A hero drinks red without leaving a bottle

Chapter 102 The reason why the people who participated in Hawking's time traveler's dinner

Chapter 102 The reason why the people who participated in Hawking's time traveler's dinner did not show up
Above the planet, in the dark universe like the deep sea where life was born, where the 45-degree hyperbola of time and space intersect, at the point where Schwarzschild's four space-time intersect, there is a black sphere that looks like a black sphere The weird existence of the black sphere flashed past, and after the black sphere flashed past, the space spit out something like a spring bed bounced.

There was a [Crash] sound in the silent universe.

The strange giant dragon that was overlooking the nuclear explosion on the ground just now returned to the [horizon range].

It has a metallic texture all over its body, with blue stripes all over its body, and a halo like thorns around its body. Stepping out from the space-time vision just now, the blue five sides on the chest of this strange blue dragon The diamond-shaped diamond gradually faded, and in it, a miniature black sphere that had just appeared in the universe gradually disappeared.

"R=0, I observed that G returned to the normal range," the blue dragon muttered a few words, sticking out its pink tongue, with some tiredness and joy in its eyes, it looked up into the distance, and was floating in the The huge structure on the dark side of the planet's moon nodded, "Ah, it's really great to be so close this time... oh hehe..."

Speaking, the blue dragon, which is more like a dinosaur than a giant dragon, is like a pony on a green trip, kicking its steps, stepping on the void universe, and walking towards the structure of the dark side of the moon at a speed of 20 times the speed of sound per second body.

It was a huge cylinder with a diameter of about five kilometers and a length of tens of kilometers. The cylinder was slowly rotating. At first glance, it seemed to be some kind of huge meteorite, but as the blue dragon approached, The structure is becoming less and less like a natural creation-the cylinder is full of oppressive metallic luster, and there are countless warning lights flickering.

The blue dragon was pacing and approaching. Suddenly, in the vacuum where sound could not travel, a slightly joyful voice sounded in its consciousness:

"This is the Central Dragon Island Port Management Center. The Dragon Clan is approaching. There is no established request to enter the port at the moment. Please verify your identity. Otherwise... what is it? It is Lord Diyaluka, and you are going to meet the Goddess again gone?"

"Liuli," the blue dragon known as Dialga responded gently, "Why is it so rare that you are not writing your set collection and came to the port to be on duty?"

"Liuhua is a bit sick today, so I'm here to take over. The relationship is like this. Since it's Lord Dialga, then I don't care about you. You can come in by yourself. I have another entry here. Go work on that first."

After all, the black-haired girl cut off the communication with Dialga, and focused on the port entry procedure in front of her.

Even if Dragon Island has been sprayed with a nuclear pulse engine at this moment, the flying dragon Afreddi-Firewing (the dragon negotiating with the dwarves in Chapter 3 of the second volume) still needs to travel at a speed of 23 times the speed of sound. Only by reducing the relative speed between herself and Dragon Island to about 0.5 meters per second can she safely complete the port entry procedure, and not only that, Dragon Island's own defense system also needs to be adjusted accordingly for the returning giant dragon.

"Dragon Island, Dragon Island, this is Afreddie-Firewing is approaching, please enter the port through Gate 3." The black-haired girl Wugeng Liuli (from the game 300 heroes) heard the dragon Afur Diddy's voice.

"Afreddie-Huoyi, the identity verification is complete," Wugeng Liuli looked at the light screen on the right side of her body, and after the comfortable reclining chair-style operation console turned slightly, her slender fingers operated on the light screen Get up, "This is the Central Dragon Island [Tiangong] port control room. It is confirmed that Afreddie-Fire Wing is approaching. Please release the weapon alert near Gate 3 immediately."

As the girl's voice fell, the gate on the side of the huge cylindrical dragon island began to move, like an arthropod retracting the countless feet into the body, and the countless joint turrets, missile launchers and magic shields that were exposed just now were moved. The shield generators retracted again.

The flaming dragon Afreddi looked at everything in front of him, full of pride in his heart:

This is one of the ultimate secrets of the Dragon Clan. More than 1000 years ago, under the order of the Goddess, a group of creatures called Kerbals, created by the Goddess like her port administrators, took the dragons that were originally floating in the sky. The new Dragon Island, built after the island was launched into the stars, is imperceptible to the native creatures still bound by gravity!

This is one of the residences of the dragon clan, and according to the goddess, the huge [cosmic colony satellite] and the battle fortress against the [ultimate evil] are the combination of the magic of the hometown, the power of the dragon clan, and the miracle of the goddess Land of Miracles!

