The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 121 Teacher!save me!

Chapter 121 Teacher!save me!

The speed of shipping is much faster than walking on two legs, but it is a pity that more than 100 ships are traveling down the coast, and there is no way to hide it from anyone.

Soon, Dragon knew the information that Bane led his troops to the south and was about to launch an attack on a sea ship.

The information was sent by Shapak at the first time. He was really afraid that the manufacturing plant of the Iron and Steel Dragon United Chamber of Commerce would fall into Bain's hands, and his assets in Wangcheng would be in danger.

In order to help the Destar family fight against Bain, he even found out exactly how many soldiers Bain dispatched.

There were 500 people, of which [-] were Musketeers, each with two revolvers, and the rich even had two more for themselves.

The density of firepower is good, but more than 1000 people want to capture Sanhe City?This is not a joke, is it?
No matter how much Dragon thought, he couldn't understand what Baine was thinking. Does he have any way to break the situation?

At present, all adventurers with a little ability in the western region basically run merchants in Sanhe City. While escorting the caravan, they can also bring goods by themselves, and they can earn hundreds of gold coins for a trip.

New weapon?
Don't be funny, even the needle gun was sold to him by Dragon.

Could there be any external forces intervening?

Elf?Murloc?Northern barbarians?

It's a pity that the spies of the Iris Chamber of Commerce can only find out some well-known information. It would be great if anyone knew what secrets Baine was hiding.


It seems that such a person really exists!
Dragon soared into the sky, and at the same time, the red-haired girl who was cleaning in Star Fort sneezed heavily.

"Aqiu! I always feel that something bad is about to happen..."

The little girl rubbed her nose, and was about to continue working, when she saw the purple-haired maid strolling over, looking at her with eyes that were, how should I put it, that didn't look like human beings should have.

"Tekeli-li! Pamela, Ma'am calls you over."

"I know Captain Teriki!"

The red-haired girl was taken aback by the look in her eyes, and hurriedly answered loudly.

Teriki nodded slightly, and said emphatically, "Tekeli-li! Don't keep your lady waiting."


Pamela quickly put away the tools in her hand and ran to see Julia.

Julia was drinking afternoon tea under the sunshade on the roof, and when she saw her trotting over, she nodded with a smile.

"Sit down, Mr. Dragon will come to ask you some questions later."

"ask me?"

Pamela smiled nervously, then spoke softly.

"But I really don't know anything, I just learn from the teacher..."

Julia wasn't angry either, she knew that the little girl in front of her really didn't know anything, otherwise she would have been in Teriki's stomach long ago based on her status.

"Just say what you know."


The girl was fidgeting.

Soon, Dragon fell from the sky and landed in the center of the rooftop.

Julia immediately got up to meet him, held his front paws, and looked at him with a half-smile.

"Mr. Dragon, why haven't you come to Star Castle these days? Celeste misses you a little bit."

And this thing?

But Celeste sees him every day at the store.

Dragon laughed a little guilty, "I'm a bit busy these days, there are too many things, let's go out for a walk together some other day?"

"Really? That's great!"

Julia smiled happily, "The happiest thing when I was a child was going out with my parents. Mr. Dragon, when do you have time? I want to bring Celeste together..."

"Take it, take it all!"

Dragon promises without batting an eyelid.

"Have you ever been to Premi Forest? Recently I found a very beautiful maple forest. Now the leaves are almost all red, and the fiery red one is very beautiful."

"Is the flight cabin still there? I'll take you there tomorrow. This time is the best time to watch the maple leaves. There is a poem in my hometown that says stop and sit in the maple forest at night. Frost leaves are as red as flowers in February."

Julia blushed when she heard the words, "Stop and do that kind of thing? Mr. Dragon, it's too indecent to do that kind of thing in the wild, right?"

"What about Celeste and the others? We can't drive them out of the car..."

"But if you really want to do it in the wild, then we don't want to bring Celeste, at most we can bring Catherine..."


Dragon felt that this woman was really hopeless!

The conscience of heaven and earth, what he said was sitting in love, that's right!In Dragon Language, sitting and sitting are not the same word at all. How did she understand sitting love as being an AI?
"Can your mind be a little healthier?"

He complained loudly, "Don't be full of pornographic thoughts, okay? As a mother like you, how can you set a good example for Celeste?"

Julia was a little unhappy when she heard that, she pouted and complained in a low voice.

"Now complain that my mind is full of that kind of thing? Is it because you insist on going to me?"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Dragon hurriedly covered the unrestrained woman, coughed lightly, and turned to look at the bewildered red-haired girl.

