Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 393: Destroy the Python Cult and start a killing spree!

Chapter 393: Destroy the Python Cult and start a killing spree!
This power not only shocked Zhao Ya, but also everyone present was speechless.

Jing Rou rubbed her hands together excitedly, "How's it going? Is it good enough?"

Zhao Ya nodded, "It's indeed good enough!"

This sigh comes from the bottom of my heart.

Although this gun is far inferior to my own in terms of workmanship, this can be seen from the huge recoil just now.

But if you look at the power alone, it is really amazing.

You must know that this place is at least more than 100 meters away from the hillside. As a result, one shot blasted the boulder into pieces. This power is so powerful that not only ordinary people, but even a strong person in the pulse opening realm will be able to walk around without paying attention. .

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya raised the gun in front of him and observed it carefully, and found that except for the muzzle, which was slightly blackened by the huge tail flame.

There was no damage anywhere else.

This proves that the quality of this hand gun is enough to withstand such a powerful bullet.

If there were ten such guns to form a gun team, it would even be enough to change the power structure of the Outer Land.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya couldn't help but think deeply.

At the same time, Jing Rou on the other side was talking endlessly about her experience of this experiment.

"To be honest, this trip to Wuwanghai was really rewarding, especially that mold, which inspired me a lot."

"Before, I never understood why the bullets I made had no power after being installed on the Miracle Creation. Now I understand that the key lies in the matching of the patterns inside."

"If you give me a little time, I can make bullets not only for this gun, but also for other firearms!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed instantly.

Because if what Jing Rou said was true, then the Thunder Fire Branch would no longer be the auxiliary role that could only add explosives with explosive effects to the arrows of the crossbows or get some thunder bullets.

At least to some extent, they can already change the course of a war.

Even if this technology can be popularized on a large scale, the status of warriors will be greatly threatened.

It seems that no matter what era, science and technology are the primary productive forces!

Zhao Ya sighed secretly.

After this test, the Thunder Fire Department immediately plunged into intensive testing.

And not only them, but also people from the Miracle Department and Tiangong Department also joined in.

Even Liang Xin'an, who usually looked down on the Thunder Fire Division the most and thought they were just a bunch of crazy people who could only explode and had no sense of beauty, now joined in the intense experiment.

After all, this discovery is a big event for the entire Guan Sect.

And when the entire Guan Sect became busy, Zhao Ya also quietly left.

However, he was not in a hurry to return to Canglong Temple, but went straight to the wild jungle in the far west not far from here.

There are some things that haven’t been dealt with yet!
The Guanzong Sect is not far from this wild jungle. With Zhao Ya's walking distance, it can be reached in half a day.

After entering this primeval forest, all you can see is vast green.

All the plants growing here are extremely primitive, mostly coniferous forests, so even though the season has reached late autumn, the place is still lush and green.

Zhao Ya was not in a hurry, walking through the forest seemingly casually.

Soon, he saw several abandoned ruins.

No need to ask, this is where the tribes who worshiped various gods lived.

It was only later that Jing Pingsheng led a large-scale invasion and almost wiped out the gods worshiped in the entire wild jungle, which led to the decline of these tribes.

It stands to reason that even so, this place will not be completely deserted.

But among these ruins, Zhao Ya saw some traces of battles and massacres.

Needless to say, after the decline of these tribes, someone must have raided here again and harvested the remaining people again.

As we continue to move in, we see more and more ruins, and the traces of the battle become more and more obvious.

Finally, in a ravine, Zhao Ya saw a shocking scene.

In this naturally occurring ravine, there is a mountain of corpses piled up layer upon layer.

That's right.

It's just a small hill made purely of corpses.

At this time, most of the corpses had decomposed and only the bones were left, but some clues could still tell the tragic situation of these people before they died.

Especially the corpses of some of the children made Zhao Ya, who was used to seeing killings, frown.

The corpses of these children were all missing their skulls, and there were obvious signs of animal bites inside.

