The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 129 Don't Be Sad, Show You A Clown

Chapter 129 Don't Be Sad, Show You A Clown

"You broke our agreement!"

Feeling that she was being deceived again, Lila glared at the water god manuscript with hatred, "You promised me that you would destroy everything in Premiline! You liar!"

am i a liar?

Ketayat was about to boil with anger.Who is the liar?If he had known that this universe was so dangerous, he would never have put his power in. Now, it's all in vain!
He put another sea-water tentacle over Lyra's mouth, and then used her directly to block the water god codex.

Julia looked at them expressionlessly, and after a short thought, she waved her hand lightly, and the mist swept away, and Lyra, Sea Dragon, Sea Elf, and Water God Codex all disappeared.

Then, she smiled and winked at Dragon, and then disappeared into the sea with the mist.

"Finally survived!"

Mesriel in catgirl form let out a long breath, leaned back, and lay on the back of the mechanical dragon.

"It feels good to be surrounded by a big boss..."

"It's really time to end..."

Dragon turned around and flew towards the salt field. The sea was so lively, wouldn't his salt field be submerged by sea water?

Dragon, who was accelerating at full speed, quickly returned to the salt field. At this moment, the monsters who were frightened by the fight between the real gods and the gods had already dispersed, leaving only Bain's army still confronting the security team.

Dragon lowered his altitude and hovered recklessly over Baine's army.

"Surrender without killing! We, the Iron and Mechanical Dragon Joint Chamber of Commerce, give preferential treatment to prisoners!"

Seeing this, several officers looked at Bain hesitantly. Although they didn't speak, their attitudes were already obvious.

If you have no other hole cards, then let's vote, shall we?

Bane raised his head, staring blankly at Dragon.

From the moment the sea ebbed, he knew that he had been abandoned by Laila.When formulating the battle plan, she didn't say that everything here would be submerged with a tsunami!
He murmured and grinned, revealing a desolate smile.

"Have you, who was once betrayed by your companions, learned to betray your companions now? Or, from the very beginning, I was just your pawn..."

"It's ridiculous..."

Bain shook his head, and slowly drew out his long sword, pointing directly at Dragon.

"Daydreaming! The dragon must die!"

He summoned a celestial warhorse with wings, turned on the horse, and charged Dragon alone.

"What Don Quixote?"

Dragon opened his mouth with a sneer, and the 100-degree golden-orange flame instantly engulfed Baine, and the [-]-meter-long fire dragon danced aggressively in the air. When Dragon stopped breathing, there was nothing in the sky. .

He looked down at the other soldiers again.

"Surrender or die!"

The soldiers immediately dropped their weapons, raised their hands towards the mechanical dragon, and performed the traditional military salute of the Frankish Kingdom.

The war is over, and from now on, the 16 square kilometers of land in the western region will all be at the discretion of Dragon.

"To conquer such a large territory from scratch, my capital is zero beyond my abilities, right?"

Dragon happily commanded the cats, commanded the prisoners of war to sort out the spoils and build a prisoner of war camp.

Not to mention other things in this battle, more than 1000 needle-fired guns were seized after being sold not long ago. This is a very sought-after hard currency. Although it is already second-hand, it can also be sold at a discount.

Dragon even thought out a promotional line.

"Nine-nine new needle guns, only thrown to the ground once!"

After the matter in the salt field was almost settled, he got up and flew to Star Fort.

Bain died, so he had to find a way to help Pamela take over.

Dragon is not interested in expanding his territory, he just wants to learn from the advanced experience of the US emperor, keep dogs and keep dogs!
After all, Master Julong has a kind heart, and he doesn't want to see the poor suffer. It's too troublesome to develop people's livelihood after eating the land. It's really not as easy as supporting puppets.

Soon Dragon flew back to Star Castle, passed through the fog and landed on the rooftop, where Julia was already waiting for him with the little red-haired maid.

"Mr. Dragon, are you done?"

She looked at the mechanical dragon with a smile on her face.

"This, this..."

Dragon's legs were a little weak, and he quickly changed the subject.

"What about Ketayat? Did you finish him off?"

"Of course not. I thought you might need His power, so I locked them all in the big bath."

Julia stepped forward and grabbed Dragon's front paws, and pulled him into the castle.

It still can't run away!

Dragon could only come to the big bath with Julia. The already spacious big bath seemed to be connected to the water elemental plane at this moment. It is also very empty inside.

Julia pointed to the group of gorgeous females tied up and looked at the mechanical dragon with a smile.

"So, Monsieur Dragon, who do you want to interrogate first?"

Dragon was full of righteousness and gave an impassioned answer.

"Of course the trial begins with the mastermind."

"I see." Julia looked at the big bath again, without her needing to speak, the Water God Codex sent Lila over with great insight.

He swore that if Lyra could help him weather this, then he would be absolutely eternally grateful for her dedication until the end of time.

Julia calmly looked at the female mage with a pair of metal dragon horns.

After a short silence, she spoke.

"Ms. Leila, hello."

Seeing this, the water god manuscript quickly sent away the tentacles covering Laila's mouth, and Laila said blankly: "You won, kill me, this is a feat that even your ancestors failed to accomplish."

"I don't understand. According to the records in the ancestor's notes, you should be a very reasonable metal dragon."

Julia said softly: "So it's hard for me to understand your resentment towards our Daistal family."

"I think you should understand that 400 years ago, the reason why the ancestors chose to expel you was because you couldn't fight the elves at all."

"She doesn't want to see you killed by an elf!"

At the end, Julia couldn't help raising her voice.

Laila also became excited, "Of course I know she wants to save me! I don't care about this desolate forest with nothing at all! It's all because of your family! It's all because of you that I can't bring her back to life!"


Julia had a question mark on her face, and Dragon was eating melons silently with great interest.

So far, Laila just wanted to die, and she simply poured out all her grievances before she died.

"She clearly made a promise with me! When she reaches the end of her life, let me revive her, and she will leave here with me at that time! Travel to various planes! But you burned her body to ashes !"

She yelled at Julia crazily, with unforgettable resentment in her eyes.

"It's you! It's you who hindered our agreement!"

"what are you talking about?"

Julia looked at the female mage suspiciously, "It is the common wish of the two ancestors of the Destar family to cremate the body."

"You're lying! She clearly promised me that she will travel with me around the world when she is resurrected!"

"I didn't have to lie to you."

The two women insisted on their own words, and Dragon asked curiously.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but without the body, it must not be revived?"

"Just use an extra wishing technique," Mesriel said suddenly, "One wishing technique to obtain the body, and one wishing technique to revive, how simple it is."

Mithril Dragon, who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, looked at Laila with a smirk, "How about we resurrect the person you want to resurrect now, and ask her about her last words?"

Lyra fell silent.


Mesriel smiled meaningfully, "No way, no way, no way? There won't be a dragon that can't resurrect the dead even with the wishing technique?"

"That's right, the husband and wife are making love to each other in the Kingdom of God, how can they talk to a stupid dragon that jumped out of nowhere?"

"Aren't you too clown?"

Laughing, she jumped off Dragon's back, ran to Lyra, and pressed a red nose to her face.

"I think this suits you very well, don't throw it away."

As she spoke, she conjured another mirror and placed it in front of Laila.

"Miss Green Dragon, don't be sad, I'll show you a clown."

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

The female mage who had been completely defeated immediately struggled and roared hoarsely.

Mesriel laughed even more when he saw this, what a miracle it is?Haven't you become a prisoner, just watch how I deal with you and you're done!
(End of this chapter)

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