The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 118 Use this to test the Dragon King?

Chapter 118 Use this to test the Dragon King?

"Are you going too far?"

Dragon felt that he had been bought and sold by force. Although he needed strong enough foreign aid, it would not be worth the candle to face Astimos for this.

"I'm very sorry, but I shamelessly took advantage of your kindness."

Rungomigniad bowed deeply to him, "I don't expect your forgiveness, but I will do everything I have to make it up to you."

This kind of attitude of just lying down and resigning is too much to anger the dragon, right?

Dragon really wanted to kill her with a cannonball, but the matter had come to this point, and killing her would not solve any problems.

"Are you sure that the Lord of the Nine Hells cannot see Bessie?"

"He can't see Bessie," Lungomigniad said softly, "There are many beings who don't want to see him go any further, so Bessie and the other two girls can come to the material world. Here, he can at most You can only command yourself to believers."

"This is also..."

The material world is closely watched by the God of God. Although it may be a bit messed up now, even if the Outer God doesn't care about the party, Astimus definitely dare not provoke the majesty of the God of God casually.

Thinking of this, Dragon's eyes flickered slightly.

Since even a god-level existence can't end in person, what else does he have to be afraid of?

He can pull out a legendary team in terms of advanced combat power alone.

Mesriel, Bessie, Keszhuo, and Julia, except Miss Mithril Dragon, who is a bit hip-stretching, the other three girls are more fierce than the other, making him, the full-metal dragon king, have no sense of existence at all.

After Dragon confirmed the stakes, his stern expression suddenly changed, and he laughed and helped Lungomignard up.

"Ahahahaha, I'm just joking. Look at what you said. Since I recognize Bessie as my younger sister, I will definitely take on the responsibility of being an older brother!"

"Astermos, right? Don't worry, sooner or later I'll kill that old boy!"

"Thank you very much for your kindness."

Rungomigniad bowed deeply to him again, then straightened up, and beckoned to Bessie gently.

"Bessie, come here."

"Aunt Nia..."

Bessie, who was stunned by the sudden conversation, walked over slowly, staring at Weaving Girl nervously and fearfully, her big bright eyes filled with tears.

"You don't want Bessie either?"

"Even family members have a parting day." Rungomigniad squatted down and took the girl into his arms, and told her softly, "But all separations are for a better reunion. In the days to come, we must listen to the dragon." Sir, don’t cause trouble for Mr. Dragon, remember?”

"I remember, Aunt Nia..."

Bessie nodded with difficulty through tears.

"Good boy," Lungominiad kissed her forehead lightly, and looked at Dragon again.

"Mr. Dragon, when will you have time to take Bessie away?"

"Well, let her stay with you for a while longer."

Dragon sighed and said, "You can't let her not see you for the last time, can you?"

"Alright, anyway, I don't have much time left."

Rungomigniad smiled and said, "Then today, 130 and seven years later, will be the day when my destiny will come to an end, and you must come to pick up Bessie."


"how long?"

Dragon felt as if he had been fooled again. The woman said so lyrically before, and it felt to the dragon that he would not live for a few days, so Dragon was willing to forgive her sneak attack.

As a result, she said now that she will die in more than 100 years. Is this using the dignified all-metal dragon king as a melon skin?

"130 years, is it shorter than you expected?"

Rungomigniad said in a tone that could piss off countless short-lived species, "But a life that is endlessly long is meaningless, and it's good to be able to go through the last journey of life with the company of your family like a mortal. "

How can this be called human talk?
What does it mean that a life that is endlessly long is meaningless?
You're really boring, can you lend me your life?
Dragon was about to complain, but suddenly remembered that he had become a giant dragon, and he could barely get to the side of the immortal species.

Although it is incomparable with some races that will not die of old age, it is guaranteed to live for five to six thousand years like ordinary dragons.

And with his metal body, as long as it is well maintained and not torn apart, his lifespan may be longer than that of a normal dragon. How long he can live depends on when the god of death comes to see him.

Wait, it seems that the God of Death can't control the giant dragon. The dragon is also considered a privileged race in the multiverse. As long as you don't live and die until you grow old, there are many ways to continue your life.

Attune with nature and become the guardian of the earth.

Devour your own treasures and embark on the road to becoming a god.

You can't die even if you don't move. If you become an ancient dragon, you can start to restrain the possibility of other world lines. Even the dragon god doesn't need a bird.

Thinking of it this way, Dragon's mentality immediately calmed down, and when the day came, maybe without Julia's help, he would be able to slap Melko's stupid dog's head with a single slap.

"Then talk slowly, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first, and I'll come see Bessie tomorrow."

Dragon was about to take off, but he saw Bessie running towards him holding a golden ball.

"Brother Julong, you forgot this!"

"You should keep it for yourself." Dragon waved his paw generously, "How can an older brother snatch a younger sister's toy?"

"I still have a lot more." Bessie put the ball in front of him and laughed foolishly.

"You must come tomorrow, then we will play marbles together!"

"Okay," Dragon nodded reluctantly.

Although the ball might not be worth much, it was the little girl's wish after all, so why couldn't he refuse it cruelly?
"Then I'll take it."

He grabbed the ball casually and lifted it vigorously, but the ball remained motionless.


Dragon felt something was wrong, tried to push it, and found that it was a solid metal village, weighing at least dozens of tons, and the material was still very soft, just like real gold... gold?
He stared blankly at the solid metal ball with a diameter of two meters, and tremblingly looked at Bessie.

"What material is this, this ball, this ball made of?"

"It's just plain gold."

