The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 148 Killing Countless Enemies, Only 5 Are Left

Chapter 148

The first wave of temptation by the elves was repelled, but Dragon was not satisfied with the performance of the gnolls.

Although it is a bit outrageous to let them fight the wood elves in jungle warfare, but failure is failure, and there is no excuse.

This battle also exposed the weakness of the security team of the Iron and Steel Dragon United Chamber of Commerce, that is, they are not good at special warfare.

A mere hundred elves can ride on the head of a gnoll and kill them. If the wood elves dispatched an army, wouldn't they push the all-metal dragon king into the sea in one wave?
Can't stand it!
Dragon thought about it for a long time, and found that what he lacks most now is the middle-level combat power.

He doesn't lack the highest-level thighs, and there are many legend-level thugs, but none of them end well.

This is the rule in the multiverse. The gods overpower the gods, and the gods overwhelm the legends. Whoever rises first dies. That's why they push mortals and adventurers to make trouble.

This is so civilized!
Dragon also wants to learn and carry forward this excellent experience, he is so cute in proxy wars!

Explosives are king, nanomachines.

If the swarm doesn't come out, who will fight?
But what kind of high-level soldiers should be exploded?

Mechanical Battle Girl?

No, miniature fusion furnaces are too expensive, and it hurts to lose one or two, and there is no qualitative leap in combat effectiveness.

It's still a large beast, the larger the size, the more weapons it can hold.

Dragon was a little hesitant. Those who were good at fighting in the jungle must be ferocious beasts like wolves and tigers.

Or just come out with the entire Mechanical Tiger King?

It's a pity that there are no strong enough beasts who are willing to dedicate themselves to the cause of science and contribute their genetic information and structural anatomy diagrams.

Wait, enough beasts?

Dragon turned around and flew towards Elu Cat Academy, why did he forget the equipment of Elu Cat?

Is Thunderwolf in Monster Hunter World strong enough?

With an average shoulder height of five meters and a body length of 16 meters, it can be considered a powerful monster even in the material world.

Dragon flew to the Ailu Cat Academy with a sonic boom, and made a request directly after landing.

"Who has Thunder Wolf Dragon's equipment? Lend me to study it."

"I have meow!"

A three-colored cat ran out holding the Thunder Wolf Dragon's dual swords. Dragon took it and ran it through with a nanomachine, and soon collected the Thunder Wolf Dragon's genetic information.

"Very good, I will get an extra catty of catnip at the end of this month."

The Mechanical Dragon returned the Thunder Wolf Dragon Swords to the little cat, got up and flew towards Star Fort.

Ordinary Thunder Wolf Dragon is still a bit weak, he wants to arrest a certain little girl who is not doing business, and ask her to design a strong enough enhancement plan!
The mechanical dragon with a speed of Mach [-] came and went like lightning, and soon flew back to Star Fort. As soon as he entered the main entrance, he saw Celeste and Nero muttering together.

This is a bit strange. In the past, the two Longmei could not wait to live in the financial office, and neither of them would leave alone.

"Why didn't you check the accounts today?"

Dragon asked casually, and Nero immediately looked at him with a sweet smile.

"Brother Dragon, are you back? I have something I want to discuss with you."

"What's the matter? Let me know in advance, no need to talk about salary!"

Dragon said directly, "We are all shareholders, it is difficult to start a business."

Nero's expression was slightly distorted, and sometimes she couldn't figure out what Dragon was thinking.

This Le Zilong doesn't care about gold coins at all, gold coins are not important to him at all, but whether she and Nesario have gold coins is very important to him.

What kind of brother is this!

Sooner or later, you will be ruined!

Nero silently swore his oath, and then performed on his own.

"This matter is very important to me, I don't know why I want to tell you first!"

"Although sister Mesriel may be better at spells, I just want to tell you, because I believe that brother Dragon will definitely be able to help me!"

"Hey, I'm so disgusted, can you talk properly?"

At this moment, Nero is not in the form of a cat girl, so no matter how much she talks and teases, she will not be able to move the power furnace of the steel mechanical dragon.

Does the little green tea dragon also want to destroy the sage state of mind of the full metal dragon king?

Go dream!

Big crisis!Silly brother is not easy to cheat!
Nero was silent for a moment. After a short thought, she turned into a kitten girl, flew to Dragon with spells, and jumped up with bare feet.

"Bad, bad, bad, bad! A brother like you, Dragon, is the worst!"

"Ahem, let me tell you not to do this!"

Dragon coughed hard, and asked impatiently: "What is it? Where are you going? What are you killing? How many are you killing?"

"Not this one."

Nero jumped in front of Dragon, snapped his fingers smartly, and a group of silver flames emerged from her chest.

"Take a look, what is this?"

She raised her head proudly.

Silver flame, silver fire?

"You became a voter of Mystra?"

