126 The Great Tsunami

In the salt field by the sea, Dragon, who was directing the battle, didn't know that the whole Sanhe City was in chaos.

At this moment, the pirates had almost knocked down the entire supervisory team, but then Earl Bain's regular army made a circle and pressed up from the side line of defense.

However, his main force is still heavy infantry, and cavalry are cruising around the edge of the battlefield. Although the musketeers can still shoot due to the weather, the effect is not very good.

Such an army shock cannon machine gun barbed wire?Isn't that just sending you to death?
Dragon was too lazy to do anything, so he asked the cats to greet Baine with cannons.

They didn't use expensive shrapnel shells. The most common solid bullets alone can kill dozens of people in Baine's army.

After being bombarded by cannons for several rounds, Bane urgently ordered the troops to disperse to minimize the casualties caused by the cannons.

The distance of a few hundred meters passed quickly, and after paying the lives of hundreds of elite soldiers, the Baine army finally came to the barbed wire fence.

Dragon was quite curious about how they would deal with the barbed wire, and then saw all kinds of spells.

Fireball, sulfuric acid ball, freezing ball...

After being covered by a neat and orderly spell, the support pillar that was repeatedly heated and frozen and then soaked in strong acid could no longer hold it.

"Is it interesting..."

Dragon really didn't expect Baine's rule to be so strong. He could actually make the noble mage take off his robe and pretend to be a soldier at the risk of being bombarded by shells. It's really a bit powerful.

"It's a pity that all your efforts are in vain!"

He raised his right paw with a strange smile, and the three machine guns began to sing in chorus. The large-caliber bullets were denser than raindrops, and easily shredded all creatures within the range.

Watching one soldier after another being torn apart by the bullets of the large-caliber machine gun, Dragon began to think with great interest.

If Bane doesn't want all his main force to be buried here, then the real opponent should also appear.

As soon as he thought of this, the reconnaissance drone hovering in the air saw eight people in different clothes appearing beside the mechanical dragon in an instant, surrounding him.

"Is that right?" Dragon happily raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a mouthful of sharp dragon teeth.

"Always strafing hapless infantry, I almost forgot this was a magical world."

He looked at the eight adventurers with great interest, and asked curiously: "How much money did Bain give you to fight against me?"

"If I'm willing to pay three times the price, can you go back and bring me his head?"

"Bah! Don't even think about it!"

A ranger dressed in animal skins stared at the mechanical dragon in disgust.

"Dragon! Your plot to overthrow the Western Territory by holding Lady Destar hostage has been exposed!"

"What the hell? Who am I holding hostage?"

Dragon is dumbfounded, he?A little dragon just over two months old?Holding Julia hostage?

Why is this not a joke!
Who is holding whom hostage?

He really wanted to cry out for injustice, but the Ranger, who looked as if his whole family had died, had already pulled his bow and arrow hard, and an arrow shot into his eyes.

"Those who are shameless to face, go to hell with me!"

Dragon waved his dragon wings and knocked the arrows away, then took a deep breath.

"Be careful of dragon's breath!"

Immediately, someone among the adventurers loudly reminded them that the eight adventurers immediately showed their abilities and prepared to protect themselves from the fire damage, but Dragon grinned grinningly and opened his mouth, spitting out a high-energy laser.

The bright and dazzling laser penetrated the air, vaporized countless raindrops, and easily burned through a spellcaster's protection, and then the accidental spell was triggered, and the spellcaster disappeared out of thin air.

"Look, this is Faye's ability to survive."

Dragon smiled and looked at the other hard-working fighters, and raised the corners of his mouth happily.

"I hope you also have such a strong life-saving ability."

With that said, he took another deep breath.

"Don't let him breathe!"

The ranger with Sima's face roared and shot an arrow. The arrow shone with a bright magical aura, but unfortunately it couldn't break through the gold-coated dragon wings.

"Let's do it together!"

A paladin who didn't know which hairy god he believed in roared and rushed at the mechanical dragon.

The other adventurers also started to attack, charging and throwing spells, but Dragon, who no longer wanted to play with them, directly amplified his moves.


Mesriel, who had been staying on the back of the mechanical dragon in catgirl form, snapped his fingers, and the nine-ring spell, time stop, directly turned the seven adventurers into worms in amber.

Afterwards, Dragon, who was not affected by the time spell, began to call names one by one, lasers, flames, wing knives, smoothbore guns, and heavy machine guns. Although the adventurers affected by the attack would break away from the time stop, Dragon's attack was not this group Third-rate goods can stop it.

After killing several adventurers in various ways, he still didn't feel satisfied, so he simply picked up a breech-loading gun, loaded it with solid bullets, and shot the remaining two adventurers.

After the effect of the spell ended, the seven adventurers were left with blood and blood.At this time, Bain's army hadn't advanced to the front of the position, and Dragon happily fired two rounds of fire coverage. As soon as the napalm bomb was fired, Bain's army collapsed directly.

