Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 394: Deep into the cave, the giant python appears

Chapter 394: Deep into the cave, the giant python appears

Wherever the sword passed, there was no enemy at all. There were only splashes of blood and flying heads, mixed with shrill screams, forming a symphony from hell.

Liu Yujiao in the woods in the distance was dumbfounded.

She never expected that this handsome young man could be so powerful and would attack so ruthlessly.

At this moment, Zhao Ya, who was invincible and harvesting heads like melons and vegetables, felt a sharp slap with the knife in his hand, and then there was a crisp sound.

Taking a closer look, he saw a burly man standing in front of him, holding a huge ax and holding the knife in his hand.

Although the giant ax was very wide, and the short knife in Zhao Ya's hand was as small as a toothpick in comparison, there was still a look of difficulty on the face of this strong man.

At the same time, his heart was also filled with shock.

Because of the simple parry just now, his hands were numb from the shock, which shows how terrifying his strength is.

Where did such a master come from?
The strong man was feeling frightened and doubtful when he saw the corner of Zhao Ya's mouth raised slightly, revealing a cold smile.

"It's not bad. I finally met a decent enemy. I thought you Python God Sect were just a bunch of losers!"

The strong man snorted angrily from his nostrils when he heard the words. He wanted to speak but couldn't open his mouth.

Because at this moment, Zhao Ya's hand suddenly exerted force.

In an instant, the strong man felt as if a mountain was pressing down on his giant axe. He couldn't even struggle, and both his arms were broken at the same time.


The giant ax fell to the ground, and the strong man's hands fell down weakly, causing him to open his mouth and scream in pain.

But the next second, the screams stopped abruptly, because a short knife had penetrated his mouth and then emerged from the back of his head.

The strong man's eyes were full of disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that he had died like this.

But Zhao Ya was too lazy to pay attention to this. He suddenly pulled out his sword and flicked it with his backhand, and a crossbow arrow flying towards him was knocked away.

At the same time, countless crossbow arrows shot towards Zhao Ya like raindrops, and the sharp sound of piercing the air instantly became one.

But Zhao Ya didn't panic. The knife in his hand transformed into tens of thousands of people in an instant, and each knife struck the incoming crossbow arrows with incomparable accuracy.

Along with the crisp sound of clicking, countless crossbow arrow fragments fell in front of Zhao Ya.

Then Zhao Ya soared into the sky like an arrow from a string and flew towards the distance.

Before the second wave of crossbow arrows could be fired, Zhao Ya had already arrived among these hurried crossbowmen, harvesting all their heads like melons and vegetables.

The whole process took only ten seconds, and the place was already filled with corpses.

The crowd watching the battle from a distance couldn't help but be horrified when they saw this scene.

You must know that the strong man who was killed by Zhao Ya just now was the leader in charge of the security of the Python God Sect headquarters.

But he didn't even survive a single move and died on the spot.

And these carefully trained crossbowmen only shot a wave of arrows, and then they were all killed.

Is this a murderous grandpa who appears from nowhere? Why is he so powerful?

Just as the senior leaders of the Python God Sect were panicking, Zhao Ya suddenly felt something strange and immediately raised his head to look at the hillside in the distance.

Then he looked at a man in black on the hillside.

It was a look that was so cold that it contained no human emotion, and could only be possessed by cold-blooded reptiles.

At this time, the eyes were full of extreme malice and cruelty.

If it were placed on an ordinary person, just the gaze of this eye would be enough to plunge their mind into chaos.

But instead of showing any fear, Zhao Ya slightly raised his eyebrows with interest.

"I thought that the self-proclaimed high priest of the realm of heaven and man was so great, but it turned out that he was just a loser whose body was taken over by a beast!"

The sarcasm in his words was almost overflowing.

Sure enough, the man in black on the hillside had a look of anger on his face after hearing these words.

Then a fine pattern of snake scales appeared on his face, and a forked tongue appeared at the same time.

All in all, the man in black at this time did not look like a human being at all, but like a snake demon who had cultivated into human form.


When this vague sentence, as if someone who had not spoken for a long time finally spoke the word "kill", came out from the mouth of the man in black.

The eyes of these people who were cowering just now and were full of fear of Zhao Ya instantly turned scarlet.

Then they rushed forward without fear.

