The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 117 He's CPUing You!

Chapter 117 He's CPUing You!

What would be the challenge level for such a large creature?
25? 30? 35?

No matter how much it is, it's not something he, a young dragon that is only ten meters long, should deal with.

Dragon took a deep breath, just as he was about to imitate the sages and shout Julia save me,
But the girl moved her palm carefully, holding the small ball, and slowly sent it to Dragon.

"Mr. Dragon", she breathed out a fierce airflow in a low voice, stronger than the force of a storm, which made Dragon shake for a while, and hurriedly increased the thrust to stabilize it.

This is simply a human-shaped natural disaster machine. Fortunately, the girl loves to be clean, and there is a faint fruity fragrance in her breath. Don't really be too scary!

The girl also noticed that her words had caused trouble to Dragon, and hurriedly apologized.

"Sorry sorry! I didn't mean to!"

As she spoke, she quickly raised a hand to cover her mouth.But with a wave of her hand, the wind was even stronger. Dragon could only continue to increase the thrust to fight against the storm, and then increase the volume to the maximum.

"I'm fine! Let's go down and talk!"

"All right……"

The girl who had just released herself was a little disappointed, but she nodded obediently, and her body quickly returned to its original state.

Dragon was no longer worried about being slammed by the Weaving Girl, and landed directly on the ground.

Just kidding, compared to this "little" girl who was born by no one, the challenge level is only 18. The fate-weaving girl who is the same as the ancient steel dragon is considered a der?
If you're lucky, Dragon can kill her with one shot!

But if it was a young girl, if she just stood still and let Dragon fight, then even his weapons might not be able to break through the defense!

Her figure is really outrageous...

"I'm so sorry, I'm always causing trouble for everyone..."

The girl walked up to Dragon holding a golden ball in frustration, "Please accept my apology."

She gently lowered the ball to the ground.

This kid seems to be a bit deceitful?

How did she survive to this day without being cheated away?
Dragon was a little puzzled, but he hurriedly tried to persuade him, "It's okay, it's okay, you didn't mean it! And you will apologize if you accidentally do something wrong. If only my two younger sisters were as obedient as you."

"Does Mr. Dragon also have two younger sisters?"

The girl's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she hurriedly asked: "Then how do you get along with each other? What should a sister do to take good care of her sister?"

"This is to make more delicious food for them, take them to play around, fly around, and occasionally chase and fight with wild creatures..."

Dragon beautified his behavior without any guilt, and the girl nodded again and again, and subconsciously let out a cute little exclamation.

"Wow! Ya! Oh!"

"Mr. Dragon, you know a lot!"

The girl looked at Dragon with admiring eyes.

"It's so-so." The mechanical dragon laughed, a little flustered, and then asked: "Bessie, is your name Bessie?"

The girl nodded vigorously proudly, "Yes, Mr. Dragon, my name is Bessie! My mother gave me the name!"

"That's great, I've never seen my mother before."

Dragon deliberately sighed, and the kind girl immediately felt ashamed and apologized repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Mr. Dragon, I'm really sorry! I don't know that you haven't seen your mother... It turns out that you, like Bessie, have never really seen your mother..."

Dragon was slightly surprised, and couldn't help but ask, "You also have two younger sisters?"

Bessie nodded.

"You haven't seen your mother either?"

Bessie nodded again, her expression gradually depressed.

"How can the fate of the two of us be imagined like this?"

Dragon pretended to be exaggeratedly amazed, and then patted his chest hard, "No wonder I felt happy when I saw you for the first time, we are like half-brothers and sisters!"

"If you don't mind, can I call you sister?"

"Huh? Is Mr. Dragon going to be Bessie's brother?"

The girl's eyes lit up instantly when she heard the words, and she stared at Dragon excitedly and nervously.

"Really? Is it true? You're not trying to make Bessie happy?"

"how can that be possible!"

Dragon almost took the front armor out of the hole.

"You sister, I'm sure, even A, even IO can't stop me, I said it!"

The two dragon girls couldn't bear it any longer when they heard this, just kidding, the younger sister has equity, how could Dragon recognize the younger sister casually!

Has this been approved by the high-level executives of the Iron and Steel Dragon United Legion!
Just as they were about to protest, Bessie ran over cheering.

"That's great! Bessie has a brother too! Bessie has a brother too!"

The girl hugged Dragon happily, and then lifted him up in agitation.

Fortunately, she still remembered to pull back, otherwise she would have to say goodbye to her half-brother after this one.

After the two dragon sisters silently retreated back to the dragon thorns, in fact, it is good to have more sisters, so that they are not the youngest.

"My sister is indeed born with supernatural power..."

Dragon laughed awkwardly, and Besy hurriedly put him down with a blushing face, and apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry, Big Brother Dragon, it's all because of Bessie's joy, you must not be angry with Bessie."

"Hey, what's that called!"

Dragon's face sank, and he looked at the girl seriously.

It wasn't until the girl lowered her head uneasily, biting her lips and touching her fingers lightly, that he suddenly laughed out loud, and said softly: "Don't be so aggressive in the future, I'm your brother, why would I be angry with you like this? !"

"Really? Brother Julong won't be angry with Bessie?"

The girl raised her head in surprise. At first she thought she had offended Brother Julong, but Brother Julong didn't want her anymore. She didn't expect Brother Julong to be so gentle.

Is this how siblings feel?
She looked at Dragon with tears in her eyes.

"Brother Dragon, you are so kind!"

"Yes, yes, hahaha..."

