The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 115 The elves are on fire, and the spider queen dies violently!

Chapter 115 The elves are on fire, and the spider queen dies violently!
Why do these words sound so familiar?
Dragon was really panicked this time, even if he was approached by the star fleet of the elves, he would not be so afraid. After all, he and the little moon elf girl had a clean relationship, and they didn't even touch her hair.

He was the victim who was injured by a high-altitude parabolic for no reason.

Was there a more perfect victim in the world?
Impossible, what happened to the Star Fleet?Can you be unreasonable if you have the Star Fleet?

Do you understand the gold content of the all-metal dragon king appointed by the Nine-faced Dragon God?

But Julia is different. Firstly, she is not afraid of the Nine-faced Dragon God, and secondly, at certain times, she really doesn't make any sense at all!
Even super steel with a yield strength of [-] gigapascals couldn't hold her back and crush her to death!
"what should I do now……"

Dragon is very flustered, that is, he can't sweat, or he will be dehydrated like a moon elf.

After thinking fast, the mechanical dragon's eyes lit up.

"Have it!"

He quickly opened the operation panel and asked the system to return to Baidu.

【Quickly go online and search for what gift to give to make your girlfriend happy】

Dragon also doesn't care about energy anymore, life-saving is the most important thing.

Energy -1000, the system quickly gave a series of pictures of products, each of which claimed to move his girlfriend to tears.

But Dragon felt unreliable when he saw it, and asked quickly: "Where did you search, are you sure it is reliable?"

The system's answer was very rigid.

[This is the perfect conclusion after systematically examining the sales data of several large e-commerce websites]

【Users may not believe it】

"Comprehensive data, should it be more reliable?"

Dragon immediately believed it. Now that he had a way to save his life, he calmed down again and continued to talk to Keszhuo through the drone.

"Julia is very gentle, it's impossible to get angry, another day, I'll ask her if she can invite you to Star Castle as a guest."

"Let's not talk about this, this drow army is destroyed, will the dungeon they belong to continue to send troops?"

"Normally not," Keszhuo said with a smile. "The Underdark region is full of dangers. Anywhere may be sealed with monsters left over from ancient times. It's normal for thousands of troops to lose contact."

"That's it, is there any way to make them continue to send troops?"

Dragon smirked, "It's been a good month that the elf suddenly disappeared, someone must be responsible for this?"

"I understand," Keszhuo nodded, "It just so happens that I have some influence within the drow elves, so I can definitely organize another expeditionary army."

"Do you have any opinion on the composition of the expeditionary force?"

"What can I say, I don't know anything about the Underdark."

Dragon very modestly refused.

He had heard such a saying in his previous life, normal commanders command their own army, while top commanders can command the enemy's army.

Unexpectedly, he, Dragon, will be able to command the enemy's army one day, which is so cool!

Hearing what he said, Keszhuo immediately began to introduce to him the creatures living in the dark region, and directly virtualized the image of the characters when explaining.

"Vampires, their bodies are cold, and it's very comfortable to hold them."

"Gorgons with snake hair, their tongues are as flexible as snake letters."

"I specially cultivated some tieflings of the succubus lineage, all of whom are pure girls."

"The Lamian snake people are half human and half snake. Their bodies are soft as if they have no bones."

"Refining a giant, the body is as warm as a flame, and the shape is just right, you will definitely like it."

"Lord Black Crow, this evil spirit creature can transform into a human form, and the sound of crying is very pleasant."

Wait, is this picking a battle opponent?

Dragon was a little dazed, "Is this the army to fight the wood elves?"

"It can be," Keszhuo smiled ambiguously, "No matter what kind of battlefield it is on, they can meet all your needs..."

In Star Fort, Julia crushed the cosmetics that Celeste worked so hard for for the third time.

There were only three things, and she decided that if this shameless Drowbichi dared to continue flirting in front of Mr. Dragon, then even if it made Dragon angry, she would throw Kestrel back to the Underdark!

Fortunately, Dragon refused very honestly, "I think it's better to forget it, do you have the kind of ugly and worthless subordinates who die for nothing?"

"Yes," Kestriel said softly, "Many drows want to join me, and they will be the best consumables."

"Okay," Dragon nodded. The army of the drow elves is Kestriel's army, and Kestriel's army can almost be his army.

This would allow him to mount an aggressive defense against the wood elves both above and below ground.

The mere wood elves still want to clean the Primmelin?It is suggested that they go to the four directions of southeast, northwest and inquire again, who is the father of Premilin!

"That's it! How about I give up this adamantine vein again?"

In order for the Rajol Elf to enter the game and fight against thunder for himself, Dragon also plans to spend all his money.

"No need at all," Keszhuo shook his head, "Even if there is no fine gold mine, I can still instigate the drow elves to dispatch the army. However, if you don't want to mine the mine yourself, I can take care of it for you, anyway, drow All the ore dug out by the elves must be handed over to me."

Good guy, the drow got the ore, and the dragon got the ore?

Use the enemy's manpower to dig mines for yourself?
This kind of thing is also great!
What is a win-win situation!
Dragon even fell in love with Keszhuo a little bit. Although this girl's skin is not as white as Julia's, her heart is darker than Julia's.

Anyway, the ones being tricked are all evil drow elves, and evil creatures have no human rights, so just do it this way.

However, there may be a problem with her books. Although Keszhuo is not afraid of any opponent except the Spider Queen, Dragon also wants to help her.

"In this way, when the time comes, I will give you a batch of new weapons. I will say to the public that they are smuggling ore for weapons. They will be used to arm the soldiers under your command, and it will also surprise the wood elves."

The two black-hearted villains happily decided how to cheat the two kinds of elves to make a movie. It would be even better if they could drag Rose to the end.

