The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 125 Boring!I want to see rivers of blood flow!

Chapter 125 Boring!I want to see rivers of blood flow!
The cannon let out a roar, flames shot out from the muzzle, and a thousand lead bullets with a diameter of two millimeters, like a supersonic iron rain storm, easily swept through the crowd, smashing hundreds of pirates to pieces in an instant.

One-fifth of the pirates crowded in front of the barbed wire fell down. Before the rest of the pirates could react, Dragon laughed wildly and launched an attack.


"Eat my anti-infantry incendiary bomb!"

Ten 80MM rockets whizzed off the launch pad, and shot straight into the place where the pirates were most densely populated, and then exploded with a bang, forming a "white cloud" like smoke.

The smoke spread rapidly, and then suddenly burned in the rainstorm. The pirates shrouded in clouds and mist directly became burning men, but the pirates outside the clouds and mist were also having a hard time.

Dots of flames landed on their bodies, immediately burning through the leather armor and clothes, and devouring their flesh and blood recklessly in the wash of the pouring rain.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

All the pirates stuck to the magic fire wailed desperately. They quickly fell down and rolled in the muddy water, struggling in the heavy rain, but the seemingly weak flame stuck to their flesh and could not be extinguished or extinguished. .

The more the pirates struggled, the faster the flames spread, quickly drying up their flesh and beginning to erode their bones.


A pirate captain who was also ignited by the flames ruthlessly cut off the flesh stuck to the flames, then raised his scimitar and roared loudly.

"I can't fight anymore! Get out!"

Someone took the lead, and the pirates immediately turned and retreated, but the warlord team sent to supervise them did not want to let them go.

Just kidding, if the pirates run away, it's their turn to be burned by the flames.

"No retreat!"

"Your Earl has an order! Anyone who retreats will be executed!"

The soldiers waved their guns threateningly, but the pirates, who were frightened by the incendiary bombs, no longer cared about the count.

"Go to the Earl of Nima! I am a barbarian! He can't control me!"

A bald man directly chopped down a soldier with a throwing axe, and the nervous crossbowmen directly pulled the trigger, and the arrows shot overturned several pirates in an instant.

The eyes of the other pirates were red when they saw this. If they go forward, they will die, but they will die without a whole body.Retreating is also death, but it is possible to survive.

Comparing the hatchbacks, someone immediately clamored among the pirates.

"These bastards want us to die! Fight them!"

"Kill all the lackeys of the noble lord!"

The pirates, who had endured their anger for a long time, immediately began to talk to the supervising team with throwing axes.In this way, they fought fiercely on the barbed wire fence. There were more pirates and more professionals, but the organization was poor and the equipment was not good.

The number of supervisory teams is slightly smaller, but they have been well-trained, and there are not many helmets, shields and iron armor.

Dragon laughed out loud, and couldn't help adding fire to them.

"Kill! Kill them all!"

He opened his mouth with a grinning grin, and the [-]-degree flame dragon swept across the pirates in an instant, igniting a hundred or so not-so-enthusiastic pirates into torches.

"Kill them all! Hahahahaha!"

Dragon laughed wildly, then raised his left paw, aimed at the neatly lined-up supervisor team, and fired three cannonballs in succession, killing one-third of the soldiers.

"I'll see who dares to stand still for me! Hahahaha!"

One-third of the soldiers were killed in an instant. Even the supervising team couldn't bear it anymore. Many soldiers lost the courage to continue to stop the pirates and just wanted to retreat quickly.

Dragon was very dissatisfied with their behavior.

"A bunch of trash!"

With a smirk, he loaded the ten rockets again and fired them all at once, but this time his purpose was not to attack.

Ten rounds of 80mm rockets passed through the crowd with scattered roars, and exploded on the beach behind them, forming a half-circular flame belt.

"No one is allowed to run!"

Dragon laughed wildly and fired randomly with machine guns. The minimum caliber of 12.7MM machine gun bullets was like a butcher's knife, easily tearing the flesh and bodies of the pirate soldiers.

He didn't care whether it was the pirates or the Baine army he killed, he just roared loudly.

"Attack! Attack! Attack!"

"I don't care who you attack!"

