Chapter 108 The Drow Gang
At Ailu Cat Academy, Dragon fell from the sky, and Mesriel immediately connected to the demiplane, released the two dragon girls and Catherine to breathe fresh air, and supplemented some oxygen to the demiplane by the way.

"All cats come out!"

Dragon shouted loudly to let the cats gather.

Immediately, dozens of cat heads protruded from the seemingly empty academy square.

In buckets, under stools, on eaves, and in the shadows, these cats seem to have magic-like abilities, and they can always hide where no dragon can find them.

"Salary paid!"

Dragon added that a second later, the doors and windows of each room opened wide in an instant, and cats of different colors gathered into a raging wave, quickly surrounding Dragon.

"Long live the boss! Long live the boss meow!"

"Ailu Cat Academy is always loyal meow!"

"Working for the boss is the greatest honor for cats, meow!"

All the cats meowed sweetly, and amidst the meowing and flattering, Dragon almost floated away.

Fortunately, he had just cooled his brain before he set off, so he was not tricked by the hateful cats to take away all the catnip.

"Cough, come one by one!"

Dragon simply distributed catnip to each cat himself, and then he had to follow the example of the sages and talk to the cats for a few intimate words.

such as
"Who are the cats working for?"

"Aren't you used to the days when you don't have to hunt?"

"Interested in taking up arms again?"

After some conversation, it was almost dark, but Dragon also figured out the bottom line of Mao Mao.

It's okay to work for Gu Long, but don't kill people, just don't kill people.

Then that's OK, are there humans in the drow army?

There should be, in fact, lycanthropes are human beings, but with their looks, cats don't believe that they are human beings.

"Ahem, one of my mines has been attacked by underground monsters. Is there any cat willing to go on a business trip?"

Dare to attack the monster of the ancient dragon?

The cats and cats were a little timid, and Dragon continued to explain.

"The enemies are not strong, but they all live underground like mice, and I can't go down."

"Oh! Mouse meow!"

Many cats and cats instantly regained their spirits and cleaned up the mice. They are professional.

"There is a subsidy for business trips, and the salary is doubled at the same time!"

"Boss, look at me! I once repelled the lava mountain dragon with Canglanxing!"

"It's as if someone hasn't participated in the melting mountain dragon mission, meow! Boss, I also helped Canglanxing repel the ice curse dragon meow! If you don't believe me, look at my equipment meow!"

"Let's go back a little bit with the ice curse dragon set, look at my set, the lantern set meow!"

"What kind of meow is the Mingdeng dragon? Have you heard of meow among the five creation dragons?"

"You're talking about the younger brother, Long Miao, who was slapped by the Annihilating Dragon?"

All the AI ​​Lumao instructors directly took out the equipment at the bottom of the press box and stepped on each other. Some cats and cats in unicorn suits, Xionghuo suits, and loofah suits did not dare to speak at all and could only tremble holding the equipment.

There were also two dragon sisters trembling together, and even Mesriel felt a little panicked watching it.

The equipment of this group of cats and cats is probably no worse than Bahamut's Justice Claw Knights in terms of materials alone. It is a bit too cruel to bring such a group of monster cats and cats to beat the drow.

"Then go, bring all the equipment, and try to bring the one with high defense."

The cats and cats who were interested in business trips scattered and ran back to change their equipment, but the ones who can really fight are the mentor meow, and the apprentice meow and the like should continue to play firecrackers.

Dragon asked the watching cat to bring him three light crossbows, which were prepared for the three violent dragon girls, and then gave Catherine a gun.

It just so happens that she has a sword and shield that can be used both for offense and defense. Now, with the addition of a gun gun that is suitable for both distance and near, Catherine has jumped from a long-range weak warrior to a comprehensive triathlon of long-range and near-air defense.

Although the weapons of Ailumao Academy are only basic equipment, but being hit by a dragon gun with a minimum caliber of 40mm, without magic protection, I am afraid that only a mature dragon-level creature can withstand it.

There are dozens of cats who are interested in exercising. For safety reasons, Dragon went back and forth three times before transporting them all to the kobold camp.

Two completely different creatures come together, and there is no need for Dragon to mediate, and the kobolds are very conscious of their status -1.

Just kidding, the first batch of Ailu cat instructors who came here all had a set of ancient dragon equipment. Although it was just leftovers that hunters could not use, it was more than enough to deter kobolds who had never seen the world.

The kobolds dare not offend, cats and cats who can use materials from real dragons to make equipment can only be persuaded.

Then Dragon left Catherine to maintain order, and flew to the Bloodclaw tribe again.

Isn't it just for such a day to keep a dog for dozens of days?

Hearing that the boss was going to fight with Long Ears, even though it was black skinned Long Ears, Hogg was so excited that his eyes turned red.

"Boss, don't worry! Our Blood Claw Tribe will never embarrass you!"

"I will use the long-eared head I chopped off with my own hands to make a big skull throne for you!"

Did this kid secretly believe in Khorne?

Why do you have to fix the skull throne at every turn?
Dragon warned it earnestly, "Remember, our Iron and Mechanical Dragon United Chamber of Commerce is a legal business organization. The purpose of this operation is to protect its own property in the most righteous way, not to kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

"There are enemies who are willing to surrender, no matter what race they are, they must be accepted in time, understand?"


Hogg nodded again and again. Anyway, it was the same as when he attacked the hobgoblin tribe. He knew what to do.

Dragon divided it into three more times, and transported more than 60 best hunters in the Bloodpaw tribe to the kobold camp. Each of them was a strong man with a bayonet on a shotgun, and Hogg was the leader.

Although they can't beat the Elu cat, but wherever the more than 60 jackals with a height of more than two meters go, the status of the kobolds will be reduced again. Hey, it seems that there is no need to reduce!

Gnolls have no spellcasters, nor are they strong enough to withstand bullets.

In other words, the arrival of the gnolls will increase the status of the kobolds by +1.

This is really a good thing, the Kobold is very happy, but the Gnoll is a little unhappy.

Obviously they were the lackeys who first took refuge in Dragon, why are they confused like this now?
There must be bad guys around the boss!

Just when many jackals were thinking about how to become Dragon's number one dogleg again, Dragon was also thinking about whether his troops were sufficient.

Fifty Ailu cats + [-] jackals + at least [-] elite kobolds, this is already a thousand army, but if you want to wipe out the drow gang, there must be casualties.

These are all his caring employees, confidantes, and death is a loss. Is there any cannon fodder that can be beaten without heartache after death?

(End of this chapter)

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