The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 112 False conversion, day regret

Chapter 112 False conversion, day regret

The heavy machine gun bullets shining with magical aura instantly blasted all the ghosts in a straight line.

Seeing this, the other ghosts immediately tried to dodge, but their poor floating speed compared to the bullets was nothing but puppets.

Dragon laughed wildly and adjusted the path of the bullet, blasting ghosts one after another into negative energy residue.

After he stopped shooting, all the white ghosts had disappeared with the wind, and only the strongest ghosts saw that the situation was not good and slipped into the ground.

In the logistics camp not far away, the priestess who was observing the battle situation through spells directly overturned the table and turned to glare at Keszhuo.

"His Royal Highness! Didn't you say that it's just a teenage metal dragon!"

Keszhuo, who was hugging a fawn, raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and looked at the priestess with great interest.

"What, are you questioning me?"

Under her innocent, childlike gaze, the priestess who was dazzled by anger woke up instantly as if a pot of hot oil had been poured on her head.

At this moment, she finally recalled how she got the title of Keszhuo Spider Princess.

"I'm sorry! I was too anxious to bring the surface world into the Spider Queen's rule! Please punish me severely!"

The priestess knelt down neatly on the ground, holding the snake whip in both hands and walking in front of Keszhuo.

"I didn't expect you to be so devout to the Spider Queen." Keszhuo smiled, but the light in his eyes grew colder.

"So, are you ready to receive the blessing of the spider?"

She smiled and ejected a magic aura. The speed of the magic aura seemed to be very slow, but less than a thousandth of a second later, the light fell into her palm under the desperate gaze of the priestess, turning into a spider-shaped mark.

"No! Please! Have mercy!"

Howling, the priestess reached out to Kestel, but her well-kept palm began to twist, grow, and deform before it touched Kestel's skirt.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The violently growing muscles even tore the skin, and the priestess suffered from this kind of torture all over her body. She howled hoarsely, but soon, even her voice became like a spider, as if made of two The creaking leather, the strange sound of rubbing against each other.

Soon, the priestess' arms and thighs split neatly from the middle, and the carapace squeezed the skin off. She has completely turned into a huge spider with a human face.

At the end, the priestess seemed to wake up for a short time. She barely opened her eyes and seemed to want to see her appearance clearly, but in her current appearance, only Keszhuo's face could be seen.

The moment she saw Kestrel, she screamed again, wailing in a more miserable voice than ever before.

"Queen of God, please help me!!!"

Kestrel tilted his head and turned to look at the other drow.

"What does she mean? Not satisfied with the spider's blessing?"

"No no no! How is it possible! The eldest daughter must be crazy with joy!"

"Yes, yes! She must be crazy! Your Royal Highness, please don't mind! Of course, if you are really unhappy, then let's wipe out the Yuexisi family!"

Other priests with lower ranks hurriedly comforted Keszhuo, for fear that she would sprinkle blessings all over the floor when she was unhappy.

Keszhuo looked at them quietly for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"That's good, do you want the blessing of the spider too?"

"No no no no! We don't deserve it!"

"Our qualifications are too low! We don't deserve such a powerful blessing!"

"But I think young priests should be given more chances!"

With Keszhuo's casual words, several drow priestesses directly tore each other apart, even ignoring the Allied Forces of the Eight Clans who were attacking the logistics base.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, a male mage with a relatively high spellcasting level was about to say something fair, but just as he opened his mouth, he was whipped in the face by a priestess.

"You bastard! You have no place to speak here!"

Success!Let's play badly together, let me see who will die first!
The male mage directly started holding the spell book and reading it quietly. Keszhuo was also very happy to read it, but the drow warrior who was in charge of defending the logistics camp was not happy at all.


They hid behind the fence and fired at the hobgoblins who rushed here and there.

Although the barrels made by the gray dwarves have slight errors, the nine needle-fired guns are still very powerful when they are fired together.

