The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 147 Killing Countless Enemies, Only 5 Are Left

Chapter 147 Killing Countless Enemies, Only Five Hundred Are Left
"A mere wild dog! A mere wild dog!"

The elf centurion's eyes were tearing open. The noble elf was so provoked by the wild dogs. If he didn't hurry up and wipe out this nest of gnolls and nail them to death with long arrows, then he would just wait to be beaten to the end!

Even if his brother-in-law is the chief ranger, he can't keep him!
"Shoot that wild dog!"

He raised his bow and arrow angrily, and the rangers didn't pay attention to the straight-line distance of more than 100 meters on both sides of the river. After a series of bowstring tension sounds, densely packed arrows shot towards Hogg like locusts. The few arrows even shone with a magical aura.

Hogg sneered and opened his arms, facing the baptism of the arrow rain.

Ding Dang Ding Ding Ding...

The rain of arrows fell on the smooth and curved surface of the exoskeleton power armor. Ordinary arrows were directly bounced off. Although the magic arrows were nailed to the steel plate, they couldn't go deep.

Even if the system grades this armor material as ordinary steel, it is still ordinary according to the system evaluation. It may not be as good as the work of the high elves of Yongju Island, which is full of craftsmanship, but the wild elves who are still in the primitive tribe should not touch porcelain. .

"Your bows are as feeble as the goblins' resistance!"

With a grinning grin, Hogg knocked out the magic arrow nailed to his helmet, and slowly stretched out a middle finger to the elves on the other side of the river.

Just when the elves were furious, it suddenly raised its head to the sky and roared.

"Old Torres!"

The old jackal who had been prepared for a long time waved his hand vigorously, and dozens of jackals with needle guns quickly poked their heads out from the wall, aiming at the direction of the elf and beating them indiscriminately.

The smoke was everywhere, and the fire was bright, but the accuracy was a bit embarrassing.

None of the elves fell, and a ranger with a bit of charisma burst out laughing.

"These stupid dogs want to fight back with dwarf muskets? This is four hundred feet away! Four hundred feet! If the dwarf garbage can reach here, I will eat this bow and arrow directly!"

There was another gunshot, and an 11mm caliber lead bullet somehow hit the ranger between the eyebrows, directly lifting his celestial cover.

The elves who were still sneering were silent for a moment, staring at the ranger who lost his head in dumbfounded.

"how is this possible!"

Another ranger muttered in disbelief, "That's four hundred feet! When did a dwarf's little toy hit this far?"

The centurion made a decisive decision and issued an order directly.

"Now is not the time to think about this! Take cover immediately!"

Fortunately, the Premi Forest is full of towering ancient trees, and the elves can find cover with just a few steps.

But in such a short time, two more elves with too dark faces were hit by stray bullets, one lost an arm and the other lost a leg.

Now that the number of casualties has exceeded double digits, the morale of the elves is a bit depressed.

Although this loss is nothing to the wood elves, they are the only one hundred elves who are on the front line now.

After a short and awkward silence, a druid proposed in a low voice.

"Can you climb a tree and shoot arrows from the height?"

A ten captain curled his lips and refused directly.

"It's not very useful. The distance is too far. Ordinary armor-piercing arrows can't penetrate a finger-thick wood."

"How about strengthening it with spells?"

"The effect is not great, or you should use a powerful spell to level them."

"Hehe, you don't want information?"

No one was willing to make foolish efforts, and in the end it was the centurion who made the decision.

"First go to a high place and try to projectile, we can't just retreat like this."

Well, for the position under the big brother's ass, the rangers could only climb up the tree and shoot arrows into the Blood Claw tribe with their height advantage.

Not to mention that this is really useful, although the power of the bow and arrow is greatly reduced by a distance of more than four hundred feet, but the elves can shoot an arrow in a different place, without facing the gnoll at all.

The rangers are also unwilling to shoot head-on. The long-lived race with an average lifespan of more than 600 years and the wild dog with an average lifespan of less than 16 years will be a blood loss if they exchange one hundred!

Let's use cold arrows to frighten the arrogant wild dogs!
At this time, a cold arrow from time to time is also very useful, at least it will make Hogg's head bigger.

"Old Torres, prepare a commando for me, I'm going to tear off the heads of those bean sprouts!"

"Are you crazy, chasing wood elves in the jungle? How many hunters do we have enough to consume?"

The old gnoll was also in a bit of a dilemma. The wood elf was too strengthened by the forest terrain, and the musket could not give full play to its range advantage. It was willing to trade with the elf, but the elf was not willing.

At an altitude of [-] meters, Dragon felt a little overwhelmed seeing this situation.

Although as long as he goes down, he can easily wipe out the little one hundred elves, but this deviates from his idea of ​​fighting a proxy war.

The Full Metal Dragon King personally slaughtered the wood elf ranger. It's not good to say it. How much does it affect his good image as a righteous partner in the multiverse?
Originally, in this situation, it was a certain green dragon mage who should play the most, but she is still a guest in Star Fort, why don't you go back and pick her up?
Just when Dragon was thinking about whether to let the wolves persist for a while, a mist suddenly appeared in front of him, and then the female mage with dragon wings on her back flew out of the mist, with a bright smile and eyes full of unwillingness towards the mechanical dragon. salute.

"I'm not late yet, am I?"

"You came just in time!"

Dragon beamed with joy, and after such instructions, "Leila" nodded obediently.

"I see, only use Ms. Leila's own strength."

"It won't be difficult, will it?"

"I will work hard!"

"Laila" flapped its wings and flew to the ground, communicating with the real Laila in its heart as it fell rapidly.

