The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 110 Attach this leg!

Chapter 110 Attach this leg!
On the other side, the phase spider walked to the kobold camp with Gerun in its mouth, bit off the spider silk on its body, and jumped directly into the ether world.

Gerun tore off the spider silk with great effort, and was about to run back to the camp to report the information to the boss, when suddenly it remembered something, immediately rolled on the ground several times, and then slapped itself several times, finally Weeping bitterly, he ran to the camp.

"Wooooow, the great mechanical dragon king boss! Your loyal Gerun is back!"

It ran and bumped all the way to the main entrance of the camp. Dragon, who was monitoring the surrounding situation through the drone, couldn't help showing the expression of the old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone.jpg.

"What's the situation? Bitter tricks?"

As expected of a drow elf, he can easily perform such inexplicable tricks.

He controlled the drone to descend just in time for Gerun to call the door.

"Little ones, open the door! It's me! It's me!"

Good guy, you and I are called the door captain in COS here?
Dragon laughed angrily at it, "Gerun, why are you back?"

Gerun looked at the drone suspiciously. It was captured too early, and it didn't have a chance to see the power of the drone.

But Gerun couldn't fail to hear his boss's voice. Since this thing could speak for the boss, it burst into tears.

"Great boss! You must avenge poor Geron!"

"You don't even know how arrogant those damn long black leather ears are!"

"Don't say they robbed your adamantine mine, they beat your employees!"

"I have repeatedly reminded them that the fine gold mine belongs to your property, the boss, but they didn't listen at all! They even beat me! Look at me!"

It pointed to the slap print on its body and cried bitterly, "This is not a spanking on my butt, this is clearly a spanking"

"Gerun! You answer the question first!"

Dragon yelled violently, "How did you escape?"

He decided that as long as this little bastard dared to say that he escaped by himself, he would shoot him right away!

"I, I", Gerun was a little hesitant. Originally, it had already made up a story about Captain Gerun fighting drow wisely, but as long as he thought of the lunatic among the lunatics, he was a little scared.

After a brief hesitation, Captain Gerun still hesitated, and said eagerly, "It was a drow who put me back..."

"But boss, you have to trust me! I, Gerun, am definitely a loyal Wang!"

This little bastard didn't lie?

Originally, Dragon thought that Grun was bought by the drow elves, but now it seems that it was still bought.

It's just a promotion from the first floor to the third floor. It seems that the drow still know some strategies.

"Of course I believe you, come in."

Dragon directly followed his plan and let Gerun in, preparing to return to the army of the drow elves.

But soon he was stunned by the news that Gerun brought back.

"The detailed data of the drow gang, specific and accurate to the individual?"

"The early warning spells commonly used by drow mages, and the time and password for their shift?"

"Drow that wants to kill all the drow? Fucking drow think I'm a fool, don't they?"

Dragon was almost laughed out of anger. How much did the drow who made this plan look down on his IQ?

I can understand you cheating, but if you dare to insult my wisdom, this is the right way to die!

Just as Dragon was wondering whether to pull all the drow to shoot after winning the battle, Gerun took out another piece of paper.

"This is what that drow elf asked me to hand over to you, the boss!"

"Wait! Don't come here!"

Dragon stood up suddenly, who knows if there is any vicious curse on this piece of paper?

"Just stand there and read to me, no! Anyway, don't move!"

It doesn't work to let Gerun read it, who knows if it will directly summon the demon lord after it is finished.

The multiverse is so dangerous, only a cautious dragon will survive to the end!
"A kobold who knows how to read!"

Dragon yelled, and all the kobolds who were still asleep looked at each other in blank dismay, and no kobold came out for a long time.

Dragon is a little angry, taking the boss's words as a deaf ear?
"What's the situation? Can't there be no one who can read?"

The kobolds nodded in unison.


Dragon is speechless, so let's ask the most reliable sister Long for help.


"What are you doing again!"

Miss Mithril Dragon, who was wearing a mask, came out of the mansion and looked at Dragon angrily.

"What time is it? Do you want the dragon to rest?"

"You help me look at that first!"

Dragon pointed to the parchment in Gerun's hand, and reminded again.

"There may be a curse, be careful."

"Forget it if you coax me to death!"

Mesriel made a casual move, and the parchment flew directly in front of her.

She casually glanced at the contents above, and said nonchalantly.

"It's all useless compliments, pure nonsense."

"Praise? Praise whom? Me?"

Dragon was a little puzzled.

Mesriel laughed, "What are you thinking about, this is a prayer to praise the elf queen, but why are they all praises for successfully overthrowing the spider queen?"

"What the hell?"

Dragon felt that he might have auditory hallucinations. A drow praised the mistress the Spider Queen hated the most. Even if it was just a trick, if he dared to use the most hated thing in the Spider Queen's life, it would cost [-] more sooner or later?

