The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 138 Yes Yes Yes!This is what I want to learn!

Chapter 138 Yes Yes Yes!This is what I want to learn!

In three days, Zhenjiang has evolved to the fourth form.

The height and weight are similar to those in the movie, 120 meters and [-] tons, but there is a certain difference in shape.

The first is the arms. The forelimbs of Zhenjiang in the movie are as embarrassing as Tyrannosaurus Rex, but the forelimbs of this Zhenjiang are more developed than Brother Zong.The second is the back. The long strips on both sides of Zhenjiang's dorsal fin are more and more obvious, and it is not known what organ is inside.

Dragon used magic to hide in the ground, observed Zhenjiang's form through satellites, and his eyes gradually became dignified.

It seems that we can't count on the plot of the original novel. Is the butterfly effect so obvious?He just fired a cannon at Zhenjiang, so there is no need to hold grudges like this, right?

He hid deep underground again, and the soil was the best protection.What happened to the radioactive heat rays at a high temperature of 20 degrees?Shoot through the earth if you have the ability, or just be incompetent and rage on the ground.

Wait, it seems like there is a Godzilla who can shoot through the earth with one breath?
Dragon became more and more uneasy, and simply left the ground again, took off at the lowest altitude, and slipped directly out of the Tokyo circle.

Scared, scared, can't afford to provoke or hide?
The big deal is to go to the back of the moon to watch the live broadcast.

Dragon flew to the Pacific Ocean, then dived directly into the water, watching the live broadcast with glee.

At this moment, the self-defense force of the small day is ready to attack, and launched an attack on Godzilla under the order of Prime Minister Taiga.

The armed helicopters fired first, and the large-caliber aviation machine guns and 30mm machine guns took turns, but they couldn't even scrape the real sauce.

Then came the towed rockets. Dozens of rockets exploded on Zhenjiang's face one after another. The flames and black smoke engulfed Zhenjiang's upper body for a while, but Godzilla was still unharmed.

Then the 10mm smoothbore gun and 120mm howitzer of the Type 155 tank also began to bomb, and then the M270 self-propelled rocket launcher. Most of the conventional weapons have been used in the small days, but they can't even stop Godzilla.

"What kind of monster is this!"

Many countries watching the liveliness through satellites are a little creepy. Although everyone's worldview has been attacked by three different types of monsters in turn, the previous Kaiju Beast will at least be broken by artillery, and the mechanical dragon anti-missile will also Open the shield.

These humans can understand that although they are equally powerful, at least they cannot ignore human resistance, but the real Godzilla is like an irresistible natural disaster, crushing humans is like a train crushing praying mantises on the rails.

Ignore and normal.

Xiaotian tried his best to prevent Godzilla from stepping into the Tokyo circle. Cannonballs, missiles, rockets, and aerial bombs fell on Godzilla as if he didn't want money.

Under such dense firepower coverage, even a steel lump of the same size would be blown out of potholes, but Godzilla remained unscathed.Until Xiaotian emptied the last shell, he was still doing useless work.

Normally, at this time, someone should come out and bow and apologize. It would be even better if they could perform seppuku for everyone. Fortunately, there was Yingjiang's father in the childhood.

In order to keep his own blood bag, Ying Jiang also fought hard. He took off a B2 bomber directly from Guam, loaded with ground penetrating bombs and headed straight for Zhen Jiang.

Is it just the bombing accuracy of the Yingjiang plane when helping its allies? It can only be said that it understands everything.

More than two hours later, the sky was getting late, and the real Godzilla had already entered the Tokyo circle. His huge body was rampaging directly in the city, crushing countless high-rise buildings, and directly wading out of an obvious ruin.

At this moment, the B2 bomber also arrived in the Tokyo area, and two MOP II ground-penetrating bombs that could penetrate at least 80 meters of reinforced concrete fell from the sky, hit the protrusions on both sides of the real Godzilla's dorsal fin, and penetrated directly into the flesh.

More than [-] kilograms of high explosives exploded in the body of True Godzilla, and blood poured into the sky.

