The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 140 This Really Confused Zhenchan

Chapter 140 This Really Confused Zhenchan
As soon as the two Godzillas came back and forth, the Legendary Godzilla had a clear advantage.

Finding that the heat rays had little effect, the real Godzilla stopped exhaling immediately, and with a flick of its tail, more than 100 split bodies immediately flew towards the boss, scratching at its face with its claws.


The legendary Godzilla waved his arms irritably, but because of his size, it was difficult for him to deal with these flying bugs.

You can't hit them with a wave of your hand, and you can use atomic breath to hit mosquitoes with cannons.

Finding that the legendary Godzilla is not good at fighting small splits, the real Godzilla immediately attacks.

It swung its thick and long tail around Brother's neck, and Brother, not to be outdone, directly resisted the harassment of the split body, grabbed Zhenjiang's tail with both claws, and slammed into Zhenjiang's body.

The two behemoths hit me hard with one punch and one claw, and Dragon, who was hiding in the clouds, directly cheered them on.

"Good! Beautiful! Squeeze its tail!"

Soon the elder brother who had more combat experience had the upper hand, and directly pushed Zhenjiang to the ground, and he was beaten violently.

"The opportunity is here!"

Dragon's eyes lit up, and he rushed out of the clouds at an instant speed, and the large-caliber machine gun bullets wrapped in colorful streamers fell from the sky, directly smashing several split bodies into sieves.

It must be unusable if it is broken like this, he ignored the dead split body, and with a glance, he saw a split body digging a hole on the back of the brother's neck.

"You are the one!"

Relying on the shield with the lambda system, he insisted on carrying the high-temperature heat rays of dozens of split bodies to the back of the boss, grabbed a split body that was almost three meters high, and then quickly left the battlefield belonging to the titan .

Just kidding, the weight of the two Godzillas is [-] tons. If this is suppressed, then Dragon can report to Two-dimensional.

"Finally caught you..."

He looked excitedly at the constantly struggling split body, and then directly began to disintegrate.

Countless nanomachines poured out of his arms, penetrated into the split body's skin, and began to gradually disintegrate its body.

Thighs, arms, wings... The nanomachines prioritize the useless organs, leaving only the miniature fusion furnaces in the torso for last.

As the nanomachines disassemble further, Dragon's long-awaited fusion furnace finally appears on the system panel.

【Magnetic confinement deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion steam power furnace】

【Congratulations, you are no longer just boiling water without technical content. Now you can use nuclear fusion technology to boil water】

"What's wrong with boiling water? I just like drinking boiled water!"

Dragon is directly upgraded, the energy is -10000, and the power is increased to [-] horsepower.

"Now I can finally fight Astro Boy, right?"

He accelerated and flew in the air happily, Mach [-] was already faster than many ballistic missiles, and this was not his fastest speed.

"Maybe you can charge Mach [-]?"

Dragon was eager to try, and was about to launch full thrust, when the system suddenly popped up a warning.

[It is detected that the body structure is in danger of breaking!Please increase the body material of the user! 】

"Why can't this energy be saved?"

Dragon opened the material interface speechlessly to see which metals were stronger than [-] gigapa super steel.

[Al-Si Alloy Carbon Steel Composite Armor - Strength [-] MPa]

[Stable high-pressure phase ultra-dense β-iron-tungsten alloy-strength [-] MPa]

"This must be [-] megapascals!"

Dragon directly chooses the last one. Although the price is a bit expensive, the first level costs 30, but what is the biggest tragedy of Longsheng?The dragon is alive and energy is gone?

Wrong, it's because the dragon is dead and the energy hasn't been spent yet!

Energy -30, Dragon suddenly felt his body sink.

"what happened?"

He hurriedly opened the system panel, only to find that it was because the density of this material was much higher than that of super steel, and now his weight directly reached [-] tons!
With this weight, Dragon can kill an ax head that is almost 100 meters long but weighs only 2780 tons without using any weapons.

Dragon tried to fly a circle in the sky with all his strength, and found that the top speed was almost Mach ten.

All right, let's do this first.

Dragon turned his head to look at the battlefield of the two Godzillas. At this time, the boss was fighting more and more courageously. Although the mosquito-like split body was annoying, he still carried their harassment and beat Zhenjiang on the ground.

It seems that if it continues, if Zhenjiang still refuses to give in, that brother will really beat it to death.

This is not good, brother is so good at fighting, how can Dragon steal its blood.

Just when he was wondering if he was going to sidestep the fight, Zhenjiang suddenly launched a counterattack.A thick and long spike suddenly grew out of the mouth of the skeleton face on the tip of its tail, piercing straight into the weak spot of Godzilla's neck.


