The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 116 My life is over!

Chapter 116 My life is over!

In the underground mine, Dragon, who is still organizing the withdrawal of troops and cleaning up the battlefield, has no idea what he is about to face, and is quite happy in his heart.

The energy provided by fine gold ore is much stronger than that of ordinary metal ore. Although it is still not as good as magic gemstones, the amount is large.

A piece of fine gold ore, depending on the content of fine gold, can provide energy ranging from a dozen to dozens of points.

He only needs to deploy more kobolds to mine, and the energy increase will only depend on his eating speed.

But the battle is over, and disbanding the army is also troublesome.

Maomao must be sent back to the academy, they are technical cats, it is too wasteful to go to the battlefield.If it weren't for the menacing drow elves this time, Dragon would never let them go to the front line.

The jackal, the jackal stayed and worked, but Hogg had to go back. If he didn't go back, Old Torres' old bones would be too busy.

Hobgoblins are also troublesome, but since Dragon has promised the employees of the Honor Chamber, he must do it.

He challenged the hobgoblins who were the most heroic and had the best attitude to issue badges of honor and give them guns.

This also helps to divide and disintegrate hobgoblin tribes. Although Dragon does not lack their power, hobgoblins are still very good for filling the front line.

After some chores were done, it was already noon the next day.

Tired is not tired, at least it is much more relaxed than when resting in Star Fort, but it is not the way to go back and forth like this.

Dragon silently recalled the terrain of the Premi Forest, and felt that it would be better to build a road of hundreds of kilometers in the subtropical jungle than the entire teleportation array.

"Sister Mesriel," he asked Mithril Dragon, "I want to set up teleportation formations in the Blood Claw Tribe, Cat Academy, Kobold Camp, and Three Rivers City. How much will it cost?"

Mesriel roughly estimated the distance, and lightly reported a small number.

"30 gold coins."

30 gold coins, not much.

Dragon, who has been baptized by [-] million gold coins, doesn't care about this small amount at all.

"Success, I have such a large fine gold mine, can't I still afford this little money?"

"I'll give it to you when I sell the ore, how many teleportation arrays will I get now?"

Mesriel glanced at him lightly when he heard this, and sneered.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? You haven't given me the money to sell the firecracker yet!"

"Well, you also have to consider R&D costs and operating costs. I'm also under a lot of pressure to be a boss, and I'm also a disadvantaged group..."

Dragon laughed dryly, and hurriedly changed the subject.

"Is 30 gold coins enough?"

Mesriel glared at him bitterly, and said angrily: "Enough, three transmission lines, six transmission points, every [-] gold coins, get the money!"

"Is this money, there must be, let me make it together..."

Dragon began to think about where to get money. With such a tight schedule, it must be too late for serious business.

Julia, Julia can't do it, I've already taken a lot of money from her, wouldn't it really be a soft meal if I keep taking it?

He is the all-metal dragon king appointed by the majestic nine-faced dragon god, so he can't always eat rich women's soft food, can he?
If this kind of thing is accidentally spread, how can he be a dragon?

Even a mechanical dragon has to take care of this! (Sound of slapping in the face)
Keszhuo should also be able to afford this money, and this is not a soft meal, she took the initiative to repay the life-saving grace, but unfortunately she is thrown away now.

Moon Elf, Moon Elf must be able to afford the money, but the Star Fleet who came to send the money may not be very talkative, and she doesn't know where to go.

Thinking about it this way, Dragon suddenly realized that 30 gold coins is really not a small amount of money!

A certain Earl of the Western Territory, who didn't want to reveal his name, even gave up his daughter for 100 million gold coins. This old thing is really inhumane. Dragon will find him to collect debts manually sooner or later.

Wait, debt collection?
Speaking of debt collection, Dragon just remembered that someone still owes him a debt that has not been repaid!

He recalled the map engraved in the mithril claw ring, hehe sneered.

"Illegally raising giant raptors endangers the lives and property of innocent people. I have to handcuff you!"

"Go, come with me to get the money!"

He took Mesriel, Catherine with a gun, and two dragon girls who were in charge of acting cute, and rushed straight to the address marked on the map.

