The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 105 On behalf of the boss and the tribe, I will shoot you!

Chapter 105 On behalf of the boss and the tribe, I will shoot you!
this sound?

Blake followed the prestige suspiciously, and saw a huge spider suddenly appear out of thin air, and Grun stood proudly on the spider's back.

Ghost looked at the phase spider under Gerun's feet, and after a brief silence, slowly lowered his arms, got up and floated over the two kobolds, and continued to chase and kill other kobolds.

Gerrun saved Black's life, but Black didn't appreciate it at all. Instead, he quickly reloaded the revolver and looked at Gerrun with cold eyes.

"Gerun? So it was you who brought the long black ears here!"

"Don't shoot! It's me! It's me!"

Gerun waved his hands again and again, and winked at Black again.

"His Royal Highness asked me to bring you a message. As long as you surrender, join me in contacting the Dragon Lair surrounded by other kobolds, the benefits will be great!"

Surround the dragon's nest?

The Kobold doesn't even know where the dragon's lair is, isn't this a joke?
Black's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Gerun calmly, but he sternly shouted.

"Daydreaming! You traitor!"

"I'm doing this for your own good..."

The two kobolds played opposite roles at the mine site, and Dragon felt a toothache when he counted the losses in the tunnel.

There were only six or seven casualties of the firecrackers alone, and five of the firecrackers were lost. The second captain, Black, was also folded in the mine. What's more frightening, even the heavy crossbow was lost!

There are still several rounds of bullets in there. Even Dragon, who is wearing super steel armor, doesn't want to face the tail-stabilized shell-piercing shells fired by the heavy crossbow!
This time it's really troublesome!
After a short thought, he realized that the kobold alone should not be able to fight against the drow, and Dragon didn't want to face the threat of a heavy crossbow to fight himself, so he still had to use cannon fodder.

"Go! Go back to the camp first!"

He didn't even dig tunnels, and led the kobolds all the way in tactically, and didn't stop to hold a battle meeting until they retreated to the camp.

"Let's discuss it all!"

Dragon gathered spellcasters from all tribes together, looked at a group of colorful dwarfs, and opened his mouth slightly.

"The drow elves invaded the mines of the chamber of commerce for no reason, killing many employees, and the two security captains died heroically one after another. What do you think of this?"

"Fight with them!"

"Willing to die for the boss!"

"Kobolds will not surrender until the last bullet has been fired!"

"Call more kobolds! Every drow soldier dies is one less, but there are endless kobolds in the dense forest!"

The kobold spellcasters were barking and barking, and their voices were very noisy, but Dragon was still very satisfied with the morale of fighting bravely.

If the military spirit is available, then it is easy to say anything.

He was worried that the two security captains who died in battle would be frightened by the kobolds, but now it seems that there is nothing wrong!
As long as there is no more powerful dragon on the opposite side, these dwarfs are still very reliable.

After all, the kobolds are not stupid. In the past, they were difficult to deal with just the ratmen and war lizardmen, let alone the reloaded tauren.

Now that they rely on firecrackers to achieve a one-for-ten record, what is there to be afraid of?

ghost?Is it scary?

Wouldn't it be enough for the priest to equip the self-destruct drone with a magic weapon, and then let the kobold charge with the self-destruct drone?
The boss is really too kind!
Pick out a few kobolds with white scales in a while!Let them start practicing charging!When charging, you must remember to shout Long live the boss!

The kobold spellcaster wished he could solve Dragon's problems immediately, wipe out the drow elves, and regain the lost mineral veins.

But Dragon didn't know what new tactics they came up with, so he just nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay! From now on, you stick to the camp and don't attack. Wait for me to mobilize reinforcements, and then raid from tunnels and mines at the same time. Two slices of bread with cheese will defeat Drow in one fell swoop!"

Dragon spread out his dragon wings and soared into the sky, heading straight for Star Fort.

What will the little dragon do when it meets an opponent it cannot beat?
Of course, go home and ask the big sister to help out!

This time without any drag, he arrived at Star Fort in less than an hour and landed on the rooftop.

As before, Julia had been waiting for him with a smile on her face for a long time.

"Mr. Dragon", she walked over and joyfully grabbed the mechanical dragon's left paw.

"You are back!"

"Well, there's something wrong with the mine in Premilin, where's Mesril?"

"Miss Mesriel seems to be still resting." Julia frowned in distress. "She has been busy with that spell equipment for a long time, and she just fell asleep."

"Why don't you go ahead and sit in the castle?"

As she spoke, she watched Dragon's front paws walk into the castle.

"It's urgent, so don't sit down today!"

Dragon grabbed the floor tightly, not daring to move a step.

To him, Star Fort was like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Once he stepped in, he had to crawl out!

The nearly 30-year-old female magician is really terrifying, and it is not something he, a young dragon without even a hundred thousand horsepower, can easily deal with.

In order to recharge his energy and stamina against the drow, Dragon must say no to Julia!

"You don't know, my mining site in Primmelin was attacked! The opponent is a group of very bad, very bad drow!"


Julia exclaimed and covered her mouth, then looked at Dragon worriedly.

"I heard that many drow priests have improper relationships with demons. I don't know how dirty it is. You haven't encountered any danger, have you?"

"How is it possible? Drow, a group of Luthors who can't even see the sun, they are only worthy of eating my exhaust and want to hurt me?"

"Very poor!"

Dragon patted his chest disdainfully.

"So Mr. Dragon, you are very brave." Julia stared at him, and then dragged him to the castle.

"Elbow, I have some healthy ones in my room."

"Come on, come to Kangkang."

"Wait Julia, my sister!"

"Sister Li, no!"

"Let me be healthy!"

A few hours later, Dragon walked out of Star Castle very peacefully.

Probably because she knew that Dragon was going to fight, Julia was very restrained this time, and she didn't even call Catherine. She only took the little dragon to see a lot of brand-new magic equipment alone.

Let Dragon's eyes widen, increase the level of knowledge, and at the same time, the spiritual realm is greatly improved, and the mind is completely calm.

Isn't it just a fine gold mine?

There is really no need to get excited, the sky is so blue, the world is so big, the air is so fresh, there are still many things to do for it, there is really no need to fight for an adamantine mine and drow elves.

There's no need to be angry, he started the existing industry, and the profit is much more than that of an adamantine mine.

Really, it's not worth it, don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself, at this moment, Dragon feels that he already has the same realm as a sage!

(End of this chapter)

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