The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 120 War War Never Sleeps!

Chapter 120 War War Never Sleeps!
After discussing with Zhimingnu, Dragon took off directly with the girl and Mao Mao.

One is holding the left paw, and the other is holding the right paw. Why does it feel like he has been leading people to fly since the crossing?

Bessie, who was flying this way for the first time, was very happy. When Dragon landed, she was still a little reluctant to part with her. She stared at Dragon with big eyes without blinking, and shook his forelegs lightly.

"Brother Dragon, can you still come to play with me tomorrow?"

"Of course no problem," Dragone agreed, "Let's go, I'll take you to see some good ones."

He led Bessie into the underground mine through the tunnel, and asked as he walked, "Bessie, have you ever been to the beach to play with sandcastles?"

The girl shook her head and asked curiously, "What does the seaside look like? What is sand?"

Now it's all right, and someone has reclaimed Yantian.

Dragon laughed loudly, "The sea is very beautiful, I will take you to play some other day."

Soon they walked into the underground mine, looking at the hundreds of busy kobolds, Bessie exclaimed sincerely.

"So many people, it's amazing!"

"Are they playing a game?"

"This is not a game," Dragon said sternly, "They are all contributing to the fight against the Lord of the Nine Hells!"

"Come on, Bessie, try it too."

He handed a mining pick to the girl, and Bessie followed the Kobold's example and waved the mining pick lightly.


The pickaxe sank deep into the vein, and the wooden pole as thick as an egg snapped off.

"Yeah! I'm sorry!"

Beixi hurriedly apologized, "I really didn't mean it! Brother Dragon, don't be angry with Beixi!"

"It's okay, I'm not angry at all."

How could Dragon be angry with such a good labor force.He hurriedly used nanomachines to make Bessie a pickaxe made entirely of fine gold.

"Come on, try this!"

Bessie took the fine gold cross pick carefully, and with a light wave, directly chiseled off a large piece of ore.

"This is so strong!"

Finding that the pickaxe was not broken, she happily increased her strength a little.

The pickaxe sank into the rock formation in an instant, and the kinetic energy released directly caused a large gap in the rock formation to open skillfully. The ground also shook slightly, and many kobolds barked in fright.

"Earthquake! Earthquake!"

"Hurry up and protect the Dragon King to retreat!"

"Ah! Bessie's in trouble again!"

The girl looked at the mechanical dragon embarrassingly, "Brother Dragon, am I causing you trouble again?"

"No trouble, no trouble at all."

Dragon laughed loudly, then stopped the panicked kobolds and let them come over to attack Bessie.

Well, Bessie is responsible for digging out large chunks of ore and dismantling them, and the kobolds will beneficiate and refine the ore, which greatly improves the efficiency of mining.

Only in the afternoon, Dragon's energy surged by [-] points, and it took only a few days to upgrade the nanomachine to level V.

It really is a beautiful thing to fool people into working part-time!

Seeing that it was getting late, Dragon took the happy little miner and flew to the Cat Academy to have a big meal.

How can a girl who has lived in a stone castle since she was a child resist the temptation of cat food?Eat a meal until the evening, and successfully cleared Maomao's inventory.

This meant that the two dragon sisters were still staying in Sanhe City to look after the store, otherwise Dragon would have to take the cats out to hunt.

It seemed that the breeding business was about to start planning, and Dragon sent Bessie back to the mountain castle in distress, and then went back to the kobold camp to eat ore.

Although there is no large bath with a diameter of tens of meters, there is no maid team that is easy to bully, and the living conditions are even worse, but resting here at least will not make your legs weak.

While eating the ore, Dragon felt the joy of life, when suddenly Gerun trotted over, nodded and bowed.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King, you have been in the mine for so long, do you want to take a shower?"


Dragon was a little puzzled, "How to take a bath?"

Ge Run beamed and said: "We dug a big bath for you by the river, and I also specially selected a hundred kobold girls to be your maids!"

A hundred kobold girls?
The corner of Dragon's mouth twitched slightly, and he said lightly, "Go and call Black first."

Geron trotted to call for Black, and Dragon set him on a mission.

"I kind of want to eat fish, you go and catch me a big fish."

"Blake, you are in charge of fishing on the shore with the men."

Blake nodded, but Gerrun was a little anxious.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King, what am I doing?"

"You are responsible for being the bait, come and send Mr. Gerun into the water!"

When Dragon gave an order, Black led someone to hold Gerun down, and then used it to go fishing by the river.

However, Dragon is not a vengeful dragon, so they are not allowed to use Grun to catch piranhas, just a crocodile.

Hope Grun is okay.

The next morning, Ailu cat camp.

"What kind of meat is this?"

Bessie looked at the tender meat rolling in the soup pot, feeling a little curious.

"Crocodile meat nourishes qi and blood, strengthens muscles and bones, dispels cold and dehumidification, nourishes the heart and lungs, yesterday the kobold took a lot of effort to catch one, and Gerun was almost injured, you must try it. "

One person and one dragon happily drank a pot of thick soup, and then went straight to the seaside.

The garrison and captives led by paladins are coming back, and Dragon must get the saltworks out quickly so that every captive can be given a decent job.

He is so kind!

After arriving at the beach, looking at the endless sea, Bessie jumped into the water happily, and then disappeared.


"Isn't this the shallows?"

Dragon tested the depth of the water blankly, and found that it was indeed a shoal.

Bessie also has the characteristic of melting with water?
He hurriedly rushed into the water, spent a lot of energy, and got several deep and shallow palm prints on his body, before he rescued the drowning girl.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough..."

