Chapter 50
It takes patience to hunt prey like Heixiazi, and Heixiazi is very smart, and a slight flaw will alert him, causing the trap to fail.

Anyway, when Zhao Ya came to the trap the next day, he found nothing.

Zhao Ya was not discouraged, and rearranged the trap, and then put a bait in the trap.

Niu Yuan also talked about bait separately, first of all, if it has a salty taste.

Because for the beasts in the mountains, salt is the most precious thing, and a piece of salty fresh meat is extremely tempting to them.

The second is not to be too obvious.

Beasts are not fools, especially those alienated beasts are very smart.

If your bait is too obvious, it will not work.

According to Niu Yuan's instruction, Zhao Ya carefully placed the bait, and then found a place to hide it.

Patience is the most basic quality of a good hunter.

Zhao Ya hid quietly in the forest for more than an hour, his eyes fixed on Beast Road all the time.

at last.

As if smelling the scent of bait, the grass in the distance began to shake, and then a huge black bear slowly walked out.

Upon seeing this black bear, Zhao Ya's eyes lit up.

Because this is obviously an alienated black bear.

Zhao Ya hid in the dark and waited quietly.

The black bear was very vigilant, and slowly approached the bait, but didn't go past it, obviously observing something.

at last.

Still unable to resist the temptation of the bait, it tentatively stretched out its front legs and stepped on the ground.

No movement!

Zhao Ya had anticipated this a long time ago, so he adjusted the trigger mechanism of the trap to a very high level.

The black bear finally relaxed his vigilance, walked into the trap and was about to bite the bait.

At this moment, the wire sheath buried under the dead leaves immediately started to ensnare the black bear's hind legs. At the same time, many logs flew from all directions, all of which were nailed with sharp knives, and stabbed the black bear fiercely.

The black bear couldn't bear the pain and let out a roar.

At the same time, Zhao Ya raised his bow and set an arrow, aiming at the black bear's open mouth, he shot the arrow.

After shooting the arrow, Zhao Ya stretched out his hand and pulled out the Meteorite Iron Saber, rushing towards it like a gust of wind.

He didn't slowly grind his prey to death as Niu Yuan taught.

Because although Niu Yuan and the others have rich hunting experience and good sword skills, they are still ordinary people after all, and they are far from as powerful as Zhao Ya.

As long as you find your prey and trap it, the rest is easy.

Zhao Ya rushed forward and chopped off the black bear's spine with one blow.

After it plopped to the ground, Zhao Ya's knife went straight through its eyes, ending its pain.

After the hunt was successful, Zhao Ya quickly cut open the black bear's stomach, took out the bear bile, and put it into the medicine bottle prepared in advance.

As for the other flesh and blood, Zhao Ya didn't waste it. He packed up the bear's paws and some edible places, and then returned to the city.

After returning home, Zhao Ya first marinated the bear bile with several antiseptic herbs, and then started cooking the bear meat with great interest.

But after working for a long time, Zhao Ya looked disappointed after eating the bear meat.

Because he didn't feel much blood from the bear meat, which was even similar to the pork sold in the market.

The key taste is also very bad.

Zhao Ya finally understood why there were so many people practicing martial arts in Wuxiang City, but few went hunting in the mountains and forests.

The flesh and blood of these wild animals doesn't have much nutrition at all.

Only certain parts, such as the bear bile of this black bear, have medicinal properties, but they also need to be combined with medicinal materials before they can be eaten.

No wonder the dried earthworm meat and green bamboo snake that flow out of the inner city are all artificially bred.

In the next few days, Zhao Ya went hunting outside the city every day. His hunting skills improved by leaps and bounds, and he soon became an experienced old hunter.

But as time went by, Zhao Ya found that the situation outside the city was getting worse and worse.

At first those refugees could still enter the city, but as the number of people increased, the carrying capacity of Elephant Dance City reached its limit.

So the three major families in the inner city sent people to guard the city gate to prevent those refugees from entering the city.

The refugees who could not enter the city had to gather at the edge of the forest, and soon formed groups of many sizes.

When going into the mountains, Zhao Ya can often see those extremely hungry refugees who take risks and try to go hunting in the mountains.

But after long-term hunger, these people's physical strength has been severely exhausted, how can they survive in this dangerous mountain forest.

So their end, without exception, became the belly of the beasts in the mountains.

In addition, the law and order in these refugee gathering places has also begun to deteriorate rapidly.

After all, for these very hungry people, no law or morality is as real as a piece of rotten steamed bun.

Coupled with the absence of external restraints, these gathering places quickly degenerated into a jungle society where the weak and the strong preyed on the strong.

As long as you have power, you can deprive others of things, even life, at will.

In the past few days alone, Zhao Ya has witnessed no fewer than a dozen fighting or killing incidents.

There was nothing Zhao Ya could do about it, he could only watch silently.

After all, one or two people can be saved, but with so many people, Zhao Ya couldn't save them even if he had all the skills.

On this day, Zhao Ya was preparing to go hunting in the mountains as usual, when he had just walked not far away, he suddenly heard a weak voice coming from beside him.

"Master, please take pity on me, please save my child!"

Zhao Ya followed the sound and saw that at the edge of the forest, there was a woman holding a child, leaning against a big tree and looking at him.

Seeing Zhao Ya stop, the woman stood up with difficulty and said in a trembling voice.

"Master, they want to eat my child, so I ran into it, please take pity on me, give the child something to eat! I will do anything for you!"

Speaking of which, she tried her best to straighten her chest, but the long-term hunger had already made her skinny, and even the symbol of women became shriveled.

Zhao Ya was silent.

He saw that although the woman was extremely thin, even like a skeleton, the child in her arms was actually in good condition. Although she was also very thin, there was a trace of blood on her face, and she looked at him curiously.

"Master, just give the child a piece of steamed bun!" Seeing Zhao Ya's silence, the woman couldn't help begging.

Zhao Ya sighed, took out a small bag of dry food from the package and handed it to the woman.

"Just hide here and eat quietly, don't let anyone see you, understand?" Zhao Ya reminded.

After receiving the dry food bag, the woman knelt down with a plop, kowtowing wildly at Zhao Ya.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!"

Zhao Ya shook his head, "Okay, there's no need to be like this, let's eat quickly."

After saying that, Zhao Ya turned around and entered the forest.

After he left, the woman tremblingly took out a piece of bread from the dry food bag, put it in her mouth, chewed it a few times, and then began to feed her child.

After such a long period of hunger, she has already run out of milk, so she can only feed her children in this way.

At the same time, Zhao Ya, who entered the deep mountain, was also in a low mood.

He asked himself that he was not the Virgin, but the scene he saw today still hurt him deeply.

A mother who would pay any price for her child, and in this case someone is going to eat her child.

Zhao Ya suddenly didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

He could only let out a long breath, and muttered softly in his mouth.

"This bloody world!"

Today's harvest was good, Zhao Ya hunted and killed two golden flower snakes, obtained the snake gall, which was considered as another available medicinal material.

In the evening, Zhao Ya walked out of the deep mountain with today's harvest, but when he came to the edge of the mountain forest, he didn't see the woman in the daytime.

Zhao Ya's heart sank, and he walked out of the forest quickly, and then saw smoke rising from a refugee gathering place in the distance, and at the same time, there was a faint smell of meat.

(End of this chapter)

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