Longevity starts from strengthening internal organs

Chapter 41 Tan Dong's breakthrough is sincerely grateful

Chapter 41 Tan Dong's breakthrough is sincerely grateful
Tan Dong was panting heavily, his upper body was naked, sandbags were tied on his legs, and he was walking quickly on the wooden stakes in the martial arts arena.

Zhao Ya watched from below with a thin branch in his hand, and whenever Tan Dong's movements changed, he would pull it directly.

"Don't try to be lazy, run for me!" Zhao Ya shouted coldly.

A bitter look appeared on Tan Dong's face, but he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, and walked forward with difficulty.

Finally, the plum blossom piles of this lap were finished.

Tan Dong fell limp on the ground, as if he was fished out of the water, and the sweat even pooled into a small puddle under his body.

It stands to reason that no matter how weak Tan Dong's strength is, he wouldn't be so tired after running a circle of plum blossom piles.

The key is the two extra-large sandbags tied to the legs. They don't look like much when they are first tied, but they get more and more tiring as they get behind.

Especially on the wooden pile, Tan Dong had to be extremely careful, otherwise he might fall off the pile if he was not careful.

The combination of these reasons made Tan Dong as tired as a dead dog at this time.

At this time, Zhao Ya came closer.

"Don't lie down, stand up and walk slowly around the martial arts arena."

"No, no, no, I don't even have any strength now, let me lie down and rest for a while, I beg you Brother Zhao, you are my real brother!" Tan Dong kept begging.

Zhao Ya was unmoved at all, took out a piece of dried earthworm meat and stuffed it into Tan Dong's mouth, then forcefully pulled him up from the ground.

"If you lie down now, at least half of the sweat you just shed will be in vain. Hurry up and digest your blood slowly."

Tan Dong dared not disobey Zhao Ya's words.

Because just two days ago, his father Tan Ziwang wrote a special letter after hearing the news that Zhao Ya would give him extra lessons.

In the letter, Tan Ziwang greatly appreciated Zhao Ya's actions and sincerely thanked him. At the same time, he also told Zhao Ya that if Tan Dong was disobedient, he could deal with it at will and kill him.

Tan Dong didn't dare to have any objection to his father's words, so he could only obediently obey Zhao Ya's orders.

So let alone going to Goulan to drink these few days, his greatest happiness every day is the moment when he returns home and lies on the bed.

Without him.

So fucking tired!
Grinning his teeth, Tan Dong walked slowly around the martial arts arena. The dried earthworm meat in his mouth had already been swallowed, and it was turning into blood to replenish his tired body little by little.

As he walked, Tan Dong felt that all the bones in his body became solid.

Ka Ka Ka!
Subtle sounds came from Tan Dong's body.

Zhao Ya, who was not far away, heard it very clearly, knowing that after these days of special training by the devil, Tan Dong finally had the time to break through.

"Practice boxing!"

Zhao Ya's cry woke up Tan Dong, who was intoxicated by the transformation of his bones.

He immediately began to practice Wuhu Fist as instructed.

Now after Zhao Ya's special training, his Five Tiger Fist has made great progress compared to before.

Not to mention how advanced it is, but the wind of the fist roared, and it has a bit of power.

And along with his practice, this skeletal transformation also went deep into the minutiae.

After practicing a set of Five Tiger Boxing, Tan Dong felt that the bones of his whole body had become very hard, and his body was full of strength.

"This is..." Tan Dong was still a little dazed.

Zhao Ya came forward with a smile, and patted Tan Dong on the shoulder.

"Congratulations on your successful breakthrough, you are also a real warrior from today!"

Tan Dong woke up from his daze, and immediately felt a burst of ecstasy.

Finally broke through!
Now I am also a martial artist who has mastered bone refinement!

Tan Dong wanted to yell a few times, but he restrained himself abruptly.

"Brother Zhao, thank you."

This thank you is from the bottom of my heart.

Because without Zhao Ya's training during this period of time, Tan Dong thought to himself that it would be impossible for him to refine his bones for the rest of his life.

Zhao Ya laughed.

"Okay, do you still have to be so polite between you and me? I'll report it to the head of the escort later, and you'll be a trooper from now on."

"Yeah!" Tan Dong kept nodding, his face flushed with excitement.

When Zhao Ya told Meng Lei about Tan Dong, Meng Lei was also very happy, and even called Tan Dong to him to encourage him.

Soon, the news spread that Tan Dong had achieved great success in bone refining and was promoted to be a trooper, which also caused a little shock to the Escort Bureau.

In fact, most people don't feel anything about it.

After all, Tan Dong has been in the Escort for many years, and he is already an old employee. He only broke through a new stage at this time, and the entry is so slow that it is not worth mentioning.

But people who know the inside story don't think so.

"Damn it, even that guy Tan Dong can refine bones, is there any reason for that?"

"Who says no, that guy spends 20 days a month hanging out in the Goulan. The girls in Wuxiang City's Goulan almost all know him. It's really speechless that such a person can break through!"

Not to mention these sour words, Tan Dong was in a great mood after the breakthrough, and invited many people to drink that night.

Zhao Ya was naturally the well-deserved protagonist, and Luo Feng and some others also attended.

Most of these people actually saw Zhao Ya's face, but that was enough.

Encouraged by Tan Dong, this drink can be said to be hearty, and in the end Zhao Ya sent the drunk Tan Dong home.

And in the evening of the next day, Tan Dong came to Zhao Ya's home with food and had a drink.

Zui'er was also very happy when she found out about Tan Dong's breakthrough, and she toasted him before leaving.

When only Zhao Ya and Tan Dong were left, Tan Dong took out a letter with a smile.

"Brother Zhao, this is what my father wrote to you after he heard the news today."

Zhao Ya opened it and saw that it was full of words of thanks.

But between the lines, you can still feel Tan Ziwang's love for his son and the feeling of his old age.

And at the end Tan Ziwang even told Zhao Ya that the amount of dried earthworm meat per month would be increased to 30 taels in the future.

Although the effect of earthworm jerky on Zhao Ya has become less and less, Zhao Ya is still very grateful for it.

Because Zhao Ya understood that this was already the limit of what Tan Ziwang could do.

Handing the letter back to Tan Dong, Tan Dong's eyes were a little red after reading it, and he drank the wine in one gulp.

This time, he had a good drink again, and finally Tan Dong staggered away.

Just as Zhao Ya was about to clean up the leftover table, Zui Er came out of the room when he heard the noise, and thoughtfully brought a bowl of iced sour plum soup to let Zhao Ya sober up, while he quickly picked up the bowls and chopsticks.

It's summer now, and the weather is getting hotter every day.

So after Tan Dong left, Zui'er changed into homely clothes, and there would always be something beautiful in her gestures.

Zhao Ya looked a little hot, but he still looked away.

I still have to practice kung fu later, it is really not advisable to watch this kind of scene too much, lest I get angry.

After Zui'er finished cleaning up, Zhao Ya asked her to go back to the house to sleep, while he stood in the yard and started practicing.

Babu Vajra Kung Fu, Five Tiger Fist, Blast Wind Saber Technique, Lightness Kung Fu Flying on Grass...  

Each and every martial art was mastered by Zhao Ya with confidence, and even when he practiced to the extreme, his moves and moves carried a chilling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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