That is, ordinary, gold!
Dragon turned his head to look at the golden ball, and began to calculate the weight of so much gold.

Assuming that this is a perfect sphere with a diameter of two meters, then its weight is about 80.93 tons, and it is made into a large gold coin of 30 grams, which is 260 pieces!
Three druid girls are not worth so much gold!
Dragon's legs softened and he almost fell to the ground. Folks, Dragon has lived almost two lifetimes, and he has never seen so much money!

And what did Bessie just say?

Does she still have many such marbles?

Dragon immediately regained his energy, stood up straight and hugged the girl fiercely, and said in an unprecedentedly firm tone: "Sister Beixi, you are my half-sister! Brother Dragon, I will take care of your affairs." Already!"

"You just wait to hear the good news of the sudden death of the Lord of the Nine Prisons!"

As he spoke, he asked Bessie to squeeze the [-]-ton ball into a long strip, otherwise it wouldn't fit into the demiplane of Mesriel.

It doesn't matter how many teleportation arrays are built now. The more Dragon looks at Bessie, the more he likes it. Look at this younger sister, who sells [-] tons of gold. Which brother can stand such a test?

Reluctantly bidding farewell to the silly, sweet and soft girl, Dragon soared into the sky, passed through the fog and fog, and headed straight for Star Castle.

The later you go, the more unlucky you are. It's better to die early and be reborn sooner.

During the flight, Mesriel in the form of a catgirl suddenly leaned into Dragon's ear, and asked with a half-smile, "Little guy, this is [-] tons of gold, are you not afraid that I will go straight to Sigil with the gold? "

Dragon grinned when he heard the words, run?
Believe in the nameless fog and still want to run?Believe it or not, I asked Julia to take action and catch you back as a flannel ball in minutes?

So he proudly said: "Sister Mesriel, my trust in you far exceeds this mere [-] tons of gold!"

"You can speak."

Mesriel grabbed Dragon's horns with a smile, wrapped his legs tightly around his neck, and shouted excitedly.

"Duck Dragon! Fuck the insidious Platinum Dragon to death!"

"My little aunt, can you keep your voice down? If the followers of Bahamut hear this, we will be in big trouble..."

More than an hour later, Dragon's flight arrived at Star Fort on time.

Mesriel immediately jumped off Dragon and resumed his humanoid form, rushed to Julia who was smiling, and began to report openly.

"My lord stepmother, I'll report it! As long as Dragon is not around you, he will start to flirt with women. He will never refuse any drow elves who weave the blood of the female devil king!"


The Dragon Dragon is numb, he understands that Catherine is the eyeliner arranged by Julia, but why did you, a Mithril Dragon with big eyebrows and big eyes, vote for Outer God?

What?I voted too?

That's fine.

"She slanders me! She slanders me!"

Dragon immediately yelled loudly, "What kind of drow, I haven't even met! The Weaver Girl is even more outrageous, she is about to die, what else can I have to do with her? Besina But my half-sister! Mesriel, can your mind be healthier?"

"What exactly is it, you know best yourself!"

"Of course I understand, you are completely fabricated out of nothing, secretly, imagining, fabricating out of thin air, talking nonsense, hopeless!"

The two metal dragons had a quarrel for a while, and it was Julia who separated them.

"Okay, okay, Miss Mesriel, let the outside things go, I believe that Mr. Dragon will not make me sad, right?"

She looked at Dragon tenderly.

What can Dragon do?He could only take out the gift he had prepared long ago.

"This is a gift I specially made for you." The armor on his back slid open, and a proportionally scaled-down mechanical dragon drone flew up driven by the hidden propeller. Julia.

"Is this for me?"

Julia's eyes were filled with water for an instant. She looked at the actually very simple drone happily, and was really moved to tears.

At the same time, she silently made up her mind that slowing down the flow of time by twenty times is still too fast, so just adjust it to fifty times!
Dragon was still happy that girls in the feudal era were easy to deceive, so Julia stretched out her hand to hold his front paws, dragged him into the castle, and talked with him about what happened in the past few days .

"Celes has completely run wild, taking the cats to run wild outside every day, and I don't know what I'm doing."

"In the past few days, I have always met very bad drow, and they are really going to piss me off..."

"By the way, I have found some new maids. Would you like to see them, Mr. Dragon?"

As she spoke, she led Dragon into the hall, and saw Teriki and three little maids all holding up their skirts to salute.

"Welcome back, Mister Dragon." X4
Dragon nodded expressionlessly, as if he didn't know the three new maids at all.

Julia smiled and introduced him one by one, "You have met Pamela Lillian Eisley, the jewel in the palm of Earl Bain."

The red-haired Miss Druid barely showed him a frightened smile.

"Have you seen it? Maybe, my memory is not very good."

Julia introduced the second maid again, "Kurrisent Larisian, a moon elf from Evermeet Island, you must really want to catch her?"

The silver-haired moon elf, who recognized Dragon's voice, trembled, not daring to look at him at all, for fear of being tied up by him again.

But Dragon killed him and didn't know or see it, so he just said indifferently: "I don't remember clearly if it's true."

"The last one is the guardian of Premilin, Miss Ina, the spirit of nature."

This little girl with antlers, Dragon, has indeed never seen her before, but why does her bitter and vengeful eyes seem familiar?

Of course, these three maids are not important at all. In the Castle of Stars and Stars, Dragon can't let the three of them perform "No, sir! No, sir", right?

"Now, Teriki, take them to the hot water."

Julia sent the four maids away, and the lingering eyes of spring water fell on Dragon.

"Mr. Dragon, let me clean up your body before taking a bath..."

(End of this chapter)

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