Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 391: Out of danger, ready to return to the chapter

Chapter 391: Out of danger and ready to return

"Are we... coming out?"

Some people still couldn't believe it, but whether it was the starry sky above their heads or the solid ground beneath their feet, it was clearly told to them.

They did come out!

In an instant, someone cried with joy, and then plopped down on the ground, enjoying the moment of tranquility after the disaster.

Some people looked back and saw a huge storm raging in the distance.

That's the direction they came from.

Thinking that a group of people like them actually came out of such a bad snowstorm, some people were filled with joy.

Because they know that at any other time, they would be unlucky.

Either they lost their way and were trapped alive in the storm, or they were frozen to death by the extreme cold.

But now they can be rescued largely because of one person.

Thinking of this, many people looked at the front of the team with grateful eyes.

Over there, a tall and tall young man was talking to Kong Xiangdong and others.

"Can you confirm the current location?" Zhao Ya asked.

"I'll give it a try!" A fat black man next to him responded immediately after hearing the words, and then took out a map from his arms and spread it out on the ground.

What is depicted on the map is the northern snowfield, and it is quite detailed. It even clearly marks where there are mountains and where strange beasts are found.

Zhao Ya couldn't help but feel moved when he saw this.

Because this map is extremely precious.

Especially for those who have been living in the snowy plains of the north all year round, it is a treasure that cannot be exchanged for a lot of money.

As a result, the fat black man actually opened it directly in front of everyone, which was quite courageous.

At the same time, Yang Zhan, the tavern owner in the crowd, couldn't help but laugh: "Shi Laohei, isn't this map your lifeblood? You usually wouldn't even let people take a look at it. Why are you so generous today?"

This man is the leader of a sea team at Wuwanghai, named Shi Laohei.

However, compared to Kong Xiangdong, he is much inferior in terms of strength and reputation, and he has fewer people under his command.

But even so, he still gets huge returns every year.

In addition to his being more diligent and frugal, the reason largely stems from this map.

Now after hearing Yang Zhan's teasing, Shi Laohei glared.

"What are you talking about? I only got this life by chance with the help of this young man. It's just a map, so what does it mean? If this young man likes it, I can give it to him. No problem!”

These words came from the heart, but made Yang Zhan a little embarrassed.

Then I saw Shi Laohei giving Zhao Ya a very respectful fist.

"Sir, I'm a rough man and I don't know how to say anything high-sounding. You saved me this time. If I am useful to you in the future, in one sentence, I will do my best."

After saying this, he lowered his head and started searching on the map without waiting for Zhao Ya to react.

After a while, he stood up and observed the surrounding topography, including the distribution of stars in the sky, before finally pointing to a certain location on the map.

"Everyone, if my prediction is correct, we should be here now."

Everyone looked at the sound, and then they all let out a sigh of relief.

Because according to the map, although the location at this time is very remote, it is actually not that far from the Snowy Mountains.

This is a blessing in misfortune.

If we went in the opposite direction, we would have to cross the entire snowfield if we wanted to leave, which would be much more dangerous.

People stayed where they were and took a break.

And it was at this time that the shadows of many animals suddenly appeared in the distance.

In an instant, the people who had just calmed down suddenly became nervous again.

Because what appears on the snowfield at this time is definitely not an ordinary creature.

Compared to everyone's panic, Zhao Ya was very calm.

"Don't panic, they are probably just passing by." Zhao Ya said in a deep voice.

After hearing what he said, the restless team gradually calmed down.

Unknowingly, Zhao Ya has established huge prestige among these people.

At this time, these animals gradually appeared in front of everyone, and then many people looked shocked.

Because the composition of these animals is so complex.

Snow wolves, human-faced bears, spiny crocodiles...all kinds of strange beasts were mixed together, but there was no fighting. Instead, they walked together in harmony.

This was absolutely impossible in the past, because the battles between these alien beasts are far more cruel than humans, especially some species that are hostile to each other. They have to fight to the death when they meet.

But at this time, this scene was extremely real and happened in front of everyone, which was naturally extremely shocking.

Zhao Ya stood in front of the team, watching these strange beasts slowly passing by, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional in his heart.

Even if they are native species, what can they do? Faced with this sudden disaster, they can only evacuate.