Seeing the living dead howling and struggling in the flames, Dragon couldn't bear it, so he turned around and looked towards the sea.

That green dragon with the blood of the bronze dragon, why don't you make a move?

"Let the murlocs attack."

In West Wind Sea, Laila gave the order expressionlessly.

Miss Hai Long let out a long roar, and the murloc army, which had been impatient for a long time, swam to the coast quickly.

This group of monsters with fish heads moved very fast in the sea water, and soon swam to the shore, stepping on the sand and onto the land.

"Kill all the weak land creatures!"

A murloc priest raised his harpoon high, and the other murlocs also cheered in unison.

"For the great sea goddess!"

"That's it? That's it? That's it?"

Dragon, who finally waited for a new opponent, was very dissatisfied. What kind of interesting opponent is a murloc?
If it was a mermaid, he would be more or less interested, but the murlocs look like they have mutated from drinking too much nuclear waste water, and they are not even worth making canned cat food.

"Free Fire."

Dragon, who was not interested, waved his paw casually, and the cats and cats immediately cheered and filled the cannon with ammunition.

Although I don't know if these fish-headed guys are delicious, but the cats are really excited to see the fish.

At this moment, the firecrackers were generally used to the violent wind and rain, and the enemy would not be able to attack anyway. Instead of being shivering and freezing in the wind and rain, they might as well get up and fire a couple of shots.

As a result, the murlocs who had just landed also experienced what happened to the Baine army.

Bullets, shrapnel, light crossbow fire!
The cats really regard fishing as a game and have fun playing it.

The murlocs felt like they had become fish on the chopping board. Why were the weapons of this group of people different from those of other humans?

Thousands of vanguard troops quickly lost a thousand, and the remaining murlocs also began to hesitate. At this time, the supervisor team was about to be dispatched.

"Death to those who retreat!"

Hai Long laughed and ordered the supervising team to move out. Several six-meter-tall storm giants slowly emerged from the water, waving and throwing several chain lightning bolts, which made many retreating murlocs mature and smelled like barbecue.

"No retreat!"

The leading storm giant roared like thunder, "Let's attack humans together!"

Under the intimidation of the supervising team, the surviving murlocs had no choice but to attack the position again in vain, and then were repulsed by shells, attacked again, and were repelled again.

After several repetitions, only one-tenth of the thousands of murlocs remained.

"Is it enough?"

Hai Long looked at Leila.

Laila looked at the spell book and frowned slightly.

"Not enough, send out the remaining murlocs as well."

"Yes, for the coming of our Lord."

Luo Ji casually expressed her loyalty, and then directly ordered all the murlocs to attack.

The murlocs were a bit reluctant. Thousands of murlocs had just died in front of them. Although most of them were slaves, it was a bit scary to see them.

Seeing this, Hai Long was furious, dare not even listen to the Pirate Queen's order?This is no longer an ordinary fisherman, he must punch hard!
Luo Ji directly mobilized her real direct troops to suppress them, ocean giants, human crabs, shark people, seal people, snake girl dragons...

A group of chaotic and evil horror monsters went on a killing spree, and soon overwhelmed the murlocs with fear.

It didn't take long for Dragon to see an unknown number of murlocs walking on land, brandishing harpoons and spear guns, rushing towards the position like a tide.

And this time, besides the murloc cannon fodder, Dragon also saw a lot of novel things.

Needless to say about giants, they are old friends of the dragon, and other monsters are more interesting.

Dressed in a crab carapace, it looks more like a crab than a giant human crab.

Shark head with a human body, looks like a handsome shark man.

The crocodile man walking upright, the snake girl dragon with half of an alder fruit growing on its tail, the huge poisonous snake with a human head and a snake body, a monster with no skin...

All kinds of monsters are simply aquatic creatures, and I don't know where they all came from.

Dragon became a little more serious, and gathered all the musketeers under his command to fire a volley.

It's a pity that due to the weather, there were nearly [-] needle-fired guns, and only less than [-] needle-fired guns were fired. It was impossible to deter the coalition army of more than [-] aquatic monsters.

Moreover, there are many monsters in the monster coalition who are not afraid of bullets, such as the human crab covered with a thick carapace, which can easily ignore the lead bullets of the needle gun as long as it blocks its eyes.

Dragon couldn't help showing a crazy smile when he looked at it.

"Aren't you afraid of bullets? This is no ordinary monster! You must punch hard!"

"Cats! See that big crab?"

"Whoever bombards it to death, I will reward half a catty of cat grass!"

There must be a reward, and the cats immediately became excited.

"Boss, take a look!"

The puppet cat patted its chest to load the cannon with armor-piercing shells, and pointed its thumbs up to aim at the huge human crab.

The human crab is still walking around on the coast showing off its might, trampling an unlucky murloc to death from time to time, and the huge crab claws never stop, picking up a murloc and stuffing it into its mouth every once in a while .

Where is this product from? Dragon felt speechless when he saw it.

Soon the cats locked on the human crab, but the first to fire was not the puppet cat, but the chef's gun crew.

