The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 102 The Kobolds Received a New Batch of Equipment

Chapter 102 The kobolds have received a batch of new equipment...

In Star Fort, Julia, who was in a light sleep, suddenly opened her eyes and looked into the distance.

"what happened?"

Catherine, who was applying a mask, immediately came over and held her hand worriedly.

"Anything uncomfortable?"

"I seem to hear someone trying to harm Mr. Dragon," Julia muttered to herself, but her eyes became colder.

"You despicable Bichi, what are you thinking..."

In the drow army, the face of the priestess changed abruptly.

Just now, her connection with the Spider Queen was simply and roughly severed.

"how is this possible……"

She held the holy emblem uneasily and silently prayed to the Spider Queen, but it was useless, an inexplicable fog had surrounded her, and she could no longer perceive the Spider Queen's sight.

"What happened."

Keszhuo looked at her with a half-smile.

After a brief silence, the priestess smiled.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little excited when I think of the taste of a metal dragon."

She didn't dare to let any existence know that she had lost the Spider Queen's attention.For a drow priest, nothing is more terrifying.

The drow priest who lost the attention of the Spider Queen, had the best luck to become the birth mother, and would spend the rest of his life working hard for the continuation of the drow elves.

A little bit worse is the popular top card in the red light district in the lower city. Although it is hard and tiring, and it will be ridden by all kinds of males who look down on it, it is still a job, and you can survive if you have a skill.

Even if she is sold to the bottomless abyss to be the sister of the abyss, it is not unacceptable to the drow priests, as long as she is not made into a spider elf!
It would be really miserable if it was made into a spider elf. The kind of pain that could never be reborn would definitely make any drow priest with a heart stronger than a spider's scorpion feel scared out of control.

So the priestess didn't dare to reveal the fact that she had been abandoned by the Spider Queen, so she could only bite the bullet and agree with Keszhuo's proposal.

"Please rest assured, my dear princess, a mere juvenile dragon will never be a match for our army."

As she spoke, she looked around, drow warriors, gray dwarves, tauren, sporemen, orcs, werewolves, ratmen, copper bulls, hobgoblins, dog demons, petrified lizards, giant geckos, dire bats...

All the soldiers I saw had a set of armor, and even the war beasts wore chain armor.

Seeing this powerful army, the fearful heart of the priestess gradually calmed down.

As long as she takes down the adamantine vein and the metal dragon, she will surely regain the Spider Queen's attention!
On the ground, Dragon, who was digging a tunnel with the dragon wing shield machine, suddenly sneezed.

"Huh? Someone must have said I'm handsome behind my back!"

He touched his nose and continued to dig down.Behind him, hundreds of kobolds were busy reinforcing the tunnel with wooden stakes.

When Dragon was not as big as Nesario, the tunnel he dug with dragon wings could allow two dragon girls to climb up and down.

Now Dragon's longest wingtip is more than four meters long, and the tunnel dug out by turning around can even make giants walk with their chests upright.

Soil and rock are nothing compared to super steel. Even if he encounters a particularly strong rock formation occasionally, he can let Nero pour a cloud of cold water after heating it with fire. The progress of the tunnel is very fast, and it can advance tens of meters in less than a day.

In the vertical depth, Dragon's progress is already very fast, but the priestess who is eager to get the Spider Queen's attention is even faster than him!
As soon as the kobold's fortress had dug trenches and bunkers, she had forced the mage drow to widen the underground passage, and the first batch of cannon fodder to die had already entered the underground cave with torches.


A group of humanoid rats in leather armor rushed into the cave, and the kobolds who had been prepared immediately hid behind the bunker and fired their guns.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
The gunfire was still not very regular, but the volley of dozens of needle guns was still very powerful.

The first dozen or so ratmen were directly beaten into sieves, and the poor leather armor couldn't hold the 11mm caliber lead bullets at all.The rest of the ratmen panicked for a while, but under the cold gaze of the Zordu team, they could only suppress their fear and rush towards the kobolds.

"Go ahead!"

"Don't be afraid! The musket can only fire one round!"


The ratmen cheered each other up, but the kobolds who finished loading immediately gave them a fatal blow.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
Another round of volleys fired, and the charging Ratmen knocked down a third, and then the kobolds with double-barreled shotguns also opened fire.

Bang bang bang bang!
The 10-caliber shotgun hit the body, and it basically smashed the body with one shot.The firepower density of the double-barreled shotguns was greater than that of the needle-fired guns. Less than twenty double-barreled shotguns shot half of the remaining ratmen in one round.

Even the undead and Zerg couldn't afford to be killed like this before seeing the enemy's battle damage ratio exceeded [-]%.

The Ratmen fled in a hurry, even throwing away their torches and escaped from the cave in embarrassment.

The priestess, who was watching the battle with spells in the distance, looked slightly cold, and turned to order her servant.

"Go, chop up those deserters and feed them to their kind."

Then she looked at Keszhuo again, and carefully suggested: "Their weapons are a bit strange, and the servants may not be their opponents."

Kestrel glanced at the priestess calmly, and his smile became more playful.

"Go ahead and do it, you are the commander of this army."

"I have no interest in your position. If I really wanted to gain power, Qianshi City would have been mine long ago."

"Of course, your wisdom and strength are as mysterious as a spider's web." The priestess, who was not even ranked in Qianshi City, could only show an embarrassed but polite smile when she heard this.

So angry!Are the chosen ones of the Queen of God special?The chosen people of the God Empress can do whatever they want!
If I were the chosen one of the God Empress, would I still be like this now?
The more the priestess thought about it, the angrier she became, and she whipped the other servant with a whip.

"Trash! What are you doing here! Let the tauren attack immediately!"

"Prepare steel shields for them! Let the mage cast bloodlust on them!"

Soon, the kobolds who repelled a round of attack had no time to cheer, and the sound of heavy footsteps sounded in the cave.

By the light of the torches abandoned by the ratmen, the kobolds saw five colossal beasts!

They have a robust human body and a bull's head. They are nearly four meters tall. They wear heavy chain armor. The shields they hold are bigger than the door panels, and the surface of the shields also shines with metallic luster.

A large army of hobgoblins followed them at a distance, waiting for the monsters to break through the kobold defenses before attacking.

"Damn, we're in trouble!"

Reid ran to Black quickly, and asked anxiously, "What should I do? Do you want to ask the boss for tactical guidance?"

Black shook his head resolutely, "No need, the boss has already guessed that Long Ears will send out heavy equipment monsters, and specially gave me a brand new piece of equipment."

Saying that, it tore off the canvas that was covering it, revealing a big gun more than two meters long!

(End of this chapter)

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