Chapter 124 Fire Coverage
The captives enthusiastically signed up to join the army, and Dragon soon reorganized another thousand firearms.

Although these thousand gunfire soldiers have never even touched firecrackers, there are still a few days before Bane's fleet arrives, and the operation of the needle gun is simple enough, so they should be able to train them out.

If it doesn’t work, organize them to fight volleyball. Dragon has already promised that the soldiers who died in battle will be given a ten-year pension, and those who have children can also let their children take over.

As soon as this promise was made, the morale of the firecrackers was immediately full, no worse than that of the kobolds.

Just three days passed quickly, and the Iris Chamber of Commerce's information about the Bain fleet has not stopped.

But when Dragon saw with his own eyes the boundless fleet on the sea, he realized that everyone had been deceived by Bane.

There are only more than 100 boats here!

There are at least 500 boats here!

So Gou Ri's learned how to cast beans into soldiers?
"Ready to fight!"

Dragon gave the order with a gloomy face, and then he directly raised his left paw, intending to give Bane a little color.

"Let me know who is so lucky..."

He casually aimed at one of the largest three-masted ships, directly firing the shells.

The flames burst out, and the 74MM caliber high-explosive bomb easily pierced through the three-inch thick protection of the wooden boat, and exploded inside the cabin. A dozen unlucky sailors were directly torn apart by the shrapnel, and the flame quickly ignited the wooden boat.

At the rear of the fleet, Bain remained expressionless as he watched one of his dozens of largest three-masted ships blaze into flames.

He had already collected almost all the information about the metal dragon, and he had already been mentally prepared for such a loss.

"Let the pirates go first."

He gave orders indifferently.

Yes, the top ones are actually pirates.

Almost all the pirates in the West Wind Sea are here, which is why the number of fleets has increased by five times.

After all, the biggest pirate leader in West Wind Sea is Miss Hai Long who rules tens of thousands of murlocs.

Lila recruited the sea elves again, and once the two evil dragons join forces, the unlucky human pirates either choose to be sacrificed by blood, or they can only be dogs for Bane.

"Damn nobleman! If those goddamn murlocs hadn't gone crazy, I wouldn't have spoiled you!"

A one-eyed pirate captain with murloc blood spat bitterly, then raised his long knife high.

"Little ones! Charge! The gold, silver, and treasure are all ours!"

More than 100 galleys, led by their respective captains, launched an attack on the saltworks, and the gunners hiding behind the bunkers immediately started shooting.Although most of the pirates were under the cover of the hull, they couldn't hit anyone at all.

But this kind of situation where you can only be beaten but not fight back is really bad for morale, and from time to time, one or two pirates who are too unlucky are injured by the stray bullets that penetrated the wooden boards.

The poor pirates don't even have a needle gun. After all, it has only been more than half a month. Although the shipment volume of the Iron and Steel Machinery Dragon United Chamber of Commerce is large, it has not yet spread to the sea.

Bane, on the other hand, regards the needle gun as deadly, and he will move the head of anyone who dares to move his gun!
As a result, more than 2000 pirates suffered casualties before they landed.

Although dozens of people did not die, morale was a little hurt.

Bane, who was observing with spells from behind, frowned slightly. He didn't feel bad even if the pirates died many times, but it didn't seem to be worthwhile to die in vain.

He took out the magic mirror from his chest and contacted Lyra.

"Lady Laila, I need support."


Laila is a little speechless, just want to support?
Is it true that the dragon is doing charity?
Bane was also very helpless, "The opponent's firearms are sharp. If there is no magic support, I am afraid that all the pirates will die and they will not even think about rushing to the opponent's position."

"... just wait."

After a brief silence, Laila cut off the call and looked at Luo Ji.

"It's time, start now."

"Follow your will."

Luo Ji laughed wildly and showed her real body. The huge real dragon turned over the ocean and screamed to the sky, billowing black clouds quickly appeared in the sky, and then the strong wind picked up suddenly, blowing the dark clouds and drifting towards the land.

The storm blows to the land, and the fleet also sails to the land.

The captain came over worried, "My lord, with such a wind, in case of an accident, it may be difficult for us to retreat."

Bain glanced at him indifferently, and spoke lightly.

"Retreat? I never thought about retreating."

"If I can't win, I'd rather die here!"

As he spoke, he raised his sword high.

"Pass my order! The whole army attacks! Those who retreat will be killed without mercy!"


Under Baine's strict orders, all the ships had no choice but to disperse and dock towards the land, regardless of whether they would run aground.

After all, a ship running aground won't kill anyone, but the Earl's knife can really kill.

Bain's set of F2A made Dragon completely confused, how much did this old thing drink?

If you zoom in as soon as you meet, will you still play later?

But no matter what happens on the battlefield, the winner is the one who can have the last laugh. If he wants to capture Bain alive and sign the treaty, he must first defeat the 2000-plus pirate coalition army in front of him.

With the help of the strong wind, more than 100 galleys of the pirate coalition soon stopped on the beach.

The boat can't even move, and the firecrackers will have more fun fighting.

Bullets from hundreds of needle guns rained down on the galley, and though many of them missed and swished over the pirates' heads, the ones that hit were scary enough.

The plank of this galley is at most two inches thick, and once an 11mm lead bullet penetrates a hole, the remaining kinetic energy can still open a hole in a person.

If the pirates have iron armor, it may be blocked, but the pirates will never wear iron armor.

The pirates who wanted to go ashore to earn a fortune were directly suppressed in the cabin. No one wanted to be the first to attract firepower, so they could only hold all kinds of odds and ends and pray that the bullets would not hit themselves.

These thousands of pirates were basically useless, but in a sense, the pirates also fulfilled Bain's expectations of them.