"I just want to see you attack!"

"I'll kill all cowards! Hahahahaha!"

Is this a metal dragon?
The pirate captains locked in the Colosseum by the dragon glanced at each other, nodded, and shouted at the same time.

"Little ones! For the great dragon! Attack!"

"Fuck the lackey of the noble lord!"


The short-term stagnant fighting started again. This time, in order to save his own life, not to be lit by the dragon's breath, many pirate captains also played.

Those who can get ahead in the sea are generally high-level professionals, and some are priests who believe in the storm gods.

This group of people led a group of desperate desperadoes, and the supervising team with nearly half of the casualties desperately. The scene can only be said to be really beautiful.

Dragon was very satisfied, and he decided not to burn this group of scum for the time being.

In the violent storm, the all-metal dragon looked up to the sky and laughed, and the laughter was as crazy as if he was in the late stage of mental illness.

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"That's it! That's it!"

"Kill! Wail! Despair! Death!"

"This is all I want to see! I just want to see the world burn!"

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha..."

In the distant sea area, the two evil dragons who were using spells to observe the battlefield were both at a loss.

"Is this a metal dragon?"

Miss Hai Long's eyes were about to pop out.

"Hmph, what's wrong with metal dragons? Can't metal dragons have scum?"

Lila touched the metal dragon horn on her forehead, and looked at Dragon with admiration in her eyes.

"What kind of nature is an excuse to deceive the dragon! Life is plundering from the moment of birth! Plundering is our nature!"

The blackened Miss Green Dragon gritted her teeth and said, "Greedy humans deserve death! Arrogant elves deserve more! Arrogant five-color dragons deserve death just like metal dragons!"

"All the hypocrites who live in the sun, sink into the darkest and darkest seabed and be eaten up by fish and shrimp!"


This dragon is also crazy.

Miss Hai Long sighed helplessly, it's too outrageous, the two leaders of this war are both madmen, what is going on in this world?
Fortunately, she still maintained her sanity. Thinking of this, she was so happy that she turned around and gave orders to the murlocs.

"The blood of humans on the ground has begun to flow, and you can't fall behind."

"Go! Pick out two thousand-man teams! My lord's seas cannot accommodate the weak, and I will use the flesh and blood of the losers to sacrifice to my lord!"

"Yeah heh heh heh heh..."

Three different types of giant dragons started laughing wildly almost at the same time, but probably only one could laugh till the end.

At the same time, in Sanhe City, many forces that had been waiting for this opportunity also started to act.

In the dwarf tavern, a chubby dwarf looked around with his hands behind his back, and said seriously: "The target is a factory outside the city! We only want machines! Remember! Don't speak dwarf language!"

In the half-elf hotel, the gray-haired half-elf looked serious.

"Gentlemen, we must not let those pesky dwarves get the musket-making machines! This will be our chance to return to the pack!"

Iris Chamber of Commerce, Sha Parker smiled.

"Your Majesty was very angry when I heard that Earl Bain attacked the Dastar family's territory without authorization. In order to stop Earl Bain's ambition, we must first control the machines and craftsmen who make guns!"

"Remember, all under the banner of Bane!"

In an underground stronghold of a certain dwelling, the bald archmage spoke softly.

"Have you changed into the royal family crest? Let's get started!"

Tiefling's Butcher Shop, "The higher up told us to find an unusual tiefling girl? What about specific information? No? What does that mean?"

The bard's small theater, "There are many evil people lurking into Three Rivers City. This is very likely related to the Iron and Steel Dragon United Chamber of Commerce. We must stop their evil plot."

"I remember the ancestors of the Countess Destar, who seems to be a member of the alliance? Now that the Destar family has lost control of the territory, even the successor of the Countess has to work for the evil dragon. Maybe we can Contact the Countess and deal with the dragon together..."

A church, a magic material store, a stronghold of a certain caravan, a den of stolen goods in the sewer...

Suddenly, many adventurers switched their identities, covered their faces, walked out of the hiding place, and headed for the factory outside the city.

But before they got out of the city, many enemies bumped into each other awkwardly.

The rogues holding the banner of Earl Baine met the soldiers with the iris flower logo on their bodies by chance.

