The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 109 Double Happiness Comes!

Chapter 109 Double Happiness Comes!

Isn't the hobgoblin the best cannon fodder, ah no, the vanguard?
Dragon was about to take off to announce the gospel to the hobgoblins, but found that it was already dark, and the night was the home ground of the drow elves. He had to stay in the kobold camp to guard against the drow gang's sneak attack, so he had better act tomorrow.

Deep in the Dragonscale Tribe, a mine.

The mine at this moment is no longer the shabby appearance before. With the support of the priestess regardless of the cost, the passage between the mine and the dark area has been completely widened, and the size of the mine has also been enlarged by spells.

In the center of the mine, a simple but not crude fortress already had a general structure, and the priestess was lying in the safest tent in the fortress, asking her servant lazily.

"Kestrel has released one of the two kobolds?"


"It's ridiculous. Does the famous Spider Princess have such abilities? She actually tried to use the kobolds to plot against the real dragon, and she completely embarrassed the Queen of God!"

The priestess giggled, and soon, bursts of indescribable voices came from the big tent, and the drow warriors guarding outside the tent had already turned a blind eye.

After all, this is the daily habit of all drow priests, and their graduation ceremony is to hold an impartment in public.There is one thing to say, even in an open multiverse, there are few races more open than drow.

Compared with them, even Mystra can call herself the goddess of pure love.

On the surface, Keszhuo carefully watched every flower, plant and tree.

This is the first time she has seen the scenery on the ground with her own eyes, and Gerun, who was tied up into rice dumplings by spider silk and hung by the phase spider's mouth, dared not make a sound, for fear of offending this, more than any crazy black-skinned long-eared Crazy black leather with long ears.

Yes, in Gerrun's eyes, Kestrel is the craziest of all drow.

At least it can understand other drow's behavior, it's just for profit, how simple it is.

But the drow in front of her is different, what she wants to do has no benefit at all.

Destroying all the drow for his own pleasure, this black-skinned long-eared man must be crazy!
Kestrel didn't care what a kobold, or anything else, thought of her.Ever since she summoned Kuspite at the age of six and melted her mother's venom into gravy bit by bit, she didn't care about everything in this world.

Jealousy, hatred, hatred... Everything in the drow society has nothing to do with Kestrel. Her only purpose of living is to kill all the drow elves who make her feel unhappy, and the spider queen who specially built this deformed society. wipe out!

All the ones left are wiped out!

After a long silence, Keszhuo calmly reminded, "Don't forget what I asked you to bring to that dragon king. Of course, I also know that no metal dragon will believe the drow's oath, but I can give him an irresistible offer." condition."

"Let's take it away," Kestrel waved his hand, and the phase spider started to move towards the kobold camp with Gerrun in its mouth.

Then she slowly closed her eyes, and saw a moon elf flying around in the sky riding a giant mechanical dragon.

"Run away, run away, cute little girl, I saw your dream."

She twitched the corners of her mouth stiffly, barely showing an expression of crying or laughing.

"Let me help you make your dreams come true."

"Dear Miss Larethian,"

"I'm here to catch you..."

Premi Forest, near the Bloodclaw Tribe, inside the magic hut.

The Moon Elf, who was immersed in a sweet dream, suddenly woke up. Just now, she seemed to hear a hoarse female voice whispering something in her ear. Many of the words could not be heard clearly, but there was a repeated word that seemed to be Say yes, yes, run away?
"Run away?"

She subconsciously held the pendant hanging on her chest, which was an artifact given to her by Angus Bingsi, the queen of the elves, for self-defense.

It was precisely because of this artifact that she was able to slip away from Yongju Island first with the help of her friends, and then stole a lot of magic materials from the High Priest of the Wood Elf before sneaking away calmly.

Even brought a big cat picked up on the road.

But now, the moon elf had an inexplicable feeling that this artifact could no longer protect her.

"What the hell happened?"

She muttered to herself suspiciously, then quickly put on her clothes, left the magic hut, and pulled the dire tiger up by its ears.

"Get up soon, big stupid cat! We have to get out of here quickly!"

"Really, I still want to wait for that young dragon..."

The moon elf complained angrily, and a hoarse voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Since you want to see Him so much, why don't you let me give you a ride?"

"You know that whelp?"

The moon elf turned around in surprise, and her expression gradually froze.

