The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 133 Nuclear Fusion Big Stick

Chapter 133 Nuclear Fusion Big Stick

After the passengers and living batteries were settled, Dragon struggled to squeeze out from the gate of the castle.

His current physique is about the same as that of some adult dragons. From now on, if the Star Castle is not expanded, it will be difficult for him to go in and spend the night again.

"Huh? This seems to be a good thing..."

Dragon muttered and unfolded the dragon wings, and the power furnace with a total power of 360 horsepower was turned on to the maximum, flames and steam gushed out at high speed, pushing the [-]-ton mechanical dragon soaring into the sky, cruising at three times the speed of sound Fly quickly to Premiere Forest.

After picking up Bessie at the Eternal Castle, he felt that he had made all the preparations. The all-metal Dragon King, who must be foolproof in his journey, finally came to the space-time passage.

It took him almost three hours to go back and forth, but Xiaotian's follow-up troops hadn't come yet, and it seemed that they were probably stunned by four [-]-ton nuclear bombs.

One or two thousand Self-Defense Forces turned into fly ash, this is not something that can be settled with a bow and a private Masai of red bean paste.How can the prime minister die?
"I have to help the scene."

Dragon grinned and landed on the ground, asking several spellcasters through the built-in speaker.

"Who is free to give me an invisibility spell?"

"Let me do it."

Mesriel, who was curious about the situation in the opposite world, directly cast an illusion on Dragon.While turning him invisible, he also created an illusion exactly like the mechanical dragon.

"You can manipulate the phantom to explore the way, and the phantom can see everything you can see."


Dragon controls the phantom to take off and slowly pass through the space-time channel.

To his surprise, there was also a fog on the opposite side. It seemed that Julia had already laid the foundation in advance.

Wait, army, space-time channel, fog, monsters from another world, doesn't this plot look familiar?
Are you going to beat Zhuri Yingjiang soon?Hope the world doesn't have perverts in tights.

Dragon clicked his tongue and walked through the space-time channel, seeing the scene of this world with his own eyes.

At the same time, Nero, who was lazily lying in the battery compartment and playing games, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a bright spark lit up in his eyes.

"Finally, lit..."

Concrete buildings, squares, tanks, helicopters, military slogans, it looks like a military base, all kinds of facilities are complete, but there are no people, why is that?

"Let me see if there is a cell phone."

He excitedly rummaged through the base, tearing apart the command vehicle, lifting the tank cover, and crushing the helicopter. After a lot of tossing, Dragon managed to find a lot of mobile phones, but unfortunately none were as big as the tip of his claws.

"What a crap!"

The All-Metal Dragon King, who can't play with his mobile phone, smashed the electronic waste with one paw, and then turned on the almighty system.

[Quick, can you connect to the Internet?I want to see the fun of my childhood! 】

The system is still so reliable, and it doesn't require any energy. An input box and many icons appear in his line of sight.

These icons are quite familiar, Baidu, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Little Blue Bird, Tangbure, porn... Cough cough, delete delete!How did the garbage system put this up, Julia can't see it!
Dragon directly deleted the yellow and black color software icon, opened the Youtube casually, intending to put the video of the self-defense force being flattened to warm up the little days, but when he opened the Youtube, he saw that all the live broadcast rooms on the homepage were Play a content.

Eagle Sauce beats up an innocent little monster.

"What's the situation? A Hollywood blockbuster?"

He stared blankly at the live video, the little monster with ax-like horns on its head carrying fighter jets and missiles to bomb Yingjiang's demolition, and it took him a long time to react.

"Ax Head? Pacific Rim?"

"What is this world?"

Dragon is a bit puzzled. You said that he planned to give Xiaotian a little bit of fog and shock, but the opposite of the door is the Pacific Rim, which is a bit big.

No wonder the self-defense force that opened the portal wasn't Yingchan stationed in Japan, and the co-author was a child who took advantage of Yingchan's busy schedule to go alone!
But Pacific Rim is also good, as far as the foam monsters and plastic plate mechs in this world, Dragon can kill them without thinking.