Dragon laughed in embarrassment. This stupid girl from the CPU was too cooperative, which made Long feel guilty. It seems that he has to treat her better in the future...

He changed the subject calmly, "Speaking of which, sister Bessie, where are your two younger sisters? Don't they live with you?"

"Bessie hasn't seen her younger sister," the girl shook her head sadly, "It's just that Aunt Nia told me that she saw two girls with the same fate as mine came to the material world, and they must be my younger sisters!"

Well, a boss who can observe the fate line is amazing.

Dragon could only nod his head, and asked again: "Does Aunt Nania know where they are? I can fly fast and I can help you find them."

Bessie's eyes lit up, but she quickly shook her head in disappointment.

"No, they all hid like Bessie, or they would be captured by the villains!"


Captured by villains?who?You?

Dragon felt that he had auditory hallucinations. With Bessy's ability, if he wanted to easily capture her, he must be a galaxy-level evil force, right?

Is it the Kingdom of Light?

He felt a little timid, but losing the dragon is not losing the battle. In order to hug his brother's dignity, he still laughed.

"I really want to know, what kind of blind villain dares to catch my sister of Dragon!"

"Is it a devil or a devil? No matter who it is, you can rest assured to tell my brother, as long as it is not a devil prince or a hell lord, I will sweep it for you!"

"you sure?"

The life-weaving girl with long golden hair came out and looked at Dragon with a half-smile.

"Dragon whose fate is protected by the mist, although your future is limitless, are you sure you really want to take the responsibility of protecting them?"

Fate is protected by fog?
Hearing this, Dragon will not hesitate, yes, who am I afraid of if I have thighs?So what if it is really a devil prince and a hell lord?When I was in a hurry, I would run back to Star Fort and wait for him for a long time, and I would never go out until I reached 100 million horses!
I don't believe they dare to confront the nameless fog head-on!
Thinking of this, he immediately pretended to be a rich woman, and said proudly: "Sister Bessie, I'm sure, even if Demogagan or the nine hell lords come together, they can't catch her, I said it!"

"It's not them," Rungomigniad said with a smile, "it's just Astimus, the Lord of the Nine Hells."

Dragon laughed out loud, "I don't know who it is, it turns out to be the Lord of the Nine Hells..."

His voice became lower and lower, and he stared at Weaver Girl dumbfounded.



Rungomigniad repeated it calmly.

Dragon turned his head slowly, looking at the horns on Bessie's forehead.

Although he had long guessed that Bessie might have the blood of creatures from the lower realms, but Astimos, this was a bit too outrageous.

Aren't His wives already dead?When did you get married again?Why is there no news at all in the material world?

And isn't this old man a bit miserable? There was Gracia in the front and Bessie in the back. Why does every daughter want him to die?

"May I ask, who is Bessie's mother?"

"The most powerful blissful titan in history, Menoitius, was tricked into eating the fruit that contained the original power of Astymos, and gave birth to Bessie."

This sounds like the origin of a conspiracy, and Dragon couldn't help asking curiously: "The reason? What is his purpose?"

"I'm not sure," Lungominiad said lightly, "Who can guess the plan of the Lord of the Nine Hells? But I have a guess."


"He may be dissatisfied with the position of the Lord of the Nine Hells, and wants to go up one more level."

How can this be upgraded?

Astimus is already the ceiling of the lawful and evil camp, and his personality is half a level higher than that of ordinary powerful gods. If he goes up, can AO make way for him?
Wait, Dragon quickly looked at Bessie. The source of Astimos' power is undoubtedly the source of order, and the Titans of Elysium are born a chaotic and kind-hearted powerful race, the child born of the fusion of the source of order and the source of chaos.

"What camp is Bessie?"

"Being kind and neutral, source power doesn't determine everything."

Rungomigniad looked serious, "You should have guessed that the Lord of the Nine Hells is experimenting with ways to obtain the source of chaos, and Bessie is one of the most important experimental subjects."

"Ah, this, this really makes the dragon so angry!"

Dragon gritted his teeth and scolded loudly. He is angry now. Why should he be angry if he has nothing to do?
Wouldn't it be good to ask Earl Bain for money if you lack money?Although the dragon attacking the city is in danger of being surrounded by kickers, it is better than jumping in front of the Lord of the Nine Hells.

Astimos, the undoubted T0 existence of the multiverse, although it is a little bit inferior to the gods of the extraterrestrial level, it is easy to crush most gods.

It can't be said to be a small meaning, but at most it is a medium meaning.

Even the god of evil dragons, the five-headed dragon queen, the strongest and most evil color dragon, and Tiamat, who has several powerful vests of divine power, have to honestly pay him rent.

How many heads does Dragon dare to fight against him?

Just as he was thinking about what excuse he should find to run away politely and decently, he heard Lungominyard smile.

"Thank you very much for your willingness to recognize Bessie as your younger sister, so that her fate will be connected with you, and even Astimos will not be able to see her fate clearly."


Dragon opened his mouth in a daze, "No, that's what I said. Although I definitely want to recognize Bessie as my younger sister, why is it like this?"

"I did it..."

Rungomigniad raised his hand to show Dragon the golden thread that had all but vanished from his hand.

"In order to turn your words into a promise, and bind Bessie's fate with you, my fate will soon come to an end."

Don't underestimate a mother's love for her child!
Although she is only Bessie's adoptive mother, in order for Bessie to have a childhood like a normal child instead of staying in this labyrinth that is no different from a cage all day, even if she gives up her life, she will not hesitate!

(End of this chapter)

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