It's in the mountains in the middle of the Premi Forest, closer to the elves' territory, but Dragon now has a thigh protector, not to mention how arrogant he is flying.

Just pulling the sound explosion street at an altitude of less than 1000 meters, I don’t know how many flowers and plants were frightened along the way.

In the jungle, the rangers who were sent to look for the sneaking moon elves raised their heads and looked at the mechanical dragon with its long tail full of meteors, all of them were a little puzzled.

"What dragon is that?"

"It looks a bit like a metallic dragon in color."

"Whatever it is, it doesn't matter if it's not a five-color dragon, let's find that lady first!"

The wood elf ranger captain who was sent out to take the blame didn't have time to meddle in such nosy matters.

If he can't find the sneaking moon elf, then his bonus will be over!

Not to mention the metal dragon, even if the drow came out of the ground, as long as they didn't kidnap the moon elf, the ranger captain would dare to pretend not to see it!
Dragon flew frantically all the way to the mountains before raising the altitude to 3000 meters, looking for debtors according to the terrain.

With good sightlines from high altitudes and convenient viewing of the terrain, he easily found the destination, a towering mountain with a minimum height of 3000 meters and the top of the mountain was completely shrouded in clouds and mist.

It looks very artistic from a distance.

"There won't be any tall people living in seclusion in this place, right?"

Dragon hesitated a little. He circled twice in the sky, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt guilty. The shape of the cloud and mist was not natural at all.

"Mesril, do you know any creatures that like to live in the clouds?"

"Both the silver dragon and the cloud giant like this environment."

Silver dragon and cloud giant, first rule out the silver dragon.

Even if the wood elves would not take the initiative to attack the metal dragon, the metal dragon would never live in front of the elf's house.Insects don't bite people, but they are aggressive. Who knows if they will think carefully.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that some silver dragons just like to have sex with elves, so they even move their homes to be next to elves.

But it is more likely that the cloud giants live in the temperate mountains, and they also have the habit of domesticating rocs.

The challenge level of the cloud giant is 11. It is said that it is a very beautiful giant, with exquisite appearance, three-dimensional facial features, and smooth skin, but I don't know how it compares with the refining giant.

Dragon was a little curious, purely curious.

"Owner of Bibi Bird, something happened to you!"

With a violent shout, he slowly descended from the highest point of the cloud and mist.

The cloud covering the top of the mountain was unexpectedly thin, only ten meters thick. Dragon quickly passed through the cloud and saw the scenery hidden behind the cloud.

It was a very huge castle. The main building was more than 400 meters high, and the tower was 600 meters high, covering an area of ​​more than [-] square meters.

For this castle, the top of the mountain was directly leveled.

This ghost place can't be the Grand Arcanist Training School, can it?

Will there be an old man with a white beard more than ten meters tall coming out with a staff and asking with a smile, "You kid killed the roc raised by our school's students?"

That's too outrageous, right?
Dragon was a little scared. He was just about to exit to check the situation when he saw two 30-meter-high gates being pushed open. Two cloud giant twin sisters, about five meters high, in maid skirts, came out to stand. by the door.

Then came out a heroic blond woman, over four meters tall, holding a roll of gold thread with two shuttles tied to it.

Was this sister making clothes before she came out?
And why is one shorter than the other?
Dragon felt that this account should be returned, and he was about to continue to land, and Mesriel, who was sitting behind him in the form of a catwoman, reminded loudly: "Don't land! That's Weaver Girl! If you leave Get too close, and she can directly cut off your fate line!"

"What the hell?!!"

Startled, Dragon immediately pulled up to the innermost layer of the cloud, watching the blond giantess vigilantly.

He quickly searched for information about Weaver Girl in the inheritance of the Dragon Clan, and soon there was a result.

Weaver Girl, challenge level 18, a very ancient female race, the golden thread in her hand is the manifestation of destiny.She can manifest the fate of creatures at will into golden threads, which she then cuts with a shuttle.

Creatures whose fate has been cut off will die suddenly on the spot, and can only be resurrected by divine power.

Fortunately, the effective range of this attack is very short, as long as you keep a safe distance of at least 40 meters from her at all times.