Combined with the evil statue of the Python God Sect that he saw in that small town before, the murderous intention in Zhao Ya's heart gradually became more intense.

Then Zhao Ya quickened his pace and walked deep into the jungle at an extremely fast speed.

Although the specific location is not known, since the Python God Cult can escape Jing Pingsheng's search, it must be living deep in the most remote mountains.

Combined with the few words Wu Baoer said before, Zhao Ya did not hesitate and kept walking quickly inside.

The further you go, the older the forest becomes.

The creatures living in it were even more eye-opening for Zhao Ya.

For example, there are giant centipedes that are more than three meters long, and beetles that are covered in thick armor and look like money.

There are also many animals and plants that cannot be named.

Although it was not needed for the time being, Zhao Ya still wrote down the information.

The previous discoveries in Wuwanghai told Zhao Ya that there are still many strange things in this world that have not been discovered.

If we could find something similar to that octopus sucker, it would be of much use.

Finally, after climbing over countless steep mountains, traces of human activity finally appeared in the jungle.

After walking forward for a while, Zhao Ya suddenly sensed something, jumped up and flew to the top of a big tree, and then hid his figure.

After a while, the branches and leaves were seen swaying, and then a man and a woman came over.

Unexpectedly, the clothes worn by this man and woman were not the clothes worn by tribes in the wild jungle, but clothes from the outside world, and they were quite glamorous.

As they walked, the man and woman flirted.

Seeing that there was no one around, the man hugged the woman's waist with a playful smile and opened his mouth to kiss her, but was stopped by the woman.

"What? Not willing?" The man's face darkened.

The woman quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Priest, please calm down. I'm just not sure about one thing, so I want to ask you in advance."

"Are you sure you won't let me and my sister be sacrifices for the festival in two days?"

Upon hearing this, the man chuckled and said, "You, of course I can make the decision, but your sister is in trouble!"

"After all, this festival is very important. In particular, the blood of the following girls is needed to enhance the power of Lord Python God, and your sister is just the most suitable candidate."

"I mentioned it to my sister twice, but your sister has been avoiding me and doesn't want to see me. This is a bit difficult to handle."

When the woman heard this, a look of hatred flashed in her eyes.

It sounds nice, but the result is that you covet my sister's beauty?

But she didn't dare to offend this man, so she had to apologize and said with a smile: "My sister is still young and doesn't understand this. I am here to accompany you." "Haha, you are you and she is she. How can this be confused? ?" The man said pretending to be helpless.

"Sir, just show your respect. Whatever you say today will be whatever you say. I guarantee that I will serve you happily!"

"Oh?" The man's eyes lit up, "This is what you said!"

"Yes!" The woman nodded, but a look of humiliation flashed in her eyes.

But for the life of herself and her sister, she could only do this.

The man was overjoyed when he heard this.

Although he had taken advantage of it several times before, this woman had always been too coy and unwilling to obey, making it difficult for him to play with her smoothly.

Now that I heard that she was finally willing to give in, I was naturally very happy.

"Hey, then kneel down and serve me first!" the man said.

The woman had no choice but to slowly squat down.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard a scream.

The woman was wondering, she hadn't started yet, why was he screaming at this time?

Then she felt a warm liquid splash onto her face, along with a strong smell of blood.

She looked up and saw a horrifying scene.

The man who was fine just now has lost his head now, leaving only a headless man standing there.

The blood spurted out from his severed neck.

The woman was so frightened that she wanted to open her mouth and scream, when a voice came from behind her.

"Shh, don't shout."

The woman turned her head with difficulty and looked.

He saw a person standing not far behind him, looking at him with a smile.

"Don't kill me!" The woman begged for mercy in extreme horror.

Zhao Ya looked helpless.

Do you look like a bad guy?
Zhao Ya secretly lamented that people's hearts are not ancient, and then smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, I won't kill you, I'm just asking you a few questions."

After a while, the frightened woman finally knew the man's purpose.

"What? You actually want to go to the headquarters of the Python God Sect?" The woman was very shocked.

Zhao Ya nodded, "Yes, are there any questions?"