"Well, Pamela, I have something to ask you."

"Who is the most powerful spellcaster under your father's command?"

The girl blinked, and immediately replied: "It should be Uncle Daniel, right? He is a seventeenth-level archmage, and the teacher said that he still hopes to advance to the legendary level in his life."

A mage of level [-] may sound a bit powerful, but Miss Mithril Dragon killed him in less than a second.

Dragon didn't deliberately conceal the information about Mesriel. Many people have seen her nine-ring spell, mass transformation, wipe out one-third of the high-level spellcasters in the western region.

How could a seventeenth-level mage have the courage to fight against Mesriel?

Is he also Mystra's concubine?

"Then why is Daniel handsome?"

"I don't know, but Uncle Daniel has a long, long beard and is bald. He shouldn't be considered handsome, right?"

Baldness doesn't sound like Mystra's thing.Even if she has a good appetite, she should find someone more handsome, right?

"Is there no one more powerful? Is he the strongest spellcaster under your father's command?"


The red-haired girl nodded vigorously.

"That's not right," Dragon felt more and more that Bain might be making trouble, and a big pill was coming soon.

A seventeenth-level mage would definitely not be able to give him such confidence!
"That's all you really know?"

He looked Pamela up and down suspiciously, and the corners of his mouth were grinning, revealing sharp dragon teeth.

"Little girl, I have a word of advice for you. If you resist, be strict and go to jail. If you confess, be lenient and go home for the New Year."

"You'd better think about it for yourself. Even if your father wins the fight, wouldn't it be beneficial for you?"

"He is not even willing to pay the ransom to guarantee your personal safety! Maybe he has already regarded you as a dead person!"

That's not because you want too many gold coins!
Pamela glared at Dragon for a while, and then retorted softly: "I don't care about him! Anyway, the teacher will definitely come to save me..."

"Your teacher..."

Dragon suddenly remembered that there was such a person, and asked casually, "What's your teacher's name? What level of druid is it?"

"My, teacher, is my teacher, how would I know what level of Druid she is..."

Pamela lowered her head and refused to answer directly.

Um?If you refuse to answer, there must be a conspiracy in it.

Dragon laughed happily, then walked in front of her, stretched out his front paws and lifted the girl's chin, his scarlet eyes fixed on her flustered eyes.

"Dear Miss Pamela, you should be clear about the code of conduct of our Iron and Steel Dragon United Chamber of Commerce, and I will emphasize it one last time."

"We give preferential treatment to prisoners, but only to those who are willing to cooperate. For those prisoners who are unwilling to cooperate, they can only die!"

As he spoke, he stretched out the cannon barrel with a smirk, and slowly shook it in front of the red-haired girl.

"Shall I help you recall its power?"

Pamela looked at the gun barrel thicker than her arm, and immediately thought of a horseless cavalry with no bones left. Suddenly, her legs felt weak.

But soon Pamela remembered the teacher's care for her. After a brief silence, she simply closed her eyes and spoke with a trembling voice.

"You, you kill it! Even if you kill me! I will not betray the teacher!"

"Yo Hoo, you have a lot of backbone."

"Miss Pamela, there is an old saying in my hometown, which is called Wei Junjie, Xixi material."

"I think you must have never seen, how did I persuade Miss Moon Elf, who has the same backbone as you?"

Dragon laughed even more happily. He likes this kind of backbone girl, and hopes that Pamela can last longer than the moon elf, and she will collapse before he has fun.

He started looking for tools with great interest, but when he turned around, he saw Julia smiling.

At this moment, Dragon remembered that the drow elf lady who could happily play torture games with him had been thrown back to the Underdark.

Suddenly, he laughed dryly.

"Julia, I'm kidding!"

Julia smiled and shook her head, "It's okay, Mr. Dragon, a disobedient maid like this really needs to be disciplined."

As she spoke, she raised her voice and called, "Terriki."

The purple-haired maid came out of the shadows immediately, and saluted Dragon and Julia with her skirt.

"Tekeli-li! Sir, madam, what are your orders?"

Julia casually pointed to the red-haired girl without saying a word, but Teriki understood what she meant in an instant.

"Tekeli-li! I see!"

She walked quickly to Pamela who was trembling with her eyes closed, raised her skirt, and a few python-like dark purple tentacles shot out, binding the red-haired girl tightly.


Pamela, who was suddenly put into this position, opened her eyes suspiciously, and saw the tentacles protruding from under Teriki's skirt.

Suddenly, she struggled excitedly.

"Wait! Wait! You can't, don't, don't do this!"