With a few pops, the head of the person rushing in front was instantly cut off.

But these people didn't know fear at all, and rushed towards Zhao Ya.

Some people even opened their mouths and tried to bite Zhao Ya's knife with their teeth.

Of course, these attempts failed.

Of course, Zhao Ya would not get used to these people. Anyway, before coming here, Zhao Ya had already thought about completely eradicating this Python God Cult that had degenerated into a cult.

So this group of people can be regarded as benevolent and benevolent.

The knife is like cutting through the wind, cutting into everything.

Wherever he passed, broken arms and limbs flew along with heads.

But in the blink of an eye, Zhao Ya cut his way out of a bloody alley, and then jumped up and ran towards the hillside.

The man in black on the hillside did not dodge, but just watched quietly.

It wasn't until Zhao Ya was halfway through that he roared loudly.

In an instant, the clothes on his body were torn apart, revealing the creepy body covered with scales underneath.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his fist and hit Zhao Ya with the force of Mount Tai.

It was so powerful that it even made a huge roar.

I have to say that the man in black knows how to choose his timing.

At this time, Zhao Ya happened to be halfway through the rush. His old strength was gone and his new strength was not yet regenerated. In addition, with his instructions from above and below, with the double blessing, he had the upper hand.

Unexpectedly, he had just rushed forward, and the sticky and cold python power had not yet reached Zhao Ya's body.

Zhao Ya, who was originally in the air and seemingly unable to escape, suddenly moved sideways about ten feet away, just in time to get out of the way of the man in black's attack.

Then Zhao Ya chuckled and said, "Take my sword first and let me see how capable you, the so-called heavenly being, are!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Ya's sword had already been slashed out.

Ever since he mastered the Wind-Destroying Sword Technique to the point of transcendence and becoming a saint, Zhao Ya's control over the sword has reached a point where he can do whatever he wants.

For example, at this moment, this knife did not cause any waves, but it appeared in front of the man in black in an instant, and the whole process was natural and smooth.

It even gives people the illusion that the man in black took the initiative to bump into him.

But the sword, which was enough to cut off an elephant, stopped abruptly when it reached the man in black.

A flash of surprise flashed in Zhao Ya's eyes.

Because he felt that there was a sticky and slippery force entangled in the knife in his hand, and he couldn't even pull away.

At the same time, the man in black's fist had already struck.

The fist smells fishy and is obviously highly poisonous.

"Interesting, it seems that your strength has really increased a lot over the years!" Zhao Ya said this calmly without any panic, a bright light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

In an instant, the man in black, who had been so aggressive just now, suddenly let out a horrified scream, and then flew out like a kite with its string broken.

While he was still in the air, the scales on his body had quickly faded away, and by the time he landed, he had turned into an old and frail middle-aged man.

The man spit out a large mouthful of black blood, his dim eyes full of fear.Especially when he saw Zhao Ya slowly walking toward him with the knife in hand, his whole body couldn't stop trembling.

The reason why he was so afraid was firstly because of the fear of death, and secondly because he didn't know what happened just now, so that the omnipotent Lord Python God would suddenly abandon him.

At this time, Zhao Ya walked up to him, then squatted down and looked at the trembling man.

"Do you know Wu Bao'er?"

The man had a look of confusion on his face, obviously he had never heard of this name.

Zhao Ya was not surprised by this.

Because according to what Wu Baoer said, when she escaped, the high priest of the Python God Cult was an old man.

After so many years, even if this old man does not die, he will not be able to rejuvenate and become a middle-aged man.

So the most likely possibility is that the high priest at that time was dead and now this is the new high priest.

Of course, there is another possibility that there is more than one high priest.

But none of that matters anymore.

Zhao Ya stood up and walked past the man.

The man secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, it's good to be able to save this life.

And after this guy breaks into the Python God's Cave without knowing the truth, he still has a chance to take revenge.

But just when he was planning how to take revenge later, the world in front of him suddenly changed, and he actually saw blood spurting out from his neck.

Hey, what's going on?

After this thought flashed through his mind, the man fell into endless darkness.

Zhao Ya didn't even look back, he just flicked the knife in his hand and shook off the blood on the blade.

To him, the man in black was just a minor character, not worth mentioning at all.

The real target should be in the dark cave ahead.