The hobgoblins who were charging fell down four directly, and the elite drow warriors loaded and aimed very fast. In just ten seconds, they fired four rounds of volleys and knocked down nearly twenty hobgoblins. Destroyed hobgoblin morale.

"These drows are also a bit capable." Dragon, who was observing the battle situation through the drone, was a little amazed.Fortunately, it was a needle-fired gun. If Lao Li and the Lee Enfield rifle were replaced, none of the dozens of hobgoblins who attacked this time would be able to retreat alive.

"It's a pity, drow elves are generally unwilling to surrender." Dragon, who has become dog-friendly again, sighed and raised his right paw, intending to send these soldiers away with 14.5MM caliber machine gun bullets.

Just as he was about to shoot, he suddenly switched his weapon to a smoothbore gun in his left claw.

"Let's wait a little longer." Dragon quickly calculated the distance to the target, the height of the underground space, and the weight of the shell. Soon he came to a conclusion and redesigned a new type of ammunition.

"Just try it with you," he locked several heavily armed tauren through the drone.


He fired three shots in a row, but this time the shells fired were not the high-explosive and armor-piercing shells he usually used, but a very happy infantry sweeper.

At a speed of 330 meters per second, the shells slowly crossed an arc, flew over the heads of the drow guns, and exploded right above the tauren impartially. The 740 shells splashed out at three times the speed of sound The small tungsten alloy arrow instantly smashed all living things within a 15-meter radius into a sieve.

Several tauren wearing heavy plate armor fell to the ground without saying a word, blood trickling from the densely packed holes in the plate armor.

This was just the first shell, and the second shell shot directly into the animal pen, sending two-thirds of the drow's war beasts away in one shot.

The third shell went straight into the main tent, but it didn't explode for some reason, and the mages were not interested in it. They just wanted to leave this completely defeated army quickly.

However, all their spells have failed. Whether it is the fourth-ring spell, Dimensional Gate, or the seventh-ring spell, teleportation, alien teleportation, or stepping into the ether world, they cannot leave this big tent that will be attacked at any time.

"Do you want to run away? No way."

Looking at the panicked casters, Keszhuo slowly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a stiff and strange smile.

"You are all followers of the Spider Queen, how can you escape from this web?"

She waved her hand lightly, and the drow spellcasters discovered in horror that at some point, everything in the big tent was entangled with hazy spider threads, and the drow were no exception.

"Come on, come on, here's the web you'll never get rid of."

Keszhuo smiled and said to himself, the spider monster who had been lying still suddenly stood up, staggering, swinging its deformed limbs, and walked towards the drows who were stuck on the web and couldn't move.

"No! Your Royal Highness! You can't do this! We are all faithful believers of the Spider Queen!"

"I am willing to be loyal to you, please show mercy!"

The drow spellcasters prayed frantically to Keszhuo, but she just looked at them calmly.

"Why should you resist? The people of the Spider Queen become spiders. This is your inherent destiny."

Soon, the crying and howling disappeared, only the strange sucking sound was faintly visible in the big tent.

Keszhuo hugged the shivering deer with his eyes closed, looked at the ground boredly, and muttered to himself.

"Great Spider Queen, I have chosen to accept my fate, what about you?"

No one knew what happened in the tent, in fact the drow elves couldn't care less.

Dragon after round of shrapnel, completely destroyed their organization.

The logistics camp was in chaos at the moment, and no one knew what the reason was. It might be for the competition for the mounted beast, or for the competition for food and drinking water.

Anyhow, drow's armies began to kill each other after it was unknown who, but certainly drow, had struck the sword first.

Drow and gray dwarves slashed at each other, drow and lycanthropes slashed at each other, drow and out-of-control beasts slashed at each other, drow and drow slashed at each other.

Because of Drow's good reputation, they were obviously in their own army, but they fell into a situation where they were enemies all over the world, and even their own kind couldn't believe it.


Drow, holding a firearm, fired a volley, killing several red-eyed werewolves, and then some sat down directly against the fence, watching their compatriots kill each other with empty eyes.

