The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 141 Mechanical Warrior Alpha

Chapter 141 Mechanical Warrior Alpha

(141 has been blocked. I don’t know when it will be unblocked. Let’s enter Q skirt, mechanical dragon nest, 3210)
Now, if the mechanical dragon is not worried that the elven gods will come to an end if it is too ruthless, it does not need the help of Julia and Keszhuo. He himself can bring at most two dragon girl batteries, um, and a silver-haired catgirl spell pendant. .

With a well-equipped Dragon, he can flatten the entire Primilin in one day!
There is no exaggeration, how can Zhenjiang beat up the little days, Dragon can beat the wood elves as much, and it is easier than Zhenchan.

The real Godzilla doesn't have the highest flying speed of Mach [-], let alone lose the nine-ring spell!
Although the power of many nine-ring spells can't compare to its radiant heat rays.

From the beginning of the struggle from breaking the shell to the present, Dragon can finally be called a powerful party in the material world.

Although there is still a little distance from the stage of the full-metal dragon king, if he claims to be the mechanical dragon king, no dragon will say strange things.

What happened to the mechanical dragon king with only one dragon?
Look at the size of the Mechanical Dragon King, which is a circle larger than the ancient red dragon, that is the dignity of the Mechanical Dragon King!

Dragon dragged six conspicuous tail flames, swaggeringly flew to the front of Star Castle and landed.

The armor on the back was opened, the elevator rose, and the three of Julia and the two dragon sisters all jumped out.

"You guys go home, I'll go to the mine to have a look."

Dragon wanted to add some energy, but Julia immediately spoke with a smile.

"Mr. Dragon, you have been busy for several days, you should take a good rest first."

"And Celeste is still waiting for you to help her create a construct."

"Yes, yes, lend me the nanomachine!"

Celeste nodded repeatedly.

Dragon looked at Julia, then looked at the gate of Star Fort, hesitantly said: "This is too much trouble, I have trouble getting in with my body now, or we should solve it outside."

"Celes, do you have any blueprints?"

He was going to consume some energy to directly help Celesi squeeze out a construct. After all, the energy consumed was easy to replenish, but it would be difficult to figure it out after entering Star Fort.

"Of course there is! I'll get it!"

Celeste was about to use spells to take out his experimental equipment, but he noticed Julia's kind gaze.In an instant, the girl's tone changed.

"Oh, I just remembered, the blueprint can no longer be found, let's go to the lab and start from scratch."

As she spoke, she looked at Julia pitifully.

"Mom, can you make the castle bigger?"

"of course can!"

Julia immediately agreed, and with a light wave of her hand, the size of the castle directly expanded by more than ten times.

The gate that was originally 100 meters high has directly become more than [-] meters high. Now Dragon can easily walk in no matter whether he is standing sideways or lying down.

"This is too troublesome..."

Dragon felt a little weak in the legs.

"how could be?"

Julia's eyes were gentle and watery, she reached out to hook the mechanical dragon's armor, "Come in, Mr. Dragon."

The gate of Star Fort opened quietly, one person and one dragon walked in the front, and Celeste curled his lips secretly.

"My mother-in-law, who are so nasty, is still my mother, so she's gone downhill now..."


"Come on, come on!"

Julia brought Dragon to Celeste's laboratory. Although it was just an excuse, it couldn't be completely forgotten. Let's help her create the construct first.

Celeste's laboratory was a bit unexpected for the mechanical dragon. He thought the little girl would make the laboratory into a esoteric style, but it was actually similar to the entertainment room.

The sofa, the soft bed, the lovely throw pillows, the colors of the stars shimmering on the ceiling, and the arrangement of objects are all neat, but there is one problem.

"Why can't I see the experimental equipment?"

"This is the lounge, and the experimental equipment is in the demiplane."

Celeste beckoned, and the stars hanging from the ceiling immediately flew down and circled around her.

"Where did it come from?"

The girl murmured and searched for a long time, and finally found the laboratory related to the construct.