Bessie coughed hard, crying with tears in her eyes: "The sea is not fun at all..."

"If it's not fun, I won't play. I'll teach you how to play sand painting."

Dragon looked around, and found that there was no suitable tool, but there was no one nearby, which could directly make Bessie bigger.

"Come on, learn to draw a grid with me."

A big body is easy to work with. Even if Beixi only maintains a height of more than ten meters, he can easily reclaim more than 100 mu of salt fields on the tidal flats along the coast.

But this is just the basic construction, and the supporting facilities can only be made by Dragon himself.

According to the information that Dragon searched on the Internet, one mu of land can produce six to seven hundred kilograms of coarse salt every day.

Three hundred acres is sixty to seventy tons, but it is also very troublesome to purify coarse salt into refined salt. Maybe it is enough to follow the process in modern society, but Dragon has to start everything from scratch.
Take your time, as a few days passed, Bessie went to the adamantine mine every day to mine, and the paladins rushed back to Sanhe City with the garrison and prisoners.

Then Dragon dragged the captives directly into the salt fields and asked the cats to teach them to dry the salt.

The working attitude of the captives is also very enthusiastic, and many of them don't want wages, hoping to send the salt home directly.

This is quite convenient, but the price of salt will definitely drop in the future, so Dragon simply let them choose whether they want salt or wages every month.

Afterwards, several teleportation formations were almost completed. Mesriel went directly back to Sigil City and bought all the materials easily.

Now Dragon finally didn't have to play the role of a passenger plane. At least the cats could quickly travel between the Cat Academy and Three Rivers City, and only needed to transit through the kobold camp.

Although the teleportation array consumes materials worth a lot of gold coins every time it is activated, is Dragon short of that gold?
It's not bad at all. If you have no money, you can go to Bessie to play marbles. The girl is very happy that Dragon is willing to play with her.

After the cats learned how to operate the new machine, the output of the needle gun was greatly improved.

Dragon doesn't plan to replace the metal shells in a short time, what happened to the paper shells?Can paper shell bullets kill people?
He just wants to use cardboard bullets to dominate the Western Territory!
Half a month later, the flow of people in Sanhe City has doubled compared to before.This is still too short a time for the information to spread.

Needle guns, coarse salt, snowflake salt, and various specialties of Premiline are all in short supply.

Although Earl Bain and the Iris Chamber of Commerce accounted for most of the shipments of the Iron and Steel Machinery Dragon United Chamber of Commerce, other smaller chambers of commerce could make a lot of profit even if they transferred a small amount of goods.

In the underground black market of the Frankish Kingdom, the price of a needle gun has already reached [-] gold coins, and there is still no market for this.

This weapon with an accurate range of more than four thousand feet made the Thieves Guild very happy.

In the past, they had to risk their lives to lurk by the target's side for assassination, but now they only need a rifle, a bullet, an invisibility cloak, and a mask with the eagle eye effect, and they can send any unsuspecting target to hell.

Three of these four items can be reused. Although the latter two are more expensive, they can also be replaced by ordinary cloaks and masks, provided that you have a pair of eagle eyes.

Even if the royal family issued an urgent order, it would be useless for all those holding needle guns to register, they simply had no ability to control the professionals.

The organization is not strong enough, and who knows if a homeless man who looks so destitute that he can only drink cold water may be a legendary paladin.

Anyway, even if a great nobleman is killed, he still has the ability to invite a priest to resurrect him, provided that the body does not disappear due to accidents, then the heir can only inherit the title with grief.

In short, in this short period of half a month, the Daistal family has become famous in the Frankish Kingdom, and many people know for the first time that there is such a family of border nobles who once expelled the dragon.

There are also many forces that have become interested in the steel and mechanical dragon joint merchants who wantonly sell needle-fired guns. All of a sudden, various forces sent spies to the western border.

In this regard, Dragon, who somewhat felt the deterioration of the security environment, didn't care at all.

All he cares about is the latest weapon created, the Armstrong breech-loader!

Well, it is an ordinary black powder cannon, not an Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon, please don't get me wrong.


The caliber of this breech gun is 76MM, and the barrel length is 213 cm. It can fire various shells such as shotgun shells, solid shells, shrapnel shells, and high-explosive shells.

The infantry cannon shot a bloody alley, and the cavalry made the best use of it!

Just as Dragon was excitedly firing, outside Linhai City, Earl Bain was also ready to send troops.

[-] soldiers with needle guns on their backs lined up neatly, and [-] cavalrymen had a machete in one hand and a revolver in the other, and a spare at their waists.

Originally, he planned to train for a period of time before dispatching troops. Anyway, the population of his territory is almost ten times that of the Dastar family's territory.

With a population of more than 60 and a population of less than 8, and with the support of a giant dragon in his prime, how could he lose?

It is impossible to lose!

That's equivalent to a dragon riding on the face, and you're guaranteed to win.

But seeing more and more businessmen coming and going in Sanhe City, Bain couldn't wait any longer.

The more merchants, the more adventurers.

The more adventurers, the more dangerous elements.

In order to avenge the female mage as soon as possible, he didn't care about how many soldiers would be sacrificed, so he directly led the army to the expedition, even with ready-made excuses.

"The Daistar family invaded the land of their neighbors for no reason, kidnapped and insulted Baron Flores!"

"I will ask for it!"

"Get on board!"

Earl Bain gave an order, and the musketeers began to board the ship and set off.

Looking at his boundless fleet, he suddenly felt passionate.

When you win the army of the Daistal family, you must confess to the female mage!

(End of this chapter)

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