Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 392 Return to the Guan Sect, Miracle Creation Shows Its Power

Chapter 392 Returning to the Guan Sect, Miracle Creation Shows Its Power
Zhao Ya's current behavior, if applied to others, would be tantamount to committing suicide by taking poison.

Because just these two fields of meat dropped from the human-faced bear, even if the poison contained in them is not counted, the massive amount of energy and blood alone is enough to support the average warrior to death.

But Zhao Ya had no such concerns at all and swallowed it directly.

Because no matter how powerful the meat field is, it can't resist Zhao Ya's extremely powerful internal organs talent.

But in the blink of an eye, the toxins in the meat field were eliminated, and then Zhao Ya's intestines and stomach absorbed the abundant energy and blood contained in it like a long whale absorbing water.

Zhao Ya sat cross-legged, but the muscles on his body were trembling slightly, and at the same time, water vapor began to emerge from the top of his head.

It was a spectacle caused by the evaporation of sweat due to the rapid movement of qi and blood.

In just half a cup of tea, the two meat fields were completely absorbed by Zhao Ya.

But at the same time, the muscles on Zhao Ya's body were still trembling.

This is Zhao Ya simulating the practice of the Eight Parts of Vajra Longevity Skill with muscle tremors.

Although the effect is not as good as a one-trick drill, it is more convenient and fast and can be practiced anytime and anywhere.

Except for some of the absorbed qi and blood that were transformed into true power by the six organs' talent of turning blood into power, the rest was integrated into the body following the practice of the eight-part Vajra Longevity Technique...


Zhao Ya felt as if some kind of barrier had been broken in his brain, and he instantly became extremely clear-headed.

Even some small thoughts that are usually difficult to detect are now clearly visible.

Not only that, but the perception ability has also been further improved.

Zhao Ya could even hear the people in the camp talking quietly in the distance.

"It seems that this young man doesn't dislike us. He ate all the bowl of wontons I sent in!" A woman said very proudly.

"Since the young master likes to eat so much, let's find a way to get him some tomorrow." Someone next to him echoed.

“But what if we’ve used up just a small handful of green vegetables?”

"If not, just make some meat."


Zhao Ya did not listen to the ensuing conversation, but took the initiative to block these sounds.

Then a magical scene occurred.

The chaotic and noisy conversations in the camp disappeared instantly, and were replaced by some sounds that were usually difficult to notice.

For example, Zhao Ya heard that there was a nest of voles hiding underground about ten meters away from the tent.

At this time, a field mouse was carefully observing the outside through the hidden hole.

Outside the camp, a snowshoe rabbit was running quickly, followed closely by a fox, chasing after him.

Depending on the distance, these sounds soon formed a distinct three-dimensional image in Zhao Ya's mind.

Is this the effect of a half-unlocked head?

Zhao Ya was very surprised and a little happy at the same time.

Because this is much more powerful than a single strength improvement.

At least with such a powerful perception ability, no one can even think of getting close enough to attack Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya slowly opened his eyes, and a divine light flashed in his eyes. Although it disappeared quickly, the brilliance at that moment was still shocking.

Then Zhao Ya opened the attributes panel, and sure enough, the progress of the organ unlock column had reached 50.00%.

You must know that this time, you have swallowed the meat fields of two human-faced bears in one breath. Although some of them were converted into real power by the talent of turning blood into power, the remaining energy and blood should not be underestimated.

As a result, all the energy and blood added together only increased Zhao Ya's brain unlocking progress by two percent.

And it is foreseeable that as the degree of unlocking increases, more and more Qi and blood will be needed later.

Zhao Ya was both helpless and excited about this.

Because after these years of practice, he has figured out a pattern.

That is, the more powerful the internal organs talent is, the more energy and blood power is required to unlock it.

The initial stomach talent can be completed with only some first- and second-level dried meat.

But the later organ talents are not that simple.

Especially the last talent of turning blood into power, which was formed by merging the six organs, took Zhao Ya a lot of effort to unlock.

But all these combined are not as difficult as unlocking this brain.

But the more this happens, the more it proves the power of this brain talent.

At least now it has only unlocked 50.00%, and it has already begun to show signs. Zhao Ya can't help but look forward to the scene after it is fully unlocked.

The night passed like that.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Zhao Ya and Jing Rou packed up their bags and quietly left the camp.

