Chapter 127 I Love Peace
The fluctuation of the magic net not only alarmed Maesriel, but for a while, countless gods shifted their sights to West Wind Sea.

In Paradise Mountain, Platinum Dragon God remained expressionless.

It's normal for a semi-metallic dragon to go crazy due to the influence of the color dragon's blood, this only proves how wise he is in his judgment of the color dragon.

Bator Hell, the five-headed dragon queen laughed wildly.

He doesn't care if Laila has metal dragon blood or not, as long as she's doing something bad, then He likes it.

The heart of the spell, the mysterious lady frowned slightly.

She doesn't like this kind of behavior very much. What was the name of the last person who used legendary spells to make trouble in the material world?

Furious at heart, the Sea Goddess is overjoyed.

Set off a tsunami and submerge the land. There is no other deed that can better reflect the majesty of the ocean. As a chaotic and evil evil god, she only needs the fear of mortals!

Dragon didn't know that what happened in West Wind Sea had attracted the attention of the gods, and they were soaring in the sky with a sonic boom.

Not long after, without Mesriel pointing out the direction, he saw the ceremony site, a giant vortex with a diameter of more than [-] meters, and it was still expanding!
He slowed down and hovered in the air, asking questions seriously.

"Are you sure you can handle it? No, let's withdraw!"

"What are you talking about? It's just a legendary spell, like no one knows it."

"And if you let her spell complete, your Chamber of Commerce will go to the bottom of the sea to open a shop!"

Mesriel touched the mechanical dragon's head as he spoke, and spoke proudly.

"It's just a half-blooded dragon, let's see how my sister kills her and it's over."

Saying that, she jumped off Dragon, returning to her original form while falling.

"hold head high!!!"

The giant dragon, which was more shining than silver, raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, and when the dragon wings waved, it set off a violent hurricane.

"Mithril Dragon?"

Lila, who was presiding over the magic ceremony, was a little surprised. This was different from the silver dragon she guessed, but it didn't matter. Even the most powerful metal dragon couldn't stop her revenge.

"Hope you like this opponent."

With a sneer, she opened the spell book and chanted the incantation, and immediately a smaller vortex, only a few hundred meters wide, appeared in the sea.

In the next second, a huge arm more than ten meters thick and made entirely of sea water stretched out from the vortex, followed by another arm, body, and legs.

Ten seconds later, a 40-meter-high water elemental lord climbed out of the vortex and roared at the Mithril dragon.

Legendary monsters!Lord of water elements, challenge level 35!

Dragon looked a little regretful in the sky, why did he believe in Mesriel's evil, why did he come to join in the fun when he had nothing to do?How could Miss Mithril Dragon be able to deal with this stuff?

Even if she becomes a great dragon, her challenge level is only 23!

How on earth did Lyra conjure this monster?
The more Dragon thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and immediately shouted to Mesriel: "The sea is the home field of the water elemental lord, I think we should first win and go back to the mainland before fighting back!"

Mesriel was very confident, "Just watch carefully, how did I make it disappear."

With a flutter of her dragon wings, she rushed towards the huge water elemental lord. The water elemental lord roared and raised his arms. A huge amount of sea water was compressed and condensed into a long whip, which was drawn towards the Mithril dragon like lightning.

boom! ! !
The water whip fell heavily on the sea surface, stirring up huge waves hundreds of kilometers high.

But Mesriel had already jumped into the ether world. When she was only 300 meters away from the water elemental lord, she returned to the material world and released the hard control directly.

"Time stops!"

Whether it's the waves, the wind, the rain or the water elemental lord, they all stand still under the power of time.

"Goodbye big monster."

Mezreal quickly approached the motionless water elemental lord, and then used the spell to create an infinitesimal point.

At the end of the time-stop, the water elemental lord was free from the influence of the spell, but it was instantly transported into the singularity by the infinite gravitational force, and then disappeared together with the singularity.

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Mithril Dragon looked up to the sky and smiled, and then looked at Leila who looked normal.

"That hybrid green dragon, how do you feel now? How do you feel?"

"This question should be asked of you."

Lila opened the spell book again with a smile, her fingers lightly slid across the pages, and one after another aquatic monsters appeared in the sea.

