The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 134 Alien Titanium Lord!I know a path that leads directly to the center of humanity!

Chapter 134 Alien Titanium Lord!I know a path that leads directly to the center of humanity!

A few minutes later, three F35As that took off urgently from Yokota base flew to the vicinity of Dragon, and the pilots stared at the mechanical dragon in dumbfounded.

"Oumega! The Eagle reports that the target is a Transformer."

"Whatever it is! Shoot it down immediately!"

"Eagle received."

The pilots of the three fighter jets were not too scared. Thanks to Hollywood's day-to-day publicity, they were still a little eager to take the initiative to fight alien monsters.

The radar locks on the target, and the captain's aircraft launches two AIM-120C air-to-air missiles.

"Active attack? Then don't blame me!"

Dragon grinned and exploded with thrust, instantly accelerating to Mach [-] flight speed, twice as fast as the missile.

"Give me death!"

He opened his mouth with a manic smile, and the high-temperature laser instantly detonated two missiles, and the two flame flowers bloomed in the sky, and then were torn apart by the shock wave carried by the mechanical dragon rushing at eight times the speed of sound, and then shattered together There is also the captain's plane that launched the missile.


"Holy Shit!"

The remaining two drivers cursed in unison. The mechanical monster with eight times the speed of sound is five times faster than the F35. Even the missiles can't catch up, so they take the lead?

"Eagle wrecked! Eagle wrecked!"

"We need support!"

Before they could get the commander's order, Dragon rushed over with a grinning grin.

This kind of game where a collision is a ball of fireworks worth hundreds of millions of dollars is so fun that he doesn't want to waste bullets, so he simply kills randomly by virtue of his speed advantage and hardness.

Two fighter jets were destroyed in a row. The pilot of the last fighter jet couldn't hold on any longer. He directly pulled the ejection seat to get out of the flying coffin. Regardless of what would happen if the fighter jet fell into the city, he just wanted to escape from the mechanical dragon's pursuit.

It's a pity that Dragon has not signed the Geneva Convention. The only thing he knows about Geneva is to refund money.

He watched the pilot open the parachute with mischief, then reduced the flight speed, slowly flew past the pilot, and gave a thumbs up maliciously.

"Although the three of you looked embarrassing when you beat one and got killed, you are really handsome when you skydive."

As he said that, Dragon grinned, and ignited the umbrella with a laser in the pilot's desperate eyes.

"Ask Sir Isaac for me."

He waved his claws at the eagle-jam pilot who was howling and fell to the ground, then accelerated again and headed straight for the eagle-jam base.

Meow!The dignified all-metal dragon king came to inspect your work in a remote earth ball. He was flying in the sky, didn't provoke anyone, and was suddenly bombarded by missiles!
Should the good dragon be targeted by missiles?

Is there still Wang Fa!Is there still law!
Inside the Yokota base, the radar soldiers reported loudly.

"The UFO is approaching! The flying speed is Mach [-]!"

The black general looked gloomy.

The loss of the plane is a trivial matter. The big deal is that Xiao Zizi will pay to make up for it. This is the loss that Yingjiang's father suffered to protect them!
Is this a good dog if it doesn't take money?
However, three pilots were killed under his command. If this kind of thing was reported by the media, he would be very embarrassed.

To avoid this outcome, he has only one way to go.

"Fire out all anti-aircraft missiles! Make sure to shoot them down!"

The order was conveyed, and surface-to-air missiles were launched quickly one after another. Dragon has never given himself the entire stealth function. More than 300 tons of metal lumps are simply the favorite targets of all missiles.

"Treat me like a monster?"

Dragon sneered and called out Iron Dragon Loli.

"Nesario, do you see those flying missiles? I need your strength!"

"no problem!"

Tielong Lolita, who had a general understanding of Radam's system, patted the two little rabbits in a grand manner.

"Leave it to the invincible Nesario!"

She looked at the group of missiles approaching extremely fast through the holographic image, her eyes lit up blue, and she laughed wildly.

"Weak and weak attack! Let the supreme dragon bestow upon you the deepest and deepest despair! Oh ha ha ha ha ha!"

She laughed wildly and firmly believed, a layer of faint blue force field directly covered the whole body of the mechanical dragon.

