A hero drinks red without leaving a bottle

Chapter 101 Dedicate Explosion and Roar of Time to a Wonderful Different World

Chapter 101 Dedicate Explosion and Roar of Time to a Wonderful Different World
In the air 500 meters away from an agricultural and trading town a few kilometers away from Ross Lorien, a nuclear bomb made by the Tyranids from the Koprulu sector of another world exploded.

In a short period of milliseconds, a fireball with a diameter of about two kilometers rose into the sky. This fireball with a temperature comparable to that of the sun instantly engulfed the town.

A small number of elf farmers who were unwilling to evacuate according to the wartime regulations became the first victims of the nuclear explosion. Before they even realized their death, they were instantly vaporized by the fireball at the center of the nuclear bomb—not even their bones were left behind. Burned into a ball of extremely dry ashes by the fireball, it completely lost its shape and drifted away.

Within the absolute damage range of two kilometers, not only the physical body, but even the buildings of the elves and their agricultural dolls evaporated in an instant. Everything within the two kilometers was swallowed by the artificial sun in an instant, like a drop of water There is nothing left in the hot iron pot in an instant.

Only the sound of [嗤] that sounded in the sky and the earth seemed to sound instantly, like the phantom sound of objects evaporating.

When the fireball rose, light radiated to the surroundings like a tsunami, and all the unlucky people who looked at the nuclear explosion center, including the unbelieving observer of the Peace Walker Organization, became blind in an instant.

Although Rose Lorien's defensive circle activated automatic defense against the strong light and began to filter the strong light, the speed of light far exceeded the reaction speed of the city's defensive circle, and there were countless blind people in the elves' capital in an instant- ——When the entire Elf King was covered by the magic circle that became black because of the strong light filtering, the entire interior of the king's capital was already full of elves screaming because they lost their vision instantly.

"My eyes, my eyes can't see!!!" On the hills more than ten kilometers away from Roth Lorien, the male elf of the Peace Walker organization screamed, and was firmly pressed down by his colleague, the female elf. on the ground.

"Don't move around, I'm healing you, don't move around," the female elf's hand was shining with the brilliance of healing spells, she covered her colleague's eyes while trembling in the shadow of the sea of ​​light, "I God, what the hell is that?!"

The female elf has already felt that what rushed out of the fireball was not only a strong light, but also a terrifying high temperature.

The frighteningly high temperature felt by the female elf is precisely the thermal pulse that arrives along with the light radiation. The scorching heat radiation almost instantly extinguishes all flammable things within a radius of about 12 kilometers. set on fire - elven trees, crops, fiber mills for clothes...  
It even included the hair and exposed skin of the patrolmen on the wall of Ross Lorien.

One moment before, the elves were still walking, working or chatting, and in the next moment, all the naked people turned into torches, making horrific screams, burning up, and the skin of the elves who were closer to the explosion center and Like trees, they were instantly carbonized and turned black.

After the first wave of thermal radiation shock wave arrived along with the light, Rose Lorien's city defense circle reacted again after a fatal delay. The second magic circle unfolded, desperately resisting the impact of the sun's heat wave.

The residents of the Elf King's City listened to the horrific howls of the guards who were set on fire on the city wall, looked at the sky covered by the black magic circle, and stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what happened.

Rose Lorien's high wall, magic circle, and Huang Lang's intentional failure to set the explosion center directly above Rose Lorien's three elements combined together, so that the residents of Rose Lorien City escaped the fireball that burned everything, and ignited it. All the thermal radiation impacted, but soon, the elves who maintained and supported the magic circle in the city discovered that their magic circle had to block far more than just strong light and heat...
The nuclear explosion heats and pressurizes the air near the center of the explosion, and the high-temperature and overpressured air spreads to the surroundings at an explosive speed, turning into another heavy damage of the nuclear explosion——shock wave at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, destroying the destructive force Storms stronger than tornadoes push in all directions.

The stone buildings on the outskirts of the town under the nuclear explosion were completely flattened in an instant. Under the blown by the overpressure storm, stones and logs flew in the air; , as if rice grains were thrown into a typhoon, they disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The air shock wave was so strong that on the periphery of the city wall, a mage tower that was nuclear-exploded in front was blown upside down and broken into two pieces.

When the mage tower made of black stones fell, the houses around him were razed to the ground like cards blown down by children.