The elves were on fire, and the spider queen died suddenly!
How sweet it sounds!
"Then I will withdraw my troops now, and I have something to do later."

Dragon asked again with concern: "Would it be a little dangerous for you to go back by yourself? How about I transfer a batch of Ellu cats to you? Don't look at the cute cats, in fact, the cats are the main force under my command."

"Thank you for your concern, but it's really unnecessary."

Keszhuo smiled and shook his head, "Actually, I don't plan to go back to the Underdark. Didn't I tell you before that I have a little influence in the Underdark?"

"Even if I'm not there, they can organize an expeditionary force strong enough to fight the wood elves."

"Thirty thousand drow, do you think this number is enough?"

"Enough is enough, there is absolutely no need for so much!"

Dragon repeatedly refused. He is not yet ready to formally start a film with the wood elves, and it is the first time to fight against the Qing Dynasty, so he does not need so many troops.

The main force of [-] drow, and the number of servants should be more than [-], right?

This can push the wood elves into the sea.

Not to mention whether Corellon will be impatient, even Premilin can't afford so many soldiers.

"Five thousand should be enough, I'm talking about the total amount."

Dragon emphasized, "If you beat too hard, the elves and gods may come in the form of saints, so let's take it slowly."

"Follow your will."

Keszhuo nodded slightly, and then directly contacted his subordinates through the Dreamland.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but the timing of her finding someone was not very good. This subordinate was taking a bath in the hot spring when he left the country.

She is a half-succubus with small devil horns, a pair of bat wings growing from her back, her tail floats lazily on the water, and she is lying on her back in the warm water with a very peaceful expression.


Keszhuo opened his mouth lightly.

The half-succubus immediately opened his eyes, before even imagining his clothes, he half-kneeled in the pool.

"What is my lord's order?"

"Organize an army, [-], only the elite will be sent out, and the rest will be made up by nearby dungeons."

"Tell them I've found a passage to the Premín."

"Follow your will."

The figure of the half-succubus gradually disappeared, and it seemed that he had woken up from his sleep to deliver the order.

Kestrel turned his head to look at the drone camera and blinked slightly.

"How are you feeling?"

"The army is pretty white, ah no, I mean the plan is long!"

Dragon felt that it was better for him to be silent for a while.

Keszhuo smiled happily, "Talomati has been adopted by me since she was born. She is the maid I specially prepared for you, as long as you are satisfied."

"By the way, she's no ordinary demi-succubus."

"I'm not satisfied, ah no, I mean"

Dragon struggled to explain with some embarrassment, but soon he didn't have to explain to Kestrel.Because after a cloud of mist passed, Keszhuo disappeared directly.


He tentatively yelled, but there was no response, so he could only continue talking to himself in embarrassment.

"Kestriol and I are just partners. Really, you see, I haven't even seen her face, so don't think too much..."

In the dark area, Qianshi City, in a large house on the second ring road.

The half-succubus who woke up from the hot spring was about to get up when he saw a cloud of mist suddenly appear above the pool water.

She immediately became vigilant and quickly put on protection for herself.

As a high-level spellcaster, she can be regarded as the number one figure in Qianshi City.

Of course, the more important thing is that she is loyal to Spider Princess, and the drow who dare to fight against Spider Princess have all become spiders.

who is it?

There are still forces in the dungeon who dare to oppose my lord?
She was confused, but soon the fog cleared, and a familiar figure fell directly into the hot spring.

"My lord?"

Talomati turned pale with fright, relying on the spider thread rooted deep in her soul, she could instantly confirm that the figure emerging from the mist was indeed Kestriel.

"How are you?"

She flew over quickly, and saw Kestrel sitting naked in the hot spring, with all her clothes gone.

"It's none of your business!"

Being thrown back into the Underdark from Dragon's side suddenly, Kesdra's teeth were about to be crushed!
She has been waiting for almost 100 years!Just for today!
Nasty old woman!Is it great to have a higher status?If you have a higher status, you can do whatever you want!
For a while, Keszhuo couldn't help but want to drag the entire Qianshi City into a dreamland, but considering that Dragon needs the assistance of the drow elves, she still endured the anger.

Nasty old woman!
I remember this grudge!
"Go get me a suit," she casually told Talomati.

When the half-succubus came back with the clothes in his hands, Keszhuo's anger disappeared instead.

"Picking up clothes? That's all you can do."

She sneered and stood up, changed her clothes, and ordered Talomati again.

"Call your sisters back and tell them that the appointed day has come!"

"Your personality is amazing? I don't believe that you alone can defeat the group of maids I have carefully cultivated!"

In the past few decades, Keszhuo has not only trained Talomati.

She smiled slowly, facing the void.

Although Keszhuo couldn't see Julia, she knew that Julia must still be looking here.

"Dear Ms. Misty, we will have a long time to get along in the future."


In Star Fort, the last bottle of cosmetics that was still in good condition has finally followed in the footsteps of its predecessors.

Julia raised her hand and put it down again. After repeated several times, she still resisted the idea of ​​directly destroying Keszhuo's humanity.

Although she is fully capable of this, she really doesn't want to make Dragon angry at all.

Although Dragon only liked Keszhuo a little bit, for Julia, this little liking was already a gold medal for avoiding death.

"Damn bitch, you'd better pray that you don't end up annoying Mr. Dragon..."

The mist in Star Fortress also sensed the master's anger, surging non-stop.

The more Julia thought about it, the more angry she became, and she silently made up her mind.

When Mr. Dragon comes next time, we must slow down the flow of time again!
Five times is no longer enough!Directly twenty times!
See how he still goes out to flirt!

Well, although Dragon also has a time stabilization anchor, level one can only stabilize individual time.

Julia directly made the time flow in Star Fort independent of the material world, so he had no choice.

(End of this chapter)

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