"The port entry procedure has been completed, and the disarmament of gate 3 has been completed. Please enter the port from gate 3 to port area 7. How is the negotiation with the dwarves, Alfreddi?" Five shifts sounded in the consciousness of the flame dragon. Lucy's cheerful voice.

"It's considered a success. The dwarves didn't join the war, but this time the war has had interesting developments."

"Ah, why did you say the same thing as Lord Dialga?" The black-haired girl recalled what Dialga the Dragon of Time had just said to her, and pursed her lips, "【This war has an interesting development ], Lord Dialga really said exactly the same thing just now, did you see the same thing?"

"Improbable." Seemingly infected by the girl's cheerful tone, the corners of Fire Dragon's mouth opened a little, "Lord Dialga probably saw something from another dimension, or went to the demigod soul of Lady Goddess." After seeing the goddess in the sleeping place, the enlightenment I got may not be the same as what I saw with my naked eyes."

The girl and the dragon were chatting happily. Suddenly, Dialga's gentle and oppressive words came from the communication connection between the two:

"No, this time, I also saw it with the naked eye."

"Hey?! Lord Dialga?!" The girl exclaimed X2
"Since you want to say something private, be careful not to use the public port channel next time," Dialka's message was tinged with a little pampering and a little helplessness, "I heard everything you said."

"I will definitely pay attention next time," the consciousness communication came, and a black-haired girl bowed desperately in the minds of Dialka and Afreddi at the same time, "But the two of you actually said exactly the same thing, really It's very interesting, I don't know if you saw the same thing?"

Then, before the flame dragon could reply, Dialga answered first:

"Indeed, it's just that I was hiding in the crack at the time, and I was standing relatively high. Afreddi, who was hovering below, didn't notice it."

"So, Lord Dialga, you also saw that terrible explosion?" Afreddi responded curiously.

"Terrible explosion," Wu Geng Liuli exclaimed through the communication link, "Wait, why did you two call the terrible explosion an interesting thing!"

"Well, although it was a terrible explosion, the person who released the explosion was very careful, so the casualties were not too great, but that is not the main thing. Lord Dialga must have felt it too. The heart, the reaction in the [fusion reactor] built by the Kerbals, has some similarities, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, that's why I rushed back and wanted to confirm with the elders of the Dragon Clan and the Kerbals. If so, then maybe the prophecy we've been waiting for for thousands of years has really come true? "

"If that's the case, it's a really exciting time."

After saying such a sentence, Afreddie-Fire Wing found himself in front of the No. [-] port gate of Central Dragon Island.

Above the circular port, there is a sculpture that cannot be corroded by the low temperature of the universe, radiation, and solar wind. The large word "Tiangong" hangs there. The metal plate of the screen is generally opened, revealing the passage inside.

The lights that symbolize the integration of magic and technology are lit up one after another, guiding the way Afoldedi moves forward.

"The final stage of the port entry process, welcome home, Alfreddi."

The voice of Five Watches Liuli came from the dragon's mind, making her face smile from the bottom of her heart. Under the magic light, the huge body of the dragon changed, and finally turned into a red-haired A young girl, her red hair is floating gently among the windless stars - it is the light blue superconducting force field that is guiding her home.

Witnessed by the silence of the stars, the giant dragon transformed into a red-haired girl was slowly sucked into the central dragon island [Tiangong] by an invisible force like an angel returning home in the blue force field.

"Hey," the red-haired human-shaped giant dragon girl stepped on the ground in the port area, stretched her hands like a bird with wings, and said intoxicated, "It landed perfectly, very good!"

Crack, clap, clap... Scattered applause came from the port, and Afredidi opened his eyes, and saw a giant dragon in the image of a blue-haired elf standing there, holding back his laughter and applauding with his face flushed.

"What, if you're here, Hodir, don't keep silent." The dragon girl's face was also stained with a blush, "Why, you are here to go on a mission?"

"Yeah," the Ice Dragon Boy nodded, and while walking towards the departure ejection channel of the port, he handed a suspicious-looking canister to Afreddi, "How about it, do you want some Helium III?"

Seeing the jar, a look of astonishment flashed across the face of Fire Dragon Girl, and then that astonishment turned into helplessness, she shook her head and said:

"Eating helium-[-] directly will not make your dragon's breath stronger. You have to find Kerbals to fuel you, and will you rely too much on dragon's breath? If your magic is not refined, The elders will take care of you..."