The upper half of the mage tower crashed to the ground, and most of the mages in the tower were directly buried because they did not react in time. Together with the corpses of these mages, there were also many extremely dangerous flammable materials used for magic experiments in the tower. Explosives, these dangerous substances including unfinished unstable magic crystals collided and shattered, causing a fire.

Fueled by the strong wind and sufficient oxygen brought by the shock wave, the fire quickly turned into a flame storm.

The storm, the fire, and the fragments of the building, together with the shock wave of the nuclear explosion, attacked the city wall of Roth Lorien. With the support of the magic circle, the thousand-year-old city of the elves trembled under the shock wave, screaming, and the shock wave shattered the buildings in the city. Before the magic circle reacted further, various pieces of crystal glass fell from the sky and smashed into the city of Ross Lorien.

Looking at the town outside the city that had been completely destroyed, the burning land, and hearing the screams in the city one after another, the lips of the elf regent Galad couldn't help trembling. It took a long time before he looked away from the outside of the city. Moved away from the black mushroom cloud, looked at the demon king Tissel who also looked astonished and said:

"What is that?! This is what you said that you have fully prepared for the power displayed by the goddess?! What the hell is that?!"

Galad roared, pointing at the mushroom cloud rising outside the city.

The demon king who occupies the body of the human queen Helena is also in a state of losing control of both emotion management and expression management.

As an existence that holds the true [historical text] that has not been erased before eternity thousands of years ago, as an existence that has been fighting for the return of the goddess, and as one of the "demons" who have always considered themselves to be the orthodox descendants of the goddess, Tessel has always been I think she has thoroughly studied the power of the goddess, or [God of Thousand Faces].

【Thousand Faces】It is undoubtedly powerful—the goddess can use all kinds of magic to fight, can resurrect the dead, conjure food out of thin air, even farms, and even transform into a smashing everything during the eternal battle. A monster of arbitrary shape...

But even the goddess who once summoned a meteorite storm has never created such a destruction, a destruction with a radius of more than ten kilometers...
The blinding glare, the high temperature that burned everything, the strong wind that knocked down the mage tower...

Such a long distance has brought so much damage to Ross Lorien...

【If this thing happens to be thrown directly above Rose Lorien...】

For a moment, this terrifying thought flashed through the consciousness of Tissel and Galad.

"If the explosion point is directly above Rose Lorien," Huang Lang looked at the screen from the scene, and looked at the wall of Rose Lorien, which hadn't lost much [HP], and muttered, "Maybe the lethality will be stronger, but, This nuclear bomb has no follow-up radiation damage, which is really great...hehe..."

A real nuclear bomb will only bring down the real horror after the fireball, thermal radiation, and shock wave----the silent and invisible radiation will cover the earth with the shadow of the mushroom cloud, and those who survived near the nuclear explosion will die because of absorbing a large amount of radiation. If they die within a few days or ten days, more people will be tortured by cancers like leukemia for many years to come...
However, the nuclear bombs in StarCraft do not have follow-up radiation damage like the nuclear bombs in Red Alert or the General series, so the terrifying radiation damage did not appear.

The scariest part of the nuclear explosion did not appear, which made Huang Lang very happy—on the one hand, he didn't want to kill unreasonably, on the other hand, the people and forces who would be hostile to him in the future would be killed because of today's nuclear explosion. To defend against high temperature, strong light, and shock waves, but not against truly terrifying radiation...

This thought made Huang Lang laugh in a low voice.

"What are you muttering and laughing about?" Ada asked, frowning, looking at Huang Lang who was sitting there alone, muttering and laughing.

"It's nothing." Huang Lang suppressed his smile, and said to Ada with a calm expression, "Speaking of which, the Dorne family's attack on Ross Lorien is over, why don't you contact your observers."

Ada felt from the bottom of her heart that no matter how powerful a family was, it would be too ridiculous to attack the elves' thousand-year-old king. However, Huang Lang's expression was too confident and resolute, which made Ada hesitate. Through the magic of communication, the observers of the organization around Ross Lorien were contacted.

Listening to the report from over there, the expression on Ada's face changed almost every second, from slightly suspicious at the beginning, to extreme confusion, then from extreme confusion to shock, and finally back to Extremely confused.