The real Godzilla bent down in pain, two wrinkled and broken wings that were disproportionate to the huge body grew out of the flesh and blood.


It roared loudly, and the thunderous roar spread throughout the city. At the same time, Godzilla's dorsal fin lit up with a fiery purple light.

This light even illuminated the city where the circuit was cut, making it clearly visible to all.

"What does it want to do?"

Prime Minister Dahe muttered to himself.

"Prime Minister! The helicopter is ready!"

"I see……"

Not to mention the days when the cabinet tried to escape in a helicopter, the real Godzilla, who was in pain all the time, was interrupted to evolve, and suddenly opened his terrifying three-petal mouth, spitting out endless black smoke.

Just a few seconds later, the black smoke turned into flames, covering a range of more than a kilometer. Vehicles on the street were directly blown up by flames, and dozens of buildings with a height of hundreds of meters were instantly engulfed in flames.

But this was just the beginning, and soon the radioactive flame gathered and condensed, becoming a sword of destruction with a high temperature of 20 degrees that could destroy everything on Blue Star!


The heat ray penetrated the air and made a sharp and piercing sound. The real Godzilla shook his head slightly, and the dazzling radioactive heat ray destroyed everything built by human beings.

The flames lit up the entire city, Godzilla slowly raised his head, and the B5000 bomber flying at an altitude of 2 meters was directly detonated by the rays.

"Hey, luckily I slipped fast."

Dragon felt a chill in his neck when he saw it, and hurriedly dived into the sea again.

And Eagle Sauce, who has suffered such a big loss, is about to bite his teeth. The cost of a B2 is more expensive than the same weight of gold, and the real Godzilla does not have the ability to attack Eagle Sauce's homeland. Once the place is back, how can it hang around in Blue Star?

"Keep attacking! Send it to hell!"


The remaining two B2s circled behind Zhenjiang and dropped four more MOPII ground penetrating bombs.

The real Godzilla lowered his head, closed his mouth, and then dozens of heat rays burst from its dorsal fin, instantly detonating the bomb.

Then Zhenjiang turned her body, and dozens of heat rays directly shot down all flying objects in the sky, no matter whether it was a B2 or a helicopter, they could not escape its biological radar.

After destroying the annoying flies, the true Godzilla stopped his energy-consuming radioactive heat rays and turned to cleaning everything with flames.

Although the maximum range of radioactive flames is not as large as that of heat rays, it is still a block.As far as Tokyo is concerned, Zhenjiang can be ignited in one night.

In the early morning of the next day, the Mechanical Dragon, who had stayed up all night with 30 billion people, finally witnessed the destruction of Tokyo with his own eyes.

With incomparable professionalism, Zhenjiang cleansed the whole Tokyo with unpretentious flame breath!

Although there are still many skeletons of high-rise buildings standing in the ruins, a city without people is meaningless, and the city of Tokyo is dead.

"This is really a lifetime series. This is really the second new Tokyo. I hope to witness the establishment of the third new Tokyo next time."

Dragon let out a sigh of satisfaction, but soon he had a new surprise.

The real Godzilla who successfully destroyed the city of Tokyo didn't get tired, and it walked to the southwest again with heavy steps. After someone calculated its route, the Internet immediately burst into cheers.

"Godzilla is heading to the Nagoya metropolitan area!"

"Godzilla is invincible! Godzilla will insult the United States and Japan together!"

"I hope you don't attack Godzilla on a small day. After all, it was Godzilla yesterday that destroyed Tokyo. What does it have to do with Godzilla today?"

All kinds of opinions are boiling on the Internet, but the small days of losing the capital and the cabinet have no time to deal with it.

They couldn't even help the victims. As for where Godzilla was going, anyway, it was impossible for him to destroy the island of Japan. Someone would survive, so let's just let fate.

But how can this work?
Dragon is still waiting for their attack to make Godzilla evolve into the fifth form.

"Miss Kayoko?"

He directly asked the system to contact Special Envoy Yingjiang.

"Mr. Dragon?"

Kayoko was very surprised when she received the call from the mechanical dragon, and immediately smiled and said, "Do you need anything? Eagle Sauce is willing to meet all your needs."

