The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 123 Give him an invoice of [-] gold coins

Chapter 123 Give him an invoice for [-] gold coins
Premilin, the steel and mechanical dragon joint army that had just stopped for a while, started to make big moves again.

But the main force of this battle will be humans, and Dragon is not going to pull too many security teams over.The dignified Full Metal Dragon King commanded a group of kobolds, which made the dragon laugh when he said it.

So just send out a dozen highly educated cats and cats to teach humans how to operate cannons.

But Maomao is hesitant when they hear that they want to fight humans. Even if they help humans resist other humans, this is too unacceptable for kittens who don't have too many bad intentions.

Unless Dragon is willing to add money.

"A business trip counts as five times the salary!"

Immediately, the cats cheered and went to put on the equipment.

"Long live the boss, meow!"

"Ailu Cat Academy will always be loyal meow!"

Amidst the soft and lovely meowing sounds, the cats gathered a hundred troops, fully armed, at worst wearing ore suits.

This number is far beyond Dragon's needs. One thing to say, Dragon feels that he can defeat Bain's army with these one hundred cats.

Especially this time even the chef captain who is as strong as a tiger and a dragon has signed up. Its physique looks like a fierce general who can ride a horse!

With so many cats and cats actively helping each other, isn't little Bain easily destroyed?
As soon as Dragon was happy, he didn't care about saving money, and directly asked the cats to use the teleportation array to build the gun factory near Sanhe City.Although you don't need so many cats to operate the cannon, it's good to keep them as a reserve team.

The transmission fee for these one hundred cats alone is almost [-] gold coins, but Dragon doesn't care, and when he wins Bain, he will give him an invoice of [-] gold coins.

Because this time it was going to be a defensive battle, Dragon specially prepared a lot of good things, just waiting to surprise Baine.

According to the information provided by Shapak, Bain's fleet will be able to dock at the Dastar family's territory in at most three days.

Dragon studied the map for a long time, and finally confirmed the location where Bane might log in after being prompted by Catherine.

The mouth of the big river.

The most important thing for an army to fight is logistics. It is definitely more reliable to march along the river and approach Sanhe City than to fight all the way through the mud.

But Dragon's salt field is near the mouth of the sea!

"This old thing is really good at picking places!"

Dragon cursed and deliberated with Catherine how many troops would be needed to defend the saltworks.

Of the 150 standing troops, there were originally 550 left in the Baron of Flores, and only about [-] soldiers remained.

Three Rivers City had to keep at least [-]. Dragon had nothing in Three Rivers City before, so he could naturally bring Julia to play with the whole family.

Now that he has a store and a factory, there must be enough manpower to look after the home.

The factory outside the city also had to keep 50 people, otherwise, when he came back from the war, even the slogans in the factory would have to be taken away.

In other words, he can only dispatch 300 people at most, and there are fifty cats.The other fifty cats and cats had to stay. The garrison alone could not fight against an enemy with magic support.

Three hundred needles and ten cannons, against one thousand infantry and three hundred cavalry, positional warfare will definitely be no problem, I am afraid that the opponent will play the trick of dividing troops to harass.

Although the cavalry would certainly not be able to withstand air strikes, the majestic Full Metal Dragon King couldn't beat the minions himself, right?
What if you were ambushed?
"Are you really going to call the kobolds over?"

Dragon hesitated a bit, but after thinking for a while, he still gave up the idea.

The image of the Kobold is not very good, so let's wait.

"Can we recruit a group of mercenaries?"

he asked Catherine.

The female soldier gave an affirmative answer, "Yes, but it is best not to exceed the number of standing troops."

"Then there will be 700 people", but still fight more with less, and the combat effectiveness is not dominant.

Dragon didn't want to go into battle himself, that's what he did when he led the gnolls to attack the hobgoblins, and then he was overshadowed by the hobgoblin priests.

"Can young men be recruited to join the army?"

He is ready to be a strong man, and he will always learn from the two perfect men through the ages.

Learn from Zeng Shengren how to be tough and fight dull battles, and learn from the principal how to pull strong men efficiently.