"Stop, stop...," the ice dragon boy made a stop gesture, and jumped onto the catapult next to him, "You are still young, please don't enter the old mother form so early, I will go first, goodbye!"

After all, the catapult flashed a burst of blue light, sending the ice dragon boy into the eternal darkness of the universe.

Looking at the ice dragon boy who disappeared into the distance, Afreddi patted his forehead helplessly, then passed through the air gate and the accordion-like retractable passage, and came to a place full of sunlight, air and gravity. Inside Dragon Island:
The artificial sun running through the entire Dragon Island is emitting soft quasi-stellar light. The original Dragon Island launched from the planet into the universe is floating in the air at this moment. Under those huge floating islands, there is a combination of classical and modern styles. In towns and cities, the short Kerbals and the generally tall dragons live together harmoniously.

Among the dragons and Kerbals in anthropomorphic form, you can still see many monsters with strange shapes from time to time. Afredidi knows that they are the biological group named [Pokémon] left by the goddess—— After the Eternal War thousands of years ago, except for a few Pokémon who were mixed with local monsters to raise their offspring, most of the Pokémon followed the central dragon island and flew into the stars, living on each dragon island. among.


Such a cry came from next to his ear, and Afredidi turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw a monster named Pikachu that looked like a big mouse, using its own electricity to activate the rotor suit, and flew to his side.

"Pika, Pika, Pika?" Pikachu tilted his head and looked at Afurdade.

"Oh, check."

After hearing the meaning of Pikachu who was performing official duties, Afreddi quickly handed a magic crystal to Pikachu's little paw. The magic crystal emitted a soft light. Pikachu nodded in satisfaction and returned the magic crystal to Pikachu. The red dragon flew away with the rotor suit printed with [City Management].

The red dragon installed the magic crystal, and the cute small dragon wings protruding from the back vibrated twice, pushing her to cut through the sky and fly to the largest floating island at the end of the central dragon island. On it, With the oldest temple of the dragon clan, there are some things that she must report to the elders together with Dialga.

After greeting the guards of the temple, after flying into the temple, Afredidi flew straight to the deepest hall of the temple, where she saw Dialga standing there, a group of dragons and Kamba There are elders who pull people, and there are several Pokémon elders who have been with the goddess since the goddess came more than 1000 years ago.

Afreddi hurriedly stood next to Dialka, waiting for her turn, and quickly reported her success in preventing the dwarves from participating in the battle, the nuclear explosion she observed, and other important events.

"The fusion weapon is basically confirmed to be another Thousand Faces, the elder brother of the Goddess," a Kerbal elder nodded after listening to the fire dragon girl's report, "If this is the case, what has been waiting for thousands of years The time has come, do you agree with this?"

There were echoing voices in the hall, and one hand or claw was raised one after another. The Kerbal elder looked around the hall and nodded in satisfaction. Suddenly, his expression of satisfaction froze, and he stared at the hall. After staring at a seat for a long time, a roar resounded throughout the hall:

"Where did Raynor Jackson, the dragon scum, go!!!"

In the universe, a small head with a hat protruded from the pocket of the galloping ice dragon Hodir.

"I said, Master Jackson, I will take you out at risk, and the benefits you promised will be fulfilled." Hodir looked down at the dragon elder who had been transformed and shrunk.

"Don't worry, boy, the millennium prophecy time has come, and we are all going to make a fortune!"

Two heads, one big and one small, stared at the blue planet ahead.

 Well, Huang Lang's younger sister, Huang Shuang, does play a lot of girly games, such as big thick legs, Stardew Valley

  But she's also a teenage girl with a romance and passion for the future and the stars, and she plays Kerbal space program stuff
  Moreover, because she is a genius girl, she also likes to play cards, so, is she a serious Hearthstone fan?

  That is, I don't want to create a stereotype—boys don't have to be all Hack and Slash, and girls don't have to be pink and girly all the time, right?

  That's how I play games myself, I play games that are fun, not one kind of thing.

  I hope my story can also be like this, full of brilliance and surprises.

  Now you know, thousands of years ago, her sister sent dragons and kerbals into space at some last moment.

  Some readers commented that I said that the plot is watery, the words are procrastinated, and I speak from the heart-full-time work, I still have to pay 4000 a day, and then I can’t be old-fashioned, and I have to have time to absorb new things. I deliberately procrastinate a little bit, and I am also very pain.

  Today, I don’t procrastinate, I don’t procrastinate, and I give full play to 50%. To be honest, I don’t want to procrastinate. But now at the starting point, if you don’t have 4000 editors and readers a day, you will be helpless

(End of this chapter)

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