The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 130 Full Metal Dragon King Running Strength!

Chapter 130 Full Metal Dragon King Running Strength!

Julia stared at Lila blankly. She really didn't expect that this was the reason why the green dragon came back to take revenge.

"You must be joking, right..."

She murmured and stretched out her finger, touching Laila's forehead.Wisps of mist emerged from her fingertips, invading the green dragon's memory.

"No! You can't! Kill me! Kill me!"

The green dragon struggled hysterically and frantically, but to no avail, and Julia easily entered her memory, flipping through the most important memories of her life.

600 years ago, a hybrid green dragon with metal dragon horns crawled out of the eggshell. Although she had the appearance of a five-color dragon, her personality was closer to that of a metal dragon.

500 years ago, the green dragon turned into a female mage, Laila, and searched for ancient ruins in jungles all over the world.

400 years ago, the green dragon who decided to make her nest in the Primmy Forest was attacked by wood elves. Not long after repelling the wood elves, she was harassed by adventurers again.

In the constant confrontation with the adventurers, the green dragon met a beautiful bard, and she took the bard away from the paladin...

Julia fast-forwarded with a cold face, skipping large sections of scenes of watching the stars and the moon together, bathing together, flying together, etc., focusing on exploring recent memories.

After a long time, she withdrew her index finger and sighed inexplicably.

"It's not you..."

She turned to look at the mechanical dragon, and asked softly, "Mr. Dragon, is Bain still alive?"

"Uh, not only did he not surrender, but he dared to attack me, and was burned to ashes by my dragon's breath."

"That's really cheap for him."

Julia said bitterly: "That shameless murderer!"

"Is that so?" Dragon was a little embarrassed, scratching his head and suggested, "How about we resurrect him and kill him again? I don't know if Billy is still in Three Rivers..."

Julia was a little moved, but after a brief hesitation, she shook her head.

"My brother has always practiced the idea of ​​the God of Justice. I don't think he would want to see revenge beyond the bottom line of reason."

"This is really a good man's untimely end... Haven't you thought about resurrecting him?"

Dragon asked casually, and Julia shook her head calmly.

"His soul has gone to the Kingdom of the God of Justice, which is much better than the material world."

"Uh, it seems to be the same." Dragon suddenly realized that he lived in a world without demons in his previous life, and everything was empty when he died, but the multiverse is different. For the believers of the good god, the soul can still go to the kingdom of God to enjoy the blessings after death.

Isn't it better to be a petitioner in the kingdom of God than to be a scroll in the material world?
Then Dragon, who was not very good at talking, racked his brains to comfort Julia.But the effect? ​​It can only be said that Julia cooperated very well.

After sprinkling a lot of dog food, Julia looked at the green dragon again and seriously asked the mechanical dragon for his opinion.

"Mr. Dragon, what do you think should be done with her?"

"Well." Dragon looked at the female mage with dead eyes, and after thinking for a while, he decided to see if he could pull her into the united front against the wood elves.

"Dear Ms. Leila," he said with a smile, "do you still want to avenge the murderer who destroyed your life?"

The female mage said nothing.

"Why? Is your courage for revenge limited to orphans and widows?"

She remained silent and said nothing.

"You're embarrassing me." Dragon sighed helplessly, and then looked at the water god manuscript.

"Can you still manipulate her like before?"

The Water God copybook is very face-saving, and directly slid and knelt.

"Of course, what position do you like?"


Julia smiled kindly, and the water god manuscript immediately manipulated Lila to stand in front of her, and said sternly:
"What I mean is, how much land do you need me to submerge? Let me explain in advance that on this planet, I can only submerge no more than 100 million square kilometers of land. If I exceed this range, I will be stripped out of the material world."

100 million square kilometers, which is almost enough to send the entire Premilin into the water.

"It doesn't need to be that much, I just need you to set up a line of defense in the Premier Forest."

Dragon felt that he didn't find enough opponents for the elves. The purpose of his establishment of the Iron and Mechanical Dragon Union Chamber of Commerce was not to fight the elves desperately, and he couldn't do so. How could he make money?
This situation is good now, gnolls, hobgoblins, kobolds, drow, underground creatures, aquatic creatures...

Dragon is going to join him in a coalition of [-] tribes, and have a good fight with the wood elves in the Premi Forest, which happens to be able to increase the sales of needle guns.

"No problem at all!"

