The Iron Mecha Dragon has few friends

Chapter 31 Dare to play with me?

Chapter 31 Dare to play with me?

In the early morning of the next day, Dragon, who had been fishing all night, suddenly erupted. He yanked the empty fishing rod away with his tail, picked up the fishing rod and smashed it on the calm water. head of big carp.

"...What are you looking at?"

The carp spit out bubbles suspiciously, and its eyes, which were as dull as salted fish, were filled with great doubts.

What does this have to do with me?
I'm just a little carp passing by looking for dragon scales.

"Try one more time!"

Dragon became furious, and opened his mouth with a plasma spark, and the bursting flame exploded in the river water, causing splashes all over the sky.The released electric current diffused in the water body, and after a few seconds, large fish emerged from the water, exuding a faint smell of maturity.

"My Buddha is merciful. If you release life, there will be merits and virtues in return. Let's release life, my brother, you are sincere and don't deceive me."

Dragon beamed with joy, picked up the fish basket and started fishing.

One, two, three...Dragon quickly caught a fish basket full of tens of kilograms of fish, enough ingredients for breakfast.Same as yesterday, still steamed fish.

Originally, he wanted to make honey bear paws, but the tools were not good enough, so he couldn't use a wooden pot to boil the broth.The Blood Claw Tribe had a few large clay pots, but considering their hygiene level, Dragon decided to top it with steamed fish first.

After waking up the two dragon sisters, the three young dragons worked hard for a long time, making some steamed fish.

The main force of the cooking is still the two young dragon loli, and Dragon can only taste it. The energy that ordinary animals can provide is too little.

After breakfast, Dragon, whose energy point had dropped to the warning line again, called old Torres and Hogg, and asked if there were any plant-like magical creatures nearby.

Well, plant magic creatures generally don't like to move. They live for a long time and accumulate a lot of magic energy. The most important thing is that they are generally weak fire. Is there a more perfect prey than this?

"Magic plants..."

Old Torres fell into deep thought. After a long while, he took out a buckskin map from his pocket and explained it to Dragon.

"There are some dryads near the wood elves' territory in the south."

"In the densest rainforest in the west that never sees the sun all year round, there is a moonlight flower."

"About 55 miles to the northeast, there is a group of spore flowers underground, and there is also a field of acid-etched mushrooms."

"North, closer to the goblins, there is a fastwood."

As expected of the Premi Forest, all kinds of magical plants emerge in endlessly.

Dragon wondered silently what kind of lucky neighbor to attack, Dryad?The dryad looks like a human female with wooden skin, and its intelligence is also very high. For the time being, Dragon doesn't think much about attacking humanoid creatures with high intelligence.

This is not afraid of elves!
Little elves were once just pets raised by giant dragons. Would Dragon be afraid of elves?

After he has accumulated the degenerate armor and fusion engine, he will be the first to break the wood elves' territory and throw all the wood elves to mine!
Moonlight flower sounds delicious, but there is only one plant, I don't know if it is enough to eat, so I keep it as an option for now.

A bunch of spore flowers, this should fill you up.But acid-etched mushrooms, Dragon doesn't want to face monsters that can spray acid in his life, pass!

It's better to be a fast wood, since it is a tree, it must be enough to eat, and by the way, it can sweep away the goblins that hinder the development of the Bloodclaw tribe, killing two birds with one stone.

It's almost dead!

After making a decision, Dragon asked Hogg to gather his men and prepare to wipe out the nearby goblins that dragons hate.

There were more gnolls dispatched this time than yesterday. Yesterday was just hunting, and an elite team was enough.But this time it was going to be a war with the goblin tribe. Hogg directly summoned more than 40 gnolls, and also brought more than 20 hyenas and three hyenas.

This time so many wolf men were dispatched, thanks to the generosity of the Xiaoxiong family. If they hadn't provided several tons of flesh and blood, Hogg would never have been able to gather so many manpower.

Looking at the subordinates of the little one hundred monsters, Dragon was also a little happy.

This means that his career is booming, and the Iron and Steel Dragon United Legion has a bright future!

"set off!"

Dragon sprayed gorgeous plasma flames into the sky with his dragon wings, and Hogg led the gnolls to lead the way.

Marching is a chore no matter the time of day.

Although the gnolls of the Blood Claw Tribe were all natives of the Premi Forest, it was very difficult to travel through the dense forest where there were no roads at all.

If this is a human army, then the acclimatization and all kinds of mosquitoes will wipe them out. This is why the Wood Elves can still firmly occupy the Premi Forest after the rise of humans.

Fortunately, the physique of the wolf man is far stronger than that of humans, and there is no logistical burden. Each wolf man carries enough air-dried meat for three days, which is kindly sponsored by Xiaoxiong's family.

After half a day of trekking, the front scouts with hyenas and gnolls reported that they found a small tribe of goblins.

Dragon and Hogg carefully lurked there, observing the goblin's movements under the cover of lush vegetation.

This is a very small tribe, living in a cave, the hole is so small that only one goblin can go in and out.

"There are probably more than a dozen goblins in this tribe," the experienced Hogg explained in a low voice, "Maybe there will be a few goblin dogs. Boss, please allow me to attack, I can easily crush them to death."

There is no water in this statement. If a gnoll chief over 40 meters tall and more than [-] [-]-meter gnolls can't beat more than a dozen three-foot-high goblins, then it can really be reopened.

"Go, remember to catch a few alive."

Dragon nodded, and Hogg stood up with a smirk. With a wave of his hand, the jackals who had been ambushing for a long time rushed out and guarded the entrances of the caves.Even if the goblin hides in the burrow and resists desperately, it can't beat the smoke from the wolf man.

After a while, the goblin, who couldn't stand the smoke, rushed out of the burrow, and was kicked out by the gnoll circle who had been waiting for a long time.

There is nothing to describe the specific scene, it is Yao Ming beating Xiaosi, which is called cruelty.

"Boss, this is the leader of those goblins."

Hogg walked over carrying a goblin wearing a cylindrical iron armor.

"Hey, the equipment is good."

Dragon glanced curiously, and found that the barrel-shaped armor was modified from human leg armor, and immediately lost interest.

It also thought that the group of goblins had discovered the mineral veins, so they were happy in vain.

"Tell me, where is Kuaimu?"

The goblin leader opened his mouth and muttered a lot, and Dragon and Hogg looked at each other.

"What does it say?"

asked Dragon.

Hogg showed embarrassment, "Boss, I'm just a jackal, and I was beaten by the old chief with a wooden stick to learn the Common Language."


Dragon had no choice but to raise his claws to kill the goblin.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Seeing that the young dragon's claws were about to be aimed at his head, the goblin leader panicked, and opened his mouth in a stumbling common language: "I, I know"

Dragon smashed the head of the goblin leader with a single shot, showing fear.

"I know you didn't say it earlier, are you kidding me?"

(End of this chapter)

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