It pulled hard on the gun rope, the cannon roared, and the lead bullet weighing 11 jin flew out of the gun bore at a speed of 440 meters per second. Less than a second later, it flew in front of the human crab. Blast to pieces.

"Good fight meow!"

The puppet cat jumped up happily, and then was glanced coldly by the head chef.

In an instant, the puppet cat became depressed.

"It's over, meow, how can I have a good life after offending the head chef? No, I'm on a business trip too..."

The puppet cat has a lot of drama in its heart, but the cat's claws are not slow to pull the cannon rope.

Although the nine and a half catty steel-cored armor-piercing bullets were not as heavy as lead bullets, they were harder. Driven by the gunpowder gas, they easily blasted a large hole in the chest of the human crab with a narrow front and a wide rear.

This shot basically blasted away the internal organs of the human crab, the huge carapace monster fell to the ground, and the hearts of many other monsters sank.

Although human crabs are not ranked among them at all, their carapace is still quite hard.

Since humans can easily bombard killer crabs, don't they also...

Thinking of this, many huge monsters hesitated, and then deliberately lingered on the beach, ready to withdraw into the sea at any time.

Hai Long looked at them and felt lost. Although she sent them to die on purpose, what kind of loyalty is not even daring to die?
Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely not loyal!

Damn this bunch of rubbish!
"Damn scum! I made them attack! That was an order! How dare they linger?"

Loki cursed angrily, then looked back at Lyra.

"Is it enough now?"

Lyra closed the spell book and let out a long breath, her eyes filled with unspeakable emotions.

"Enough is enough, let's start, flood everything in Premilin with sea water!"

She took Luo Ji to another sea area, where hundreds of sea elves were waiting, looking at Lila with hesitant eyes.

"High Priest, are you about to start?"

Lila nodded slowly, "It's time, let's wash the dirty land with sea water and welcome the arrival of the real water god!"

The sea elves looked at each other in blank dismay, but now they had no other choice. The cruel murlocs desperately strangled them, and the greedy humans wanted to capture them and sell them for money.

Now, they have no choice but to summon the real water god together with Laila and kill all the murlocs who believe in the sea goddess.

"we know."

The sea elves with mermaid tails formed a circle and joined hands to call for a tsunami.

The sea dragon also roared up to the sky, and under the coordination of Laila, he and the sea elves jointly set off a terrifying tsunami that could flood the entire land.

On the coast, Dragon, who was happily shooting a target, suddenly found that the sea water was ebbing rapidly.

What's happening here?
Enemy spells?

He became vigilant, but saw that the monster coalition army on the opposite side also showed doubts.

Immediately afterwards Mesriel's disturbed voice rang in his ears.

"The magic net is fluctuating violently!"

"Someone near here is preparing a legendary spell!"

"Legendary spell?"

Dragon was a little flustered, even the nine-ring spell could pause time, wouldn't the legendary spell have to destroy the world?
Of course, with the Goddess of Magic watching, the magic that can truly destroy the world must not be released, but not to mention destroying the world, even simply destroying him will not work.

All his dragons are dead, so why do we need this world?

"Is there any way to stop this spell?"

When Dragon asked the question, he was ready to run back to Star Fort, but he didn't expect that Mesriel really had a way.

"The legendary spell that the opponent is casting seems to need enough time to perform the spell ceremony. We still have a chance to interrupt her before she succeeds!"

According to the fluctuation of the magic net, Mesriel quickly locked on the location where Laila held the magic ceremony.

She was about to restore the prototype and fly over, but after a second thought, she called Dragon again.

"You come with me!"

"I'm going, what's the use of me going?"

Dragon really didn't want to confront the ruthless dragon who could cast legendary spells. After all, he had only hatched for more than two months now, and he was still just a young dragon.

This kind of important matter of protecting the world, why should the believers of the gods of justice take the lead first?

"Don't dawdle! You don't need to do it yourself, you can just watch it from the sky!"

Mesriel grabbed the mechanical dragon's horn and shook it vigorously, making his head dizzy from being shaken by Dragon, so he quickly agreed.

"Okay, okay, I really don't need to do it, do you?"

Anyway, his flying speed is fast, and now the highest speed is close to Mach [-], and with Mesriel around, he can go directly to other planes if something happens.

"Hurry up, you, the opponent's spell will be completed in a while."

"I know, I know, really, shouldn't I spend a little money to let adventurers solve this kind of thing? At worst, just spend a little more. How can I let the dragon entrepreneur do it himself..."

Dragon murmured and took Mesriel to take off. Before leaving, he shot a hundred napalm bombs on the ground, and swooped down repeatedly to wash the ground with flames, so that all these fresh seafood became ripe.

He didn't want to wait until he came back after winning the battle. The salt field even let the seafood be leveled, that would be too bad.

And Dragon couldn't bear to see the cute cat get hurt, that is, when he was planning to escape before, he was going to run with the cat.

What is a real good boss?
(End of this chapter)

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