The Water God Codex directly merged with Laila, and soon, the female mage with an extremely angry expression stood up, grinning, showing a weird smile.

"Leave the elves to me!"

She spoke in a gentle voice that did not match her expression: "I will stop them!"

Well, the leader of the navy has been determined, but she can't be the only commander.

Dragon looked at Luo Ji, who was innocently captured.

"This one, Miss Hai Long."

He looked curiously at this relatively rare wingless giant dragon, "Would you like to join our Steel Mechanical Dragon Union Chamber of Commerce?"

"Of course! I have long been at odds with the annoying elves!"

Rocky agreed immediately, she didn't want to end up with the same treatment as Lyla.

Dragon nodded, and looked at the rest of the sea elves who were dressed in rags, lived in poverty, and could only wear shells.

"Then, ladies of the sea elves, are you willing to join the united front against the elves?"

The sea elves looked dazed, joining the anti-elves united front?How did things get to this point?But now, they seem to have no other way to go.

He even helped the green dragon summon a tsunami to flood the land, and it would be too ugly to talk about a family of elves.

"It is the greatest honor to be able to play for the dragon!"

"We have long disliked the land elves!"

"What kind of elf is a wood elf? I'm so unfamiliar!"

OK, there is also a grassroots command.

The jungle, the underground, the ocean, it feels like a flying race will come, and the encirclement network for the wood elves will be completely formed.

Dragon began to think about where to turn the cannon fodder, and he couldn't think of a suitable race for a while, so let's just take one step at a time.

By the way, there is also Pamela, Bane was defeated and died, Linhai City will definitely be in chaos, that is the territory of the Full Metal Dragon King!We must quickly organize an army to take her back to Linhai City.

He turned his head and was about to discuss with Julia, but saw her leaning over with a smile on her face, slowly touching Dragon's chest with her slender fingers.

"Mr. Dragon, you must be very tired after fighting so hard for so long?"

"Let's rest for a while..."

In the early morning of the next day, Dragon flew in the sky without any distractions.

Sometimes he can't understand why Long is so tired while alive.

What's the point of working hard for money?
Money is just a number, how can you not live a day?
Why can't life and life understand each other?
He never thought of hurting the wood elf, why couldn't the wood elf be more tolerant and understanding like him?

All kinds of questions hovered in Dragon's mind, and he felt that he had thought out the true meaning of life.But how to convey the true meaning of life to others is another problem.

In this kind of aimless thinking, the mechanical dragon flying at supersonic speed passed by three helicopters.


"Wait a minute? The thing that flew over just now is a magic horse?!"

Dragon, who flew far away, suddenly felt that something was wrong. He circled and chased back, and soon caught up with the three armed helicopters, and looked at each other with the helicopter pilot.

Looking at the driver in the driver's seat, who was reporting to his superiors through the headset, Dragon felt that he hadn't woken up yet.

After one night, humans even made armed helicopters?

How long had Julia held him to sleep!

"This is too outrageous..."

He muttered and glanced at the three armed helicopters of different models, and subconsciously opened Baidu Litu.

A second later, the introduction of three armed helicopters appeared in front of his eyes.

【Kawasaki OH-1 Scout Helicopter】

[Light military twin-engine, quad-rotor observation/reconnaissance helicopter designed and manufactured by Kawasaki Heavy Industries.There is no fixed armament, only double-mounted 91-type air-to-air missiles are installed on the outer pylons of the short wings for self-defense]

【AH-64D Armed Helicopter】

[Developed by Boeing, there is an M-230E-1 30mm single-barreled chain gun under the nose, which can mount 70MM rockets and anti-tank missiles]

"The helicopter in my childhood? How the hell have I traveled through time again?"

Dragon had mixed feelings for a while, he managed to create a family business, held on to the long legs of Bai Fumei and rich woman, and ended up going back to 49 overnight, what is this called!
He was very upset and didn't know what to scold.

At this time, the two Apache gunships that had received orders from their superiors also dispersed from left to right, and flew behind Dragon.


This clearly ill-intentioned move angered Dragon instantly.

"You still want to bite my tail? I've given you face!"

He roared and exploded with thrust, smashing the OH-1 reconnaissance drone together, and then rolled into the sky, taking advantage of the high altitude, and pressed down on the two armed helicopters aggressively.

"Things with long propellers, eat me first with a lightning whirlwind!"

(End of this chapter)

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