running ten laps, Tang Zui'er stopped short of breath.

"Brother Xiaoya, take... what to learn next?"

"No, let's stop here today, it's getting late, you should go to bed early!"

"Huh? Is it gone? Are you going to teach me that much today?" Tang Zui'er was a little surprised.

She felt that she hadn't learned it at all, so why didn't she have it?
Zhao Ya: "...."

Then he took out a stick of earthworm jerky.

"You've just started practicing, and you don't need too much blood energy. This jerky can be divided into three pieces to eat."

"I don't want it!" Tang Zui'er firmly refused.

"Why?" Zhao Ya was a little puzzled.

"Because this is for your cultivation, I'll just eat something else, so let's leave these to you, brother Xiaoya."

 It is very important to follow up on the new book period. I hope that all readers should try not to keep books, and read it every day. Moonlight is grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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