It's even more outrageous than the Nine Clans Xiaoxiaole. Was the drow who wrote the letter punished by the Ten Clans in his previous life?
"And then? Is there anything else?"

He asked curiously.

Mesriel continued to look down, watching her but frowning.

"Is the drow who wrote the letter? Is she crazy, and she said that she wants to kill all the drow who believe in the Spider Queen, and let Rose's old bitch, who was dumped by Corellon, be here, I am!"

She cursed without image, "Who the hell wrote this letter? Isn't this a pit dragon? I just called Rose's name directly!!!"

"That old Bichi who got dumped will never let me go!"

She hurriedly asked Ao for help, but after praying for a long time, Mesriel remembered one thing.

"No, I'm confused with the great nameless mist now. With his power covering me, it doesn't matter if I point at Rose's nose and curse!"

"Oh hahahaha!"

She laughed wildly with her hands on her hips, cleared her throat and began to curse.

"Rose, you bitch who doesn't want elves, your husband would rather turn into a woman and go out and sleep with you than sleep with you, tell me how failed you are!"

"And Bahamut, you're an idiot too! You made the Knights of the Claws of Justice into that bird! Bah! Disgusting! Disgusting!"

"Ai Ou, you too, you know the balance every day. Look at the elf god system, although it is also the same as the bird, but at least they are consistent with the outside world! The good dragon god system was brought down by you!"

"Finally, there's that god-shangshen! Ning is even more heavy J oh oh oh"

"Don't say a few words, my little aunt! If you want to die, can you stay away from me? You are not afraid of being struck by lightning, but I am!"

Dragon broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it, and hurriedly covered Mesriel's mouth tightly, not daring to let go at all!

"Bah, bah, bah! Let me go!"

Mesriel pushed away Dragon's paw, wiped his mouth desperately, stared at him speechlessly, both ashamed and angry.

"What's the matter? Are you unhappy that you were not hacked to death by God?"

"Go to hell you!"

Miss Mithril Dragon kicked the mechanical dragon, threw the letter, turned around and ran back to the mansion.

"Is this dragon sick?"

"It's not easy to repay kindness!"

Dragon looked down on the letter paper angrily, and soon he forgot about the strange Mesreal, and only stared at the short three sentences on the letter paper.

"After Rose dies, I will be the spider god"

"I will be the Atlach Nakya of the multiverse"

"If you are the existence I have been waiting for, you must know who He is"

Dragon did know the name, God of Spiders, Great Old One, Atlach Nakya.

Hell, is he bound to the grams?
No matter how guarding the territory and mining, you will encounter such strange things.

And what does the drow's last two sentences mean?What is the Atlach Nakya of the multiverse, and what is the long-awaited?
He obviously only traveled for more than a month, okay?
Didn't she find the wrong person?

Time passed while thinking, and in the early morning of the next day, Dragon ate something indiscriminately, and then flew straight to the hobgoblin tribe!
I can't figure it out and don't think about it anymore, the most important thing is to find a group of cannon fodder to fill in the line!

It's up to you!Hobgoblin punch duck!

After finding the hobgoblin tribe in less than an hour, Dragon let out a loud roar and slowly landed with his dragon wings wide open.

The hobgoblins who heard the sound raised their heads and looked at the mechanical dragon in panic.

Grom also stared at Dragon in astonishment. The mechanical dragon a month ago was not as big as the current dragon's wings. Is it the young dragon from before?Or the parent of a young dragon?

It's not sure, but it must be impossible to resist now.

Grom hurriedly ordered the other hobgoblins to bow their heads, while he looked at the mechanical dragon respectfully.

"Mighty dragon, what are your orders?"

"I heard that you have been working hard on mining recently, so come and have a look."

Dragon continued to dig holes, sowing discord by the way.

"I am very satisfied with your attitude, so I decided to recruit a group of soldiers from among you to fight for me. If any of them fought bravely, then I will award it the title of employee of the Honor Chamber of Commerce, and its family members can also No more mining."


Grom didn't know how to answer, since the hobgoblin could get closer to the dragon, which would definitely be beneficial to inquire about the dragon's information.

But what if they betrayed the tribe?
It couldn't think of an answer for a while, but Dragon was angry
"What? How dare you defy my will?"

"Defy the great Dragon, the birth of the dimension, the mechanical dragon king, the giant killer, the silver-winged evil star, the earth destroyer, the all-metal dragon king, the natural enemy of aquatic life, the excellent dragon entrepreneur, the fire gun spell instructor, the steel mechanical dragon union The Supreme Commander of the Legion?"

His scarlet eyes looked down at the hobgoblins indifferently, each hobgoblin felt his body sink, and immediately fell to his knees.

Is this Longwei?

Many hobgoblins were silently amazed, only one hobgoblin was still standing.

"Great dragon, it is our great honor to serve you!"

