Chapter 119

Another long night passed, and when he walked out of Star Castle, Dragon felt that something was wrong.

Even though he stayed inside for so long, it only took a day to come out?
Is the stability anchor broken at this time?
But it doesn't matter anymore, Dragon, who was completely empty-minded, didn't bother to care about anything, and took off directly to the commercial building.

After a few days of popular sales, many shops also chose to pay rent and move into commercial buildings.

When Dragon walked into the gate, he saw Celeste holding a stack of blueprints and muttering to the cats. He leaned over to take a look and found that it was a structure of an organ man. Judging by the scale, this thing was at least 20 meters high.

"Good guy, are you going to build a Gundam?"

Celeste glanced at him, nose raised proudly.

"You don't even understand it, but this is very high-tech equipment."

"Okay, okay, you are amazing, remember to let me be healthy when you create it."

Dragon wanted to know if this thing could resist the tungsten alloy slipping off.He turned his head to look and found the puppet cat.

"Is the material ready?"

The puppet cat nodded vigorously, "It's fully prepared, meow!"

"Take me to see."

The puppet cat brought Dragon to the warehouse, which was already full of various metals.

Iron, copper, nickel...

"That's right, get in the car and follow me."

As soon as Dragon gave an order, the cats and cats immediately got busy, loading all the metal ingots with a large cart, and went outside Sanhe City.

Dragon found a geomantic treasure in the lower reaches of the river, not too far from the city, just to build a factory.

He was about to call the contractor, when he suddenly realized that he forgot to bring Mesriel, and even the two dragon girls were thrown in Star Fort by him.

"It's really a mistake to take a bath!"

He patted his head and took off to pick up the almighty Miss Mesriel to build the factory.

Soon, Mesriel arrived on his horse, pointed at the huge stone factory building, and it rose from the ground.

Now you can finally build a chariot!

Dragon ordered the cats to send the ore in, and then opened the system panel, [Quickly find me, what machines are needed for the copper shell bullet production line in the [-]th century]

Spicy Chicken Plug ran back to Blue Star to steal information, and soon complex blueprints appeared in front of his eyes. Dragon couldn't understand them at all, but it didn't matter, as long as the nanomachines could understand them.

He tried to choose a stamping machine and wanted nanomachines to make it, but the system directly popped up a prompt.

[The mechanical structure is too complicated, please continue to upgrade the nanomachine]

?Want to upgrade?
That won't work!

The little dragon must learn to say NO to induced consumption!

Dragon also asked the spicy chicken system to disassemble the machine into the most basic parts, so that the level III nanomachines can make parts, but the assembly is very troublesome, so let's play with Lego.

Dragon took out the strength of playing with building blocks in his previous life, and after fighting for a long time, he finally put together a punching machine, but there were more than a dozen screws for some reason.

"Fuck! Stop playing!"

He cursed and opened the system panel to upgrade the nanomachines.
Once more than 6 points of energy are gone, the nanomachines will be upgraded to level IV, and the machines that cannot be directly produced are no longer a problem.

"The money-hungry hack will sooner or later come to your attention."

Dragon held down the stamping machine that was basically half scrapped, and chanted in a low voice.

"Let's boil, my blood!"

"Automatic analysis!"

"Automatic manufacturing!"

"Auto Repair!"

"Start it! Gray Gu storm!"

The armor opened, and silver-gray liquid metal gushed out from his arm, covering the punching machine. Soon, a brand new punching machine appeared in front of Dragon, but his energy was also reduced by ten points.

"No way, sir, using nanomachines consumes extra energy?"

Dragon was speechless, but in order to develop power, control people's livelihood, kidnap people's opinion and let the gods of justice cast their arms, he could only grit his teeth and scatter his energy.

Steam engines, generators, cold compressors...

After all kinds of machines were manufactured, Dragon found that he had to arrest all the young and middle-aged men in Three Rivers City to learn, so that there might be enough workers to start the bullet factory.

This does not take into account other supporting factories.

"Geneva! Money back!"

Dragon was so angry that he gritted his teeth. This industrial revolution is really not something that he can handle alone. It is better to save more energy and go directly to the automaton.

"Continue to mine!"

He got up and flew towards Premilin. After flying for a while, he remembered something. He turned back and called the puppet cat, and asked kindly with a smile.

"Little cat, can you backflip?"

"Meow meow meow?"