Soon, these escaped beasts separated and disappeared into the vast snowfield.

"Let's go, it will only get colder if we continue to spend it. While there is still a little bit of warmth left, leave this snowfield as soon as possible!" Kong Xiangdong said.

Everyone has no opinion.

Even though the arduous trek just now consumed people's physical strength, in order to survive, people still gritted their teeth and stood up and walked out step by step.

The rest of the journey was uneventful.

However, when climbing over the snow-capped mountains, several people were exhausted and almost fell off the cliff. Fortunately, they were all rescued by their companions.

After crossing the snow-capped mountains, although the temperature was still very low, it was finally within the acceptable range.

And the further you go outside, the higher the temperature and the brighter the sky, which makes people feel completely different.

The team that had been silent for a long time finally had laughter.

"Master, this is a bowl of wontons made by our sisters for you. Don't worry, we have washed our hands several times before making them to make sure they are clean. Please try it!"

A woman said to Zhao Ya while holding a bowl of steaming wontons.

Zhao Ya wanted to refuse, but when he saw the woman's earnest eyes, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly, and then nodded.

"Then trouble a few!"

"No trouble, no trouble. You have put in so much effort for us, and we are just making you a bowl of wontons. How can it be considered trouble!"

The woman was obviously very happy that Zhao Ya did not reject her. She kept talking and put the bowl on the table.

"You can eat it while it's hot. I'll clean up the dishes after you're done!"

After saying this, the woman respectfully exited the tent.

Zhao Ya smiled, then lowered his head and continued to look at the map on the table.

This map was copied by Zhao Ya based on what Shi Laohei had in hand, and he also added a scale bar and contour lines based on the habits of his previous life.

In this way, the map becomes more intuitive.

At this moment, Zhao Ya wrote a big question mark with a pen on the beach of Wuwang Sea.

Although they successfully passed through the sudden snowstorm and left Wuwanghai, Zhao Ya kept thinking about what happened that day.

In particular, the fog that surged up to the coast and the whistle-like sound in the fog appeared in Zhao Ya's mind from time to time.

He always felt that this Wuwu Sea was far more mysterious and terrifying than it seemed.

This has been further confirmed in the past few days.Because Zhao Ya learned from Shi Laohei and other people who rushed to the sea that changes in Wuwanghai had become more frequent in the past ten years.

Especially in the past two years, the accidents that happened one after another to Lao Baotou and Kong Xiangdong have frightened these people who are traveling to the sea.

Zhao Ya was also worried about this.

But what he was worried about was not just what would happen to this Wuwu Sea, but also other things...

But soon, Zhao Ya suppressed this worry in his heart and stopped thinking about him for the time being.

Without adequate information and countermeasures, any anxiety will be ineffective or even counterproductive.

So Zhao Ya quickly adjusted his mentality, folded the map and put it away, then picked up the steaming bowl of wontons on the table and ate it.

Take a bite and the fragrance fills your mouth.

Zhao Ya was slightly surprised.

Because the wonton filling is actually made of green vegetables.

You must know that in this world of ice and snow, vegetables are far more rare than any meat.

And after these women got these vegetables from nowhere, they made wontons for themselves, which shows their level of care.

Zhao Ya smiled, then ate the whole bowl of wontons in a few mouthfuls, then got up and came outside the tent.


"Hello, Master!"

The greetings came one after another. Everyone who saw Zhao Ya stopped respectfully and called him "young master".

Zhao Ya smiled and nodded in response, and then came to Jing Rou's tent.

At this time, Jing Rou was still studying that miraculous creation without sleep or food. When Zhao Ya came in, he didn't even raise his head and just asked.

"What's wrong, Xiaoya?"

"Brother, pack your things and let's leave tomorrow!" Zhao Ya said.

Hearing these words, Jing Rou finally stopped what she was doing and said, "Leaving tomorrow?"

"Well, they have now reached the edge of the northern border. They can just let them walk the rest of the way by themselves. Since I have been out for so long, it is time to go back!" Zhao Ya said with a smile.

Jing Rou suddenly became excited, "Okay, okay, let's leave tomorrow!"

He had long wanted to return home, but he had never been embarrassed to say it before.