Although when I asked Liu Yujiao in the woods just now, she said that there should be only one high priest.

But Zhao Ya didn't believe this.

Of course, this does not mean that Liu Yujiao is lying, but because of her status, she probably has no access to the core of the Python God Cult.

Standing in front of the cave entrance, smelling the faint fishy smell in the air, Zhao Ya smiled slightly and then walked inside.

It's very dark in the cave, but for Zhao Ya, whose brain has been unlocked by more than 50.00% and whose sensory abilities have been greatly enhanced, it is not a problem at all.

The only challenge is that the smell in the air is getting stronger and stronger.

So Zhao Ya had to block part of his sense of smell later.

The road in the cave extends all the way down and is very long.

Even with Zhao Ya's speed, it took half a cup of tea before a faint light appeared in front of him.

Zhao Ya heightened his vigilance and ran toward the light.

But after walking a few steps, he suddenly felt that the ground under his feet seemed strange.

The ground had gone from cold and hard to a soft and sticky feeling.

Before he could lower his head to look, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from the darkness behind him.

Zhao Ya didn't even think about it, and slashed with his backhand.

A colorful poisonous snake fell down, and the smelly blood instantly dyed the ground red.

But then the ground began to roll and surge, and then a tooth-piercing sound of chewing and devouring was heard.

In the blink of an eye, the snake's body disappeared.

At the same time, Zhao Ya also saw clearly the situation on the ground.

Even as brave as Zhao Ya, he couldn't help but feel a little creepy when he saw the scene on the ground.

It turns out that the wet and sticky feeling just now was because what Zhao Ya stepped on was not the ground, but a thick layer of something that looked like maggots.

These maggots are as thick as fingers and more than ten centimeters long. There are no eyes at all on their triangular heads, only a huge mouthpart.

After devouring the body of the poisonous snake, these maggots began to become restless, tumbling around desperately, trying to climb up Zhao Ya's feet.

To be honest, Zhao Ya was a little numb at first.

Not out of fear, but out of nausea.

But Zhao Ya soon calmed down, and then directly used his killer weapon.

Countless poisonous powder spread instantly.

This semi-enclosed environment in the cave is an excellent place for poisonous powder to exert its power.

But even though they were so poisonous, these maggots still didn't die, they just kept churning.

Zhao Ya suppressed his nausea and rushed in faster.

at last.

After rushing through this distance, Zhao Ya entered a stone corridor.

The floor and walls of the corridor were rubbed extremely smooth, as if some kind of creature often came and went here.

And just when Zhao Ya was about to walk through the corridor, countless black shadows rushed towards Zhao Ya overwhelmingly.

Zhao Ya's eyesight was so sharp that he could tell at a glance what kind of black shadow it was through the faint light in the corridor.

They were clearly countless colorful venomous snakes.

I saw that these venomous snakes came in different sizes, the big ones were as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and the small ones were like a baby's fingers.

So many venomous snakes rushed toward Zhao Ya like a tide, and behind them were maggots that kept squirming.

Anyone else would be at a loss to deal with this dilemma.

Only Zhao Ya just smiled coldly.

Because he knew that using this method to stop himself obviously proved that the being in the cave was scared.

He didn't make any extra moves, he just closed his eyes gently and then opened them suddenly.

At the same time, an extremely powerful aura suddenly burst out from him.

This aura was so ancient and powerful, as if a true dragon that had existed in heaven and earth since ancient times had finally woken up from its slumber.

In an instant, these venomous snakes that had been coming here just now seemed to have encountered extremely terrifying natural enemies.

The poisonous snakes at the front exploded into pieces without even making a sound.

The poisonous snakes behind them fled in all directions.

Zhao Ya didn't bother to pay attention to these dirty things and continued walking inside as if strolling in a garden.

at last.

After passing through this long corridor, an extremely wide hall appeared in front.

And in the sky above the hall, two red lights hung impressively.

But when I took a closer look, I saw what kind of red light there was. They were clearly two huge snake eyes.

A giant python that was as thick as a small truck was coiled together and was more than ten meters high. A huge snake head stood upright in the air, staring at Zhao Ya who walked into the hall with an extremely cold gaze.

In front of this giant python, there were more than a dozen men in black who were paying homage to it.

(End of this chapter)

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