Dragon didn't understand, but he was shocked.

"She held a seminar and finally burned her brain out?"

"What Mystra!"

Nero tilted his nose proudly, "I am the spark! The spark of the planeswalker! What is Mystra's silver fire!"

"Oh, Planeswalker..."

Dragon nodded half-understanding, "Is it an advanced profession for mages? What abilities do they have?"

"I don't have any ability, but I can travel between different worlds, which is quite boring."


Dragon felt that he might have misheard, "Travel? Different worlds? Different planes of the multiverse?"

"It's a different multiverse." Nero twirled his hands behind his back and said happily, "How about Dragon? Do you want to travel to other worlds with me? Develop the Iron and Steel Dragon Union Chamber of Commerce to countless worlds, and we will definitely Make a fortune!"

Looking at the stupid dragon girl with a happy smile, Dragon only felt that his whole dragon had turned into lemon essence.

Damn it!Why doesn't he have such ability?

He also wants to travel to different worlds, to experience more about the customs of different races!
After a brief silence, Dragon spoke slowly.

"Different worlds sound interesting, but how do you divide the money you earn?"

"Of course it's still [-] to [-] percent."

"Why is it only [-]%?"

Dragon was very dissatisfied, "In case of danger, I must be at the front, [-]% is too little."

Nero was even more dissatisfied. With his hands on his hips, he said, "[-]% is mine! You can get [-]% depending on her face."


Nero pointed to Celeste.

Dragon looked at Celeste, then at Nero, and asked word by word.

"I risked my life against monsters from other worlds, and then I still have to look at her face?"



"We can take you to a different world with the two of us, and we can't do without anyone."


Dragon asked Nero to come closer and gaze deeply into her eyes.

"I took the risk to go to other worlds with you. I have to protect you when I encounter monsters, I have to develop the chamber of commerce, and I have to watch her face. Am I a beggar on my knees?"

Nero said proudly: "If you want to put it this way, a stupid dragon without the ability to cast spells is begging on its knees. That's it, how many dragons want to kneel and I don't want her!"

"Let me ask you, why am I fighting against the elves? I just have bad legs and can't kneel down!"

Long Mei snorted coldly.

"It turns out that you want to stand up and make money, so you should stay in the multiverse."

"You're wrong," Dragon shook his head slightly, smirking grinningly.

"I want to stand still and earn this money!"

"Then you can't earn it."

"Can't you earn it?"

"I can't earn it!"

Dragon directly opened up.

"Julia, Celeste is leaving home!"

The girl who was watching the excitement with great interest instantly changed her complexion, and before she could refute, a slender hand had already grabbed the girl's ear.

"Damn girl, where are you going?"

Julia looked at her precious daughter with a kind smile.

Celeste quickly acted like a baby and begged for mercy: "It hurts, my dear, beautiful, gentle and generous mother, I really don't want to run away from home!"

"is it?"

Julia stepped up a little more.

"You mean, Mr. Dragon wronged you?"

What kind of woman is this!

If you have a stepdad, you will have a stepmother, right?

With tears in her eyes, Celeste begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I don't dare to do it again..."

The accomplice was easily suppressed, and Nero's morale was demoralized, and he simply raised his hand and surrendered.

"Okay, [-]%, [-]% is mine, okay?"

"It's almost there."

Dragon asked happily.

"Which worlds can you go to?"

"How do I know that?"

Nero said confidently, "I've never been there, how would I know what world I'm going to?"

"Huh? You dare to go without knowing anything? Aren't you afraid that there will be a group of monsters on the other side of the door?"

"That's why I took you with me..."

Long Mei whispered something.

"No, randomness is too dangerous."

The more Dragon thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. What if he saw Mr. A singing when the door opened?
Do you want to clap along?

"Is there a way to select a certain world?"

"Well", Nero fell into thinking, and soon came to a result.

"If there are items or creatures from other worlds as beacons, I may be able to find that world."

Items from other worlds?
It's not that simple, the multiverse lacks everything except travelers from other worlds.

For example, Ailu cat.

It just so happens that he also wants to study the physiological structure of the Thunder Wolf Dragon. What is Double Happiness?
Dragon made another trip with the drone and called Nesario back, as well as an Elle cat who was working in the shop.

As soon as she heard that there was a chance to make money, Nesario almost didn't change back to the prototype and flew back, and soon ran back with Elma.

"Where's the gold!"

"I'm waiting for you!"

Dragon called Maomao over and looked at Nero again.

"What's next?"

"Look at me."

Nero flew over, and sparks lit up, looking for the hometown of Ai Lu cat in the endless time and space.

Because of the reference and the interaction between the two worlds, it didn't take long for her to find the world of Monster Hunter.

"Celes! Get ready!"

She anchors the world of Monster Hunter, and Celeste opens the door to that world.

"Hurry up! The door only lasts for a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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