Kong Xiangdong saw them off for a while, and then said goodbye.

"There will be a period later!"

Zhao Ya smiled and said, "See you soon!"

After saying goodbye to each other, Zhao Ya and Jing Rou strode away.

Kong Xiangdong stood there and watched, until their figures had disappeared into the sky, then he sighed secretly, then turned around and returned to the camp.

Not to mention his side, just say that Zhao Ya and the two of them walked south after leaving the camp.

The weather was still very cold at the beginning, but the further we walked, the warmer it became and the higher the temperature became.

By the time it was approaching noon, there was no trace of snow on the ground, replaced by the long-lost green.

This also means they have finally left the North.

After arriving here, Zhao Ya and Jing Rou looked at each other, and then they started to use their Qinggong movement with all their strength and ran towards the south.

There was no words to say all the way. With the speed of Zhao Ya and Jing Rou, they returned to the Guan Sect safely in just a few days while running at full speed.

After stepping into the mountain gate, Jing Rou didn't even take a sip of water and immediately greeted the junior brothers from the Thunder and Fire Department who came to greet her.

"Quickly, prepare a test bed for me!"

The eyes of these people from the Thunder Fire Division lit up when they heard this.

"Senior brother, what did you find?"

Jing Rou chuckled and patted the package behind her, "Of course, and it's a very important discovery!"

The test benches are all ready-made and require only a little preparation.

Soon, the people from the Thunder Fire Department followed Jing Rou to conduct experiments.

Before leaving, Jing Rou did not forget to invite Zhao Ya, but Zhao Ya refused without hesitation.

What a joke, he had witnessed with his own eyes the crazy enthusiasm with which people like Lei Huo Ke were experimenting.

Although Zhao Ya's Qinggong and body skills are excellent, he doesn't intend to compete with the gunpowder explosion.

Jing Rou could only express great regret for this, and then left happily.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Ya couldn't help but admire him a little.

You must know that they have been working all the time these days, except for a few hours of sleep at night.The rest of the time was spent on the road.

Zhao Ya naturally didn't think anything of it. His super endurance allowed him to run like this for more than ten days.

Jing Rou is different.

After all, he doesn't have Zhao Ya's powerful talents.

Running like this purely relying on flesh and blood, you can imagine how much pressure he is under.

At least as far as the naked eye could see, his entire body had lost weight.Unexpectedly, he immediately threw himself into the experiment without even taking a break when he returned to the Guan Sect.

If nothing else, this fanatical attitude alone is worthy of the title of Senior Brother of Thunder and Fire Science.

"What did you bring back to Senior Brother Jing this time? What made him so energetic?" Liang Xin'an appeared beside Zhao Ya at some point and asked quietly.

"It's nothing, just some miraculous creations."

Zhao Ya didn't mention the mold-like thing he scrounged from Baichiniao's nest. After all, he didn't know whether it would be successful or not.

"Some miraculous creations?" Liang Xin'an glanced at Zhao Ya, and then said strangely: "It seems that you have gained a lot this time."

Zhao Ya laughed and said, "It's not bad. Although we encountered some twists and turns, fortunately the result was not bad."

After saying that, Zhao Ya let out a long yawn and said, "I'm a little tired after traveling for so many days. Let's go to bed!"

After saying that, he walked away.

Liang Xin'an looked at his back and always felt a little suspicious.

This guy seems to be hiding something.

Zhao Ya originally planned to have a good sleep, but this plan was quickly ruined.

Not long after he lay down, there was a loud noise outside.

Zhao Ya suddenly woke up and lost all sleep in an instant.

Then Zhao Ya jumped out and was about to visit the Thunder Fire Department when he heard a loud laugh coming from afar.

"Hahahaha, my guess was indeed correct, it finally happened!"

Hearing these words, Zhao Ya couldn't help but feel relieved, because this was exactly Jing Rou's voice.

At the same time, the entire Guanzong was also alarmed.

Liang Xin'an rushed past Zhao Ya like a ghost, then turned back after a moment and said faintly: "Let's go and have a look together!"

Zhao Ya always felt that Liang Xin'an's tone was a bit strange, but he didn't think much about it. He just nodded and followed.

When they arrived at the Thunder Fire Branch site, they found that to Zhao Ya and Liang Xin'an's surprise, the house had not collapsed.