"This is it!"

Celeste pointed his index finger, and the small star point immediately expanded to become a huge portal.

"The construct laboratory is inside."

When Dragon walked in, he saw a vast and empty space, and not far away was a test bench with many steel parts placed on it.

"Common constructs are too fragile." Celeste walked over to pick up a part and fiddled with it.

"Although it is not afraid of death, it has no self-healing ability, so it is not fun."

She turned her head to look at Dragon, clasped her hands together, and her bright eyes twinkled cutely.

"Mr. Dragon, I want to create a construct that truly has life and soul, can you lend me some nanomachines?"

"This is..."

Dragon hesitated a little. Originally, he thought Celeste just needed him to provide a fusion furnace and process some parts, but now that she wanted to play omnic, he was really worried that the girl would make big news by accident.

"Then how do you plan to control them?"

"Control? Why should I control them?"

Celeste was at a loss.

Good guy, this is something I didn't think about from the beginning!
Dragon began to think for himself, isn't the robot with life and soul really the ship girl?
No, no, no, although Jian Niang can directly lick her, but her body really can't handle it, so let's take a step back.

Tactical figures?The artificial man of Nier Automata?

They are all too human-like, take a step back and take a step back.

After a short thought, Dragon raised his front paw, and many nanomachines poured out, forming a silver-white robot image in the center of the claw.

She has feminine curves, but her whole body is covered with solid metal armor. She does not carry weapons, but she can use all weapons that humans can use.

Simply put, it is a robot with a female appearance.

"I can help you create a body, but how do you give her a soul?"

"I'm going to activate the construct and let her open her wisdom"

"That's it?"

Dragon showed a mocking look, "No way, no way, no way? Celeste, a talented and beautiful girl, is planning to use other people's invented spells to fool herself?"

"It's not cute! This is a reasonable use of spells!"

Celeste blushed and defended: "Using magic reasonably, how can you be called a cute bastard?"

"Then let's do an experiment first."

Dragon was also very curious about the difference in the constructed body created in this way.

He picked some discarded steel parts and piled them together, and then opened the spicy chicken plug-in.

[Design me a robot equipped with a miniature fusion furnace, with a better image, and arrange everything like a metal muscle nanomachine. The most important thing is that the underlying logic must be loyal and unchangeable! 】

Dragon has almost all these technologies, only the final loyalty requirement is a bit troublesome, and the spicy chicken cheat does not charge much, only [-] points of energy.

It's not too expensive, after all, with the blueprint, Dragon can explode mechanical soldiers without limit.

When the blueprint came out, Dragon held down the pile of steel parts, and the silver-white liquid metal gushed out, dismantling and reassembling the steel parts.

Countless nanomachines worked together, and quickly assembled a metal skeleton, followed by the key parts, where the fusion furnace inside the chest was placed.

This is also difficult for nanomachines with molecular-level processing capabilities. Ten minutes later, a mechanical woman with a height of 10 cm and a silver-white metallic luster appeared in front of Dragon.

"How does this start?"

Dragon suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have installed a switch for the robot. At this moment, a servant option popped up in front of him.

He tried to click on the servant with his mind, and a Q version of the head of the mechanical woman appeared in front of him, followed by her miniature model, with a long list of options beside it.

【start up】



【remote control】

Dragon clicked on the start button, and the black eyes on the robot's face suddenly lit up, and at the same time, a cold mechanical voice came out.

"Driver, started."

"The body is on standby, please give the order to the manufacturer."

"Take two steps and see."

Dragon was curious about the robot's ability to move.

"Start marching mode."

The robot stepped forward with smooth and natural movements, just like humans, if she put on a cloak, only the sound of metal pattering could show her difference.

"Very good, what about running? Turn around and run."

"The sprint system has been activated."

The robot started to run in big strides, but with a weight of [-] kilograms, its speed was faster than that of a cheetah.

This kind of speed and strength has been able to beat many adventurers, and Dragon is very satisfied.


