Chapter 30 No Real Dragon

"Have they returned Hogg?"

Dragon has everything ready now, just waiting for steamed buns with bear meat.

Old Torres hugged the fishing net and couldn't close his mouth when he smiled.

"I'm back, what's the boss' order?"

"Do you know where there are bees around here?"

Dragon said casually: "Ordinary bees will do."

"Yes, yes, I will arrange manpower to get it."

Old Torres was about to run away with his fishing net in his arms, but Dragon hurriedly called him, "Don't worry, I'll get a few nests of bees myself in a while. Honey is very valuable in the human world. You should find a way to raise the bees. "

"Beekeeping? Yes, yes..."

The old jackal nodded with a wry smile, and left slowly.

It originally thought that after taking refuge in the giant dragon, what the Bloodclaw Tribe would do was to act like a dog and rob the dragon's house, but now it seemed that it was really too young.

Then Dragon began to make kitchen utensils. He wanted to buy some kitchen utensils in Woodland Town before, but he really overestimated the standard of living in the fantasy version of the Middle Ages.

In the end, you still have to do it yourself.

As usual, a lucky big tree was randomly selected, but this time there is no generous treant to help, so we can only use ordinary wood.

Dragon took two dragon sisters to work together, and quickly disassembled a big tree hugged by three people into various kitchen utensils.

Basin, bowl, chopsticks, steamer, cutting board, rolling pin, all ok.

Dragon enthusiastically poured white flour into the wooden basin. The flour was also bought in Woodland Town, and the price was also outrageous.

The purchase price of [-] kilograms of rye is one silver coin, but the price of wheat of the same weight doubles directly, while the price of semolina directly rises to six silver coins.

This is still the price of grinding wheat husks together. If it is white flour, which is also refined flour that has been husked and ground from wheat, and then filtered through a fine mesh sieve many times, the price will directly rise to [-] silver coins, and the supply is in short supply.

Dragon traveled all over the woodland town and only bought thirty kilograms of white flour, which was not enough to fill the bottom of the big wooden basin.

"Nero, come here."

He was about to instruct Nero to use tricks to get some water when he suddenly remembered something.

"Wait, where does this damn place get yeast powder!"

Dragon slapped his face with a paw. The time he traveled was too short, and he still ignored the difference between this broken place and modern society.

"I just want to cook something delicious, why is it so difficult..."

Dragon's limbs limp and lay on the ground, feebly thinking about what could replace the effect of yeast powder.

"Eggs? It doesn't seem to work. By the way, there is honey!"

Dragon's eyes lit up, and he quickly got up from the ground, greeted the two dragon girls, and started looking for someone from the Blood Claw tribe.

"Hogg! Where's Hogg!"

"Boss, I'm here!"

The chief jackal who was more than three meters tall ran over with great strides.

"Follow me for some honey!"


Hearing Dragon's order, Hogg didn't ask why, and led the way as soon as he responded.

There are many bees in the Premi Forest, even giant peaks that are as big as adult wolf dogs and have stingers longer than daggers. However, there are no cold killers that can fly near the Bloodclaw Tribe, only ordinary bees the size of a finger.

But that was enough, Dragon followed Hogg for more than half an hour, and finally found a beehive the size of a carriage wheel.

"I'm going to find a branch."

Hogg was going to find something to light a fire and smoke the bees.

"Don't be so troublesome," Dragon motioned for it to step back, and turned to look at Nero.

"Look at you, Nero, you can breathe hypnotically, right? Don't breathe with acid."

"Do you think I'm some stupid dragon with a brain full of muscles?"

Nero gave Dragon a blank look, walked up to the air vent, and opened his mouth to spit out a colorless, odorless and powerful hypnotic gas.

The hypnotic gas melted into the air and fluttered with the wind, soon covering the entire hive.The bees, who were as busy as ever, fell to the ground one after another, hoping that nothing would happen.

Dragon sincerely prays for this group of cute little bugs, and he is still waiting for a while to harvest again.

Holding the wooden cup and carefully flying to the side of the hive, Dragon carefully controlled the dragon wings to eject steam, trying not to hurt any bees.

"It should be like this..."

He tore a hole at the bottom of the hive, watched the amber honey flow slowly, and quickly caught it with a wooden cup.

Every drop of honey is equivalent to the same weight of gold. What is honey, it is clearly gold.