"You really don't want to take revenge on the elves yourself?"

"Stop dreaming! I will never do anything for that couple!"

"Don't lie to yourself, I know all your memories, no one in this world knows you better than me."

"In a sense, I am you who was corrupted by the power of the God of Blackwater. Let me ask you one last time, do you really not want to take revenge on the elves?"

Laila was silent, and after a short silence, she sneered.

"Why should I avenge myself? Anyway, the dog and man will not let the wood elf go!"

"What if the wood elves surrender? Ms. Julia probably doesn't want to kill all the elves, does she?"

"How could those rotten heads surrender!"

Lila is still talking hard, but just thinking about how the elves can continue to live happily after surrendering, she has an urge to destroy the whole world.

"If I were you, I would never give them a chance to surrender."

"Leila" said one last sentence, and then simply let go of the control over the female mage's body.

Laila also fell to the ground with no expression on her face, her eyes flickering.

Elf, elf, elf!
Just thinking of the elves made her feel the fire of hatred burning in her heart.

If there is no elf, how can she suffer until today?
"Everything is the elf's fault..."

She murmured, and then her body suddenly grew and deformed. Less than a second later, a huge green dragon with a head and tail nearly 30 meters long and bronze horns growing on its head appeared in the sky.

Lyra hissed and roared, a shrill howl that seemed to come from the depths of hell.

"Damn pointy ears! It's time for revenge!"

The resentful dragon's roar spread across both sides of the river, and most of the jackals didn't know what happened, but many of the elves had witnessed it back then, and none of them had heard of the legend of expelling the evil dragon.

In an instant, the elf centurion's complexion was as ugly as if his sister had given birth to a black Pedro.

With his last glimmer of hope, he looked at the druids.

"Can you try to hold it back until the main force arrives?"

The oldest druid looked at the centurion with a strange look.

"Dear Centurion, I must remind you that the green dragon was legendary 400 years ago."

"So? You want to escape?"

The centurion didn't care about saving face for the noble caster, so he just tore his face.

Druid's expression turned cold, but for the sake of the centurion's sister, he tried his best to make a point.

"That green dragon is not an opponent we can defeat. We must bring this information back! The evil dragon that was banished four hundred years ago has returned, and it has also organized an army of monsters. The one we saw alone has a thousand Gnoll!"

Can you still play like this?

The centurion who relied on his relationship was shocked, but before he could praise the druid's wisdom, Lyra's spell came.

During this period of time, Leila, who had suffered a lot of grievances, showed her masculinity, and a large group of tumbling thunderclouds formed above the heads of the elves, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

Howling wind, lightning and thunder!A thunder that shook the world came from the clouds, and many elves were directly knocked to the ground.

"Revenge storm? How crazy!"

"Come here quickly!"

The elf druid grabbed the centurion, held a big tree with his backhand, and quickly recited a spell.

Soon the spell took effect, and the druid pushed the centurion into the tree, and turned to roar at the other elves.

"Hurry up! The plant escape spell can only last for six seconds, and the elves who don't have similar spells go first!"

"Thank you Master!"

"Come to my house for tea some other day!"

"I have a sister who just became a widow..."

One by one, the rangers got into the big tree gratefully, and then walked out from another big tree outside the wood elf tribe.

Then other druids who were capable also cast the plant escape technique to help force the ranger to retreat.

But no matter how hard a few druids tried, they couldn't take away all the little one hundred rangers. Soon, acid rain the size of a finger fell from the sky, corroding everything on the ground and emitting a deadly poisonous mist.

The druid used another plant escape, and then there were no high-level spell slots.

"Let's all live in peace!"

The druid used the tree leap technique to walk into the big tree, and walked out of another tree of the same type five hundred feet away, easily escaping the enveloping range of the revenge storm, but the rest of the rangers didn't have such a good thing .

They could only curse and show their supernatural powers, some melted into the stone, some put on protective spells and hid in the shadows, and some could only resign themselves to their fate.

A streak of lightning struck down from the thundercloud, turning the hapless elf into coke.Then, fist-sized hailstones hit his head and face.

In just 1 minute, the large forest shrouded by thunderclouds was completely devastated.

Leila hovered in the sky with endless enthusiasm, and sowed a large number of seeds. Soon, all kinds of strange and magical plants grew from the ground, attacking the elves unscrupulously.

Reeds that emit electricity, vines that shoot thorns, blood-sucking tumbleweeds floating in the air, mushrooms that emit parasitic spores...

All kinds of strange magical plants directly turn the jungle into a hell for all creatures.

Seeing the elves howling and struggling under the attack of the plants, Laila laughed almost crazily.

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha... cry, scream, howl, and then die!"

"All dance with me in hell!!!"

"Oh heh heh..."

Outside the elf settlement, a dozen rangers and druids looked at each other.

There were more than 100 elves at the time of departure, and less than one-fifth of them came back alive.Although there are still some elves who have not rushed back, but there are not too many.

After an awkward silence, the centurion coughed lightly and spoke slowly.

"This is a glorious victory. Under the siege of the dragon and its minions, we killed many enemies and successfully broke through the siege!"

"That's right, even though the evil dragon has countless minions, isn't it still less than a thousand that we killed?"

"This is because the centurion commanded well..."

The elves agreed with each other, and the centurion gradually felt relieved.

Since the green dragon was expelled once 400 years ago, is it possible to expel it again?

At worst, let human adventurers consume the power of the green dragon. As long as enough adventurers are recruited, the green dragon can always be expelled successfully!
Before the last human adventurer is killed by the dragon, the elves will never end in person!

(End of this chapter)

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