Draw fire for the main force and consume enemy bullets with life.

Because the bad Dragon has been deliberately controlling the shipment of bullets, Bane also misunderstood that the production of bullets may be limited.

He bought a total of [-] long and short muskets, but only less than [-] rounds of bullets.

No matter how many Dragons there were, he would not sell them at all. He arranged for people to bribe Elmao, but he only got the false news deliberately released by Dragons, that is, the steel mechanical dragon joint army did not have many bullets in stock, only more than 30 rounds.

This amount is similar to what Bain speculated. After all, it is impossible for a metal dragon to see money and not make money, right?
There must be only one reason why he doesn't sell bullets, and that is that he doesn't have many bullets.

That's why Bane has the confidence to launch an attack. As long as the pirates consume Dragon's bullets, the situation will be better!

Soon, the dark clouds were blown to the coast by the storm, and the heavy rain poured down, hitting the musketeers directly on the head and face.In such weather, although the needle gun can still fire, the density of the bullets fired immediately drops to the minimum.


Dragon really didn't expect the opponent to have such a skill, he still didn't have much real sense of the effect of the spell.Of course, except for Transfiguration, the spell he is most familiar with is almost Transfiguration.

Without the suppression of the bullets, the pirates who were suffocating their stomachs immediately became arrogant.

"Little ones! The musket on the opposite side is useless in rainy days! Charge me!"

When the first pirate who had the courage to stand up was not killed by bullets, the pirates' desire to plunder was out of control.



The pirates in their early 400s waved their scimitars and rushed towards the position. The distance between the position and the beach was less than [-] meters. Apart from short sandbags, the only things blocking them were some wooden stakes and repelling horses.

The firecrackers who had just gone through two days of training were a little flustered, and Dragon immediately killed several of the most arrogant pirates with a short burst, roaring loudly.

"Don't mess around! Cannons are ready!"

"Shrapnel! One shot!"

All the cats, who had been waiting for the order, immediately loaded the Armstrong breech-loading gun with ammunition.

Perhaps the early cannons that used black powder completely were difficult to fire in this weather, but the breech-loading guns that used paper shells and explosive primers like needle guns were not afraid of rainy days.


When Dragon gave an order, the cats pulled the gun rope, the primer exploded and ignited the black powder, and the gunpowder gas expanded violently to push the shells out of the gun bore.

The five breech-loading guns placed in the frontal position roared at the same time, and the five high-explosive shrapnel shells directly opened a fleshy alley among the charging pirates, and then exploded at the place where the pirates were most dense.

Five groups of sparks bloomed in the heavy rain, and hundreds of small steel arrows flew among the pirates at a speed exceeding sound, easily piercing the flesh and blood of the leather armor and tearing the bones of the sword.

These five shells cost at least more than 200 pirates, and instantly lost one-tenth of their teammates.

Many pirates immediately turned their heads and wanted to escape, but the Bain army who landed later had already blocked their retreat.

"The earl has an order! Those who retreat will die!"

The heavily armed elite soldiers talked to the pirates with bows and crossbows. After comparing the strength gap between the two sides, they could only charge forward to the position.

One side is a coward who hides behind a sandbag and whose musket is not working yet.One side is an elite soldier in full armor. The pirates know how to choose.

Seeing the pirates charging again, Dragon only sneered, but did not order the cats to fire.

Without bullets and shells to suppress them, the smooth sailing pirates quickly rushed into the position within 100 meters, and now only scattered wooden stakes stood in front of them.

"Hahaha, the person who set up such a position must be a fool!"

A pirate captain with an iron hook in his hand looked up to the sky and smiled, "They've all been scared to death! Who can this kind of stake stop? Let me rush!"

He swung his knife hard, and the pirates belonging to him immediately accelerated, rushing to break through the defense line to get a ticket, and then they were hung on the wire.


"My pussy!"

"It's a goddamn thing!"

Many pirates who were scratched by the sharp thorns immediately cursed. Because of the weather, the steel wires that were already hard to see are even harder to see now. They could only try to chop hard with the scimitars in their hands, but they couldn't do anything about the loose steel wires. .

Soon, more than 1000 pirates were all stopped before the steel wire.

The clever ones had already begun to chop the stakes with their knives, but after a few cuts, they were surprised to find that even the stakes were mixed with steel bars.

Immediately, the eyes of many pirates turned red. How rich is it to nail steel into wooden stakes?

I must steal you!

The pirates were stopped in front of the steel wire, but the supervisor team behind them would not stop.

Soon the guns of the supervisory team were pointed behind the pirates, and the forced pirate captains had no choice but to step forward in person.

"Get out of the way!"

"A bunch of trash! Look at me!"

A pirate captain holding a +1 scimitar pushed away other pirates, walked up to the steel wire and slashed it down gracefully.

Stab it!

The friction between the blade and the steel wire produced sparks. It can't be said that it has no effect, but it can only be said to be quite scraping.

"Trash! It's a pity that this knife fell into your hands."

"Didn't you come out of the barrel just now? Why are you pulling your hips like this?"

Many spectators around the pirates laughed immediately, and the captain of the pirates blushed immediately, and he hacked three times with all his strength, and finally broke a steel wire.

But how many steel wires did Dragon pull in total?

Three, three in a row, five rows in total.

It seems that steel wire alone can stop these scumbags for a long time, but Dragon is no longer willing to tolerate them.

He stood upright with a sneer, the dragon wings flipped, all six jets were forward, the front paws were raised, the armor on both sides of the body slid open, the rocket launcher stretched out and rotated, locking the pirates so that they could not advance or retreat.

The Dragon Fire Launch Platform was ready, but he didn't think it was enough.

"Cannon ready!"

"Shotgun burst!"


(End of this chapter)

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