After carefully picking up a large cup full of honey, Dragon blocked the torn pieces back, controlled the dragon wings to spray fire with the minimum flow, and melted the broken beeswax to reconnect.

After confirming that there would be no waste, he held the big wooden cup with both paws and slowly flew away from the hive.

Well, poor young dragons are like this, they don't want to waste a drop of honey.

Afterwards, Dragon returned to the Blood Claw Tribe with the two dragon sisters and began to ferment the flour.

I seem to have forgotten something?

None of that matters.

Pour in ten kilograms of flour, pour in 200 grams of honey, 100 grams of granulated sugar, add a few bird eggs, add an appropriate amount of warm water and mix well, knead into a dough, cover it with a wooden board and wait for fermentation.

The job of mincing the minced meat is directly pushed to the two dragon sisters. The selected owl tenderloin is moderately fat and tender, and the meat is firm and elastic.

For the food, the two dragon girls are quite obedient.

Put the bear meat in a wooden basin, add ginger, pepper, star anise and sour small wild fruit. If you add a handful of green onions, it will be a killer, but unfortunately you can't add it, there are no shallots in the West Continent.

Then add a little boiling water, beat the meat and seasonings with small claws into mud, add sugar and salt and stir, after everything is done, the noodles are fermented, and you can roll the dough.

This job can only be done by two dragon girls, but their efficiency can only be said to be very long-lived.

By the time the dough was wrapped and stuffed, it was already dark.

The two Longmei hurriedly put the crooked buns into the steamer and closed the lid.Dragon turned over the dragon wings, put the injection port at the bottom of the steamer, and controlled the high-temperature steam to erupt.

Although the shoddy wooden steamer is no match for a high-pressure steam pot, the high-temperature and high-pressure steam erupting from the dragon wings is far beyond civilian standards.

Not long after, before the sun disappeared completely, the rich aroma of meat diffused from the steamer.

"Sniff" "sniff"

The two dragon girls sat quietly beside the steaming tray, their little tails kept slapping the ground, waiting for the buns to be cooked.

Although the dragon can even digest soil, who would like to eat soil if they can eat well?
"It should be almost there."

The aroma became more and more intense, and Dragon lowered the steam output, motioning Nesario to open the steamer.

It was the first time that Nesario was so obedient, and regardless of the hot steam blowing, he directly lifted the lid, picked up a steamed bun, stuffed it into his mouth, and bit it hard.

The slightly sweet and slightly crispy dough shatters in an instant, the fresh and tender gravy bursts in the mouth, and the deliciousness explodes on the tip of the tongue.

Nesario couldn't stop after taking a bite, hugged the steamer and buried her head in eating.

"Sister Nesario, just by the way you eat, people think you are a five-color dragon."

Nero took the opportunity to stab Nesario, but Nesario ignored her at all.

Nero was a little anxious, so he simply turned into a human form, steamed Nesario in one hand, took her aside, and tasted one by himself.

Then she didn't care whether she looked like a five-color dragon or not, she turned into a dragon again, and started eating with the steamer in her arms.

Sister Li, the young dragon in the countryside who has never eaten food since birth is like this.

Dragon shook his head, picked up a bun and put it in his mouth, still tasteless.


Sighing silently, Dragon lay down on the ground, kicking his legs and doing nothing.Tired, destroy it, hurry up.

What's the point of living if you can't even taste the taste of food?
Just as Dragon was crying, a pop-up window suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

【Taste Analyzer】

[It can analyze various tastes such as sour, sweet, bitter, fresh, salty, etc., an instrument invented by human beings in 6102]

[It's not true that there are dragons who can't even play with developer options, right?No, no, no, no? 】

[Don't ask why it's not spicy, you shake M]

"I regret that there is still such an instrument?"

Dragon Dragon was dumbfounded. He knew this kind of technological equipment from the countryside, and hurriedly ordered it. When he looked up, he found that the steamer was scattered, and the two dragon girls were lying lazily on the ground.

It's okay, better than last time, at least this time I didn't eat the steamer together.

"You should save some for me!"

Dragon Dragon was furious, and picked up the two dragon sisters one by one.

"Don't lie flat! How can the Iron and Mechanical Dragon United Legion develop if they lie flat?"

"Get up and work!"

(End of this chapter)

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