However, after the fixed image sent by the observation team was sent back to Ada, I saw the defensive circle activated by Ross Luoli's security force, the town outside the capital that had completely disappeared, the burning and devastated Ada stood there as if frozen.

After a long time, after Elantra snatched the crystal projecting the image from her hand, Ada seemed to come to her senses suddenly, slowly turned her stiff neck, and looked at the calmly drinking When Huang Lang of the water was about to say something, suddenly, Huang Lang spoke first:

"Didn't I say that the Dorn family will show our strength, and after confirming that the demon is related to the turmoil in the world, we will not hold back?"

Huang Lang's words seemed to turn a strange switch in Ada's head, making this poor elf turn from a statue to flesh in an instant——Ada swooped and jumped in front of Huang Lang , grabbed Huang Lang's shoulder and shouted loudly:

"What is that?! What did you do to Rose Lorien?!"

Looking at Ada who looked like a madman in front of him, Huang Lang felt a little relieved-although the elf in front of him was fighting for an underground organization and idea, he was still an elf after all, and he loved elves very much Elf, she joined the underground organization to fight for peace, after all, because she thought it was best for the elves...

【Seeing that the elf king is really being attacked right now, it’s not surprising that she is like this... No, it’s better to say this...】

With some thoughts in his mind, Huang Lang gently put his hand on the back of Ada's hand, and said softly:
"Don't be afraid, don't worry, Rose Lorien should not be damaged, and the surrounding towns have already been evacuated to prevent strategic magic strikes. The only damage is some houses and fields, which will be repaired soon."

What Huang Lang said was half-truth and half-false——true, because the nuclear bomb had no radiation, so it could indeed be rebuilt after the flames were extinguished, and it was true that not many people died; false, because he didn’t tell Ada that it was estimated Many people will be blind for a while, and some people will be severely burned...  
Just when Ada was skeptical and still digesting some information, Elantra who was next to him held the image spar with trembling hands, turned his head, and shouted to Huang Lang almost roaring:

"You want to put such a weapon in the king's capital of the orcs?!"

Looking at the village that had completely disappeared, the devastated and burning land, and the magic circle with the defense at its maximum, Elantra compared the orc and elf kings in his mind, and felt that if this thing fell on the head of the orc king ……..
You must know that the orcs have always advocated offense, disliked defense, and focused on the construction of the vision battle legion instead of city defense. As for the defense of the orc city, if it is concentrated by this weapon...
Maybe the entire capital will be razed to the ground...
"Don't get excited," Huang Lang waved his hand at Elantra, "I do intend to use this weapon, but I won't put it directly above the Beast King's Capital. I've seen the map. In the west of the Beast King's Capital, there are two Huge reservoirs, isn't it? I'm going to use one of these weapons there and destroy one of the reservoirs. …"

"The water flow of the mother river, Algora, will be released.....Are you planning to use the river to attack the defense of the capital? I'm glad you don't want to use this terrible weapon to directly attack the capital..." Hearing Huang Lang say this , Elantra calmed down a little.

【At least not now...】

Huang Lang sighed silently in his heart, and then began to explain his plan to Elantra.

Ada and Elantra, while listening, looked at the scene of destruction on the outskirts of Rose Lorien, trembling in their hearts, and asking questions——[Dorn's house, what kind of monsters are they made of? 】

At the same time, another pair of eyes was also looking at the ruined outskirts of Ross Lorien. These eyes belonged to a giant dragon hovering high in the sky.

Red irises, black pupils, and several light blue lines on its body. It looks more like a dinosaur from Huang Lang's hometown. The giant dragon finally stared at the land below in a state of destruction, and his body was transported in the distortion of time and space. gone.

As if it had never been here before.

 Ah, a reader asked if it could be more
  To be honest, really, I also want to. I have 1 collections now, but the average subscription is more than 500, one-twentieth. If this number can rise to 20 average subscriptions, I can write full-time, but there is no way

  Some people will say, [Ah, you just don’t want to take risks and start a business. You write full-time, and your income will increase soon]

  Maybe it is true, but the person who said that would not be responsible for my life, would he?If I fail, they will at most shrug their shoulders and say [Entrepreneurship is risky]

  So, in a short time, only 4000 per day

  Then, ah, combined with the title and the description of the appearance of the dragon at the end, can you guess part of the truth about the dragon family?

(End of this chapter)

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