The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 111 The Infinite Journey of the Fanwai Mechanical Dragon 1

Chapter 111 Extra Story: The Infinite Journey of the Mechanical Dragon Part [-]
I’m a bit out of ideas recently, let’s try a few more chapters (T_T)
The plot continues from Chapter 20, which is probably another world line of Dragon after being turned over by the cat-eared girl, probably...

【alarm!Power Furnace Overloaded! 】

【alarm!Power Furnace Overloaded! 】

【alarm!Power Furnace Overloaded! 】

cold, shaking...

Half asleep and half awake, Dragon heard a vicissitudes of life.

"That's right, you're one of the newcomers, and I, I, are some kind of bastard? Is there a bug?"

Lord, Lord God?
Dragon shuddered violently, and hurriedly comforted himself, this must be a nightmare.My two catgirls and sisters are still waiting for me, please give me some help!

It's a pity that the spicy chicken plug-in seems to be unable to withstand the mighty power of the big light ball. Gradually, the footsteps become clearer and clearer.

He restarted the visual sensor with hope, and then he saw a young man with a scarred face holding a desert eagle and a dignified expression, and a little white face dressed as a white-collar with a confused expression.

I'm sooooooooooooooo!
Is it really infinite horror?

For a moment, the ups and downs of Dragon's mood wanted to blow up the world with one punch!

Isn't this turning point too outrageous?You said that he was keeping dogs in Premilin well, and there were two catgirls at home, why was he suddenly pulled into the main god's space?

Firstly, he didn't click on bad pop-up windows, secondly, he didn't have anything to do when he was full, he moaned without illness every day, and he didn't even have genes.
So angry!Can't bear it!I really want to punch the big ball of light!
Dragon Horn was so angry that the dragon's horn was steaming, and the little white face took a step back in fright, Zhang Jie immediately raised the Desert Eagle.

"Don't move! Raise your hands!"


hands up?
Dragon looked at his two front paws, then at the two dragon wings, and decided to raise his front paws.

He raised his left paw with a sneer, the claw heart armor was removed, and the 18.5MM gun barrel was extended.

"Hey, what's the job?"

"I am, or is it just a Japanese dragon?"

Zhang Jie dropped his cigarettes in surprise. He compared the calibers of the two sides, looked at the mechanical dragon covered in iron, and immediately put down the pistol, laughing loudly.

"Oh hahaha, don't get me wrong, Dragon Titan, I just want to show you my new Desert Eagle."

"Look, did you hit it?"

"Yao Xi, you are good, big big good!"

Dragon gave a thumbs up, then burst out laughing.

"How is it? Do I look like a devil?"

"It's so similar, I'm starting to wonder if the rabbit will really have a Gundam."

The two old Yinbi looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

"Hahaha, little brother, at first glance, the person the Lord God needs the most, ah no, it's the dragon talent! The dragon talent!"

"What's your name?"

"Dragon, brother, you can call me Xiaode."

"Hey, foreign style."

"Hey, I went abroad some time ago, so I picked up a foreign name so I can pick up foreign girls..."

One person and one dragon bragged for a long time, until the other novices woke up, and Zhang Jie began to re-enter the topic.After a brief introduction to the main god space, the train was about to arrive at the station before it had time to kill the chicken and scare the monkey.

He had no choice but to emphasize the task requirements again, and once again warned the novices not to cause trouble.

Afterwards, the carriage gradually slowed down until it stopped. A dozen foreign mercenaries cautiously moved out with their guns in hand. Zhang Jie was the first to walk out, followed by Zhan Lan.

Watching Matthew Addison go farther and farther, and all the other newcomers followed, Dragon suddenly made a sound.

"Hey, who is that, little boy."


Zheng Zha, who has not yet evolved into a muscular orangutan, looked around and had to admit that among these roles, he was the only one who could be called a little boy.

"Me, me?"

He took a step towards Dragon with some hesitation.

"Yes, it's you, handsome, come here for a while, it's good for you."

Dragon tapped lightly on the carriage, "Look here, do you think of anything?"


Zheng Zha looked anxiously at the mercenaries and reincarnations who were walking away, and then at the mechanical dragon.

"De, Dragon, what do you mean?"

"It's really at the same level of intelligence as an ape, have you forgotten what's in this car?"

"Isn't this carriage just, oh!"

Zheng Zha finally remembered what was in the carriage. He and Dragon searched together, and soon found the T virus and antibody stolen by Spencer.

"Take it, it will be divided in a minute."

Zheng Zha was stunned for a moment when he picked up the refrigerator, and then he spoke immediately.

"The Lord God told me that if you bring a copy of the T virus and antibodies back to the Lord God's space, you can get 1000 reward points and a D-level side storyline."

"That's it? The big ball of light is really dark! Let's catch up with them for a while!"

Seeing that the distance was not enough, Dragon ran with four short legs, and Zheng Zha chased after him holding a refrigerator worth several thousand points, for fear of bumping it.

One person and one dragon chased to the entrance of the laboratory, in front of a closed steel gate, and finally caught up with the large army.

When the two of them arrived, the plot was almost over, just in time for Alice to question the identities of the reincarnators.

"What about them?"

Zheng Zha and the others were shocked.

"They are also the security guards here, and the company has their information registered... But I doubt whether the instructions of the company's upper management are wrong. Except for the yellow man who is a qualified fighter, these people are basically ordinary citizens."

As he spoke, he glanced at Dragon again, "Oh, by the way, there is another new toy from the company."

"How do you talk about that?"

Dragon immediately complained unhappily, "Show me some respect, be careful I will whip you!"

The mercenary captain stared at the mechanical dragon expressionlessly, and the other mercenaries also had strange expressions.

Dragon became more and more rampant.

"What are you looking at? If you don't accept it, touch it. I remind you in advance that any part of me is worth more than the sum of all your organs!"

After a brief silence, the mercenary captain endured the anger.

After all, mercenaries are really not as valuable as high-tech experimental weapons, and he doesn't want to bet on the benevolence of capitalists.

"Don't let me know who your programmer is."

At this time, a voice came from the gate above the platform, and a long-haired female mercenary said: "Sir, the gate has been opened, and you can enter now."

The door was gradually opened under the control of the computer, and the interior was pitch black.

Matthew Addison called a mercenary, and then called Zhang Jie.

Zhang Jie didn't say much, and went in with the Desert Eagle.

Soon, the two of them turned on the light switch, and the room gradually brightened.

On the other side, a few mercenaries opened the elevator door, but the elevator cable had been cut by Hong Hou.

A mercenary turned around and reported, "Sir, it seems we can only take the stairs."

Matthew Addison looked ugly, and looked back at the crowd.

"Take the stairs, you must reach the ground floor within 10 minutes, everyone follow!"

(End of this chapter)

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