Chapter 131

The supersonic mechanical dragon, which has the advantage of high altitude, beats up the armed helicopter without air-to-air missiles. The scene is cruel.

Dragon didn't even bother to fire, and when he hit it directly, he was a ball of flames, and the high-speed spinning propeller could only scrape him, and it couldn't help the super steel armor at all.

Just ten seconds later, the three armed helicopters fell to the ground, and the crew members all went to Kudanzaka.

"Wait, this seems to be Premiline, right?"

At this time, Dragon also realized that it was not him who traveled through the world this time, but the armed helicopter of Xiaotian.

"Outrageous, isn't it really the world of fantasy self-defense forces?"

"Then they are really bad luck..."

The multiverse is not a low-magic world that can be touched in the ordinary technological world. Without the gods watching, the mages have already destroyed the planet.

Although Dragon seems to be a technological dragon, he can only beat low-level fighters who are hard-working, and he still has to hug Mesriel's thigh when dealing with high-level spellcasters.

"No, I have to confirm the information quickly!"

He anxiously raised the altitude, hovering in the sky, looking for possible space-time passages.

Looking far away, Dragon soon saw a 200-meter-high blue semi-circular space-time passage by the sea.

At this moment, on the beach near the space-time channel, there are already many small-time troops.

Tanks, armored vehicles, radar vehicles, self-propelled artillery, engineering vehicles, all kinds of equipment are available, but it seems that they should have just arrived, and the camp has only established a prototype.

And they are still urgently deploying emptying weapons. It seems that they have confirmed the news that the helicopter was destroyed.

"This is bad..."

Dragon sighed helplessly. He didn't care about this army. Although the super steel armor couldn't withstand heavy missiles, he had a spell pendant.

As long as he carries a few more catgirls, he is the most powerful stealth fighter in the world!A spell with one claw and a nuclear bomb with one claw, the baby dragon with thighs to hug is so amazing.

Dragon is mainly worried about the portal, a portal connecting the modern world. If this is discovered by other forces, how can he harvest the world with industrial waste?

These little people want to make him bankrupt!
Thinking of this, Dragon's eyes turned red.

"Julia", he said in a deep voice, calling his thigh far away in Star Fort.

"Can you cover this place with fog so that no gods can see it?"

"Of course, Mr. Dragon."

Julia's gentle words quietly rang in the mechanical dragon's ears, and then a boundless mist emerged out of thin air, submerging everything around the space-time passage.

Then she gave Dragon the permission again, and everything in the fog was reflected in his visual sensor.

"very good!"

Dragon grinned grinningly, and loaded the launcher with miniature nuclear missiles again.

This time he directly loaded a [-]-ton nuclear warhead, just to give Xiaotian a little surprise.

"Invasion of another world, right?"

"Duck a rocket!"

The mechanical dragon soared into the sky, ready to let the little days relive the warmth of the little boy and the fat man.

At the same time, there was a lot of noise in Xiaotian's camp headquarters.

"Baga! The dragon-shaped machine that shot down the gunship has not been figured out yet! What's the matter with this fog?"

"Didn't it mean that the planet's technological level is backward, and there is no radio signal? Are the people in charge of intelligence analysis all idiots?"

The head of the lieutenant general slapped the table and roared, and a Linghe staff officer replied seriously: "Please rest assured! This kind of fog should be a very common natural phenomenon. As for the dragon-shaped machine, it is also very likely to be a unique wild animal on this planet."

"What wild animal can shoot down three gunships? Transformers?"

Lieutenant General Sakamoto was furious, and suddenly, the soldiers in charge of radar information screamed in horror.

"The radar detected a target approaching at high speed at an altitude of [-] meters, at a speed of Mach [-]!"


The headquarters immediately fell into chaos, flying at Mach [-] at an altitude of [-] meters, even Showa's Linghe staff couldn't laugh anymore.

"Launch the anti-aircraft missile!"

Lieutenant General Sakamoto gave the order with the last glimmer of hope, but a staff officer immediately gave a desperate answer.

"The anti-aircraft missile vehicle is still behind the passage!"

