Chapter 51
A gathering place for refugees.

A cauldron was gurgling and steaming, and the enticing aroma permeated the air, making the eyes of the refugees standing by the side glow green.

These refugees guarding the pot are basically men. Although they are not physically strong, their faces are bloody and their eyes are brighter. They are not in the same state as those refugees who are dying.

However, although these men are salivating at the moment, they all dare not move. Instead, they look at a person with fearful eyes from time to time.

This is a man with a scar on his face and cold eyes.

There was still a dagger hanging from his waist. Although it was a little rusty, the sharp blade still told people that it was a murder weapon.

At this moment, the man with the scar was wolfing down a bag of dry food.

Because he ate too fast, some residue fell from the corner of his mouth from time to time.

Seeing this, many refugees' eyes were about to burst into flames.

You must know that many of them have not eaten decent food for a long, long time.

Bark, grass roots, and even algae in puddles, as long as they can be eaten, they will not let go.

So when they saw the man with the scar eating the bread majesticly, and even wasting it on purpose, they could imagine how they felt.

But the man with the scar didn't care about this at all. After eating another piece of bread, he sighed contentedly, stood up and shook the residue on his body, and then came to the stove.

Here lies a man.

A scrawny woman.

It's just that at this moment, the woman's face is completely changed, and her body is covered with scars.

But even so, the woman still did not die, but stared at the sky with a pair of lifeless eyes.

Seeing this scene, the man with the scar gave a grin, raised his leg and kicked the woman.

"Damn it, it's pretty good. I'm so virtuous and still not angry. I don't know what you are waiting for. Maybe you want to taste the broth, hahahaha!"

The man with the scar couldn't help laughing at the end, seemingly pleased with his sense of humor.

The woman didn't speak, in fact she couldn't open her mouth at all now.

Only a drop of tear slowly oozed out of the corner of the eye and fell silently.

At this time, the man with the scar became more and more frantic. He reached out to pick up the horse spoon in the pot and scooped up a spoonful of hot soup.

"Come on, don't you want to eat, then I will feed you a taste."

As he spoke, he was about to pour the hot soup into the woman's mouth with a horse spoon in his hand.

At this moment, an arrow flashed across and was nailed to his arm.

The horse spoon fell to the ground, and the soup spilled all over the floor.

The man with the scar folded his arms and roared in pain.


"The one who kills you!"

Accompanied by an extremely cold voice, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

The pupils of the man with the scar shrank instantly, because he felt the fiery energy and blood on the man's body.

"Quick, rush up and kill him!"

The man with the scar immediately roared, commanding the refugees under his command to rush forward, while he turned around and ran away.

But how could Zhao Ya let him go.

He raised his knife across, and wherever he passed, these people were harvested neatly like ears of wheat under a sickle.

Without any hindrance at all, he rushed to the man with the scar, and then slashed at him diagonally.

The scarred man who was running with all his strength suddenly felt his legs lighten, and then he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Looking back, I saw my two legs were standing straight in front of me.

Only then did the man with the scar realize that his two legs had been cut off, and he couldn't help but roared again.

"Ah, ah, ah, please forgive me!"

Even so, his only remaining hand still quietly held the dagger at his waist, planning to launch a surprise attack when the man in black came close.

But soon his plan fell through.

How could he hide this trick from Zhao Ya, Zhao Ya kicked him on the arm, and the dagger fell to the ground with a clang.

Then Zhao Ya stretched out his hand to grab his arm, and twisted it violently.

Accompanied by a crackling sound, the arm of the man with the scar was twisted off by Zhao Ya.

The man with the scar almost fainted from the pain.

But the anger in Zhao Ya's heart still did not vent.

He had seen that scene with his own eyes just now, especially the tragic situation of the woman made even Zhao Ya shocked.

Therefore, Zhao Ya would naturally not be polite to the instigator.

"Did the noodle cake just now taste good?" Zhao Ya asked coldly.

Only then did the man with the scar understand why the killing god who appeared suddenly came, and he couldn't help but be filled with remorse.

If he knew this would be the result, he would never touch that woman.

But things have come to this point, it's too late to say anything.

The man with the scar was also aroused fiercely, and he grinned.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, but it's a pity that no matter how delicious it is, it's not as good as meat!"

After finishing speaking, the man with the scar looked at Zhao Ya with provocative eyes, hoping to provoke this person and make him kill himself quickly.

Sure enough, the man with the scar noticed the flash of anger in the eyes of the man in black in front of him.

But this anger was quickly hidden, and then Zhao Ya laughed.

"It seems that you like meat very much!"

"That's right, I especially like meat. I've eaten at least twenty or thirty of them during this time. The taste... tsk tsk, it's even more delicious than mutton."

Zhao Ya nodded, "If that's the case, then I'll let you eat your fill!"

As he said that, Zhao Ya picked up the cauldron on the stove and came in front of the scarred man.

"You...what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Don't you want to eat meat? I'll feed it to you right now!"

As he said that, Zhao Ya began to pour hot soup on the scarred man.

The man with the scar yelled in pain, at first he cursed Zhao Ya loudly, and then begged softly, but soon he was speechless and could only groan unconsciously.

When it's over, the man with the scar is already dead and can't die anymore.

Zhao Ya dropped the pot in his hand, turned around and came to the woman.

At this time, the woman was still breathing weakly, especially when she saw Zhao Ya's figure, her eyes seemed to be brighter.

Zhao Ya was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "The person who killed your child is dead."

The woman suddenly became excited, and there was a ho-ho sound in her throat, and her tears kept flowing.

Zhao Ya understood what the woman meant, she wanted to be relieved.

So Zhao Ya nodded.

"Close your eyes!"

The woman closed her eyes as she said, and Zhao Ya stabbed her throat.

The woman froze all over, and then slowly relaxed, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, as if she was smiling.

Zhao Ya drew his sword and turned around, looking at the rest of the refugees.

Wherever they looked, no one dared to look up.

The tragic death of the man with the scar just now has completely scared the courage of these people.

Zhao Ya thought that he would wipe out all these people in his anger, but seeing these scrawny and injured people all over his body, Zhao Ya suddenly felt bored.

(End of this chapter)

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