Although they are the last formed squad in the drow army, and although they still have sufficient bullets, theoretically speaking, they are very hopeful to break out of the encirclement, but they just don't want to do anything, they just hope that a shell will fall from the sky as soon as possible , to end this rotten war.

But after one shell after another, the shells became more and more sparse, and many lunatics who killed each other were killed, but they were still alive.

In the silence, did anyone know who spoke.

"Have you noticed, that weapon is very accurate, and every shot can kill a bunch of lunatics."

"Yeah," another drow said, "It's like having a pair of eyes looking at the sky. It must be some kind of magic effect."

"Maybe," said the third drow, "but why are we alive?"

No one answered this question, but all the drow knew that this meant they could continue to live, but they needed to make a small compromise.

Soon, someone asked in fear: "Can we really surrender? I heard that Drow, who betrayed the will of the God Empress, will feed his soul to spiders after death?"

"You'll be fine if you change to another god." The other drow sneered, "The queen of the gods can't get over the world. I think the Nine-faced Dragon God is very kind. No matter what camp he treats, he won't use it like a madman. Cruel punishments to torment believers."

This statement can be called outrageous, but Drow immediately agreed with it.

"That's right, look at the other elves, which one is more unlucky than us?"

Amidst the conversation between you and me, the atmosphere of the team became active again, and the tone was confirmed.

"Surrender and conversion are indispensable!"

"But we are drow elves after all, isn't it a bit bad to just abandon our belief in the Spider Queen?"

"Then feign conversion! False conversion, brothers! If the Spider Queen needs us to work someday, it's not too late for us to repent."

"Then pretend to convert and regret it in the future?"

"Yes! If you pretend to convert, you will regret it in the future!"

"If you pretend to convert, you will regret it every day!"

The drow gunfire soldiers quickly unified their caliber, and no one mentioned the extent to which this false conversion was going to be fake.

It didn't take long for Hogg to charge up with the gnolls holding up his iron shield!
Originally, it was going to defend against drow's firecracker, but before it had rushed 100 meters away, a few drows who couldn't wait picked up a piece of white cloth with their bayonets and happily dangled it around.

"Hey, I'm busy with my work!"

Hogg also wanted to chop off a few more drow's heads to save a throne for Dragon, but now it seems that it can't be done in a short time.

It held up its shield and charged aggressively at the drow firecrackers, baring its teeth and roaring in Gnoll language from a long distance away.

"Surrender without killing! The Chamber of Commerce gives preferential treatment to prisoners!"

"What's the name of the squeaking thing?"

A drow elf was a little panicked, "Isn't it going to kill us?"

"Don't worry, I can speak the jackal language."

Another older drow comforted him casually.

"What the jackal said is that as long as we surrender honestly, we will have a lot of golden tickets."

"Really? Then why doesn't it have a good face when it says good things?"

"Wolf man, who belongs to the dog, and the face of a dog is like this."


Hogg's last effort also failed, and the nine drows just threw their guns away, what do you like.

It didn't dare to disobey Dragon's order, so it could only stomp its feet resentfully, brandishing a shotgun with a bayonet, and charged into the chaotic army camp.

The rest of the jackals followed closely behind, and then the kobolds also shouted Long Live the Mechanical Dragon King and rushed into the barracks.

After more than two hours, all the monsters who didn't know how to surrender went to the bottomless abyss decently.

In the entire barracks, apart from the nine drow warriors who surrendered, only drow was alive in the main tent.

"It seems that you don't intend to go to Star Fort to meet me."

Dragon controlled the drone and flew slowly into the tent, and saw Keszhuo standing in the tent with two rice dumplings in front of him, one of which contained a kobold and the other also contained a kobold.

"It's because your attack speed is too fast." Keszhuo looked at the drone calmly, with deep eyes as if thinking about something.

After a brief silence, she suddenly spoke.

"I have a present for you."

(End of this chapter)

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