Now that Zhao Ya mentioned it on his own initiative, he was naturally very excited.

After saying a few more words, Zhao Ya came out of Jing Rou's place and turned around to Kong Xiangdong's tent.

Kong Xiangdong's first words after seeing him were.

"Got to go?"

"Well, it's time to go!" Zhao Ya didn't hide anything and said straightforwardly.

Kong Xiangdong didn't hold back, but just nodded, "It's really time to leave. After all, we will leave the North completely in three to five days. Even if we don't leave now, people will go their separate ways and go their separate ways."

There is a lot of emotion in the words.

Zhao Ya ignored this and suddenly asked: "Will you come again next year?"

Kong Xiangdong was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Come, of course!"

"Although this place is very dangerous, there are so many people under my command who are working with me to earn a living. How will they live if I don't come!"

"Okay, then come with me!"

Zhao Ya turned around and walked out of the tent, followed closely by Kong Xiangdong.
After arriving on the snowfield, Zhao Ya whistled, and the leader of the freeloader flew over a moment later.

Zhao Ya first patted its feathers affectionately, then turned to Kong Xiangdong and said, "How about I let it help you at the Wuwu Sea in the future?"

Kong Xiangdong didn't expect Zhao Ya to make such a decision, so he couldn't help but asked strangely: "Aren't you going to take it with you?"

Zhao Ya smiled and shook his head, "Of course not. After all, it grows on the snowfield. If I take it away from this land, I believe it won't live long, so I'd better let it stay here."

In fact, at the beginning, Zhao Ya didn't take this giant bird seriously, he just wanted to go to its nest to see if there were any shells that could simulate the surrounding environment.

That's why Zhao Ya threatened him with poison.

But later Zhao Ya discovered that this giant bird was not only very intelligent, but also surprisingly useful.

This is especially true after using medicinal powder to make him recognize his master.

The ability to successfully break out of the blizzard this time was largely due to the contribution of this giant bird.

So Zhao Ya changed his mind and not only removed the poison he had given, but also left it on the snowy field.

"Okay!" Kong Xiangdong did not refuse, accepted directly, and then asked.

"So what do I need to do?"

Zhao Ya smiled.

That's it for dealing with smart people, no hassle.

"I always feel that the Wuwu Sea will not be so calm, so when you come back next year, you must pay close attention to its movements. If you find any new discoveries, you must try your best to inform me."

"no problem!"

Zhao Ya and Kong Xiangdong then discussed the details of how to communicate.

Then Zhao Ya patted the giant bird's head and pointed his finger toward the east.

"Did you see that? This is my friend. From now on, if I am not on the snowy field, you must obey his orders. Do you understand?"

Although the giant bird was a little reluctant, he still nodded.

Then Zhao Ya declined Kong Xiangdong's invitation to buy him a drink, returned to the tent and simply packed his luggage, then sat down cross-legged. With a thought in his heart, the system panel appeared in front of him.

Name: Zhao Ya.Age: 21 years old.Remaining life: 11985 (+32 days) years

Skill: Eight Parts of Vajra Longevity Skill (Return to Nature 61%)

Chopping Wind Saber Technique (Extraordinary and Saintly)

Fudo Meiou Fist (return to nature 99%)

Stepping on the snow without leaving a trace (becoming a saint)
Turtle dormancy (99% back to basics)

Big Smashing Steleman (Peak 99%)

Golden Body and Armor Art (Back to Basics 99%)

Planting lotuses in the fire (returning to nature 99%)

[Brain unlocking progress: 49%]

Other aspects have not changed much. Apart from the steady increase in life span for hundreds of years, the biggest change is the progress of brain unlocking.

Although the unlocking progress is only 49%, Zhao Ya deeply understands the changes.

Not only his thinking is sharper, but his perceptual ability has also been greatly improved.

That's why we can eliminate distractions in the snowstorm and feel the presence of the herd.

According to past experience, after the organ unlocking progress reaches 50.00%, its effect will be more obvious.

This is also a small pass.

Therefore, Zhao Ya is full of expectations for the next practice.

At this time, Zhao Ya had very little dried meat left with him, but other than that, the bear bile and liver he had obtained while hunting the man-faced bear had not been touched yet.

Zhao Ya simply took out all these things and swallowed them in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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