Chapter 42
After all the homework was done, Zhao Ya stood upright like a spear, with a gleam in his eyes, and the attribute panel that only he could see was opened.

Name: Zhao Ya.Age: 17 years old.Remaining lifespan: 45 (+43 days) years


[Heart unlock progress: 54%]

Looking at these data, Zhao Ya couldn't help frowning slightly.

During this period of time, the progress of martial arts has obviously slowed down.

For example, the Eight Parts Vajra Kung Fu, sometimes Zhao Ya can only increase his proficiency by practicing for several days.

In addition, the unlocking speed of the heart has only increased by 4%.

This made Zhao Ya a little anxious.

But he also knew that this phenomenon was inevitable.

After all, along with the growth of his own strength, Zhao Ya has practiced martial arts such as Babu Vajra Kungfu and Wuhuquan to an extremely advanced level.

At this time, if you want to improve, the difficulty can be imagined.

It seems that I should find a way to learn some more profound martial arts.

After all, no matter whether it is Wuhu Fist or Blast Sword Technique, they are all second-rate martial arts in the world, worthy of the name.

Where can I go to learn it?
Chief escort Meng Lei has a few skills, but they are all used to save his life, so he won't teach others easily.

Zhao Ya thought silently, and the trace of anxiety before had disappeared.

Because he knows that there is no shortcut in martial arts.

If you want to become stronger, have enough capital, and even gain longevity, you must have a warrior's heart that is brave and diligent, and who is not afraid of difficulties.

"Brother Xiaoya, the wind is a bit cold outside, go back to the house and sleep!" Zui'er stood by the door and shouted softly.

Zhao Ya turned his head to look at Zui'er under the lamp, seeing her dressed in cool clothes, looking at him shyly and timidly, he couldn't help smiling.

"Okay, I'll take a shower first."

Zui'er's face turned even redder, and she hurriedly turned and went back to the house.

A moment later, when Zhao Ya entered the room after washing, the lights in the room had already been turned off.

Through the starlight outside the window, Zui'er can be vaguely seen lying on the bed, covering his head with a quilt.

Zhao Ya was amused in his heart.

This little girl, even after such a long time, is still so shy.

Zhao Ya walked over and lightly stroked Zui'er's back.

"Are you asleep? Then I'll sleep too."

Talking about lying down.

"Don't!" Zui'er caught the trick, and shouted after throwing off the quilt.

Then she saw the smile on Zhao Ya's face, and couldn't help being embarrassed.

"Don't what?" Zhao Ya asked with a smile.

"Oh, I'm ignoring you!" Zui'er was so ashamed that she wanted to turn around.

But Zhao Ya pulled her back.


With a sigh, this night... the scenery is infinite.

On the second day, when Zhao Ya arrived at the bodyguard bureau, Meng Lei, the head of the bodyguard, called him over.

When they arrived at the conference hall, Meng Lei first smiled and asked about Zhao Ya's recent entry into martial arts.

Zhao Ya didn't say that the fascia all over his body had started to tremble, after all, that was too shocking.

It's just that I feel that my entry has slowed down significantly during this period of time.

Meng Lei had expected this for a long time, and after a few words of comfort to Zhao Ya, he got to the point.

"This morning, news came from the Hong family in the inner city that they have a batch of goods to be delivered to Hekou Town, but now both Bodyguard Luo and Bodyguard Lin have gone out, so I decided to let you take this trip, but I have confidence ?”

Hekou Town?
Zhao Ya immediately remembered the escort trip last year.

I also won the Meteorite Iron Sword that time.

I don't know what's going on at Wrought Iron Villa. Do you know that the woman who tricked them into taking the sword is dead?
Zhao Ya's thoughts turned, but it didn't show at all on the surface, and he immediately stood up and said: "Don't worry, chief escort, this disciple has been greatly favored by the escort bureau, and I will try my best and dare not slack in the slightest. .”

"Hahahaha, Xiaoya, you are too serious, sit down quickly, it's just an ordinary dart walk, you don't have to do that." Meng Lei said with a smile.

Zhao Ya sat down again.

Meng Lei went on to say: "This time the dart is different, it is a two-way dart, escorting a batch of supplies from Wuxiang City to Hekou Town, and then escorting a batch of silver back from the bank over there, so the delay on the way It will take longer."

"However, you walked with Escort Luo once a year ago, so you know the route, so there shouldn't be any major problems. I'll send you another ten trippers, what do you think?"

"Okay, but I want to choose the candidate for the tripper myself."

"Naturally, today you choose manpower to prepare the escort car, and leave early tomorrow morning, is that okay?"

"no problem!"

Hearing that Zhao Ya was going to lead a team to walk the darts, all the soldiers were excited for a while.

These days Zhao Ya has accumulated a good prestige in the Escort, and he is the youngest, so many people are willing to get close to him.

If you can take this escort with him, it will definitely be better than following old escorts such as Luo Qiang and Lin Sheng.

So when Zhao Ya began to select candidates, these trainees scrambled to sign up one after another.

In the end, Zhao Ya selected ten people from among them, and told them to prepare the escort car today, pack their luggage, and set off early tomorrow morning.

Everyone naturally agreed.

After the meeting ended, Tan Dong came forward excitedly.

"Brother Zhao, shall I follow?"

"Why, you don't want to go?" Zhao Ya laughed.

"No, no, I'd love to, I'll go back and pack my luggage now."

Speaking of which, Tan Dong was about to leave.

"Okay, it's not too late to go back to clean up at night, you go to the escort car to keep an eye on it, this time the road is not close, you must install all the escort cars to make sure everything is safe."


The day passed in a busy way.

In the evening, Zhao Ya personally inspected the bodyguard car again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he told all the soldiers the time to assemble tomorrow, and then left the bodyguard.

When he got home, Zhao Ya told Zui'er that he would go out to walk the darts tomorrow, and it might take five or six days.

Although Zui'er was reluctant, she also knew that Zhao Ya was doing this job, so she hurried to pack his luggage for him.

This unlined garment is worn for practicing at night, this thicker garment is worn when the wind blows, and this tarpaulin is also taken, in case it rains...

Looking at Zui Er who was packing up non-stop and the package that was getting fatter, Zhao Ya couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, stop pretending, I'll only go out for five or six days, why did you even pack the winter padded jacket for me?"

"Isn't this afraid of encountering wind and rain on the road again?"

"Don't be so troublesome, just pack two changes of clothes."

Under Zhao Ya's insistence, Zui'er had no choice but to take out most of the clothes and pack them again.

After finishing all this, Zhao Ya took out the dagger.

"This is for your self-defense. After I leave, you should try to go out as little as possible. If you encounter problems, you can go to the Escort for help. Do you understand?"

Zui'er nodded, and reached out to take the dagger.

After practicing for this period of time, although Zui'er's sword skills are not very good, but he has a good look, at least it is no problem to deal with three or five gangsters.

But Zhao Ya still felt uneasy, and gave Zui'er three more lime packets.

"The lime powder inside, if you encounter a strong opponent, throw it at his face, and then take the opportunity to escape."

"Yeah!" Zui'er nodded like a pounding garlic.

In fact, Zhao Ya originally wanted to leave the hand crossbow to Zui'er, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

After all, that thing is difficult to control, and you may hurt yourself if you don't pay attention.

After finishing everything and sleeping all night, Zhao Ya got up early and arrived at the bodyguard bureau just after dawn.

At this time, all the hands have arrived.

Check the dart car for the last time, and issue a dart list...

After all the procedures were completed, Zhao Ya waved his hand.

"set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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