The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 104 The Great Retreat of the Adamantite Mine

Chapter 104 The Great Retreat of the Adamantite Mine
The barbed devil said nothing, but he didn't move either.

Babumo grinned grimly and said, "The price has changed, fifty intelligent life souls, don't try to fool me with the lizard man's trash."

"That's not the same as what you said!"

Master Drow's voice gradually became low.

"Why didn't you say that the muskets held by those kobolds can fire continuously!"

The Babu Demon looked at the drow mage without fear. As a devil, the barb demon didn't mean to add trouble to his old enemy, the devil, and also stared at the drow mage with a cold gaze.

"Don't play with fire, drow, you can't afford to fool the devil."

After a brief silence, the drow mage took a step back.

"Yes! Fifty souls of intelligent life! The premise is that you must defeat the kobold army! Otherwise, you will never take anything away!"


Babumo spat on the ground, and cursed in a low voice that many elves could hear, "Dark Drow! I remember you, don't let me see your mother in the abyss, otherwise I will definitely Take good care of her!"

"At that time, you have to work harder and count my share."

The Barb Demon sneered.

The drow mage stared at the two Nether creatures expressionlessly, and asked until they both felt bored, "Have you finished laughing? Go attack after laughing."

"By the way, I have several sisters who also work in the abyss. I sincerely hope that you can kill those bitch directly."

"How about I give you another piece of magic equipment?"

Well, this type of swearing is a no-brainer for the drow.

Babumo spit again, looked at the kobold position with his head, and sneered.

"Braves in the material world, watch out, this is how spells are used!"

Saying that, it disappeared directly from the spot, and appeared behind the kobold's bunker in an instant!
Advanced Teleportation!

"Go to hell! Poor reptiles!"

Laughing wildly, it impaled a kobold with its lance, then summoned demons, and as luck would have it, a babau answered its call.He came to the material world happily, and before he could breathe the sweet air, the summoned Babu Demon heard a strange dragon language.


Black roared with red eyes, and a dozen rounds of bullets of different calibers blasted the summoned Babu Demon into a sieve in an instant.

The unlucky babmo was kicked back into the abyss in an instant, and it was so angry that it could only jump and curse in the abyss.

"Geneva! Money back!"

The first Babu demon disappeared again with advanced teleportation, leaving only the insane laughter echoing in the cave.

"Hahaha, did you see that idiot's expression? It's so ridiculous!"

The Babu Demon, who had successfully tricked his compatriots into laying guns, laughed wildly, and then looked at the Barb Demon.

"Do it this time?"


The barb nodded.

"Three, two, one!"

The two Nether creatures disappeared in place using advanced teleportation at the same time, and then appeared at the other side's position at the same time.

They looked at each other and laughed again.

"Oh hehe, this is so much fun!"

They thought it was fun, but the drow mage was so angry.

The **** scum from the lower world is really unreliable!

He simply didn't expect the two bullying Le Se to have any effect, and directly directed the controlled undead to attack.

The invisible undead were the first to move out, and the terrifying-looking spirits slid lightly through the air, and no solid obstacles could stop them.

"Damn it! There's really trouble now!"

Black looked at the undead who was not afraid of bullets at all, and immediately called for magic support.

"All spellcasters come here! Fire and lightning are priority!"

The casters who have been waiting for a long time finally have the opportunity to show their talents.

The old priest of the Dragon Scale Tribe stood up holding his breath, raised his trembling arms and barely aimed at the ghost in the shape of a woman, and slowly recited the spell.

"Scorching rays!"

The three flame rays rushed straight towards the ghost, but the ghost quickly descended and sank to the ground, easily avoiding the magic attack!

Dragon, who was observing the battle situation through the drone, gritted his teeth hard. He was really annoyed by this shapeless monster. When will you come to the material world, mother of monsters?

These undead who should have been buried long ago should all be buried in the ground!

Immediately afterwards, a ghost also passed through the rock formation. This translucent fuzzy undead looked like a cloud of mist. The only thing that was clear was a face distorted by hatred, which looked more like an ugly mask than a face.

Finally, there is a bound spirit. This damned undead is a black shadow in the shape of a human, with two cold light spots flashing where the eyes should be.

The kobolds tried their best to attack, bullets, spells, and heavy crossbows, but they couldn't do anything about this shapeless monster.Their morale declined rapidly. If there were not the eyes of the giant dragon watching from above, there would have been kobolds who would have deserted.

Dragon feels that it is not an option to go on like this. After all, the teacher has made it very clear that if the land is lost, all people will be lost;

Now he is still far away from the vertical distance of the mine, and before he can dig the tunnel, the kobolds will be turned into undead!

It's better to preserve the vitality first, anyway, the veins are there and you can't run away. After digging through the tunnel, Dragon must personally let these black skins see what is called the iron fist of the dragon entrepreneur!
"Start to retreat!"

He gave orders to the kobolds through the drone, and the kobolds immediately dispersed, and their speed was not much worse than that of the goblins. Fortunately, they hadn't forgotten the weapons in their hands, and they also remembered to bring spellcasters like the old priest together. bring.

Seeing this, Black also wanted to retreat, but the heavy crossbow it held was not something a kobold could run with.

It didn't dare to throw down the heavy weapon bestowed by the Dragon King, so it could only stop a few kobolds to carry the heavy crossbow together.But before they could raise the heavy crossbow, they used teleportation to cut into the battlefield when they saw two Nether creatures who could take advantage of them.

"Oh ha ha ha! Poor reptiles! Go to hell!"

Babumo laughed wildly and stabbed the two kobolds to death, and then was forced back by the old priest's spell.

The barbed demon was more interested in the heavy crossbow, it appeared directly beside Black, raising the barbed sword.

"Die, all things!"

It sneered and swung down the big knife. Black rolled and dodged. When he got up, he already had a revolver in his hand.

"Die, silly X!"

"Your weapon is the most useless!"

Black frantically pulled the trigger, instantly emptying the magazine.

Six rounds of 11.43 mm caliber pistol bullets directly smashed the Barb Demon's head into a rotten watermelon.

But in just a few seconds, its final retreat time is gone, the ghost has already come to it, and slowly stretched out the same empty arm to it!
Seeing this, Black took a deep breath, and then cast the somewhat unfamiliar blood spell that hadn't been used for a long time.

It heard from the old priest that the lives killed by ghosts will also be transformed into ghosts. It doesn't want to have peace after death, and it wants to hurt its relatives.

"Long live the Mechanical Dragon King!"

It laughed wildly and condensed a cloud of acid, and then pressed it like its own head!
The five-color team is about to become a three-color team. At this critical moment, a spider thread suddenly appeared from the void and wrapped around Black's arm.

Immediately afterwards, a somewhat barking voice sounded proudly.

"The princess has an order! Keep the dog!"

(End of this chapter)

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