The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 101 The war has no suspense!

Chapter 101 The war has no suspense!

The battle was over, and the last male drow was held down by the four-color team and couldn't move. He could only look up at the scout drone.

And Dragon is also observing the drow from the drone.Similar to what was recorded in the Dragon's Legacy, light-colored hair and dark skin, unfortunately not a female drow.

He was quite curious about how the female drow with a good service attitude was specially emphasized in the inheritance of the dragon. Of course, he was just purely curious.

"Tell me, where are my employees?"

Dragon's slightly disappointed voice came from the drone.

"You mean the green-scaled kobold?"

The male drow heard the impatience hidden in his voice, swallowed, and his attitude became more humble, "Captain Keszhuo took it and the adamantine ore, and returned to the main army to report to the eldest daughter."

"Big unit?"

Dragon raised his spirits, "How many are there?"

"About 3000," the male drow replied cautiously, "Two-thirds of them are slave laborers, and the rest are warriors, of all races."

With more than 1000 elite soldiers and an underground environment, Dragon was a little annoyed.

"Your dungeon is very close to here?"

"Not close, not close at all!"

Male Drow shook his head again and again, "Leading our eldest daughter is from the Yoshis family, and was sent by the mistress of the family to establish a new stronghold! We walked for more than two months before we came here!"

In this case, it seems that it is not impossible to fight. Dragon pondered. If high-level spellcasters are not considered, then the kobold who has learned how to shoot a gun can definitely beat the hard-working fighter.

And Dragon can also call for off-field support at any time, this battle can be fought!
But the war must not lose money, they are all sent to the frontier, what value can these black-skinned elves have?
You can't catch them to open a nightclub in Sanhe City, can you?
Hey, it seems like an idea.

Moreover, nightclubs are too low-end, and the speed of money coming in is too slow. Dragon can definitely catch a few drow priests to conduct live broadcasts. If there is no Internet, then offline.

Thinking of this, Dragon immediately made up his mind.



"I want you to build a fortress underground! No matter what, block the drow's attack!"


Black was very excited, "All kobolds are willing to die for His Majesty the Dragon King!"

Dragon nodded slightly, but only the kobolds felt unsafe. He confirmed the specific location of the adamantine mine through the signal sent by the drone.

150 meters underground, this depth is much better than his birth point, and it shouldn't take long to dig a tunnel leading directly to the adamantine mine.

"Take action!"

The employees of the Iron and Steel Mechanical Dragon United Chamber of Commerce began to get busy. 500 meters underground, Keszhuo, who was sitting on the back of a giant spider, stretched out his hand, let a small spider crawl on the palm of his hand, and put it to his ear to listen carefully.

"They're all dead?"

"Flames, explosions, and constructs that can accurately detect targets?"

"This is really interesting..."

She casually threw the spider back to the ground, turned her head to look at Gerun who was wrapped in spider webs, and smiled slightly.

"That Mechanical Dragon King of yours is pretty powerful. He didn't do anything himself at all. He only sent three constructs to take care of my four useless subordinates."

"Then you must be a little scared now, right?"

Gerrun said the hardest words in the most flattering tone, "Why don't you let me go back, so that I can help you mediate in front of the great Mechanical Dragon King, and then you can also serve the Dragon King. Everyone will turn enemies into friends, and there will be happiness Wouldn't the future be wonderful?"

"It's too early to say surrender now, isn't it?"

A crazy smile suddenly appeared on the cold face of the drow ranger, "Now I have not accomplished an inch, and I will not be rewarded for surrendering. How about I help him kill all the drow elves and eradicate future troubles, what do you think?"

"Ah heh heh heh heh heh..."

" are so humorous."

Gerun also laughed embarrassingly, but he was cursing in his heart, "If you don't surrender, you won't surrender. Why do you say such goblins don't believe it?"
Take a kobold for a fool?
Just as it was silently cursing, the giant spider suddenly spoke.

"Idiot, Master Keszhuo didn't ask you!"

"My mighty master, will you feed this green-scaled fool to the loyal Kuspite?"

"This little thing is most likely an employee of 'his'," Kestriel reminded with a smile, "You know who I'm talking about, Kuspett."

"Actually, I was joking," the giant spider laughed awkwardly.

In the rugged underground environment, the eleven-legged giant spider was fast. In less than half an hour, Keszhuo rushed back to the position of the drow army.

Without any notification, Keszhuo's progress was unimpeded, and the huge eleven-legged spider was the best proof of identity.

In the entire Yoshis family, and even in all the dungeons known to these drow elves, there is only one who can summon and control these monster spiders with a challenge level of up to level 13.

Legendary Ranger, Spider Princess Kestrel!

No drow know why she joined the exile's ranks, and the most widely speculated is that she is carrying out a conspiracy from the Spider Queen.

Therefore, no drow dared to block her pet cold spider, and they had to do their best to help her remove all obstacles on her way.

The huge cold spider came all the way to the tent belonging to the eldest daughter, and the clever servant had already got into the tent and passed on after a long distance.

Soon, a priestess with wet thighs walked out of the tent wearing only a silk scarf, and looked at Keszhuo with a friendly and obedient smile.

"My dear Kestri, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Dear eldest daughter, don't be so nervous, I'm here to give you a gift."

Keszhuo smiled and threw the fine gold ore to the priestess, "A fine gold mine with a lot of reserves, are you interested?"

Greedy light flashed in the eyes of the priestess, "Adamantite?"

She played with the ore repeatedly, and her smile became sweeter.

"Of course, my princess, who can refuse such a treasure."

"Unless the owner of the treasure is too powerful."

She added again.

"What if the owner of the treasure is just a teenage metal dragon."

"That would be wonderful!"

The face of the priestess was flushed, "Metal dragon, even my venerable mother has never tasted a metal dragon. I heard that there are two dragons? I am looking forward to it."

As she spoke, she licked her lips and looked at Keszhuo with more docile eyes.

"Of course, that metal dragon must belong to your trophy, just allow me to borrow it for a while."

"You know I'm not interested in that kind of thing," Kestrel smiled calmly, "I just want to see blood flow into rivers."

"Go and form an army, respected eldest daughter."

"The outcome of this war is beyond doubt."

"Follow your will."

(End of this chapter)

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