"The mission has been terminated."

The robot suddenly slowed down.

"It would be nice to have a little bit of initiative."

Dragon murmured and looked at Celeste, "How about it, can this robot do it?"


Celeste nodded again and again, bouncing up and down in front of the robot.

There was a red light in the robot's eyes, and the broadcast continued at the same time.

"Target Scan, Organics, Risk: Low."

Uh, low risk?It seems that it needs to be strengthened.

Dragon began to think about how to strengthen the robot, but Celeste happily greeted the robot with his hands behind his back.

"Hi, my name is Celeste."

"Do you have a name?"

"Why don't you speak?"

The robot is indifferent, and it doesn't care at all about creatures without authority.

"Let me help you liven up."

Celeste stretched out his hand with a smile, "Permanently activate the object!"

The unprecedented feeling of magical power acting on the robot immediately made her feel panic.

"Error, internal... program error, restart requested..."

"An error occurred, please click OK to continue..."

"System, the system has crashed..."

The cyborg is tempted to resist, either by running away or attacking, but she can do nothing without orders from Dragonon.

"Don't be afraid, it will be over soon."

Celeste used Construct Enlightenment on the robot again, and vine-like twining lights covered her hands and the robot's cheeks.The light radiated into the robot's body, surrounding her in a white halo for a few seconds, and then the light was absorbed by its body.

For the first time, emotion was evident in the robot's words after the spell ended.

"Scanning internal drive...not installed, emotion system"

"The target has been determined... eh? Where am I? What's going on here?"

She looked at Celeste suspiciously, then at Mechanical Dragon and Julia, and finally looked down at herself.

"We don't look the same, am I a monster?"

"No, you are a perfect creation."

Dragon clicked on the servant panel again, and found that the robot's head was still on.


The mechanical dragon grinned with great interest. As far as he knew, the construct awakened by the Construct Enlightenment Art would be independent from the control of the caster and maker, so it would only be able to cast spells at the beginning. Kindness to creators and makers.

But this conflicts with the display of the system.

He tried to give orders to the robot through the system.

"stand at attention."

The robot immediately stood upright, and then showed doubts.

"I am..."

Dragon roughly figured out that the robot's mind is now free, but her body will automatically obey Dragon's instructions.

Why does it feel a little weird?

"Maybe you're too nervous."

He whistled and looked up at the sky, and calmly canceled the command, allowing the robot to return to freedom.

"Yes, is it?"

The mechanical girl calmed down, and felt that there was nothing wrong with herself, so she nodded suddenly.

"You're right, Maker, I'm so nervous."

She looked at her metal body very blankly, not knowing what to do.

"Hey? Why are you unhappy?"

Celeste smiled and grabbed her hand, "Now you can give yourself a name."

"Identification ID?"

The mechanical girl seemed a little moved, but shook her head.

"It's the maker's power."

"Then let him give you a name."

Celeste pulled the mechanical girl and ran to Dragon, and proposed loudly.

"Mr. Dragon, let's give her a name together!"

"Is this your business? Go and play."

Dragon looked at the slightly frightened mechanical girl and spoke softly.

"Since you are my original creation, let's call you Alpha."

"Mechanical Battle Girl Alpha, you will be my invincible blade!"

"Follow your will!"

The mechanical girl Alpha immediately knelt on the ground, "My father, my maker."

Uh, father, well, in a sense, Dragon is really her father.

Who said that nanomachines are equivalent to his blood?

And Alpha also has nanomachines in his body, what is blood connection?

Dragon was slightly embarrassed.

This matter is all right, obviously he is still a young dragon who is not married, but in the end his daughter weighs more than 300 kilograms.

He looked at Julia calmly, and found that she was not angry either, but just took out a clock and moved the hands without knowing it.

While adjusting, he muttered to himself.

"Mr. Dragon has really worked hard these past few days. He must be given a good rest. Then slow down a thousand times..."

(End of this chapter)

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