"I need you to attack Godzilla."

Dragon made the request directly.


"Because I want to see what Godzilla's fifth form looks like."

"It's... I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass Congress."

Kayoko frowned slightly, "Mr. Dragon, our eagle sauce is a democratic country, and it is impossible to send soldiers to fight against opponents that cannot be defeated."

Dragon laughed directly, "Okay, okay, I know you are democratic, how about it, three youth elixir, only three tons of gold, okay."

Kayoko was still a little embarrassed, "It's too little, thirty tons of gold and ten sticks, what do you think of this price?"

"You really think of this as a business?"

Dragon's voice became colder, "Within three days, I want to see Godzilla's fifth form. After time, I will do it myself."

After speaking, he ended the call directly.

Kayoko put down her cell phone expressionlessly, and looked at Senator Patterson sitting across from her.

"Father, our friend from another world really wants to see Godzilla's fifth form. For this reason, he is willing to sell us three youth elixir at the price of one ton of gold each."

"Anything like this?"

Senator Patterson felt that he might not have woken up, and then he laughed almost maniacally.

"He is so generous! I think Dongying people must be willing to shed the last drop of blood to protect their country."

What is Double Happiness?
That's it, the secret medicine of youth can help the big guys prolong their lifespan, and helping the small days can make the military-industrial complex and Wall Street laugh out loud.

The German Iron and Steel Machinery Dragon United Chamber of Commerce harvested fusion furnaces, Eagle Sauce harvested youth and GDP, and small days harvested per capita resource growth.

Every force has a bright future!
"This will kill a lot of people..."

Kayoko was somewhat unbearable.

Patterson looked at his daughter with emotion, "Kayoko, I didn't expect you to become younger in your heart. These are valuable sacrifices, and we will provide loans and all necessary weapons for Japan."

"Then what kind of iron and steel chamber of commerce really doesn't accept investment? It doesn't matter if you don't want shares..."

Under profitable circumstances, Eagle Sauce's actions are always amazing.

Shortly after the call ended, Dragon saw the president make another speech on the Internet, claiming to avenge the multiple US military bases destroyed by the real Godzilla because they were near Tokyo.

Among them was the Yokota Base, and he also released a video showing the scene of the Yokota Base being destroyed by heat rays.

"What is caring?"

How long is this?Just help the mechanical dragon handle the finishing touches.

Dragon was shocked by Eagle Sauce's attitude. He thought that even if he released the real video, it would definitely be washed as fake.

He called Kayoko again.

"Mr. Dragon? What else do you want?"

"I want to learn from you how to manipulate public opinion, as well as remote livestock breeding technology."

"You're joking, we are a democratic country, and there is no such thing at all. It is the beautiful yearning of the people of all countries for freedom and democracy."

"That's right! That's what I want to learn!"

Dragon was very excited, but it was a pity that he was too stubborn and his moral bottom line was too high, so he couldn't learn the true biography of Ying Jiang after all.

However, Kayoko still told him the good news that the US military stationed in Japan has accepted the order and successfully organized the Self-Defense Forces.

They are going to set up ambushes one by one on the route of the real Godzilla, resist layer by layer, vigorously use the kamikaze attack, and guarantee to force out the fifth form of the real Godzilla within three days.

"Then I'll wait and see."

Dragon ended the call with a smile, three days, three days later he will have a mechanical dragon with nuclear power to boil water!

Infinite energy and self-replicating nanomachines, or take apart a star and give it to Julia?
Venus or Mars?

It doesn't seem to be very beautiful, so just dismantle the Saturn.

The mechanical dragon was happily daydreaming, and at the same time, in the Bermuda Triangle, at the No. 54 base of the Emperor Organization, a submarine also began to dive deep into the seabed.

The Japanese man looked at the sea water expressionlessly, his eyes dead silent.

Not long ago, his hometown was destroyed.

Humans can't fight against Titans at all, and only Godzilla, the king of Titans, can save mankind now!
The real Godzilla is definitely not the monster corroded by nuclear waste water!

 I owe a chapter, make it up tomorrow (/_\)
(End of this chapter)

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