The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 137 The Premilin Agreement

Chapter 137 The Premilin Agreement (Part [-])
In order to show the mechanical dragon a lively scene, and at the same time frighten other animals in Blue Star, Ying Jiang directly launched a live webcast.

The huge Minuteman missile took off from the launch pad, carrying three 33-kiloton nuclear warheads, and flew towards San Francisco.

Soon, three sun-like huge fireballs rose in San Francisco, engulfing the ax head in an instant, and bulldozing everything along with it.

For a moment, everyone was frightened.

Eagle sauce is too fierce, isn't it?Throwing nuclear bombs at your own city, what is a low human rights advantage?

"It's amazing, you guys are really powerful."

Dragon gave Kayoko a thumbs-up full of exclamation, then looked into her eyes and smiled maliciously.

"Unfortunately, according to the "Primeline Agreement on Export Control of Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Products and Technologies", the Iron and Steel Machinery Dragon Joint Chamber of Commerce cannot export any products that may disrupt social order to backward areas."

"So for your proposal, I can only say that I am very sorry."

Kayoko's face remained unchanged, her smile was still perfect.

"That's really a pity, but our original intention is to clear up the misunderstanding, Mr. Dragon, because of Godzilla, Tokyo is no longer suitable for visiting. Are you interested in visiting New York?"

It's really a bit moody, Dragon grinned, "Not yet, but well, what exactly is a product that can disrupt social order, it can only be determined after careful research."

"Are you interested in health products?"

"Health supplements?"

Kayoko was a little surprised. After all, with the style of the mechanical dragon, it looks like a warmonger who sells death. What the hell is health care product?

"Excuse me, what is the specific effect?"

She showed a charming smile.

Dragon spoke softly.

"It's not very useful, but it can prolong the lifespan of ordinary people by about 20 years."

Kayoko's eyes lit up instantly.

To prolong life, it is absolutely no human being can refuse the temptation.The richer the person, the more afraid of death, as long as the deal is successfully concluded, she will gain huge political capital, and it is basically certain that she will become the first female president of Japanese descent in the history of Eagle Sauce.

Isn't that why she risked her life to negotiate with the Mechanical Dragon?

Thinking of this, the woman looked at the mechanical dragon with more eager eyes.

Julia stretched out her hand and grasped the metal dragon's horn calmly. When Dragon was shocked, his attitude immediately became serious.

"The trading time for the first batch of health care products will be set in three days. Remind you in advance that the Steel Machinery Dragon United Chamber of Commerce only accepts precious metals, so don't try to fool me with green paper."

"Of course, it's your right."

Kayoko smiled sweetly and looked around, "This place has been cleared by our people, do you need a guide?"

Julia held the dragon's horns tightly with no expression on her face.

Hey, it's safe to take the rich woman out, but it's also very troublesome in other aspects.

Dragon can only flatly refuse: "No need, I am the full metal dragon king, and I like to say no to those who are self-righteous!"

Kayoko's smile stiffened slightly, but she quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, excuse me, you seem to be very interested in Godzilla?"

Dragon nodded, "Yes, it is a miracle in the history of biological evolution."

"That's great, we happen to have some information on Godzilla, and other titans, maybe you'll need it."

"Other titans?"

Isn't this just the world of Shin Godzilla?
Dragon was slightly taken aback, and then immediately ordered the system to search the Internet for information about the Emperor's organization.

There are no secrets in the online society, and the system quickly finds out information about the emperor's organization and the location of the base.

Looking at those bases scattered all over the world, Dragon couldn't help feeling a little tired.

"King Kong, Raton, Muto, Mothra... Poor pioneers, how did the humans in your world survive until now?"

Legendary Godzilla, known as Boss, has always been nosy, and is much more difficult to deal with than Zhenjiang.

And it's a bit racially discriminatory. Back then, Ghidorah, an alien refugee with three heads, was beaten up by it, and the whole dragon was stuffed in the refrigerator.

Dragon thought it was troublesome even thinking about it, so let's run away after reaping the benefits.

Thinking of this, he looked at Kayoko, his eyes became cold.

"I've changed my mind, three health products, in exchange for all your research materials on the space-time channel."


Kayoko hesitated a little, "The wormhole generator is the highest technology that we have spent tens of thousands of dollars to develop. We even lost a city for the research experiment..."

"So what do you mean?"


Kayoko stretched out five fingers, "Five health products that can prolong life! We can also give you the prototype machine!"

"Five sticks won't work, five sticks won't work!"

Dragon shook his head again and again, "Up to four, if you want it or not, at worst I'll find it myself."

"Okay! That's four."

One person and one dragon agreed on the transaction time, and Kayoko left a black card with unlimited amount, and left in a hurry to prepare technical materials.

Julia looked at the helicopter in the distance, and said softly.

"Mr. Dragon, the power she represents is not reliable."

Dragon grinned, "If Eagle Sauce is reliable, there will be no bad people in the world."

"No matter what, let's get the technology to make wormholes first."

Dragon doesn't want to hang out in the multiverse for a lifetime, if he has the opportunity, he just wants to go out and wander.

He held the black card between his fingertips and waved his paw vigorously.

"Let's go, continue shopping, if you see something you like, take it away, I will reserve the Ginza today!"

Celeste jumped up happily.

"Really? I want a nuclear power plant, and Nippon Steel!"

"Uh, what do you want that thing for?"

"Of course it's a 100-meter-high giant structure!"

"Rejected, all humanoid constructs over four meters in length are industrial waste."

"Mom, look at him bullying me again..."

Celeste threw himself into Julia's arms sullenly, and Julia withdrew her gaze from far away, and smiled softly, "Celestial, don't mess around."