Grom nodded and smiled, his eyes narrowed, because he was afraid that he would not be able to control his hatred!
"How many hobgoblins among us have the honor?"

Dragon made a rough estimate, and felt that 150 hobgoblins would be enough.

After all, the underground karst cave is only that big, and if there are too many soldiers, they won't be able to squeeze in, and they will be killed randomly by the undead.

"Let's come to two hundred to see how good it is!"

He spoke in the most dragon tone, "Gather all the warriors of your tribe now, I don't have time to wait!"

"Yes! Yes! I'm going to call them!"

Grom immediately asked people to gather soldiers from other settlements. His own tribe would definitely not be able to afford [-] soldiers, so he used the power of the dragon to transfer all the soldiers from the few settlements that disobeyed him the most.

Originally, Grom planned to do something, but the other hobgoblins were not stupid, and no one wanted to be burned to death by the dragon's breath.

Soon Grom gathered two hundred soldiers, and then Dragon began to transport them by air.

Back and forth again and again, before dark, he transported these two hundred hobolds to the kobold camp, and threw them to Hogg to teach them how to play double-barreled shotguns.

A needle gun might take a while to train, but a double-barreled shotgun is something even a cat can learn how to use.

But even so, hobgoblins need at least one day of training time, that is, from the day after tomorrow, before they can counterattack the drow elves.

After a short thought, Dragon asked for letter paper from Mao Mao and wrote a letter to Keszhuo.

The content of the letter is nothing, just to invite her for an interview. As for the location of the interview, of course it is Star Fort.

On the territory of the nameless fog, he didn't believe that little drow could turn the world upside down!

After writing the letter, Dragon called Geron again.

"Captain Gerun, I have an important task for you."

Gerun immediately raised his chest and raised his head, barking loudly.

"Please rest assured, Boss, Gerun will definitely be able to complete the task you assigned!"

"That's good." Dragon nodded slightly, and handed the letter to Gerun.

"Send this reply to the drow."


Grun was dumbfounded.

It finally came back to the boss, and was about to compete with many Ellu cats for the number one dog leg of Dragon, so why did it go to see Drow again.

"Ah, what? This is a task given to you by the Chamber of Commerce!"

Dragon's eyes glowed red, and an invisible force field instantly acted on Gerun.

Although it only has five pounds of strength, in Gerun's heart, it is the boss's unfathomable majesty!

"Yes, yes, I'm going!"

Gerun ran out of the kobold camp all the way with the letter paper, and then he became confused.

The black skin with long ears didn't say how to get in touch, what should I do?
You can't go to the mine and throw yourself into a spider's web, right?
Before Gerrun could figure out a plan, a huge shadow emerged from behind it.


Gerun quickly turned around and found that it was a phase spider, and immediately laughed.

"Are you waiting for me? Then go!"

The phase spider nodded slightly, then arched its waist and abdomen and leaned forward.

Gerrun's complexion changed abruptly, and he quickly said, "It's not that we are so familiar, so don't woo woo woo woo"

Before it finished speaking, it was tied into a zongzi again, and was carried into the ether world by the phase spider.

The letter has been sent, and the drone, which was silently observing in the sky, turned and flew away, and Dragon began to carry out the final pre-war transformation on the machine body.

Add a machine gun!
A 14.5MM caliber heavy machine gun is powerful, but the rate of fire is not enough, and then two 12.7MM caliber machine guns connected in parallel!

How dare the drow gang dare to touch Master Dragon's mine?What's the difference between that and breaking his leg?
At noon the day after tomorrow, when the cannon fodder training is finished, Dragon will take his staff out to suppress the bandits, and surprise Drow with this leg!
 The book is open but now it has 25 words. This is the first time that a stupid author has written such a long space. Thank you readers for your continuous support. It is time for this book to be put on the shelves.

  Because of the epidemic, this book was discontinued and updated once a year ago, and it was not picked up until March. There are more than 5 words and [-] collections. I wanted to abandon the book at first, but I didn’t expect that there are still some readers who are chasing after it. .

  Thank you, it is your comments that support the author to write today.

  Thank you readers for every monthly ticket. I said to open a single chapter before, but I haven’t had time. Sorry, the stupid author broke his promise.

  In order to apologize to everyone, there will be a ten-thousand update before it goes on the shelves, and it will be a single chapter that I owe. At the same time, it can also advance the plot to a climax, and try to cheat two more first orders (つд)
  Thank you for every comment, every post, the data of this book is not very good, it is your support that gives the stupid author the courage to persevere, thank you again.

  Thank you, Refill


  PS: Considering that some readers have too much storytelling and too many stalks, the stupid author hereby guarantees that each chapter in the subsequent chapters will have a free chapter with a minimum of 500 words, that is, N thousand + 900 ~[-], will never let the book friends who support this book suffer, thank you again for all the readers who follow here, thank you for your support, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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