The elder brother was furious in an instant, pulled off Zhenjiang's tail, and directly crushed the skull with the human face.

This time it was really angry.Fight and fight, what are you doing?If Mothra saw this, how would it explain it?

The legendary Godzilla who fell into rage roared loudly, his eyes fixed on the real Godzilla.

Surrender or die!

Zhenjiang still didn't answer.

Boss opened his mouth indifferently, and there was a faint blue flash in his mouth, which was the air ionized by gamma radiation. After a second, the high-energy particle beam accelerated to hundreds of Machs by the electromagnetic field would blow the real Goss. Ra's head was completely smashed.

the last time!Surrender or die!

Brother looked at Zhenjiang coldly, although it doesn't like to kill other titans, but it will never allow a titan to destroy the world that Mothra likes!

Zhenjiang remained silent, only staring at Brother Boss with dead eyes.

Is this what you were hoping for?

Boss suddenly realized, so it didn't hesitate anymore, and opened its mouth completely, ready to end the pain of the real Godzilla with atomic breath.

But just before that, Boss suddenly felt his eyes go dark, all the muscles in his body relaxed, and his [-]-ton body directly collapsed on the ground.

"What's going on here? It has evolved toxins against Godzilla in such a short period of time?"

Dragon was very surprised. Although the real Godzilla claims to be able to evolve infinitely, this evolution speed is too outrageous, right?

Can't wait any longer, seeing that Zhenjiang is about to get up from the ground, Dragon immediately loaded ten nuclear missiles with a [-]-ton equivalent, and dropped from the sky with a shield on.

"Really, your courier has arrived!"

Six nuclear missiles dragged colorful streamers, directly covering Zhenjiang's whole body.The violent flames soared into the sky, and Dragon took the opportunity to land next to the brother, just under its nose, with a drill sticking out of its right claw.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just checking you up!"

He started the drill, and driven by the lambda system, he easily drilled through the thick epidermis of the boss and successfully collected its genetic information.

But Dragon didn't lie, and then he sent a lot of nanomachines to Brotherhood.

"Let me Kangkang your fission furnace, ah no, it is Kangkang you have been poisoned by something."

A large number of nanomachines poured into Godzilla's body, and soon found out the detailed data of Godzilla, and also analyzed the poison in it by the way.

Some kind of microwave that interferes with neutrons and suppresses the splitting of atoms.

It is also simple to remove this microwave, just input energy directly from the outside.

Dragon put the remaining four nuclear missiles on Brother Brother's side, then ignited and ran away.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The violent explosion engulfed the legendary Godzilla.

Billowing black smoke and mushroom clouds shot up into the sky, and suddenly, a violent storm blew up on the flat ground. Godzilla, whose body surface was slightly melted, flapped his wings lightly, and the violent air flow blew away everything in the world.

At some point, its interrupted wings grew again. Although it was not enough to make Godzilla fly, its wings were covered with spines made of the same material as the dorsal fin.


Zhenjiang raised his head to the sky and screamed, his wings lit up with thousands of brilliance.

"How do you feel that the more you fight, the more advantage you get?"

Dragon has already considered whether it's time to retreat. Anyway, he has got all the valuable things, and if he doesn't slip away, he will take off.


The faint blue atomic breath once again shattered Zhenjiang's newly grown wings.

Then the boss, who was reactivated by the close-range nuclear explosion, was merciless and aimed at Zhenjiang's head. The high-energy particle beam of hundreds of Machs instantly melted its skin, bones, and brain.

When the brother stopped breathing, the real Godzilla's head had completely melted, leaving only one body standing still.

Here comes the opportunity again!

Dragon quickly landed, stopped behind the real sauce, and sent nanomachines to explore the detailed structure of the real Godzilla.


Godzilla roared with a slight warning, and Dragon immediately opened his mouth to explain.

"Brother, don't get me wrong, I, Dragon, am not good at making troubles in my life, I just want to study why it became like this, so as to prevent other Titans from going the same way, me!"

"Why isn't it dead yet!"

 The good day and night, but in the end I owed three shifts in two days, how did my power of codewords decline to such an extent (T_T)
  141.142 Don't subscribe!Do not subscribe!Do not subscribe!

  I posted it in the comment section!
  It may be because of the place name, chapter 140 is blocked, I will try to delete it, and combine 141 into 142, please subscribe to chapter 142 directly
  It's over, 142 is also blocked, I don't know when it will be unblocked, let's go to the group to watch

  3210, Mechanical Dragon Nest
  grass!Why do you still have to pass the establishment of a group?

(End of this chapter)

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