Chapter 107
In Star Fort, two dragon girls are playing dragon chess with Xing Lesi.

As soon as Dragon came out, Nesario mocked in a strange way.

"Yo? Isn't this our powerful brother Dragon? Why have we not seen each other for a few hours and started to stretch our hips while walking?"

Nero followed suit.

"Brother Dragon, are you going to experiment with spell equipment with Ms. Julia again?"

Dragon didn't answer the question at all, he just said flatly, "Stop playing, get ready to go."

Nesario deliberately raised the volume, "You must have been bullied by Ms. Julia again!"

One sentence broke Dragon's defenses, and he was so angry that the dragon's horns steamed, "Why are you so innocent..."

"What innocence? I saw you being dragged into the castle by Ms. Julia a few hours ago! Drag it away!"

Dragon's eyes were red, and steam gushed out of the dragon's horns, arguing, "How can a rich woman be considered a bully... Interesting! How can the affairs of our civilized people be considered a bully?"

Then came the difficult words, such as "The dragon is poor", and "Zhehu", which made the three girls sneer.

After barely arguing for a few words, Dragon felt that he couldn't continue this topic, and immediately looked at the blonde girl, lecturing seriously.

"Don't go out to work in broad daylight? Why are you doing nothing at home?"

"Shops are closed and I can't go home?"

Celeste replied without raising her head.

"The store is closed?"

Dragon was taken aback suddenly, "What's going on? Someone is making trouble?"

Does anyone not want Dragon Entrepreneurs to make money?This packs a punch!

"It's all sold out!"

Celeste looked at him helplessly, "How long has it been since you went to the store to restock? Those over 100 guns have already been sold out!"

"Ha, ha, is that so?"

Dragon smiled awkwardly. In fact, he also wanted to replenish the store, but isn't this a rush?And he was taken down by Julia as soon as he came, so he can't be blamed for that.

Thinking of this, he immediately looked down at Celeste with confidence.

"Can't you think of a way without the goods?"

"If you have goods, you need to open a store. If you don't have goods, you can make a batch of goods and open a store."

"By the way, Celeste, actually making firecrackers is also very fun, do you want to try?"

"The weapons you sell are too low-level, I don't want to make such stupid weapons!"

Celeste made a face at Dragon and continued to play chess with the two dragon girls.

This unlucky kid is getting harder and harder to fool around, he still has to take the upper-level route!

Dragon gave the girl a loving look, but didn't say much.Soon, all the women in Star Fort took to the rooftop.

"Mr. Dragon, you must pay attention to safety!"

Julia reluctantly pulled the mechanical dragon's front paws, her gentle eyes were more intoxicating than spring water.

"The drow are very dirty, you must be careful!"

"Don't worry! I will never fight them in close combat!"

Dragon slapped his chest loudly, "I will only use long-range attacks until the last enemy falls!"

"Actually, what I mean is, forget it, you'd better take Catherine with you."

She pushed the heavily armed female warrior beside her, "Catherine can help you command the army, and she is also very worried about your safety."

"She will personally protect your safety."

Julia winked at Dragon playfully.

"Julia! What are you talking about?"

The female warrior with the metal mask couldn't see any anger, but from the tone of her words, it was obvious that she was a little bit ashamed and angry.

"Celes is still there!"

"You mean to personally protect Mr. Dragon's safety?"

Julia looked at the serious female warrior with a smirk, "Sister Catherine, why are you so angry?"

"Oh, I see, you shouldn't be..."

"Ahem, almost done!"

Dragon coughed lightly, interrupted the two women who were getting worse and worse, and turned to Miss Mithril Dragon, who seemed to be in a good mood.

"Miss Messrel, do you have a spell that can create a storage space?"

"Of course." Mesriel snapped his fingers smartly, creating a three-meter-high dark and hazy gate on the castle wall.

"Eight-ring spell: create a demiplane. Behind the door is an empty room with a length, width and height of 30 feet, which can be used to transport supplies."

"People are fine too, but come out before the air runs out."

A 9.144-foot empty room has a side length of 764.55 meters and can hold a total of [-] cubic meters of cargo.

This capacity is enough for transporting goods or people, the big deal is that Dragon will run a few more times.

"Then let's go when I get back."

Dragon went to Three Rivers City to restock the store. That's right, even if the kobolds are fighting the drow in full swing, the stores in Three Rivers City can't stop the goods!

This is the decency of a dragon entrepreneur!
If it weren't for the fact that there was no way out, he would have sold the needle gun to the drow!

After all, Ghost Rider said it well, what kind of qualified arms dealer would he be if he didn't sell the firecrackers to his opponents and beat up his younger brother?
It's a pity that he doesn't have that kind of talent under his command.


Dragon sighed, then went back to Star Fort to pick up Longmei and her party, and flew towards the dense forest at high speed.

In the drow camp, among the two kobolds guarded by giant spiders, the green scaled one suddenly sneezed.


It jumped up excitedly. "I see, this must be the great boss missing the loyal Gerun!"

"Blake! Look! This is the boss' trust in me!"

The kobold with black scales glanced at it lightly, and didn't want to speak in dejection.

For the first time, there was a Dragon King whom he could swear allegiance to, and he successfully avenged his sister. The two joys overlapped, and this double joy brought more and more joy.

I should have had a dreamlike happy time, but why, it turned out like this...

"Don't keep silent, Black, we have successfully penetrated into the opponent's interior, and the boss is waiting for good news from us!"

Gerun looked around excitedly, "As long as we bring back the information about Heipi's long ears, the boss will definitely reward us heavily!"

"Damn long ears dare to bully Gerun, I'll appoint them to have good juice!"

"What good juice?"

Keszhuo appeared out of nowhere with a heavy crossbow.

"I, I mean, the dragon likes people to eat good juice!"

Gerun stammered, Keszhuo nodded casually, and asked casually, "Have you written down all the drow information?"

"Of course!"

Gerun laughed loudly, "As long as we have accurate information, when the giant dragon calls..."

Its voice gradually decreased, but Keszhuo didn't bother to scare it, and said directly: "I will let you go in a while, and you take the information back to your Dragon King."

"Take me a word by the way, just say, I want to make a deal with him."

(End of this chapter)

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