"Can you beat her?"

Dragon loaded the cannon.

"Plus you can, but I don't recommend it."

Mesriel said in a deep voice: "The Weaving Girl is very united, killing her will only lead to hatred."

Hearing that he could win, Dragon immediately laughed.

"Why kill her? I just want money, not life!"

After speaking, he shouted down again.

"Beauty, is that the roc you raised?"

The tall but not muscular Weaving Girl shook her head upon hearing this.

"That roc is not my pet, but its owner is also here."

As she spoke, she stepped aside, revealing a girl who was less than two meters tall with a pair of huge black horns growing from her head.

It should be a girl, right?Although the figure and height are outrageous, but the face is very tender, and the eyes are innocent, as if he is not yet an adult.

"Did you kill Bibi?"

She glared at Dragon with tears in her eyes.

"Ah, this", Dragon was a little embarrassed, why did he seem to have the illusion of bullying orphans and widows?
"It hit me first, I was just forced to fight back!"

He emphasized it loudly to appease his slightly guilty little heart.

"Really? Kebibi won't take the initiative to attack intelligent creatures?"

The girl still didn't believe it, so Dragon had no choice but to skillfully recount the situation at that time, and then emphasized: "I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, try detecting lies."

The girl looked at Zhimingnu, she nodded slowly.

"What he said is true, Bessie, I said a long time ago, don't keep that big roc, it will bring you trouble one day. Look, it has come true now, right?"


The girl sobbed and apologized to Dragon, "It's all my fault, I didn't teach Bibi, are you not injured?"

"Just a little hurt."

Dragon felt a little guilty and used the two claws to measure a little distance. Anyway, he also suffered mental damage, so the mental damage fee is not too much, right?

"I will compensate you, please don't be angry..."

The girl turned around and ran back to the castle to get compensation. Dragon scratched his head, but he didn't have the nerve to ask for 30 gold coins.

This is mainly because the girl's attitude of admitting her mistake was too sincere, which made him feel embarrassed that the dragon opened his mouth. It has nothing to do with the weaving girl who is holding the golden thread of fate and staring at each other. Really, it has nothing to do with it.

Soon, the girl ran back.

She raised her hands above her head, holding a golden ball with a diameter about the same as her height, and ran all the way without blushing or panting, just like a child playing with balloons.

"Mr. Dragon, do you see enough of this?"

She blinked her big eyes and asked Dragon.

Is this some kind of children's toy?

Big marbles?
Dragon wanted to say it wasn't enough, but the little girl was already very pitiful without her pet, and she had to take out her beloved toy to apologize, such a cute little girl, no dragon would want to bully her, right?
Their parents are still watching.

"Enough is enough, it's not convenient for me to fly, so just throw it to me."

Dragon didn't dare to land on the ground, so he could only accept compensation in this way.

"Hey? Throw it to you? No way, no way!"

The girl waved her hands again and again, "My strength is a bit strong, throwing it over will definitely hurt you, let me pass it to you."

As she spoke, she looked at Weaving Girl, as if seeking her permission.

Weaving Girl frowned slightly, but she was a little relieved seeing the girl's resolute eyes.

It's good that the bastard devil's blood can't pollute the girl's kind nature at all.

Thinking of this, she nodded slightly.

"Just this one time," she said, and she and the two cloud giant maids retreated into the castle.

Dragon looked puzzled, hand it to me?Can you still fly?

It didn't seem impossible, after all, the girl seemed to have the blood of creatures from the lower realms, and she might have grown a pair of wings.

Hearing the weaving girl's permission, the girl cheered a little, but soon she remembered that it was in exchange for Bibi's life, and suddenly felt sad again.

"Mr. Dragon, I will compensate you now."

She looked at Dragon sadly, and then took a step forward. After one step, her body grew to a height of ten meters.

Two steps of 20 meters, three steps of 40 meters, and four steps of 80 meters. After seven steps, her body is already higher than the castle tower, and after taking another half step, her horns have already protruded from the clouds.

Dragon stared dumbfounded at the girl who was even bigger than Godzilla.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

My life is over!

(End of this chapter)

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