"How many companions do you have?" The woman looked behind Zhao Ya.

"Just me, no companions!"

"Then you'd better leave quickly. The Python God Sect is no longer what it used to be. There are many masters in the sect. It's impossible for you alone to be their opponent!" the woman said anxiously.

Zhao Ya smiled and pointed at the body of the man on the ground, "Master? Is this the master?"

The woman shook her head, "Of course he is not a master, he is just valued by others because of his relationship with the high priest. But if you despise the people of the Python God Sect because of this, then you are not far from being unlucky. ”

Looking at the anxious woman, Zhao Ya suddenly said, "Aren't you an aborigine of the Python God Sect?"

The woman froze, then nodded with difficulty, "Yes, I used to be a member of the Shenliu Sect, but then the elite of the sect was defeated by a powerful outsider, and even the statues of gods enshrined for generations were taken away."

"Subsequently, the women and children like us who stayed behind were brutally murdered by the Python God Cult. The elderly and children all died, and only we women were captured."

Speaking of this, the woman's eyes were filled with humiliation and hatred.

Zhao Ya didn't say anything.

In fact, there is no need to ask. With just a little thought, you can guess what these women will suffer after they are captured.

Zhao Ya didn't ask until the woman's mood stabilized again.

"So the other tribes in the wild jungle were all wiped out by the Python God Cult?"


Speaking of this, the woman seemed to be afraid that Zhao Ya didn't understand the dangers involved, so she tried to dissuade him again.

"After this series of raids and sweeps, the strength of the Python God Cult has greatly increased, especially the high priest. I heard that he has reached the realm of heaven and man and is invincible. So if you really want to break into the Python God Cult, , it’s better to invite more experts to come and help!”

"The realm of heaven and man..." Zhao Ya muttered these four words in a low voice, and a sarcastic smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Because the location was too remote, he survived Jingping Sheng's raid on the wild jungle, and later accumulated some strength through various despicable means.

As a result, they didn't dare to go out of the mountains, but lurked in this quiet place and wreaked havoc.

It's really laughable that such a thing dares to call himself a heavenly being.


"Huh?" The woman was stunned.

"Want to take revenge?" Zhao Ya asked quietly.

The woman was anxious, thinking that all her persuasion was in vain, but when she looked up and saw Zhao Ya's eyes, she swallowed back her unspoken words instantly.

Half an hour later, the Python God Cult was stationed.

This is a valley surrounded by mountains, and it is blocked by mountains and forests that have grown for who knows how many years. Ordinary people would not be able to find this place at all if there is no one to guide them.

Not only that, the valley is even more heavily guarded. There are countless outposts and hidden sentries everywhere. Looking from a distance, you can still see the patrol teams going back and forth.

Liu Yujiao introduced with a solemn expression: "Sir, this is the headquarters of the Python God Cult. The high priest and his companions live in the innermost place near the Python God Cave."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and then volunteered: "Do you want me to go explore the road for you first?"

"No need, as long as you know the specific location." Zhao Ya said lightly.

Then he slowly took off the short knife from his waist.

Zhao Ya was quite comfortable using this unknown short sword from the Guan Sect, so he simply stopped making it separately and directly used it as his main battle knife.

"Where are your sisters and others being detained?"

"Right behind where the high priest and his companions live."

"Okay, just wait here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Ya jumped up and rushed out.

As soon as they rushed out of the woods, they met a patrol team.

In fact, these people didn't see Zhao Ya at all.

After all, with Zhao Ya's speed, if he used all his strength, most people would not be able to see him.

This patrol team was no exception. They only felt a breeze blowing by, and then a flash of knife light lit up in front of their eyes.

This was also the last glimmer of light they saw in their lives.

The next moment, everyone in the patrol team stood frozen on the spot.

Then a red line slowly appeared on his neck, and then his head shot up into the sky at the same time.

By the time the dead bodies of this group of people fell to the ground, Zhao Ya had already rushed into the hinterland of the valley and started killing!
(End of this chapter)

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