The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 139 The third form!

Chapter 139 Fifth Form!
Two days later, Shingodzilla walked in the ruins of Uenohara City, and his heavy footsteps never stopped for a moment.

Dozens of large drones scattered from the sky and crashed into Godzilla's body.

Boom boom boom boom!
The self-destructing drone was successfully detonated, but to the real Godzilla it was just a harmless spark.

"Fire a rocket."

The officer in charge of commanding the battle was expressionless. He certainly didn't think that dozens of self-destructing drones could stop Godzilla. This was just a little temptation.

Three M270 self-propelled rocket launchers parked 18 kilometers away fired immediately. The rockets were launched directly from the container. Eighteen 227mm high-explosive fragmentation rockets whizzed across the sky, and the flames of explosions bloomed on Godzilla one after another.

"Is there still no interception?"

The officer sneered, "You arrogant monster, let's see the power of human beings!"

"Fire the incendiary bomb!"

Another 18 rockets pierced the sky and exploded on Godzilla's body, but this time the explosion produced blazing flames.

The flame with a maximum temperature of [-] degrees stuck to Godzilla's body, but it still couldn't stop Godzilla from advancing.

"Continue to launch multiple batches, don't stop for a moment!"

The little day with the full assistance of Yingjiang finally got a little more lively. The rocket bombs hit Zhenjiang like a free money.

There is no way, although every rocket of Eagle Sauce has to be cut and returned, but compared with the real sauce that has to crush them completely and burn them to ashes, even the rockets that have doubled the price ten times are all worthless. Daddy's love!

In just ten minutes, hundreds of rockets filled with special incendiary agents completely ignited the real Godzilla. On every inch of its body, flames with a temperature as high as [-] degrees Celsius flowed.

True Godzilla stopped slowly.

The officer frowned slightly, "The instinct of the beast? It's too late!"

"Tanks approaching and firing!"

In the underground bunker not far from Godzilla, Type 90 chariots drove out of it, launching a fatal charge towards Godzilla.

"Damn monster! Go to hell!"

Some Self-Defense Force soldiers who had lost everything stepped on the gas pedal with red eyes, and the chariot moved quickly on the road, and soon came into range.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!
The 120mm smoothbore gun fired vigorously, one after another shells were fired from the barrel, armor-piercing shells, armor-piercing shells, armor-breaking shells... all bombarded Godzilla's thighs.

Unlike the Type 10 chariot that returned without success for the first time, this time the real Godzilla's body armor has been baked by high-temperature flames for a long time, and its defensive performance has been greatly reduced.

So this time the little day succeeded in causing damage to Godzilla, but the effect was like a mosquito trying to suck blood on an elephant.

It can't be said that it has no effect, but it can only be regarded as scraping.

Godzilla, who was repeatedly harassed, finally opened his mouth again, and the terrifying radioactive heat rays swept away, and seven or eight Type 90 tanks melted and exploded directly.

The officer Yingjiang was expressionless, "Let the self-propelled artillery fire and launch the extended range bomb!"

Forty kilometers away, the 155MM caliber self-propelled artillery began to fire salvos. Several rounds of shooting successfully attracted Zhenjiang's attention, followed by heat ray roll call.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Expensive fireworks exploded on the ground one after another, but Commander Eagle Sauce remained unmoved.

It would be good if they were all destroyed, so that the boss of the military-industrial complex would be happy, and the new order will come soon?

Anyway, those who die are small days, God will bless them.

"Keep firing!"

Commander Eagle Sauce used all kinds of expensive big toys to lure Zhen Jiang to breathe out. After repeated many times, Zhen Jiang's fusion furnace was overheated.

And its body is still burning with more than 2000-degree flames, and the speed of heat dissipation from the dorsal fin cannot keep up with the speed of waste heat accumulation.

After a short silence, Machan turned and walked towards the sea.

"Hmph, want to run away?"

Having been in the army for many years, the commander who is best at hitting his own helicopters sneered, "It's time for us to do it! Let the boys from HNA and Air Force launch AGM154-ER remotely!"

On the sea four hundred kilometers away, the eagle sauce plane that had been on standby on the deck of the aircraft carrier took off immediately.

Dozens of Super Hornets and Fei Dian flew high into the sky, dropping glide bombs hundreds of kilometers away.At the same time, hundreds of bombers of different types rushed to take off from various bases and dropped bombs far away.

This wave basically emptied the inventory of the military-industrial complex. If it was not successful, Ying Jiang would urgently order a batch of gliding bombs from Rabbit, and then "aid" it to Xiaotian.

More than 2000 gliding bombs approached the real Godzilla's body in batches. A single AGM700-ER with a weight of 154 kilograms can carry 220 kilograms of high explosives. It has a certain armor-piercing ability. True Godzilla's armor softened by fire.

Dense explosions continued on Zhenchan's body. A total of more than [-] tons of high explosives exploded under the surface of Godzilla's body, billowing flames and black smoke reaching the sky, but Zhenchan stood silently.

"Stopped? Why..."

Looking at the images transmitted by the satellite, Commander Yingjiang suddenly became a little uneasy.According to military exercise speculation, such a strike would cause minor injuries to Godzilla at most, and to kill it, a direct hit with a large-yield nuclear bomb must be used at zero distance.

Soon the real Godzilla solved his doubts.


A thick tail cut through the black smoke, emitting dozens of tiny heat rays, sweeping away the remaining gliding bombs.

Immediately afterwards, Zhenjiang still stood still, but there was a strange change in the tail.

"What the hell is that? Zoom in! Zoom in!"

Commander Eagle Sauce jumped in front of the screen, looking at the satellite images in disbelief.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people all over the world, a humanoid alien emerged from the tail of the real Godzilla.

