The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 122 After the westerly wind, sea and sky, there is a steel wall

Chapter 122 After the westerly wind, sea and sky, there is a steel wall

In the West Wind Sea, the two evil dragons who have taken refuge in the unknown water god are still playing tricks and schemes. In Star Fort, the almost dehydrated red-haired girl has completely succumbed.

"Gu... kill... kill me..."

She begged feebly to the mechanical dragon.

"Not this sentence." Dragon shook his head slowly, and pressed the roller on the sole of the girl's foot again.

Pamela immediately laughed hysterically, "Ahahaha~ no, take it away! Hahaha! I said! I said baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!"

Her body struggled and trembled violently, but she couldn't resist the power of Teriki's tentacles at all. She could only cry out with her face flushed, her eyes rolled up blankly, and tears, saliva, and sweat directly merged into a stream on the ground.

"Give her some warm water."

Soon, after the girl regained consciousness a bit, Dragon asked again with an amiable smile.

"Now, can you tell us about your teacher?"

The girl nodded with difficulty, and answered hesitantly, "My teacher is called Laila."

"She doesn't seem to be a druid, at least I haven't seen her use druid magic, but she knows plants very well and taught me a lot about how to transform plants..."

Transform plants?
This doesn't sound like something a serious druid can do, maybe she's a mage?

Dragon was a little puzzled, but the girl knew very little about it. She was arranged by her father to do odd jobs for Laila, and her main task was to serve Laila's daily life.

She could become a druid because Laila gave her a few casual pointers because she saw her talent in taking care of flowers and plants.

"That's all? Does that mean you're useless?"

Dragon pretended to stare fiercely at Pamela, and the red-haired girl was frightened and cried instantly. The pattering water flowed down her thighs and fell to the ground, causing Teriki to show a look of disgust.

"me me me"

The girl was incoherent and didn't know what to say, but Julia couldn't bear to bully her anymore, this girl was not a few years older than Celeste.

She gently held Dragon, and whispered softly: "Okay, Mr. Dragon, don't scare her anymore."

"Let me come and ask."

Julia looked at the girl with a smile, her words were as gentle as a mother's.

"Pamela, can you tell me what is characteristic of Ms. Laila?"

The girl didn't want to answer this question, but seeing Dragon grinning again, she could only pick the most obvious one.

"Ms. Laila has a pair of metal dragon horns."

"what is the material?"


"Copper, so it's really her."

Julia sighed with a slightly sighing voice, and then looked at Dragon.

"I think I know who that Lady Laila is."


"She is the giant dragon expelled by the ancestors more than 400 years ago."

Julia sighed, "The ancestor knew from the day she left with hatred that one day she would come back to avenge the Destar family, but I really didn't expect her to choose this way."

"No wonder Bain, who was originally a collateral, can inherit the title of Earl."

"It seems that she started to deploy in the western region very early."

"Did the ancestors of the Daistal family fail to really kill her?"

Dragon was a little surprised, is the elf so generous?Did you get paid if you didn't get things done?
"The ancestors could have killed her, but"

Julia also hesitated when she said this. She didn't intend to hide anything from Dragon, mainly because this matter was really disgraceful.

"But Ms. Lyra, at least 400 years ago, she wasn't a dragon."

"Perhaps you have heard some rumors that a green dragon entrenched here and attacked the elves more than 400 years ago, but I must say that Ms. Leila is actually innocent."

"She just chose this place as her habitat, and she never took the initiative to attack the elves. It was the elves who took the lead that attracted Ms. Laila's counterattack, and she has no habit of eating elves."

"Although Ms. Lyra appears to be a green dragon in her dragon form, she's actually half bronze."

"She is very gentle, and the ancestors even became friends with her during the battle, but at that time, the legendary team from the Elven King's Court was about to arrive, and Ms. Leila was unwilling to retreat, and the ancestors finally chose to expel her. own territory."

"Ms. Leila, who was betrayed by her friends, issued a desperate curse before leaving. If this world can't tolerate kind five-color dragons, then she will use the posture of a metal dragon to commit herself to evil, and she will destroy the Primmelin at all costs."

"This is the enmity between the Daistal family and Ms. Leila."

Julia rubbed her brows distressedly. In all fairness, Laila was the most innocent victim in this entanglement.

She didn't provoke anyone, so she stayed and built her nest in the far corner of the Primelli Forest without any dispute, and then was harassed by elves blocking the door.

After driving the elves away, humans took over.

If it is changed to Dragon, then he probably has already started to grow mushrooms everywhere, and he can still be friends with human beings in a calm manner. This is simply the scum of the five-color dragons!
Tiamat will be pissed off after seeing it!
Dragon was amazed. The multiverse is really full of wonders. Kind and neutral green dragons can pop out. It seems that lawful and kind red dragons are not far away.

But now the most important thing is not to listen to gossip, he only cares about Leila's strength.

"What ability does she have?"

"According to the records of the ancestors, Ms. Laila is a very powerful legendary druid, and the enchanted plants she transformed are very powerful. In the jungle, even the elf army is no match for the enchanted plants."

"But it is very likely that she now has new powers."

Julia hesitated, although with the power she now possessed, Lyra would have been a great dragon for nothing.

But the more she uses that power, the stronger she will become, and the more powerful she is, the more likely she will lose herself. Although Dragon can replenish her sanity, it is still too dangerous.

And now she can no longer stay too far away from Star Fort.

If it was stronger, she and Xingchenbao might even be stripped out of the material world directly, and then a certain hateful Zoerbichi would laugh with tears!

Thinking of this, Julia silently made a decision.

Dozens of times the time flow rate is still not enough, just change it to a hundred times.

Anyway, Mr. Dragon's body is so strong, there should be, maybe, maybe, probably, almost no problems, right?

"Adult half-blood dragon, legendary druid plus other part-time jobs with the lowest and high level, it sounds like it can fight a little better than Mesriel."

Dragon finally figured out Bane's trump card, and immediately he was relieved.

The cards are already revealed, so just exchange the cards.

Mesriel stopped Laila, the garrison formed a solid formation to resist the attack, Mao Mao manipulated the artillery to bombard the enemy, and Dragon was in the middle to direct the fire support. Didn't this battle be won before it was fought?

Dragon, who felt that he had won the battle, looked up to the sky and laughed, "Little Bain, do you still want to fight across the sea?"

"I want him to know that after the westerly wind, sea and sky, there is an iron wall of the Iron and Mechanical Dragon United Legion!"

"I'm going to call the soldiers!"

Dragon turned around to fly away, but Julia didn't let go, she just blushed and smiled and said, "There is no rush to fight, since you are so busy, Mr. Dragon, you should take a good rest in Fort Star... ..."

"Teriki, go get some hot water..."

More than a day passed, and Dragon almost didn't even have the strength to climb out of Star Fort this time.

If he hadn't urgently upgraded the power furnace to level IX, [-] horsepower, then he might really not be able to get out.

Dragon, who was severely bullied by Julia, went straight to the Primmelin with cold eyes.

He couldn't wait to start a movie with Bane.

Dragon didn't believe it anymore. He is a majestic all-metal dragon king. It's fine if he can't take care of a certain countess, but he can't take care of a little earl?
Are more than 1000 musketeers amazing?

Do you understand the gold content of fighting hard and staying silent?

(End of this chapter)

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