Treasure-protecting giant dragon, water giant ghost, fjord snake dragon, flood dragon, deep sea kun, dark night waves, ice elemental lord, ocean dragon, Shoggoth, Tianchi snake dragon...

A group of monsters with an average challenge level of over 20 were summoned, staring at the Mithril Dragon with a gloomy expression.

It turned out that Mesriel, who still felt that he had the chance to win, became numb in an instant. Isn't this too outrageous?
What is the spell book in her hand?

Even artifacts aren't so outrageous, are they?
After a brief silence, Mesriel asked tentatively.

"Hey, can we reconcile?"

"At this moment? Are you kidding me?"

Lila waved her hand lightly, and a group of terrifying powerful monsters immediately attacked the Mithril Dragon.

Seeing this, Mesriel immediately raised his altitude to avoid the deadly attack.

"I can't beat Dragon! Get your invincible Julia to help out!"

"Could it be that I, the majestic Full Metal Dragon King, can only eat soft food from women?"

Dragon was very unhappy when he heard the words, and threw stones at the heads of these monsters because he was flying high enough.

Armor-piercing bombs, high-explosive bombs, rockets, incendiary bombs, high-energy lasers...

He tried all kinds of weapons, but the effect was embarrassing.

Hitting it is sure to impress. The 74MM caliber tungsten core armor-piercing bullet can even hit the ice elemental lord with the highest challenge level.

But the effect is not flattering. The small steel needle pokes the iceberg, and the iceberg will automatically repair itself. When will this be done?

Other monsters can go into the water casually. All his weapons are chosen to fight land creatures, and he doesn't have to rush to make torpedoes now.

The minions couldn't be cleared, and Laila was under spell protection, so there was no need to fight without dispelling her spell first.

Dragon felt more and more irritable as he fought, and finally got angry, gritting his teeth and saying, "You guys forced me to do this!"

[Design me a rocket that can carry a nuclear warhead similar to W54, forget it or a missile! 】


The system quickly came up with a basic design without even having to modify the size of the missile.

[80MM caliber miniature nuclear missile]

[Explosive equivalent of 10 to 10000 tons of TNT]

[Single cost 100~100000 energy]

The price, how should I put it, is unexpectedly cheap.

"Ten rounds with a 500-ton equivalent first!"

"Mesriel! Give me a buff!"

Dragon also called Miss Mithril Dragon to consecrate the nuclear missiles one by one. He didn't care whether it would pollute the environment or not, so he swooped directly into the scene.

"Go to hell!"

He aimed at the biggest monsters, fired nuclear missiles one by one, and then fired five rounds at Lila's position!
Whoosh whoosh whoosh!
The nuclear missile roared away from the launch pad and flew towards the target.

The monsters who had seen the rockets before were too lazy to intercept them. Some moved their bodies directly to try to avoid the direct fire of the rockets, and some didn't even bother to move.

At most, it is equivalent to a fireball, which is trivial.

Unfortunately they are wrong.

The largest ice elemental lord was the first to be hit by a nuclear rocket.

Although it waved out countless shards of ice that were as ferocious as bullets, it still failed to stop the 8 cm thick nuclear missile.

When the nuclear missile loaded with seven kilograms of curium-247 approached the ice elemental lord, a small sun rose from the sea.

boom! ! ! !

The fireball hundreds of meters high instantly engulfed the ice elemental lord, and the turbulent air waves even blew away the rain clouds in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, another nine nuclear missiles also approached the target, and the maximum temperature exceeded [-] degrees. Large fireballs rose one after another from the sea.

In the sky, Dragon, who was staying away from the nuclear radiation at the fastest speed, laughed wildly.

"I love peace!"

The fireball disappeared quickly, and only a few mushroom clouds rose high.

In the ocean, Lila, who dived into the sea urgently, was not injured, but the most important magic ceremony was interrupted!

400 years!
A full 400 years!
She has been waiting for a full 400 years!Even if it is a giant dragon with a long life, how many 400 years can it be wasted?

If this continues, she will have less than 5000 years to take revenge!

All kinds of negative emotions rose in the green dragon's heart, and she suddenly laughed almost crazily.

"Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh"

"Die! Go to hell! Go to death!"

She flipped open the spell book and shouted in a shrill voice.

"Dedicate everything I have to you! Come out! Great God of Blackwater!"

"The ruler of all aquatic life!"


(End of this chapter)

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