It has a skull and body similar to that of a human being, but has the same dorsal fin as the real Godzilla on its shoulders, the spine protrudes directly from the surface of the body, and a pair of huge wings on its back.

The moment this weird and deformed thing appeared in the human world, it happily stretched out its hands high and wandered in the warmth of the sun.

Then it jumped into the air, flapping its wings and flying around the real Godzilla.

"Damn it, it's still giving birth?"

Commander Eagle Sauce looked gloomy, "Contact the White House, we must use nuclear bombs now!"

But before he got a reply, the second humanoid alien also appeared.The real Godzilla continued to split, and soon, more than 100 humanoid aliens surrounded the real sauce, 360 degrees without dead ends, enough to stop any attack.

"Finally wait..."

Dragon, who had soaked in cold water for two days, let out a sigh of relief. He was about to leave the sea and fly back to play wild, but he felt that the sea suddenly fluctuated violently.

"What fish is so courageous?"

He turned his head casually, and then met the eyes of a huge lizard head.

Mr. Brother: →_→

Mechanical Dragon: Σ(°Д°;)
"Ha, haha, what, what a coincidence, brother, you also come out for a walk in person?"

Dragon smiled stiffly, and bumped into Brother Zong in the huge Pacific Ocean. What is a coincidence?

Whose child is this?Why haven't you seen it?

Godzilla looked at Dragon with puzzled eyes, it was all metallic, and he didn't look like an adult, so forget it.

No matter where he comes from, I don't want to care about being a minor, as long as I don't destroy the ecology of Blue Star.


Godzilla yelled at the mechanical dragon in a demonstrative manner, saying that I was covering this scene, and flicked his tail to continue swimming towards the Japanese island.

"I said why the emperor organization has been standing still. It turned out that it was moving reinforcements for Xiaotian?"

Dragon grinned happily, not only did he have the fusion furnace, but he also had a genetic sample of a different type of Godzilla.

Although Godzilla does not have the ability to evolve infinitely, and the power source is only nuclear fission, it is not as good as the real Godzilla in theory.

But it can absorb nuclear radiation to repair itself. If these two abilities of Godzilla can be combined into one, wouldn't it be beautiful?

What is Double Happiness?
Dragon followed happily behind his brother, and his momentum was not much worse than that of Captain Green.

The elder brother didn't bother to care about him, and went straight to the Japanese island.

It was in a bad mood. It was sleeping soundly, but suddenly it was woken up to work overtime, and it had to stop a fellow who had gone crazy for some reason. What is this?
Thinking of this Godzilla was very angry, and he opened his mouth to let out a violent roar, which caused the sea water to vibrate violently.

At the same time, it also uses infrasound waves to transmit information that only Titans can understand.

"You're the one who makes trouble while I'm sleeping, right? See if I cut it or not, and you're done!"

Infrasound travels at 1500 meters per second in water, and the real Godzilla heard the message in no time.

But for Zhenchan, who is always in pain, the powerful Titan King is just a vague memory.

After a short thought, Zhenchan stopped walking towards the sea, and quietly waited for the arrival of the King of Titans under the constant harassment of humans.

The bombing of Eagle Sauce continued into the night, and the jaws of the military-industrial complex were about to drop from laughter, but it was still in vain.

More than 100 split bodies formed a perfect air defense circle. Except for solid armor-piercing projectiles, no weapon could block the heat ray with a light sweep, and it would be detonated directly in the air.

Without the high-temperature flame to soften the outer armor of the real Godzilla, all the projectile weapons of Eagle Sauce are useless.

Fortunately, the real savior arrived at this time. The legendary Godzilla walked onto the land step by step from the sea, and then ran straight towards the real Godzilla.

There is still a distance of more than 300 kilometers between the two, but Zhenjiang's bio-radar has firmly locked on the brother's every move.

It shook its tail slowly, and dozens of split bodies immediately scattered and flew towards Godzilla.

It's time for the King of Titans to experience being harassed by mosquitoes!

The flying speed of the splinters is very fast, although it is not as fast as the Raton and the jet fighter, it is also faster than any bird.

They quickly flew to Godzilla's head, stretched out their fingers, and the slender bright purple heat rays instantly shot at the vulnerable parts of the legendary Godzilla.

Eyes, nostrils, earholes, mouth...

Although the power and temperature of the heat rays emitted by them are not as good as the real Godzilla, the heat rays with a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees are enough to cut everything on the blue star.

Except for Legendary Godzilla.

It stared blankly at these gadgets replenishing its energy, and scratched its head in trouble.

What's the meaning?Is it because I just woke up and didn't eat?Still so active after being beaten?
What's going on with the Titans now?

It shook its head helplessly, then strode wildly.

A straight-line distance of three hundred kilometers is nothing to Mr. Boss's long legs.It didn't take long for it to see the real Godzilla in scarlet color, and then the boss was shocked again.

Obviously everyone is Godzilla, why can you grow wings?If Mothra sees this, what else can he do as the king of titans?
Immediately, it roared at Zhenjiang in displeasure.

have you had enough?Look at how it has been destroyed by you!

But Zhenchan didn't know how to communicate, it just opened its mouth in silence, and the extremely blazing radioactive heat rays instantly irradiated Godzilla's chest.


At this moment, Boss couldn't help but growl in pain. Although it could absorb the energy of nuclear radiation, the extremely condensed high-temperature rays still left deep wounds on its chest.

So it also opened its mouth, and the faint blue atomic breath instantly penetrated the air, and the high-energy particle beam accelerated to hundreds of Mach by the electromagnetic field easily tore apart the wings of the real Godzilla.

To beat a flying Titan, you must first beat its wings. This is the history of Raton's blood and tears.

(End of this chapter)

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