"What did you say!!!"

A series of four bright and huge fireballs instantly engulfed the Xiaori camp, and the violently inflated high-temperature fireballs even passed through the portal and poured into the opposite world, killing countless people.

Dragon, who was hovering in the air watching the excitement, let out a long laugh, "Give Xiaotian a little multiverse shock!"

"Oh hahahaha!!!"

The fireball lasted only a short time, and soon there were only four rising mushroom clouds left.

However, the Xiaotian camp after being washed away by nuclear bombs has been completely turned into ruins. More than a thousand soldiers were directly turned into slag and ashes.

All equipment such as chariots were also scrapped. Although the main structure was still roughly intact, the nuclear radiation exceeding the standard could not even be sold as scrap iron.

"Wait? Selling scrap iron?"

Dragon looked at the distorted and smoking heavy equipment and nodded, and decided that if anyone offended him later, he would make this pile of scrap iron into weapons and sell them to them.

As long as the user is a living creature, within a year of keeping it, the soul will be scattered!
It's a pity that even under a nuclear attack, the space-time channel is still strong, and it doesn't look like a product produced in the days when energy-absorbing cars were abundant.

"Would you like to go and have a look..."

Dragon circled a few times at an altitude of [-] meters, but couldn't make up his mind after all.

After all, his family has a big business now, the Iron and Steel Machinery Dragon Union Chamber of Commerce is making a lot of money every day, there is a rich woman and a female knight in Star Fort, and hundreds of maids of different races and styles.

If he doesn't come back after this, wouldn't it mean that the huge family business has been cheapened by the two stupid dragon girls?

"Just go together!"

He turned around and flew towards Star Fort, deciding to take the rich woman and the others with him.In this way, even if there is a monster on the other side of the door, there is no need to be afraid.

It’s amazing that a 200-meter-high Gaerjetan jumped out of the bottom of the sea. The son of Mr. Ke, Dragon can jump up and give it a mouthful.

"What the hell are you called the evil god?"

Dragon excitedly flew to Three Rivers City, where the smell of gunpowder hadn't cleared up, picked up two dragon girls, and flew to Star Fort to discuss with Julia about traveling to another world.

"Huh? Going to another planet? With Mr. Dragon?"

Julia was very moved, but still asked a question reservedly.

"Take us with you, won't it disturb your serious business?"

Before Dragon could speak, Celeste answered first.

"Certainly not! Because he doesn't do business at all every day! He doesn't even bother to check the account of the chamber of commerce!"

The two dragon girls couldn't help coughing lightly when they heard this.

"I think Brother Dragon doesn't check the accounts because he trusts us, which is very good!"

"That's right, Dragon is so busy every day, it's better not to bother him with such a small matter of checking accounts..."

The two dragon girls said the same thing in unison, and Dragon didn't even need to think about it, he knew that they must be corrupt.

This was also within his expectation, what's the difference between sending the two dragon girls to be treasurers and letting the monkeys take care of the Peach Garden?
Dragon is just waiting for them to make mistakes, so that when they run out of money one day, just take the two of them down and explode the gold coins and it's over.

By the way, the shares can also be withdrawn. What is a win-win situation?
Dragon smiled without saying a word, and said to Julia with a smile: "Traveling with you is serious business. We have known each other for so long, and we haven't visited any place other than Three Rivers City. I think it's today. "

"Then trouble you..."

Julia nodded with a blushing face, stood up and pulled Celeste up.

"We're going to change our clothes when we go out."

Catherine also stood up and said calmly, "I'll go find the flight cabin first."

"Don't use that."

Dragon felt that the thing was not reliable, and it was okay to fly normally, but this time he might have to fight with the F-35 once he passed by, and it would be too much trouble to bring an extra flight cabin.

But he can't say that you should just squeeze into the half-plane, this is travel, even a straight steel dragon has to know how to have fun.

After a short thought, Dragon sighed.

He had to upgrade his body shape again. He had an idea, and this body shape was still not enough.

Fortunately, there is the fine gold mine that Bexi worked so hard to dig, so why not bring her along.

(End of this chapter)

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