But the doors and windows were blown to pieces, and thick smoke was pouring out from inside.

In front of the house, the disciples of the Thunder Fire Department were gathering together in disgrace, discussing something with great excitement.

At this time, Huang Liang, the senior brother of the Tiangong Department, also rushed over. When he saw that the house did not collapse, he was slightly disappointed.

"Oh, why didn't it collapse?"

Zhao Ya couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

What kind of people are these people from the Guan Zong!
Are you still looking forward to the explosion of your sect?

At the same time, Cui Guangyue hurried over with the help of people.

He tried hard to open his eyes wide, trying to see the scene in front of him clearly, but his poor eyesight made it impossible for him to distinguish things in the distance at night.

He could only say angrily: "Jing Rou, what are you doing? Can't you let people sleep peacefully at night?"

Jing Rou finally recovered from her ecstasy at this time, and then she ran over happily and said while dancing.

"Senior Brother Cui, don't rush to scold me, I have made a major discovery here!"

"What major discovery?"

"Hey, look what this is!"

After saying that, Jing Rou raised the thing in her hand.

Cui Guangyue couldn't see clearly. He didn't even know where Jing Rou was standing, so he could only curse angrily.

"You little monkey, don't you know that my eyesight is bad? What on earth is it? Stop being so pretentious and tell me quickly."


Jing Rou responded with a smile, and then said.

"This time Xiaoya and I went to Wuwu Sea and harvested a batch of miraculous creations, and some of them were extraordinary. But this time I'm not talking about them, but something else."

"Our Machine Sect previously had a miraculous handgun in its collection, but the bullets have been used up. The bullets assembled later cannot reach the power they should have, and it will eventually become a collection."

"Guess what, we actually found a miraculous creation in the shape of a mold from Wuwu Seaside this time."

"The pattern carved inside is very similar to that of the hand gun. At that time, I wondered if this was a mold specially designed to make bullets for miraculous creations, so I started experimenting non-stop after I came back." After saying this, Jing Rou burst into laughter. They can't even close together.

"What's the result?" Liang Xin'an asked first.

"The result is the huge explosion you just heard. It was not an explosion at all, it was just the sound I made when I tested the power of the gun!"

After hearing these words, everyone couldn't believe their ears.

Such a huge explosion was actually caused by a gun?
Fortunately, the thick smoke has dissipated now, so everyone came to the house.


There was a large pit right in the middle of the house, with many burning debris scattered inside.

"This is the special target we usually use to test the power of firearms. It is made of steel and is extremely strong. However, it was blasted into this shape after one shot!" Jing Rou introduced with a proud look on her face.

"So powerful?"

Zhao Ya had personally used miraculous creation-level firearms, but even he couldn't help but be a little surprised after hearing this.

Jing Rou nodded, and then said with some embarrassment: "Ahem, this is also related to the inaccurate amount of the charge this time, but the gun is indeed a miraculous creation. It is so powerful that it does nothing. , and it didn’t explode!”

As he spoke, he placed the dark thing in his hand in front of everyone.

Only then did people see clearly that the thing that was so blackened by smoke was actually a blunderbuss.

Everyone: "..."

Zhao Ya's interest increased greatly.

"Do you still have bullets? Let me try!"

Jing Rou suddenly became excited again, "No, I only made one at that time, but don't worry, you have mastered the method now, so just wait for me and I will get it right away."

After saying that, Jing Rou immediately started to prepare, and at the same time, she did not forget to ask Zhao Ya.

"How big of a charge do you want?"

"Can this thing be customized?"

"Of course!"

"Then it should be the same as the gun you had just now!"


Even if he traveled for several days, even if he stayed up for most of the night after coming back, even if he was bombed to ashes.

But at this time, Jing Rou was still high-spirited and started making bullets herself.

No one left, but waited in the distance.

If what Jing Rou said is true, it is indeed a big deal for the Guan Sect, because it means that the strength of the Thunder Fire Branch will reach a higher level.

Soon, the bullets will be ready.

After loading it, Jing Rou handed the gun to Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya looked around the whole place, but couldn't find a suitable target, so he simply walked out of the house, pointed at a huge boulder on the hillside in the distance, and pulled the trigger.

After a gunshot, the huge recoil force made Zhao Ya unable to control his arms and raised them high.

Immediately afterwards, the huge boulder on the hillside in the distance exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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