The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 113 Do you think it's a coincidence?

Chapter 113 Do you think it's a coincidence?
"What gift? The gift you are talking about should be you, right? This is already a very old joke, what kind of dragon do you think I am!"

Dragon's face suddenly changed when he heard the words, and he refused again and again with righteous words, it was not because Catherine also came here!

Absolutely not!

"You mean, are you also interested in my body?"

Keszhuo asked blankly, "If it is, in order to thank you for saving me, it is not unreasonable to give this body to you."

"No, it's all here!"

Dragon is a bit numb. He loves God of War purely, but he doesn't mean to impersonate others.

"Have you misunderstood the dragon? This is the first time we have met!"

"Yes, this is the first time we've met. But that doesn't stop you from saving my life in the past."

"Time means nothing to our multiverse, does it."

Dragon probably understood the meaning of Keszhuo, and one day in the future, he successfully surpassed the timeline, that is, he almost got into the rank of the ancient time dragon, and then traveled through time to save Keszhuo.

Probably so?

But he couldn't figure out why he wanted to save Keszhuo.

He is a happy dragon, maybe he will help someone who is unfortunate when he sees it, but it is a bit outrageous to go through time to save someone.

Keszhuo probably saw his doubts and explained gently.

"I was 16 years old that year, and my mother was the eldest daughter of the Roxivia family. She needed a pure blood relative's soul to make a miracle, so she gave birth to me."

"Before I was 16 years old, she loved me very much every moment. I didn't need to learn any dangerous knowledge. She would always do her best to protect me."

"Until that day, my 16th birthday, she told me everything and tried to take my soul."

"At that moment, my world collapsed, but I didn't want to die, at least I didn't want to die by her hands. So I prayed to the gods, no matter who can save me, I would like to practice His way forever."

"It's a pity that the gods don't care about the life and death of a drow, so I prayed to the devil and the devil again, just asking them to take my soul, but it still didn't work."

"And then I was completely hopeless."

"Until I met you", at this point, Keszhuo looked deeply at the camera of the drone, as if he saw Dragon through the electromagnetic signal, and there was a sudden brilliant light in his big empty eyes.

"It was you who saved me! It was you who gave me this strength!"

She opened her hand and blew lightly, countless colorful scales appeared out of thin air, danced, refracted the sun's rays, and enveloped everything in a dreamlike illusion.

Dragon saw an extremely huge spider web in the virtual image. The spider web appeared on the day Keszhuo was 16 years old, extending infinitely along the long river of time to the past and future.

On that vast spider web, there is a half-human, half-spider phantom that keeps changing.

Sometimes it's a giant human-faced spider, sometimes it's a drow maiden with a spider's bow, and sometimes it's a monster that looks a lot like a lizard.

"Atrak Nakya"

Dragon subconsciously spoke.

"Yes, Atlach Nakya."

Keszhuo said with nostalgia, "That day you repeatedly told me this name, and asked me to call on his power. In the end, I succeeded. You saved my soul and everything about me."

She looked at the camera of the drone and said word by word: "If you are really interested in this body, then I will be very happy, because I finally have something that I can return to you."

"Well, I think it's better to forget it."

"Even if it's me who saved your dragon, it's me in the future. If you want to repay it, wait until the future."

Dragon is a little embarrassed, he is not fake and lofty, the main thing is that Julia who contracted the nameless fog is enough for him, if there is another girl who contracts with the old ruler, he will upgrade the steam furnace to [-] Marina couldn't stand it either.

"Are you worried about the lady?"

Keszhuo glanced slightly in the direction of Star Castle, then quickly turned his head, wiped his red eyes lightly, raised his head and stared at the drone's screen, smiling slightly.

"It's okay, I can come to you after you fall asleep. No matter how powerful that lady will be in the future, she still can't catch up to the dreamland now."

In Star Fort, a certain woman who was rubbing body lotion directly crushed the cosmetic bottle, gritted her teeth and looked at Premier Lin.

"I knew that all the drow, one counts as one, and all of them are bitches!"



For some reason, Dragon suddenly shivered.

"I always feel that something bad is about to happen." He looked around uneasily, and felt that there was nothing strange about it, so let's change the subject quickly.

Dragon refocused his attention on the main tent, "Speaking of which, I don't know your name yet."

"Kestri, my name is Kestri."

"And what should I call you?"


Yilong and Zhuoer fell silent after a couple of awkward chats. The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Dragon quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, what was the gift you mentioned earlier?"

"It was an unexpected surprise," Keszhuo smiled and winked at him, and then waved his hand and scattered a piece of scale powder, eroding the boundary between reality and fantasy.

After the scale powder disappeared, a silver-haired elf with sleepy eyes appeared on the ground.

She looked around suspiciously, and then accidentally saw Kestrel.

"... hallucinations, nightmares! Must be nightmares!"

She lay directly on the ground, trembling with her eyes closed.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, you won't dream of bad drow when you fall asleep!"

Keszhuo laughed lightly, bent over to the moon elf's ear, and sneered in a hoarse voice.

"You said one thing wrong, dreams are my domain."

"If you do fall asleep, you will perish forever in endless nightmares."


The moon elf jumped up in fright, and looked at Keszhuo with tears in his eyes.

"I beg you, good sister Zhuoer, please let me go!"

"It's not impossible to let you go, anyway, you and I have no grievances, but you have to answer a few questions first."

Keszhuo looked at Dragon again, and asked with a smile, "You haven't seen her, have you?"

Dragon looked carefully at the Moon Elf through the lens of the unmanned reconnaissance drone, and replied in a very positive tone: "I have never met."


The Moon Elf, who just noticed the unmanned reconnaissance drone, was a little surprised. She looked curiously at the rotor on the top of the drone, and she was very curious, and her small mouth kept beeping.

"Is this a construct? It's amazing to be able to fly so smoothly! If it was a little bigger, it would be able to fly with people? This is much safer than the flame booster."

"I can't say that," Dragon couldn't help but said: "These two flying methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, but for flying creatures, speed is the first."

"Well, it is."

The moon elf sighed, "But flame boosting is really dangerous. My power boots broke down in the sky before, and I was almost burned to death. Fortunately, I was lucky and got rid of the burning power boots in time. "


"Wait a minute," Dragon called to stop the moon elf girl, and asked politely.

"Before you said, when exactly?"

"About a month ago, what happened?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly remembered something."

Dragon laughed, and the more he laughed, the happier he was, "What a coincidence, it was also a month ago that I was playing wood in the Premi Forest. Hey, suddenly a cold iron power boot fell from the sky, let me give it to you. Picked it up."

"Where do you think I picked it up?"

"Where are you?"

The moon elf blushed and asked in a low voice.

"On my shoulder!"

Dragon's laughter gradually disappeared, and he couldn't help gnashing his teeth just looking at the moon elf in front of the camera.

"Do you think it's a coincidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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