Masked men with horns on their heads looked at each other with harpies carrying harps.

The meat pier is fat and round, and it meets the tall and thin pointed ears and hemp stems on the left.

After a brief silence, it was unknown which side pulled out the musket first. In short, once the gunfire rang out, it was out of control.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang resounded through Three Rivers City, if Dragono saw him, he must be very happy.

What is the landscape of freedom?
Everyone holds a gun, so he won't be chaotic!
This situation now only shows one thing, that is, there are still many people in Sanhe City who do not have their own muskets. If everyone has guns, will this scene still happen?
The Iron and Steel Dragon Union Chamber of Commerce still needs to continue to work hard to bring a better future to the multiverse. The burden on the shoulders of the Full Metal Dragon King still has a long way to go!

In the gun factory, the cats and cats occupying the commanding heights all showed doubts.

What's up with these useless twolegs?
Their defensive positions are all set up, light crossbows, heavy crossbows, blunderbuss guns, dragon guns and cannons are all available, just waiting for them to hit the door and become a performance, but why did they fight on their own?

Can you stop hitting meow?

If you beat the boss like this, you won't give us a raise, meow!

Inside Star Castle, Celeste was lying in Julia's arms and giggling.

"Look, mom, they are all stupid."

Julia squeezed her nose dotingly and smiled softly.

"Yes, yes, my Celeste is the most powerful."

"Hehehe", the girl stuck out her tongue a little, then suddenly raised her voice.

"Yeah? Someone is coming to the castle, mother, do you want me to destroy him?"

Julia looked casually and found that the person who came was a bard with a lute on her back, so she frowned slightly.

"The Harpers? Forget it, for the sake of the ancestors, Teriki, go and let him go."

"Tekeli-li! Tekeli understands!"

The purple-haired maid walked back.

Soon, when the handsome bard came to the gate of the castle, he saw a beautiful maid standing behind the gate, looking at him with bottomless eyes.

"The Countess doesn't want to be disturbed, visitor, please go back."

Refuse visitors without notification?It seems that Lady Destar is really controlled by the dragon!

The Harpers must not sit idly by!

Thinking of this, the bard immediately showed a perfect smile, calmly using spells to strengthen the persuasive effect.

"Beautiful lady, there are a lot of villains in the city, and I came here to protect Lady Destar."

Teriki tilted her head slightly, as if lost in thought.

The charm succeeded, the bard breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to persuade the purple-haired maid to take him to see Lady Dastar, when Teriki stopped thinking.

"Affected by spells! Judged as an enemy!"

She stretched out her palm expressionlessly, and her long, white fingers suddenly turned into five dark purple tentacles, wrapping around the bard's neck and limbs.

Even if attacked, she must wait for Julia's order before killing.

The bard, who had no time to react, was immediately restrained, and he hurriedly spoke loudly, trying to modify Teriki's memory.

"Wait! You are the servant of the Countess Destar, you must be loyal to the Countess, right?"

"Listen to me, I'm a member of the Harper League, and I'm here to help her get rid of the dragon!"

"The weapon of that evil dragon has already caused great disaster in the western region, if the evil dragon is not expelled"

The bard was still chattering and trying to persuade the purple-haired maid, but the furious Julia had already given orders to Teriki.

"Tear him to pieces! From the mouth! Immediately!"

"Tekeli-li! By your will!"

Teriki nodded slightly, then looked at the bard with interest, two tentacles continued to extend, one wrapped around his forehead, and the other fixed his chin.

The two tentacles exerted force slowly, and soon, with a click, the bard's jaw was ripped off.

The bard trembled violently, but he didn't know what a sympathetic shoggoth was, and would only follow Julia's orders perfectly.

Shoulders, arms, ribs, thighs, when everything is over, there is only a lump of meat on the ground.

Teriki spilled some more solution with her tentacles, and the flesh and bones melted away quickly.

Then Teriki closed the gate of the castle with a smile, and the fog visible to the naked eye appeared directly around the castle.

From now on, any unwelcome visitors other than those Julia allowed would disappear in the mist, and where they went was a mystery.

(End of this chapter)

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