Soon, Dragon soared into the sky again, and the puppet cat he selected also cheered happily.

"Help meow! The unscrupulous boss forced the cat to go out to work, meow!"

"Who will save me meow!"

In this regard, most of the other Ailu cats were emotionally stable, and even a few younger kittens laughed outright.

"The boss is wise, meow! That cat who can only point fingers and sign the results is finally gone, meow!"

"Bless the omnipotent blue star! I hope something happens to it, meow!"

"I invite everyone to suck cats and grass!"

This time, because of the ragdoll cat, it took Dragon nearly three hours to fly to the mountains, and the poor ragdoll cat would be blown away.

As soon as Dragon passed through the mystical lock and landed in front of the castle, the huge wooden door was pushed open, and Bessie ran out happily, throwing his arms around his neck.

"Brother Dragon, you finally came to play with Bessie!"

"what is this?"

She looked curiously at the airsick Ragdoll cat.

"Didn't I accidentally lose your pet before? This is the new partner I found for you."

Dragon grinned and smiled amiably at Muppet Meow.

"Quick, perform a backflip for my sister Bessie!"

"I'm a high-tech cat!"

The Ragdoll grumbled, but under Dragon's benevolent gaze, it could only reluctantly jump up and perform a neat backflip.

Well, that's right, although this puppet cat is a liberal arts meow, an academic Daji, and a light crossbow designer, it can also shoot with a light crossbow.

"Wow! Cats are amazing!"

Seeing that cats can really do backflips, Bessie, who has never seen much in the world, immediately opened her eyes and applauded vigorously.The puppet cat glanced at it and found that it was a silly, white and sweet girl. It took a step back and moved closer to Dragon.

"Boss meow, my task is to play with her meow?"

Dragon nodded, "I heard that many cats and cats have great opinions on you, do this task well, and I will give you a promotion when you go back!"

"Then don't worry meow!"

Muppet Cat clenched its paws proudly, "No cat is more professional than me in making people happy!"

After saying that, it ran to Bessie, tilted its head and raised its paw, and let out a baby cry.


"Meow meow, hello meow, kitten, what's your name, meow?"

"My name is Tuduo Gallo..."

"Hello Tudor Gallo, I'm Bessie!"

It's really easy for the dignified academic Daji to coax such a silly Baitian who has never seen the world like Bessie.

Soon, one person and one cat became good friends, and Bessie deliberately became about the same height as Tudogalo, sitting next to him and listening to him tell the story of his battle with the ancient dragon.

Weaving Girl strolled out of the castle, watching the little girl lovingly.

"Bessie hasn't been this happy for a long time, Mr. Dragon, thank you for finding her a friend to play with."

"You are too polite. How can I say that I am also Bessie's elder brother?"

Dragon laughed dryly and laughed, confirming again.

"Are you really sure that Beixi will not be discovered by the Lord of the Nine Hells if she leaves here?"

"Of course, I'm pretty sure."

Weaving Girl answered seriously.

"That's good. I want to take Bessie out to play later, and I'll send her back at night. Is it okay?"

"Of course not. This is the first time that Bessie has left here."

Zhimingnu showed a joyful smile, "I hope you can take her to fly a little longer, so that she can take a good look at this beautiful world."


Definitely next time, definitely next time, Dragon laughed somewhat awkwardly.

He might not know next time, but this time he definitely won't.He also wanted to take Beixi to the mine to experience the joy of ordinary people working hard.

This child can run around holding an [-]-ton golden ball at such a young age, so easy to use, no, she is a talented girl, it's a pity not to use it for mining!

The working people are the most glorious!

Since Bei Xi wanted to fight against the Lord of the Nine Hells from the evil camp, he had to dig more seriously.

Although every piece of ore she digs out will become Dragon's energy, but Dragon can only protect her better if he becomes stronger.

In the final analysis, these ores were still used on herself.

Every piece of ore she dug up will eventually become a shackle around Astimus' neck.

Nothing beats evil like mining!

Thinking of this, Dragon became more confident.

That's right, he did it for Bessie's good.

But there's no need to go into details about this kind of thing with Weaving Girl. She looks old-fashioned at first glance, and she can't turn around with outdated thinking. Let me train Bessie!
Under the careful training of the Full Metal Dragon King, Bessie will surely become the most glorious labor model in the multiverse!
(End of this chapter)

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