With a smile on her face, Triki took off the red-haired girl's shoes and socks with her tentacles, and brought her to Dragon.

"Tekeli-li! Please slow down, sir. Can I get you something?"


Why does this sound so strange?

Dragon is a partner of justice!Full Metal Dragon King!Not a man-eating dragon!

"No more trouble."

Dragon coughed lightly, looked at Pamela's round and plump buttocks, and persuaded him earnestly.

"Miss Pamela, I advise you to tell all you know now, otherwise it will be useless even if you cry and beg for mercy later."

"I, I won't beg for mercy!"

This little girl really has a hard mouth all over her body, but since she is bitten to death and refuses to cooperate, Dragon can only reluctantly give her a little bit of color, let her see how scary the electric motor is, no How powerful is the machine of fatigue.

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Dragon sneered and stretched out a furry roller from his right paw. With a slight blow, the roller was driven by the motor to rotate rapidly.

He slowly brought the roller close to Pamela's white and tender little feet, and soon, Pamela screamed out with tears and laughter.

"Woo! You can't, can't, can't do this! You can't!"

Dragon laughed wildly: "Jie Jie Jie! Cry! Scream! Scream! Then tell me everything you know!"

"Teacher Laila! Help me!!!"

West Wind Sea, 300 meters underwater.

The female mage who was drinking tea with her subordinates in the marble palace suddenly raised her head and looked into the distance suspiciously.

"High Priest? What happened?"

The snake-tailed woman looked at the female mage suspiciously.

"Pamela? An illusion..."

As long as she doesn't reveal her identity, the two metal dragons can't kill the innocent druid, can they?

It must be an illusion, the female mage with metal horns nodded slightly, and said lightly: "It's nothing, how is the plan?"

"Under the threat of the murlocs, those sea elves can only agree to our request."

Snake licked her lips, showing a bloody smile.

"You are really too kind. If you want me to say, those idiots who are obviously aquatic species but are unwilling to offer their loyalty to our lord, should use their blood to stain the West Wind Sea red!"

"Are you teaching me to do things?"

Laila looked at Snake expressionlessly.

The snake girl trembled slightly, and quickly lowered her head.

"Don't dare, you are the agent of the will of the water god."

The female mage stared deeply at the snake girl, and after a while, she picked up the teacup and spoke lightly.

"There's no next time, Loki."

"Although your natural ability is very useful, I don't have to rely on you."

"What you can do, those sea elves can also do, and they can do better than you."


Luo Ji bowed her head deeply.

Snake softened, but Laila knew she couldn't push her too hard.

After all, except for the blessing of the water god, Laila is not much better than Luo Ji.

After all, the ocean is not her favorite field. The reason why she became the representative of the "Water God" is actually just for revenge.

"Be prepared to launch a tsunami," she said solemnly: "When the sea water submerges the Premi Forest again, the water god will send blessings and give you and me stronger power."

The snake girl showed joy when she heard the words. Why did she risk being chased and killed by the disciples of Umberli, and why did she engage in a cult with Laila in West Wind Sea?
Isn't it just for stronger power!

If it weren't for that crazy woman in Umberley who was too moody, she would have sold Lila and returned to the right way. Uh, it seems that Umberli is also a chaotic and evil evil god?
That's okay, anyway, this water god is much more generous than Ambowry, as long as he does something, he will be rewarded. It is really unreasonable for such a god to be inferior!

"Slay false gods! Blood sacrifice to our lord!"

The snake girl shouted excitedly, but it's a pity that there are only Laila and a few sea fairies here, and the water god's sight is not here.

"Let's get ready," Laila nodded slightly. "If the blood flow of human beings is not enough, then we can only make up with the blood of other intelligent creatures."

"Please rest assured," Luo Ji showed a cruel smile, "There are many murlocs who believe in that mad woman in West Wind Sea. I think they will be willing to sacrifice their lives and souls for the coming of our Lord."

"After all, am I the master of them, hehehehe..."

As she spoke, Snake smiled coldly, her body grew rapidly, and a few seconds later, a wingless sea dragon nearly 30 meters long from head to tail appeared in the spacious palace.

She raised her head and roared silently, and soon, fat and strong murlocs gathered in front of the palace.

"My lord needs more sacrifices!"

The huge sea dragon sneered lowly, "Go, catch those creatures who dare not believe in our lord! Use their blood to sacrifice to our lord!"

"For the glory of the God of the Sea!"

The murloc yelled and set off to attack other aquatic creatures, and Luo Ji smiled crazily at the same time.

"Yes! For the glory of the God of the Sea!"


(End of this chapter)

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