With the help of these two who both like to write diaries, Qiangu is perfect, wouldn't it be easy to defeat Bain?
Catherine also had no objection to this, and just reminded solemnly: "Youth without training will only reduce the combat effectiveness of the army."

"Of course I know this, but there are no veterans who have fought in wars now."

Dragon sighed. The young dragon, who had been poor since he was a child, was like this. He was reluctant to throw away anything. Even the wolf man who only knew how to fish was not sent to the society, let alone such a big salt farm!
That's what he worked so hard to direct Bessie to build it!

Now the salt farm can produce several thousand catties of coarse salt every day, and the captives are very motivated to work. Dragon’s daily profit is several thousand gold coins. smashed.

"Huh? Captive?"

He laughed loudly, "How can I forget these people, how can they be more experienced than young men who have never been to the battlefield?"

Looking at the mechanical dragon who thought she had made a great discovery, Catherine had to pour cold water on him.

"I think the only one of them who is more experienced than young and strong is to surrender and play dead."

"That's different." Dragon smiled and shook his hand, "Flores doesn't even pay him, so why should he work so hard for him?"

"I'm different!"

He said proudly, "Although I don't intend to pay them wages, I am willing to work for them."


Catherine looked at him blankly, only giving work but not wages?

This seems more shameless than Flores, right?

"I'll give them salt!"

Dragon laughed loudly, "You can get half a catty of salt after working for a month. Is there a boss more generous than me in the West?"

"Is there any more lucrative job in the west than this?"

"Impossible, so if Bane captures the saltworks, can such a good job still get a group of their captives?"

"I understand."

Catherine nodded, and was about to arrange for people to organize the captives into an army when Dragon called her again.

"Rushing up is not a business. You tell the garrison guarding the saltworks that there are too many people in Bain, and we are not strong enough to give up the saltworks. Each prisoner will be paid a month's salary and let them go home."

Catherine took a deep look at Dragon when she heard the words, and asked Julia to keep a close eye on him when she was about to go back.

This dragon is so shameless, if you don't pay close attention, he may run away at any time.

Soon, a rumor spread among the captives working in the saltworks.

Bain, the Earl of the Western Territory, also took a fancy to the profit of the saltworks, and planned to capture the saltworks, and arranged all his cronies to work in the saltworks.

The prisoners who heard the rumors were a little uneasy. After all, they had only worked for half a month, and they hadn't received their wages for this month.

If Bain really captured the saltworks, wouldn't their wages be in vain?
Anxiety and anxiety permeated the salt field. If it weren't for the garrison patrolling the salt field with needles and guns behind their backs, Dragon's plan would fail at the first step.

But things went smoothly after that. Hearing that Lord Julong planned to pay them wages in advance, every prisoner immediately became peaceful.

Soon, the captives spontaneously lined up and received their wages one by one under the watchful eyes of Dragon.

Each person has an urgently made cloth bag, and each person has a large spoonful of salt.With Dragon watching, no one dared to cheat. More than 1000 prisoners lined up in five long lines, and soon all received their wages.

But among the captives who received their wages, many became even more anxious.

Half a catty of "fine salt" without any soil is worth at least ten silver coins in the world.

Many captives would never have dreamed that after being captured by the dragon, not only would they not be sold as slaves, but they would also be able to get such a good job that was almost free.

Food and lodging are included, and work clothes are provided, and as long as the ransom is not paid, he can continue to work. This is a silver job that can be passed on to his son!
But now, after working for less than half a month, I woke up from my dream. Although I received half a month more salary, compared with the original hard life of at least five tax, who can bear this.

Immediately, there was no need for the dog legs bought by Dragon to clamor, and some of the captives spontaneously shouted.

"We can't let Bane take the salt field! The great dragon, please lead us to fight him!"

"Defend the saltworks to the death! Never let Baine's henchmen steal the property that belongs to the dragon!"

"Bane is not worthy to be our lord! We only recognize dragons!"

The attitude of the captives was so resolute that some of them were about to cut off their wills.

Dragon looked at it and nodded slightly. What do you mean the wheels of history are rolling?
The little feudal slave owner also wants to resist the iron fist of the dragon entrepreneur?
It depends on whether the dragon master can do it or not, he will be done!

(End of this chapter)

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