Looking at the dark-colored drow holding a spider bow, the moon elf slowly turned around.

"Illusion! It must be an illusion!"

"This must be a nightmare, you can't scare me, just wait until you wake up from the dream."

She closed her eyes hopefully, counted silently to three and then opened her eyes, and she returned to her magic hut.

"I knew it was a nightmare!"

The moon elf breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, got up and wanted to drink some water, and then saw the drow standing in the middle of the hut.

She glanced at the moon elf with a cold and cruel look, as if thinking about where to cut her perfectly.

"you you you!"

The poor little moon elf girl was a little incoherent, "I don't want to dream of you! I don't want to dream of you!"

"Yes", Keszhuo nodded in a very easy way, and reminded him very kindly: "You can return to reality as long as you blink your eyes."


The moon elf looked at Kestrel pitifully.

"Of course, I never lie."

Hearing the words, the Moon Elf closed her eyes tightly as if grasping at the last straw, and after silently counting several numbers again, was about to open her eyes when she suddenly remembered something and whispered: "Drow? El Elf?"

No answer, it seems that I really woke up!
She opened her eyes full of joy, and saw the ferocious tiger staring at her uneasily, and let out a low roar.

"Big stupid cat, you"

The moon elf froze again before finishing her sentence. In the image reflected in the eyes of the dire tiger, she saw that familiar figure again.

"Didn't you say you can't come..."

The Moon Elf questioned in a crying tone.

Keszhuo also replied very seriously, "I just told you how to return to reality, but I didn't say that I am not in reality."

"You're going to kill me..."

The Moon Elf didn't want to resist at all. She saw a lot of real cases when she was on Yongju Island, and she knew very well what would happen to the Moon Elf if it fell into the hands of the drow.

While speaking, her fingers touched her waist slightly, and just when she was about to die with the drow, Keszhuo's calm voice sounded again.

"Are you sure that what you see now is not a dream?"

"Maybe I'm not by your side at all right now, and everything you've been through is just a nightmare, and when you activate the explosive device, you'll be horrified to find that you killed nothing but you and your poor animal companions." Can't do it."

The Moon Elf was startled when he heard the words, and the fingers that had already unlocked the explosive device stopped.

That's right, facing this kind of drow who can play with her cognition at will, how can she be sure that everything she sees is real?

But if you don’t do anything, you’re just sitting back and waiting for evil!

For a while, the moon elves were caught in a dilemma.

But the Dire Tiger didn't understand this, it leaped towards Keszhuo.

"Big stupid cat! Come back soon!"

The moon elf hurriedly wanted to stop the dire tiger, but she was too late. Keszhuo was never merciful to creatures seeking their own death. She pulled the bow and arrow expressionlessly, and the magic energy automatically condensed into arrows.

"Farewell, beautiful creature."

She let go of her hand while muttering, and the arrow turned into a stream of light, piercing through the body of the ferocious tiger in an instant.

"Big stupid cat!"

The moon elf burst into tears.

"I fought with you!"

She rushed towards Kestrel angrily, but Kestrel didn't look at her at all, only frowned at the Dire Tiger, and pulled the bowstring again, but it seemed too late.

Because the arrow just now did not hit the target.

"Die drow!"

The dire tiger turned into a human form in the air, and the girl with huge horns swung her weapon with all her strength, vowing to wipe out the evil existence in front of her eyes!
"Druid? I didn't find out..."

Keszhuo didn't seem to care about the druid girl who was about to kill her. Just when the girl's weapon was about to fall on her head, Keszhuo's figure disappeared instantly, leaving countless faint scales on the spot. pink
The druid girl was startled, and before she had time to react, she plunged into the powdered scales, and then the reappearing Kestrel shot an arrow into the powdered scales, detonating the magic power hidden in the powdered scales.

The cloudy liquid instantly stuck the druid girl tightly, and then quickly condensed into a spider web.

And it wasn't until this time that the Moon Elf, who was stunned by this series of changes, realized that she seemed to be cold again.

"This is really a pleasant surprise," Keszhuo looked at the druid girl struggling in the spider web with great interest.

She seemed to be of some rare blood, but that didn't matter, Kestrel only valued her shape-shifting abilities.

Which ranger doesn't want to raise a shape-shifting druid?
"Give one to Him and one to me."

Keszhuo smiled faintly, "This is really double happiness."

(End of this chapter)

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