Dragon also used high-energy lasers to detonate several missiles at the same time, but more anti-aircraft missiles had already poured in from all directions and hit the blue force field.

A total of thousands of kilograms of high explosives exploded one after another, and the violent flames directly ignited the sky, as if a second sun had appeared for a while.

Seeing the moment when the mechanical dragon was engulfed in flames, the black general looked at the radar soldiers.

"How's the damage?"

The radar soldier looked at the radar scanning image in disbelief, and after a brief silence, he spoke with a trembling voice.

"The radar scan shows that the target has not been significantly damaged!"

"How is it possible! Even if it is a mouse tank, it can't withstand a direct missile hit!"

The black general was furious, but before he could vent his anger, dozens of anti-aircraft missiles had already exploded, the flames gradually extinguished, and a pair of scarlet eyes lit up in the misty black smoke.

"Old man! Your missiles are the most useless!"

Dragon laughed wildly as he adjusted his dragon wings and slowly flew out from the black smoke. The scarlet dragon moo locked onto the Yokota base firmly.

"Come and don't reciprocate indecently! Eat my big DIO!"

The armor plates on both sides of the mechanical dragon's body moved and slid away, and the two missile launchers quickly rose out. Ten 240MM caliber missiles aimed at the Yingjiang base and flew away one by one.

"Guide to intercept immediately!"

The black general wailed in despair.

It's a pity that he has already launched all the anti-aircraft missiles that can be launched immediately. Of course, the Yokota base will not only have dozens of anti-aircraft missiles, but there must be time to reload!
Six missiles flew into the Yingjiang base at a speed of Mach [-], and then the real sun rose from the ground.

Three 6000-ton nuclear bombs exploded close to the ground, and a flame storm of more than [-] degrees directly swept across the entire Yokota base.

The explosion flames of the other three missiles were slightly smaller, because they were loaded with a new type of explosive, a total nitrogen anion salt, and the power was barely a hundred times that of TNT.

But it's cheaper than nuclear bombs, so we can't really use nuclear bombs to open the way all the time, right?Forget about nuclear bombs and eagle sauce, let's play conventional charges at other times.

After a round of nuclear bombing, the Hengtian base covering an area of ​​7.3 square kilometers has been completely reduced to ruins.

Dragon watched it in the sky and laughed. Just as he turned on the tubing and was about to live broadcast it to the people of the world, he suddenly saw another piece of news.

"A huge unknown creature appeared in Tokyo Bay?"

He shook his head vigorously, checked again carefully, and found that the video was true.

In the video, the sea water is stained red with blood, and a tail tens of meters long rises from the sea water, waving slowly in the air.

"Isn't this the real sauce, what evil did the little days of this world do..."

Dragon was amazed. He felt that the world was getting more and more outrageous. The real sauce had climbed up from the bottom of the sea. The reconstruction of the second new Tokyo was just around the corner!

"Speaking of which, why did Pioneer dare to open a wormhole into this world?"

The mechanical dragon is a little curious, as far as their foam monsters are stacked together, can they resist a cabinet missing ray?

Originally planning to go to more than 100 other eagle sauce bases, Dragon, who was sending warmth one by one, suddenly lost interest.

It seemed that Tokyo was about to come to an end, and he had to take Julia for a walk before Tokyo ended.

If this made the rich woman happy, she would have to work overtime when she returned to Star Fort!
"Let's go shopping first!"

He turned his head and flew back to Tokyo, found the Ginza business district, and slowly landed with his dragon wings spread out.

The mechanical dragon with a wingspan of more than 50 meters descended from the sky, and all the little days were dumbfounded.

When the first person under the shadow of Dragon ran wildly, the chaos was out of control.

"Run away!"

"Monster! It's a monster!"

"The Decepticons have invaded Earth!"

For a moment, panic swept the entire Ginza, but among the panicked crowd, many people excitedly raised their mobile phones, opened the live broadcast room, and tried their best to swim against the current.

"Alien Tau! I know a path to the center of humanity!"

"Alien Titanium Lord! Are you here to invade Blue Star? May I ask how you want to oppress us?"

"Alien Titanium! You have come to the wrong place! Our country's taxes have been received by Yingjiang for 50 years!"

(End of this chapter)

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