Even mechanical dragons know that melee combat has no future. Wouldn't it be good to build more space battleships if you have the steel to make mechas?

Obviously, the controllable nuclear fusion was successful, but in the end, he had to fight in close quarters, punching monsters with his fists, which was even higher than Gundam!
"Technology falls into your hands, it's really a pearl and dust!"

The Full Metal Dragon King was very heartbroken. How could he bear to watch these primitive people tarnish the pure and beautiful controllable fusion technology?

He has to rescue this technology from the hands of primitive people!

[Can you search for technologies related to controllable nuclear fusion? 】

Dragon hoped that the system would get things done quickly, but how could the system give him a free job?

[The system has not retrieved this technology in the Internet of this world, please search for it yourself]

All right, find it yourself.

Dragon was not in a hurry, turned around and searched in the base again.This military base wasn't too big. He dismantled all the suspicious buildings and found no machinery that might be related to the space-time channel.

It's a bit troublesome if you can't guarantee a way out.

He scratched his head and asked Julia.

"Can you control this space-time channel?"

Before Julia could answer, Celeste raised her hand high.

"Me, me, me! I can control this channel!"

As she spoke, she waved her hand, and the huge portal in the distance suddenly began to shrink, and soon became a circle of light less than one centimeter in diameter, suspended stably in the air.

"I'm great!"

The little girl puffed out her chest proudly.

"You are really amazing! I want to call on all employees to learn from Miss Celeste!"

Dragon said a lot of good things about not needing money, which made the little girl very happy.

This time the retreat is also stable, and Dragon has no more worries. The dragon wings soar into the sky, confirm the direction of Tokyo, and fly straight away with the sonic boom.

A steel object with a flying speed exceeding Mach [-], any radar detected immediately started to alarm, and a dozen or so Eagle Sauce bases nearby exploded instantly.

It's fine to make a mess of monsters in the local area. After all, no matter how fierce the ax is, it is still in San Francisco, but a nuclear bomb will really kill people!
What kind of life do you play with a few thousand dollars a month?
Many Yingjiang soldiers are planning to have a good time before they die. Although the time is short, every second of happiness is a second.

This is another message from the radar soldiers.

"The target is flying to Tokyo!"

"Oh buy ga!"

"Thank God!"

The eagle sauce soldiers who were about to enter the carnival before the end quickly cheered, and then continued to carnival.

It would be nice not to have to die.

What?Neon man?
who cares.

With such a small country, Dragon flew over Tokyo in just a few minutes.

This time is not enough time to sound the air raid siren, after all, no one can be sure whether it is a missile or not.

In case the alarm is sounded and panic is caused, not to mention how many people will die in the stampede and robbery due to loss of order, who can afford the responsibility even if it causes economic losses?

This kind of major event must be discussed by the cabinet. Do you understand the gold content of dishes!
So when the senior officials in the small days moved urgently to the underground nuclear bunker and continued to discuss whether to sound the air raid siren, Dragon had already flown over Tokyo.

Looking at this huge city circle with an area of ​​150 square kilometers, the mechanical dragon grinned happily.

"Wuhu, the mechanical dragon express is in place, is there anyone here to sign for it?"

He unscrupulously dragged the sonic boom low-altitude cutscene over the city, and the howling wind rolled up countless hats and skirts, and countless classic scenes appeared in a short time.

Too bad no one appreciates it.

All the civilians stared at the sky dumbfounded. Although they could only see the tail flame of the mechanical dragon, the low-altitude supersonic flying object was still too exciting for them.

Dragon hovered over the city for a long time, but he didn't even wait for Xiaotian's fighter jet.

It's not easy for him to directly bomb the city. Anyway, he has been educated in socialism in his previous life, and killing innocent civilians is a bit of a lower limit.

Dragon is not a fascist beast, and has no interest in actively killing unarmed civilians.

Except for accidental injury of course.

(End of this chapter)

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