The girl pouted unhappily: "I'm not fooling around, I think humans in this world also build large constructs."

"Those plastic plates are also worthy of being called constructs?"

Dragon showed a disdainful expression, "With the same size, I can dismantle them without long-range weapons."

Celeste roughly compared the fighting power of Dragon and Mecha Hunter, and sighed a little.

"It seems to be the same..."

Originally, she wanted to drive the big mech to arrest Dragon, and lock him up in the Star Fort, and lock him up for 1 years to see if he dares to oppress child labor.

Now it seems that the construct has to be redesigned.

The girl blinked her big starry eyes, and had a new plan in the blink of an eye.

"Then can I make a smaller construct? It's as big as a person."

She looked at Julia pitifully, and Julia couldn't stand her daughter's acting like a baby, so she could only help her with good words.

"Mr. Dragon, you can help Celeste."

She looked at the mechanical dragon softly.

The rich woman said so, how could Dragon refuse?

"Okay, just when I get the real sauce, there will be a miniature fusion furnace."

He looked towards Tokyo Bay with a smile, and muttered to himself, "Don't make me wait too long, my dear Ma-chan..."

At this time, the real Godzilla had already overheated due to rapid evolution, and returned to the sea to cool down, but the streets of Ginza were still empty.

Just kidding, hundreds of eagle sauce soldiers guarded every intersection, using stricter protection than protecting the president, to prevent other forces from contacting Dragon.

This will allow the intelligence personnel of other forces to see the Mechanical Dragon, how can Yingjiang sell Blue Star for a good price?

Under the meticulous service of Yingjiang, the mechanical dragon and his party had a very happy time in Tokyo.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed in a flash, and Mesriel had already made four bottles of youth drug.

This kind of potion that can extend the lifespan of mortals by 20 years is just a drizzle for legendary mages. Not to mention that you can make a bunch of them casually, but it is enough to turn people and animals you know into long-lived species.

Just before the agreed time, Kayoko came to see Dragon with a heavy truck.

"Is the prototype in the car?"

Dragon looked a little surprised at the 32-meter-long huge truck.It can be transported away by a truck. The technical content of this prototype is a bit high.

Unfortunately, Kayoko gave him a negative answer.

"The truck is loaded with original technical data, and the prototype is still on the aircraft carrier. Japan does not have a large enough means of transportation." She then took out a mechanical hard drive with a capacity of 50TB from her bag.

"This is the data directory."

Hundreds of tons of technical data, the corners of Dragon's mouth twitched slightly, and he turned to call Celeste out.

"Would you like to come here with Julia?"

"Of course I like it. I've already lived in the cold Star Castle."

"Then we have the opportunity to go to other worlds to play again, shall we?"

"Okay, okay," the girl nodded vigorously, and then Dragon put the hard drive into her arms.

"Very good, then the task of opening the door will be entrusted to you."


Celeste stared blankly at the mechanical hard drive that was bigger than her body.

"Here is the catalog and those materials."

Dragon pointed to the truck again, and Celeste looked at the mechanical hard drive, and then at the super truck with a load capacity of hundreds of tons, his eyes gradually became blank.

Although she can learn a lot of knowledge casually, how can learning to play and being oppressed be the same concept?

The girl wanted to refuse, but when she thought of her mother's eyes, she could only say weakly, "I see..."

Said, Celeste gritted his teeth and waved his hand, and a portal shining with the brilliance of billions of stars appeared on the ground, dragging the truck into it, leaving only the driver in charge of driving.

Dragon nodded slightly, and reminded enthusiastically.

"And the prototype equipment."

"I know, I know! You are so annoying!"

Celeste waved his hand angrily, and Kayoko's phone rang immediately.

"Miss Patterson! There is a problem with the freighter transporting the prototype! Soldiers report that the freighter has been swallowed by a silver portal!"

"I see, there is no problem, it is our friend who is receiving the goods."

Kayoko put down the phone and smiled even brighter.

"Dear Mr. Dragon, are you still satisfied with our sincerity?"

"My dragon is very satisfied, but this little lady may have a different opinion."

Dragon shrugged mischievously, Celeste was so angry that he jumped on his back vigorously.

"Mesriel, give it to her."

He is still very honest in doing business, and has no intention of pledging the final payment.The mechanical dragon is not afraid of Ying Jiang's tricks. If Ying Jiang dares to add water to the technical information, he will dare to set off fireworks in the peanut village.

Miss Mithril Dragon came out and handed four youth elixir to Kayoko.

"One bottle per person can make the body age back 20 years."

"Thank you very much for your generosity."

Kayoko took four bottles of the secret medicine of youth, then opened a bottle casually and drank it.

The moment the potion was taken in, her body began to look younger.After drinking all of it, the 37-year-old Kayoko turned back into a 16-year-old girl.

Looking at the youthful face in the camera of the mobile phone, Kayoko's eyes were wild.

"This is really, a miracle..."

"Does your business accept investment? Don't pay dividends! We can help you set up a shell company, and shareholders all over the world will go crazy for it!"

The first reaction is to collect money, the eagle sauce in this world is hopeless.

Dragon shook his head nonchalantly.

"The money in your world means nothing to me, I only care about the titans."


He turned to look towards the sea.

"Do you have something to do?"

Dragon turned back, grinning viciously.

"It's because you have something to do."

"Good job, I am optimistic about you."

As he spoke, his body slowly sank into the ground.

Kayoko was a little confused for a moment, but soon she got the news.

"Miss Patterson! Godzilla has registered in Sagami Bay!"

(End of this chapter)

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