The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 103 How dare they disobey my order

Chapter 103 How dare they disobey my order
This thing is specially obtained by Dragon from Elu Cat. It was originally used to serve the raptors from all walks of life. Now it is used to fight the mere four-meter-tall Tauren. It is simply relaxing and enjoyable!

"Help me hold on!"

After playing with muskets for a while, Blake also knew that the larger the caliber, the greater the recoil. He specially asked Rhett to help, then aimed at the leading tauren, slowly held the bolt, and pulled hard, but the bolt did not move at all.


"Why can't you pull it!"

Black was a little panicked. Seeing that the five earth tanks were about to start charging, but his anti-tank weapons had problems. Isn't this too embarrassing?

In the end, Dragon, who was still observing with a drone, couldn't stand it anymore, and gave instructions.

"Come a few more kobolds to pull together, and you can find something to support the butt of the gun. I'm afraid the recoil of this thing will smash your shoulder."

Blake hurriedly called a few more kobolds to work together, and it took all the strength of mining to successfully load the heavy crossbow.

At this time, the five tauren had already begun to charge with their heads sullen. The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the cave, causing many kobolds to fire directly nervously.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
Two lead bullets of different calibers hit the steel shield, only to be bounced away with a jingle, leaving at most one bullet crater.

Seeing this, the kobold's morale plummeted. Fortunately, there was the last self-destructing drone.

Dragon directly controls the drone to take off, activates the rocket boost and rushes directly to the middle of the tauren.

boom! ! !
The 1.5kg TNT explosion directly blew the nearest tauren into pieces, and two other tauren were directly overturned by the explosion, and their bodies became mature.

Only the two tauren who were farthest from the explosion point survived by chance. Although unknown number of fragments had been put into their bodies and how many of their organs were still intact, they still rushed towards the kobolds crazily under the effect of bloodlust. .

"Finally finished!"

At this moment, Black finally finished preparing to launch the heavy crossbow. It quickly aimed at the nearest tauren and pulled the trigger with all its strength.

collapse! ! !
A thunderous explosion sounded in the cave, a huge shell case thicker than a baby's arm was thrown from the barrel, and a huge armor-piercing bullet with a caliber close to 30MM was fired from the barrel, easily piercing through the thick iron shield in the hands of the tauren, tearing apart the thick and thick iron shield of the tauren. The arm tore out a hole in its sturdy body that was bigger than the washbasin.

The tauren fell to the ground without saying a word, and Blake aimed at the last tauren with a grin, gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger.

collapse! ! !
The reloaded tauren are all wiped out!
Black's scapula was also scrapped. Although the butt of the gun had been supported by a wooden stick, this monster weapon, which should be called a battle-anti-cannon instead of a heavy crossbow, was not something normal people could use alone, let alone a kobold.

"Priest! Where's the priest!"

"Hurry up! There are wounded here!"

After some probing, the drow killed a group of slaves, and the kobold commander was slightly injured.

It can be said that the two parties meet each other in chess and will meet good talents.But for the commanders of both parties, this is absolutely unacceptable!
"Damn long ears!"

Blake was bandaged and yelled, "You bullied us before the Dragon King came, and you bullied us after the Dragon King came!"

"Didn't the Dragon King come in vain!"

Drow Station
"Cowards! Traitors! Idiots! They're all trash!"

The priestess cursed indistinctly, "Damn hobgoblins! I let them attack! That's an order! How dare they disobey my order!"

"Has the matter reached this point?"

"I should have fed them all to the spiders!"


Hearing feeding the spider, the huge cold spider instantly raised its head and looked at the priestess with great interest.

"Excuse me, Priest of the Spider Queen, what did you just say?"

"Feed them to the spiders."

The priestess gave the order coldly, "Let those hobgoblins pay half of their own lives to feed our spider friends."

"How generous you are!"

The cold spider smiled and applauded her.

The priestess forced a smile, although she could understand why the hobgoblins retreated without fighting. After all, even the heavily armored tauren had been knocked out, and they could only be sent to death.

But after losing her magic, she could only use the most brutal attitude to bluff, so as to deter every drow who had a different heart.

Of course, except for Keszhuo, the legendary ranger can't be provoked, not to mention that she has no magic skills now, even if she still has magic skills, whether she can beat the cold spider is still a problem.

This seemingly bloated, brainless monster can actually cast the spell-like ability of the highest seven rings!
Many drow mages can't reach this height in their lifetime!

Thinking of this, the priestess was jealous and angry, wishing to kill Keszhuo and take everything from her.

Kestrel knew the emotions of the priestess well, but she didn't bother to care what a ghost who was still alive thought of her.Anyway, she has endured this rubbish for a long time, and it's no big deal to bear it for a while longer.

"Come on, come on..."

She smiled silently, her eyes were as cold as everlasting ice.

This disgusting race should have been destroyed a long time ago, that unknown mechanical dragon king, if you are really the existence I have been waiting for for a long time, then quickly destroy everything!
"Ah QIU!"

Dragon suddenly sneezed a little, "What's the situation? Did Drow secretly speak ill of me? It's endless, right?"

Dragon is getting a little angry. It's okay for these damn drows to rob him of his mine, but they still scold him if they don't?
"Sooner or later, Tutu will catch you!"

He gritted his teeth and cursed, then increased the digging power, and went straight to the underground mine.

After some explorations in the underground cave, it was found that the hard-working infantry was useless, so the drow elves went straight to the real thing.

Babu demon, barbed demon, ghost, demon soul corpse, ghost, corpse demon, bound spirit...

One vicious monster after another has been summoned by drow spellcasters to form the bulk of the attack.But before the main force enters the field, there must be new cannon fodder to attract firepower.


A group of troglodytes at the lowest end of the Underdark were pressed onto the battlefield by the drow, and they wanted to use their bodies to clear the way for the main force.

These little monsters, also belonging to the reptilian category, are five feet tall and weigh 150 pounds, and they are stronger than the kobolds in any statistic.

Normally, a troglodyte can easily tear apart a weak kobold.

It's a pity that the kobolds now have muskets.

"Fuck this bunch of despicable reptiles to death!"

The moment the Kobold saw the Zhan Lizard, his eyes turned red. Only his peers are Chi Guoguo's hatred!There was no need for Black to boost morale, and the kobolds who were worried about their positions fired wildly.

Although Dragon's dragon legs are thick, they can't hold anything.

The little troglodytes still want to steal the position of our kobolds?

Go to hell you!

Bullets were pouring down like rain, and each troglodyte was shot to the ground screaming.

The male drow mage hiding behind watching the battle watched everything expressionlessly. He didn't turn his head to look at the demons and devils until the kobold's aura gradually cooled down and the intensity of gunfire began to decrease.

"Now it's your turn."

(End of this chapter)

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